public void TestMatchUpReportSeasonOpener2014() { var g = new NFLGame("2014:01-A"); var mur = new MatchupReport(g); mur.Render(writeProjection: false); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(mur.FileOut), string.Format("Cannot find {0}", mur.FileOut)); }
public void RenderMatchups(string gowHostTeam) { Utility.Announce("Render Matchups: Game of the Week"); var dt = _sched.Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { var gameCode = string.Format("{0}:{1}-{2}", Season, dr["WEEK"], dr["GAMENO"]); Utility.Announce("RenderMatchups:Getting " + gameCode); var g = Masters.Gm.GetGame(gameCode); if (g == null) { Utility.Announce("RenderMatchups:Instantiating " + gameCode); g = new NFLGame(dr); Masters.Gm.AddGame(g); } if (g.HomeTeam == gowHostTeam) { if (g.HomeNflTeam == null) { g = new NFLGame(dr); } var mur = new MatchupReport(g); mur.Render(writeProjection: true); } } }
public void RenderMatchups() { Utility.Announce("Render Matchups:"); var dt = _sched.Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { var gameCode = string.Format("{0}:{1}-{2} {3} @ {4}", Season, dr["WEEK"], dr["GAMENO"], dr["AWAYTEAM"], dr["HOMETEAM"]); Utility.Announce("RenderMatchups:Getting " + gameCode); var g = Masters.Gm.GetGame(gameCode); if (g == null) { Utility.Announce("RenderMatchups:Instantiating " + gameCode); g = new NFLGame(dr); Masters.Gm.AddGame(g); } var mur = new MatchupReport(g); mur.Render(writeProjection: true); } }
public void RenderMatchups(string gowHostTeam) { Utility.Announce("Render Matchups: Game of the Week"); var dt = _sched.Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { var gameCode = string.Format("{0}:{1}-{2}", Season, dr["WEEK"], dr["GAMENO"]); Utility.Announce("RenderMatchups:Getting " + gameCode); var g = Masters.Gm.GetGame(gameCode); if (g == null) { Utility.Announce("RenderMatchups:Instantiating " + gameCode); g = new NFLGame(dr); Masters.Gm.AddGame(g); } if (g.HomeTeam == gowHostTeam) { if (g.HomeNflTeam == null) g = new NFLGame(dr); var mur = new MatchupReport(g); mur.Render(writeProjection:true); } } }
public void RenderMatchups() { Utility.Announce("Render Matchups:"); var dt = _sched.Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { var gameCode = string.Format("{0}:{1}-{2} {3} @ {4}", Season, dr["WEEK"], dr["GAMENO"], dr["AWAYTEAM"], dr["HOMETEAM"]); Utility.Announce("RenderMatchups:Getting " + gameCode); var g = Masters.Gm.GetGame(gameCode); if (g == null) { Utility.Announce("RenderMatchups:Instantiating " + gameCode); g = new NFLGame(dr); Masters.Gm.AddGame(g); } var mur = new MatchupReport(g); mur.Render( writeProjection:true); } }