public LiveWireWeightDescriptor(LiveWirePrimaryPath path, double[] probabilityMap, int width, int height)
            List <Point> points = path.Path;

            LiveWirePathWeights.CalculatePathLengths(points, out this.length, out this.pixelLength);
            this.mapWeight       = LiveWirePathWeights.CalculatePathMapWeight(points, probabilityMap, width, height);
            this.lengthweight    = this.length / this.pixelLength;
            this.curvatureWeight = LiveWirePathWeights.CalculatePathCurvatureWeight(points, 25, out this.angleWeights);
        public static void FindRoots(RootTerminalCollection terminalCollection, List <LiveWirePrimaryPath> liveWirePaths, List <LiveWireWeightDescriptor> liveWirePathWeights, out List <LiveWirePrimaryPath> finalPaths, out List <LiveWireWeightDescriptor> finalWeights)
            // Arrays for indexing
            int sourceCount = terminalCollection.Sources.Count();
            int tipCount    = terminalCollection.Primaries.Count();
            Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, double> pathWeights = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, double>();

            // Create association array:
            Dictionary <int, int?> rootAssociations = new Dictionary <int, int?>();

            for (int tipIndex = 0; tipIndex < terminalCollection.Count; tipIndex++)
                if (terminalCollection[tipIndex].Type == TerminalType.Primary)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (var pair in terminalCollection.TerminalLinks)
                        if (pair.Item2 == terminalCollection[tipIndex])
                            found = true;
                            rootAssociations.Add(tipIndex, terminalCollection.IndexOf(pair.Item1));

                    if (!found)
                        rootAssociations.Add(tipIndex, null);

            // Currently all associations are null, no roots have been found.

            // for each tip
            for (int tipIndex = 0; tipIndex < terminalCollection.Count; tipIndex++)
                if (terminalCollection[tipIndex].Type != TerminalType.Primary || rootAssociations[tipIndex] != null)

                // Calculate weight of path to each root
                int    finalIndex  = 0;
                double finalWeight = double.MinValue;
                // For each unlinked source
                for (int sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < terminalCollection.Count; sourceIndex++)
                    if (terminalCollection[sourceIndex].Type != TerminalType.Source || !terminalCollection.UnlinkedSources.Contains(terminalCollection[sourceIndex]))

                    // Find path index
                    int pathIndex = 0;
                    foreach (LiveWirePrimaryPath path in liveWirePaths)
                        if (tipIndex == path.TipIndex && sourceIndex == path.SourceIndex)

                    // Obtain weight
                    double pathWeight = LiveWirePathWeights.CalculateTotalWeight(liveWirePathWeights[pathIndex]);

                    pathWeights.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(tipIndex, sourceIndex), pathWeight);

                    if (finalWeight < pathWeight)
                        finalWeight = pathWeight;
                        finalIndex  = sourceIndex;

                // Assign highest weight to association
                rootAssociations[tipIndex] = finalIndex;

            // For each unassociated source, find the most appropriate root and reroute it there, but only if this root is sharing a source with another.
            // -> This prevents sources stealing tips from other sources.

            // If sources <= tips, and any sources remain, then two must have been assigned to the same source where this was not appropriate.
            if (sourceCount <= tipCount)
                // There is not more sources than tips, this means any empty source must be connected to by a root.
                List <int> emptySourceList = new List <int>();

                // Find all empty sources
                foreach (RootTerminal source in terminalCollection.Sources)
                    int index = terminalCollection.IndexOf(source);

                    bool referenceFound = false;
                    foreach (int?reference in rootAssociations.Values)
                        if (reference.HasValue && reference.Value == index)
                            referenceFound = true;

                    if (!referenceFound)

                // For each empty source, find an alternative that is the best match that has two tips going to it
                foreach (int sourceIndex in emptySourceList)
                    List <int> possibleTips = new List <int>();

                    // For each tip
                    foreach (int i in rootAssociations.Keys)
                        if (rootAssociations[i].HasValue)
                            int source         = rootAssociations[i].Value; // Source linked to this tip
                            int occurenceCount = rootAssociations.Count(p => p.Value == source);
                            // The occurence count is how often a source has occured
                            if (occurenceCount > 1)

                    int    finalIndex  = 0;
                    double finalWeight = double.MinValue;
                    foreach (int tipIndex in possibleTips)
                        double weight = pathWeights[new Tuple <int, int>(tipIndex, sourceIndex)];
                        if (finalWeight < weight)
                            finalWeight = weight;
                            finalIndex  = tipIndex;

                    rootAssociations[finalIndex] = sourceIndex;

            // Use assocations to create new list
            finalPaths   = new List <LiveWirePrimaryPath>();
            finalWeights = new List <LiveWireWeightDescriptor>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int?> kvp in rootAssociations)
                int tipIndex    = kvp.Key;
                int sourceIndex = 0;
                if (kvp.Value.HasValue)
                    sourceIndex = kvp.Value.Value;
                    continue; // This tip has no source associated with it. Perhaps there are too many tips.
                // Find path index
                int pathIndex = 0;
                foreach (LiveWirePrimaryPath path in liveWirePaths)
                    if (tipIndex == path.TipIndex && sourceIndex == path.SourceIndex)