public ThreadedListView() { _items = new ThreadedListViewItemCollection(this); _groups = new ThreadedListViewGroupCollection(this); _columns = new ThreadedListViewColumnHeaderCollection(this); // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer. InitializeComponent(); var scale = (float)DeviceDpi / 96; if (scale != 1.0) { var sz = (int)(16 * scale); var images = imageListStates.Images.Cast <Bitmap>().ToArray(); imageListStates.Images.Clear(); imageListStates.ImageSize = new Size(sz, sz); foreach (var b in images) { imageListStates.Images.Add(b.GetImageStretchedDpi(scale)); } } var il = new ImageList(); InitListView(); }
public ThreadedListView() { _items = new ThreadedListViewItemCollection(this); _groups = new ThreadedListViewGroupCollection(this); _columns = new ThreadedListViewColumnHeaderCollection(this); // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer. InitializeComponent(); InitListView(); }