public Dictionary <string, string> ToDictionary() { if (type == Type.OBJECT) { Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { JSONObject val = list[i]; switch (val.type) { case Type.STRING: result.Add(keys[i], val.str); break; case Type.NUMBER: result.Add(keys[i], val.n + ""); break; case Type.BOOL: result.Add(keys[i], val.b + ""); break; default: DebugError.LogWarning("Omitting object: " + keys[i] + " in dictionary conversion"); break; } } return(result); } DebugError.LogWarning("Tried to turn non-Object JSONObject into a dictionary"); return(null); }
void Parse(string str, int maxDepth, bool storeExcessLevels, bool strict) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { str = str.Trim(WHITESPACE); if (strict) { if (str[0] != '[' && str[0] != '{') { type = Type.NULL; DebugError.LogWarning("Improper (strict) JSON formatting. First character must be [ or {"); return; } } if (str.Length > 0) { if (string.Compare(str, "true", true) == 0) { type = Type.BOOL; b = true; } else if (string.Compare(str, "false", true) == 0) { type = Type.BOOL; b = false; } else if (string.Compare(str, "null", true) == 0) { type = Type.NULL; #if USEFLOAT } else if (str == INFINITY) { type = Type.NUMBER; n = float.PositiveInfinity; } else if (str == NEGINFINITY) { type = Type.NUMBER; n = float.NegativeInfinity; } else if (str == NaN) { type = Type.NUMBER; n = float.NaN; #else } else if (str == INFINITY) { type = Type.NUMBER; n = double.PositiveInfinity; } else if (str == NEGINFINITY) { type = Type.NUMBER; n = double.NegativeInfinity; } else if (str == NaN) { type = Type.NUMBER; n = double.NaN; #endif } else if (str[0] == '"') { type = Type.STRING; this.str = str.Substring(1, str.Length - 2); } else { int tokenTmp = 1; /* * Checking for the following formatting ( * object - {"field1":value,"field2":value} * array - [value,value,value] * value - string - "string" * - number - 0.0 * - bool - true -or- false * - null - null */ int offset = 0; switch (str[offset]) { case '{': type = Type.OBJECT; keys = new List <string>(); list = new List <JSONObject>(); break; case '[': type = Type.ARRAY; list = new List <JSONObject>(); break; default: try { #if USEFLOAT n = System.Convert.ToSingle(str); #else n = System.Convert.ToDouble(str); #endif type = Type.NUMBER; } catch (System.FormatException) { type = Type.NULL; DebugError.LogWarning("improper JSON formatting:" + str); } return; } string propName = ""; bool openQuote = false; bool inProp = false; int depth = 0; while (++offset < str.Length) { if (System.Array.IndexOf(WHITESPACE, str[offset]) > -1) { continue; } if (str[offset] == '\\') { offset += 1; continue; } if (str[offset] == '"') { if (openQuote) { if (!inProp && depth == 0 && type == Type.OBJECT) { propName = str.Substring(tokenTmp + 1, offset - tokenTmp - 1); } openQuote = false; } else { if (depth == 0 && type == Type.OBJECT) { tokenTmp = offset; } openQuote = true; } } if (openQuote) { continue; } if (type == Type.OBJECT && depth == 0) { if (str[offset] == ':') { tokenTmp = offset + 1; inProp = true; } } if (str[offset] == '[' || str[offset] == '{') { depth++; } else if (str[offset] == ']' || str[offset] == '}') { depth--; } //if (encounter a ',' at top level) || a closing ]/} if ((str[offset] == ',' && depth == 0) || depth < 0) { inProp = false; string inner = str.Substring(tokenTmp, offset - tokenTmp).Trim(WHITESPACE); if (inner.Length > 0) { if (type == Type.OBJECT) { keys.Add(propName); } if (maxDepth != -1) //maxDepth of -1 is the end of the line { list.Add(Create(inner, (maxDepth < -1) ? -2 : maxDepth - 1)); } else if (storeExcessLevels) { list.Add(CreateBakedObject(inner)); } } tokenTmp = offset + 1; } } } } else { type = Type.NULL; } } else { type = Type.NULL; //If the string is missing, this is a null } //Profiler.EndSample(); }
void Stringify(int depth, StringBuilder builder, bool pretty) { //Convert the JSONObject into a string //Profiler.BeginSample("JSONprint"); if (depth++ > MAX_DEPTH) { DebugError.Log("reached max depth!"); return; } switch (type) { case Type.BAKED: builder.Append(str); break; case Type.STRING: builder.AppendFormat("\"{0}\"", str); break; case Type.NUMBER: #if USEFLOAT if (float.IsInfinity(n)) { builder.Append(INFINITY); } else if (float.IsNegativeInfinity(n)) { builder.Append(NEGINFINITY); } else if (float.IsNaN(n)) { builder.Append(NaN); } #else if (double.IsInfinity(n)) { builder.Append(INFINITY); } else if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(n)) { builder.Append(NEGINFINITY); } else if (double.IsNaN(n)) { builder.Append(NaN); } #endif else { builder.Append(n.ToString()); } break; case Type.OBJECT: builder.Append("{"); if (list.Count > 0) { #if (PRETTY) //for a bit more readability, comment the define above to disable system-wide if (pretty) { builder.Append("\n"); } #endif for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { string key = keys[i]; JSONObject obj = list[i]; if (obj) { #if (PRETTY) if (pretty) { for (int j = 0; j < depth; j++) { builder.Append("\t"); //for a bit more readability } } #endif builder.AppendFormat("\"{0}\":", key); obj.Stringify(depth, builder, pretty); builder.Append(","); #if (PRETTY) if (pretty) { builder.Append("\n"); } #endif } } #if (PRETTY) if (pretty) { builder.Length -= 2; } else #endif builder.Length--; } #if (PRETTY) if (pretty && list.Count > 0) { builder.Append("\n"); for (int j = 0; j < depth - 1; j++) { builder.Append("\t"); //for a bit more readability } } #endif builder.Append("}"); break; case Type.ARRAY: builder.Append("["); if (list.Count > 0) { #if (PRETTY) if (pretty) { builder.Append("\n"); //for a bit more readability } #endif for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i]) { #if (PRETTY) if (pretty) { for (int j = 0; j < depth; j++) { builder.Append("\t"); //for a bit more readability } } #endif list[i].Stringify(depth, builder, pretty); builder.Append(","); #if (PRETTY) if (pretty) { builder.Append("\n"); //for a bit more readability } #endif } } #if (PRETTY) if (pretty) { builder.Length -= 2; } else #endif builder.Length--; } #if (PRETTY) if (pretty && list.Count > 0) { builder.Append("\n"); for (int j = 0; j < depth - 1; j++) { builder.Append("\t"); //for a bit more readability } } #endif builder.Append("]"); break; case Type.BOOL: if (b) { builder.Append("true"); } else { builder.Append("false"); } break; case Type.NULL: builder.Append("null"); break; } //Profiler.EndSample(); }