    void SendPointCloud(List <VelodynePointCloudVertex> pointCloud)
        if (Bridge == null || Bridge.Status != Ros.Status.Connected)

        var pointCount = pointCloud.Count;

        byte[] byteData = new byte[32 * pointCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
            var local = sensorLocalspaceTransform.InverseTransformPoint(pointCloud[i].position);
            if (targetEnv == ROSTargetEnvironment.AUTOWARE)
                local.Set(local.z, -local.x, local.y);
                local.Set(local.x, local.z, local.y);

            var scaledPos = local * exportScaleFactor;
            var x         = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(scaledPos.x);
            var y         = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(scaledPos.y);
            var z         = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(scaledPos.z);
            //var intensity = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(pointCloud[i].color.maxColorComponent);
            //var intensity = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((float)(((int)pointCloud[i].color.r) << 16 | ((int)pointCloud[i].color.g) << 8 | ((int)pointCloud[i].color.b)));

            //var intensity = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((byte)pointCloud[i].distance);
            var intensity = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((byte)(pointCloud[i].color.grayscale * 255));

            var ring = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(pointCloud[i].ringNumber);

            var ts = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((double)0.0);

            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(x, 0, byteData, i * 32 + 0, 4);
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(y, 0, byteData, i * 32 + 4, 4);
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(z, 0, byteData, i * 32 + 8, 4);
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(intensity, 0, byteData, i * 32 + 16, 1);
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(ts, 0, byteData, i * 32 + 24, 8);

        var msg = new Ros.PointCloud2()
            header = new Ros.Header()
                stamp    = Ros.Time.Now(),
                seq      = seqId++,
                frame_id = "velodyne", // needed for Autoware
            height = 1,
            width  = (uint)pointCount,
            fields = new Ros.PointField[] {
                new Ros.PointField()
                    name     = "x",
                    offset   = 0,
                    datatype = 7,
                    count    = 1,
                new Ros.PointField()
                    name     = "y",
                    offset   = 4,
                    datatype = 7,
                    count    = 1,
                new Ros.PointField()
                    name     = "z",
                    offset   = 8,
                    datatype = 7,
                    count    = 1,
                new Ros.PointField()
                    name     = "intensity",
                    offset   = 16,
                    datatype = 2,
                    count    = 1,
                new Ros.PointField()
                    name     = "timestamp",
                    offset   = 24,
                    datatype = 8,
                    count    = 1,
            is_bigendian = false,
            point_step   = 32,
            row_step     = (uint)pointCount * 32,
            data         = byteData,
            is_dense     = true,

        if (targetEnv == ROSTargetEnvironment.AUTOWARE)
            Bridge.Publish(topicName, msg);

        if (targetEnv == ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO)
            Bridge.Publish(ApolloTopicName, msg);
    void SendMessage()
        if (Bridge == null || Bridge.Status != Ros.Status.Connected)


        var worldToLocal = Matrix4x4.TRS(transform.position, transform.rotation, Vector3.one).inverse;

        if (TargetEnvironment == ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO)
            // local.Set(local.x, local.z, local.y);
            worldToLocal = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0), new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0), new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 0), Vector4.zero) * worldToLocal;
        else if (TargetEnvironment == ROSTargetEnvironment.AUTOWARE)
            // local.Set(local.z, -local.x, local.y);
            worldToLocal = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(0, -1, 0, 0), new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0), new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0), Vector4.zero) * worldToLocal;

        int count = 0;
            fixed(byte *ptr = RosPointCloud)
                int offset = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < PointCloud.Length; i++)
                    var point = PointCloud[i];
                    if (point == Vector4.zero)

                    var   worldPos  = new Vector3(point.x, point.y, point.z);
                    float intensity = point.w;

                    *(Vector3 *)(ptr + offset) = worldToLocal.MultiplyPoint3x4(worldPos);
                    *(ptr + offset + 16)       = (byte)(intensity * 255);

                    offset += 32;

        var msg = new Ros.PointCloud2()
            header = new Ros.Header()
                stamp    = Ros.Time.Now(),
                seq      = Sequence++,
                frame_id = "velodyne", // needed for Autoware
            height = 1,
            width  = (uint)count,
            fields = new Ros.PointField[] {
                new Ros.PointField()
                    name     = "x",
                    offset   = 0,
                    datatype = 7,
                    count    = 1,
                new Ros.PointField()
                    name     = "y",
                    offset   = 4,
                    datatype = 7,
                    count    = 1,
                new Ros.PointField()
                    name     = "z",
                    offset   = 8,
                    datatype = 7,
                    count    = 1,
                new Ros.PointField()
                    name     = "intensity",
                    offset   = 16,
                    datatype = 2,
                    count    = 1,
                new Ros.PointField()
                    name     = "timestamp",
                    offset   = 24,
                    datatype = 8,
                    count    = 1,
            is_bigendian = false,
            point_step   = 32,
            row_step     = (uint)count * 32,
            data         = new Ros.PartialByteArray()
                Base64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(RosPointCloud, 0, count * 32),
            is_dense = true,


        if (TargetEnvironment == ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO)
            Bridge.Publish(ApolloTopicName, msg);
        else if (TargetEnvironment == ROSTargetEnvironment.AUTOWARE)
            Bridge.Publish(AutowareTopicName, msg);
            Bridge.Publish(TopicName, msg);

    void SendMessage(int currentEndIndex, float currentEndAngle)
        if (Bridge == null || Bridge.Status != Comm.BridgeStatus.Connected)


        // Lidar x is forward, y is left, z is up
        var worldToLocal = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(0, -1, 0, 0), new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0), new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0), Vector4.zero);

        if (Compensated)
            worldToLocal = worldToLocal * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;

        if (CurrentRayCount != 1)
            System.DateTime Unixepoch        = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc);
            double          measurement_time = (double)(System.DateTime.UtcNow - Unixepoch).TotalSeconds;

            if (TargetEnvironment == ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO35)
                var msg = new Apollo.Drivers.PointCloud()
                    Header = new Apollo.Common.Header()
                        // TimestampSec = measurement_time,
                        SequenceNum = Sequence++,
                        FrameId     = FrameName,
                    FrameId         = "lidar128",
                    IsDense         = false,
                    MeasurementTime = measurement_time,
                    Height          = 1,
                    Width           = (uint)PointCloud.Length, // TODO is this right?

                for (int i = 0; i < PointCloud.Length; i++)
                    var point = PointCloud[i];
                    if (point == Vector4.zero)

                    var   pos       = new Vector3(point.x, point.y, point.z);
                    float intensity = point.w;

                    pos = worldToLocal.MultiplyPoint3x4(pos);

                    msg.Point.Add(new Apollo.Drivers.PointXYZIT()
                        X         = pos.x,
                        Y         = pos.y,
                        Z         = pos.z,
                        Intensity = (byte)(intensity * 255),
                        Timestamp = (ulong)measurement_time


                int count = 0;
                    fixed(byte *ptr = RosPointCloud)
                        int offset = 0;

                        for (int i = 0; i < PointCloud.Length; i++)
                            var point = PointCloud[i];
                            if (point == Vector4.zero)

                            var   pos       = new Vector3(point.x, point.y, point.z);
                            float intensity = point.w;

                            *(Vector3 *)(ptr + offset) = worldToLocal.MultiplyPoint3x4(pos);
                            *(ptr + offset + 16)       = (byte)(intensity * 255);

                            offset += 32;

                var msg = new Ros.PointCloud2()
                    header = new Ros.Header()
                        stamp    = Ros.Time.Now(),
                        seq      = Sequence++,
                        frame_id = FrameName,
                    height = 1,
                    width  = (uint)count,
                    fields = new Ros.PointField[] {
                        new Ros.PointField()
                            name     = "x",
                            offset   = 0,
                            datatype = 7,
                            count    = 1,
                        new Ros.PointField()
                            name     = "y",
                            offset   = 4,
                            datatype = 7,
                            count    = 1,
                        new Ros.PointField()
                            name     = "z",
                            offset   = 8,
                            datatype = 7,
                            count    = 1,
                        new Ros.PointField()
                            name     = "intensity",
                            offset   = 16,
                            datatype = 2,
                            count    = 1,
                        new Ros.PointField()
                            name     = "timestamp",
                            offset   = 24,
                            datatype = 8,
                            count    = 1,
                    is_bigendian = false,
                    point_step   = 32,
                    row_step     = (uint)count * 32,
                    data         = new Ros.PartialByteArray()
                        Base64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(RosPointCloud, 0, count * 32),
                    is_dense = true,

                if (TargetEnvironment == ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO)

                else if (TargetEnvironment == ROSTargetEnvironment.AUTOWARE)

        else // for planar lidar only (single ray lidar) publish LaserScan instead of PoinCloud2
            float fixup = currentEndAngle;
            FixupAngle = currentEndAngle;

            float LaserScanMinAngle = -Mathf.PI;
            float LaserScanMaxAngle = Mathf.PI;
            float LaserScanMinRange = 0.0f;
            float LaserScanMaxRange = 40.0f;

            float[] range_array     = new float[CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation];
            float[] intensity_array = new float[CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation];

            int offset = (int)(currentEndIndex - currentEndAngle / 360.0f * CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation);

            for (int i = 0; i < PointCloud.Length; i++)
                var point = PointCloud[i];
                if (point == Vector4.zero)
                range_array[(i + offset + CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation) % CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation]     = Vector3.Distance(new Vector3(point.x, point.y, point.z), transform.position);
                intensity_array[(i + offset + CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation) % CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation] = point.w;
            // Populate LaserScan message
            var msg = new Ros.LaserScan()
                header = new Ros.Header()
                    stamp    = Ros.Time.Now(),
                    seq      = Sequence++,
                    frame_id = FrameName,
                angle_min       = LaserScanMinAngle,
                angle_max       = LaserScanMaxAngle,
                angle_increment = Mathf.Abs(LaserScanMaxAngle - LaserScanMinAngle) / CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation,
                time_increment  = 1.0f / (CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation * RotationFrequency),
                scan_time       = 1.0f / RotationFrequency,
                range_min       = LaserScanMinRange,
                range_max       = LaserScanMaxRange,
                ranges          = range_array, // TODO: Should make sure only sending range between min and max
                intensities     = intensity_array,

    void SendMessage(int currentEndIndex, float currentEndAngle)
        if (Bridge == null || Bridge.Status != Comm.BridgeStatus.Connected)

        // Lidar x is forward, y is left, z is up
        var worldToLocal = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(0, -1, 0, 0), new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0), new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0), Vector4.zero);

        worldToLocal = worldToLocal * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;

        int count = 0;

            fixed(byte *ptr = RosPointCloud)
                int offset = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < PointCloud.Length; i++)
                    var point = PointCloud[i];
                    if (point == Vector4.zero)

                    var   pos       = new Vector3(point.x, point.y, point.z);
                    float intensity = point.w;

                    *(Vector3 *)(ptr + offset) = worldToLocal.MultiplyPoint3x4(pos);
                    *(ptr + offset + 16)       = (byte)(intensity * 255);

                    offset += 32;
                    count++; //if (i == 0) { Debug.Log("<color=blue>:</color>"); }

        var msg = new Ros.PointCloud2()
            header = new Ros.Header()
                stamp    = Ros.Time.Now(),
                seq      = Sequence++,
                frame_id = FrameName,
            height = 1,
            width  = (uint)count,
            fields = new Ros.PointField[] {
                new Ros.PointField()
                    name     = "x",
                    offset   = 0,
                    datatype = 7,
                    count    = 1,
                new Ros.PointField()
                    name     = "y",
                    offset   = 4,
                    datatype = 7,
                    count    = 1,
                new Ros.PointField()
                    name     = "z",
                    offset   = 8,
                    datatype = 7,
                    count    = 1,
                new Ros.PointField()
                    name     = "intensity",
                    offset   = 16,
                    datatype = 2,
                    count    = 1,
                new Ros.PointField()
                    name     = "timestamp",
                    offset   = 24,
                    datatype = 8,
                    count    = 1,
            is_bigendian = false,
            point_step   = 32,
            row_step     = (uint)count * 32,
            data         = new Ros.PartialByteArray()
                Base64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(RosPointCloud, 0, count * 32),
            is_dense = true,

    void SendMessage(int currentEndIndex, float currentEndAngle)
        if (Bridge == null || Bridge.Status != Ros.Status.Connected)


        Matrix4x4 worldToLocal;

        if (TargetEnvironment == ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO)
            // local.Set(local.x, local.z, local.y);
            worldToLocal = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0), new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0), new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 0), Vector4.zero);
        else if (TargetEnvironment == ROSTargetEnvironment.AUTOWARE)
            // local.Set(local.z, -local.x, local.y);
            worldToLocal = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(0, -1, 0, 0), new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0), new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0), Vector4.zero);
            worldToLocal = Matrix4x4.identity;

        if (Compensated)
            worldToLocal = worldToLocal * transform.worldToLocalMatrix;

        if (CurrentRayCount != 1)
            int count = 0;
                fixed(byte *ptr = RosPointCloud)
                    int offset = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < PointCloud.Length; i++)
                        var point = PointCloud[i];
                        if (point == Vector4.zero)

                        var   pos       = new Vector3(point.x, point.y, point.z);
                        float intensity = point.w;

                        *(Vector3 *)(ptr + offset) = worldToLocal.MultiplyPoint3x4(pos);
                        *(ptr + offset + 16)       = (byte)(intensity * 255);

                        offset += 32;

            var msg = new Ros.PointCloud2()
                header = new Ros.Header()
                    stamp    = Ros.Time.Now(),
                    seq      = Sequence++,
                    frame_id = FrameName,
                height = 1,
                width  = (uint)count,
                fields = new Ros.PointField[] {
                    new Ros.PointField()
                        name     = "x",
                        offset   = 0,
                        datatype = 7,
                        count    = 1,
                    new Ros.PointField()
                        name     = "y",
                        offset   = 4,
                        datatype = 7,
                        count    = 1,
                    new Ros.PointField()
                        name     = "z",
                        offset   = 8,
                        datatype = 7,
                        count    = 1,
                    new Ros.PointField()
                        name     = "intensity",
                        offset   = 16,
                        datatype = 2,
                        count    = 1,
                    new Ros.PointField()
                        name     = "timestamp",
                        offset   = 24,
                        datatype = 8,
                        count    = 1,
                is_bigendian = false,
                point_step   = 32,
                row_step     = (uint)count * 32,
                data         = new Ros.PartialByteArray()
                    Base64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(RosPointCloud, 0, count * 32),
                is_dense = true,


            if (TargetEnvironment == ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO)
                Bridge.Publish(ApolloTopicName, msg);
            else if (TargetEnvironment == ROSTargetEnvironment.AUTOWARE)
                Bridge.Publish(AutowareTopicName, msg);
                Bridge.Publish(TopicName, msg);
        else // for planar lidar only (single ray lidar) publish LaserScan instead of PoinCloud2
            float fixup = currentEndAngle;
            FixupAngle = currentEndAngle;

            float LaserScanMinAngle = -Mathf.PI;
            float LaserScanMaxAngle = Mathf.PI;
            float LaserScanMinRange = 0.0f;
            float LaserScanMaxRange = 40.0f;

            float[] range_array     = new float[CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation];
            float[] intensity_array = new float[CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation];

            int offset = (int)(currentEndIndex - currentEndAngle / 360.0f * CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation);

            for (int i = 0; i < PointCloud.Length; i++)
                var point = PointCloud[i];
                if (point == Vector4.zero)
                range_array[(i + offset + CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation) % CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation]     = Vector3.Distance(new Vector3(point.x, point.y, point.z), transform.position);
                intensity_array[(i + offset + CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation) % CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation] = point.w;
            // Populate LaserScan message
            var msg = new Ros.LaserScan()
                header = new Ros.Header()
                    stamp    = Ros.Time.Now(),
                    seq      = Sequence++,
                    frame_id = FrameName,
                angle_min       = LaserScanMinAngle,
                angle_max       = LaserScanMaxAngle,
                angle_increment = Mathf.Abs(LaserScanMaxAngle - LaserScanMinAngle) / CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation,
                time_increment  = 1.0f / (CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation * RotationFrequency),
                scan_time       = 1.0f / RotationFrequency,
                range_min       = LaserScanMinRange,
                range_max       = LaserScanMaxRange,
                ranges          = range_array, // TODO: Should make sure only sending range between min and max
                intensities     = intensity_array,
            Bridge.Publish(TopicName, msg);
