/// <summary> /// Creates a publisher with the given advertise options /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="M">Type of topic</typeparam> /// <param name="ops">Advertise options</param> /// <returns>A publisher with the specified options</returns> public Publisher <M> advertise <M>(AdvertiseOptions <M> ops) where M : IRosMessage, new() { if (Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName == "devenv") { return(null); } ops.topic = resolveName(ops.topic); if (ops.callback_queue == null) { ops.callback_queue = Callback; } SubscriberCallbacks callbacks = new SubscriberCallbacks(ops.connectCB, ops.disconnectCB, ops.callback_queue); if (TopicManager.Instance.advertise(ops, callbacks)) { Publisher <M> pub = new Publisher <M>(ops.topic, ops.md5sum, ops.datatype, this, callbacks); lock (collection.mutex) { collection.publishers.Add(pub); } return(pub); } Console.WriteLine("ADVERTISE FAILED!!!!"); return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if the given topic is valid. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Advertise Options </typeparam> /// <param name="ops"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool isValid <T>(AdvertiseOptions <T> ops) where T : IRosMessage, new() { if (ops.datatype == "*") { throw new Exception("Advertising with * as the datatype is not allowed. Topic [" + ops.topic + "]"); } if (ops.md5sum == "*") { throw new Exception("Advertising with * as the md5sum is not allowed. Topic [" + ops.topic + "]"); } if (ops.md5sum == "") { throw new Exception("Advertising on topic [" + ops.topic + "] with an empty md5sum"); } if (ops.datatype == "") { throw new Exception("Advertising on topic [" + ops.topic + "] with an empty datatype"); } if (ops.message_definition == "") { EDB.WriteLine ("Danger, Will Robinson... Advertising on topic [" + ops.topic + "] with an empty message definition. Some tools (that don't exist in this implementation) may not work correctly"); } return(true); }
public RosOutAppender() { publish_thread = new Thread(logThread) { IsBackground = true }; publish_thread.Start(); AdvertiseOptions <Log> ops = new AdvertiseOptions <Log>(names.resolve("/rosout"), 0) { latch = true }; SubscriberCallbacks cbs = new SubscriberCallbacks(); TopicManager.Instance.advertise(ops, cbs); }
/// <summary> /// Register as a publisher on a topic. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="ops"></param> /// <param name="callbacks"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool advertise <T>(AdvertiseOptions <T> ops, SubscriberCallbacks callbacks) where T : IRosMessage, new() { if (!isValid(ops)) { return(false); } Publication pub = null; lock (advertised_topics_mutex) { if (shutting_down) { return(false); } pub = lookupPublicationWithoutLock(ops.topic); if (pub != null) { if (pub.Md5sum != ops.md5sum) { EDB.WriteLine ("Tried to advertise on topic [{0}] with md5sum [{1}] and datatype [{2}], but the topic is already advertised as md5sum [{3}] and datatype [{4}]", ops.topic, ops.md5sum, ops.datatype, pub.Md5sum, pub.DataType); return(false); } } else { pub = new Publication(ops.topic, ops.datatype, ops.md5sum, ops.message_definition, ops.queue_size, ops.latch, ops.has_header); } pub.addCallbacks(callbacks); advertised_topics.Add(pub); } bool found = false; Subscription sub = null; lock (subs_mutex) { foreach (Subscription s in subscriptions) { if (s.name == ops.topic && md5sumsMatch(s.md5sum, ops.md5sum) && !s.IsDropped) { found = true; sub = s; break; } } } if (found) { sub.addLocalConnection(pub); } XmlRpcValue args = new XmlRpcValue(this_node.Name, ops.topic, ops.datatype, XmlRpcManager.Instance.uri), result = new XmlRpcValue(), payload = new XmlRpcValue(); master.execute("registerPublisher", args, result, payload, true); return(true); }