        /// <summary>Creates a new table layout manager.</summary>
        /// <param name="report">Report of this table layout manager</param>
        public TableLayoutManager(Report report) : base(report)
            tlmHeightMode = TlmHeightMode.Static;

            // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
            PenProp penProp_Solid = new PenProp(report, 0.5, Color.Black);

            tlmCellDef_Default.penProp_LineV = penProp_Solid;

            // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
            tlmColumnDef_Default.penProp_BorderH = penProp_Solid;

            // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
            tlmCellDef_Header = new TlmCellDef();
            tlmRowDef_Header  = new TlmRowDef();

            tlmCellDef_Header.rAlignH     = RepObj.rAlignLeft;
            tlmCellDef_Header.rAlignV     = RepObj.rAlignTop;
            tlmCellDef_Header.rAngle      = 0;
            tlmCellDef_Header.tlmTextMode = TlmTextMode.MultiLine;
            tlmCellDef_Header.rLineFeed   = 72.0 / 6;

            tlmCellDef_Header.rMargin     = 0;
            tlmCellDef_Header.rIndentH_MM = 1;
            tlmCellDef_Header.rIndentV_MM = 2;

            tlmCellDef_Header.brushProp_Back = new BrushProp(report, Color.FromArgb(220, 220, 220));
            tlmCellDef_Header.penProp_Line   = penProp_Solid;
        /// <summary>Creates the table header.</summary>
        private void CreateHeader(Container cont)
            TlmRow row = tlmRow_New((TlmRow)null, aCellCreateType);

            row.bAutoCommit      = false;
            row.rPreferredHeight = tlmRowDef_Header.rPreferredHeight;

            foreach (TlmColumn col in al_TlmColumn)
                TlmCell cell = row.aTlmCell[col.iIndex];

                TlmCellDef hd_Base = tlmCellDef_Header;
                TlmCellDef hd_Col  = col.tlmCellDef_Header;

                cell.rAlignH     = (Double.IsNaN(hd_Col.rAlignH) ? hd_Base.rAlignH : hd_Col.rAlignH);
                cell.rAlignV     = (Double.IsNaN(hd_Col.rAlignV) ? hd_Base.rAlignV : hd_Col.rAlignV);
                cell.rAngle      = (Double.IsNaN(hd_Col.rAngle) ? hd_Base.rAngle : hd_Col.rAngle);
                cell.tlmTextMode = (hd_Col.tlmTextMode == TlmTextMode.FallBack ? hd_Base.tlmTextMode : hd_Col.tlmTextMode);
                cell.rLineFeed   = (Double.IsNaN(hd_Col.rLineFeed) ? hd_Base.rLineFeed : hd_Col.rLineFeed);

                cell.rMarginLeft   = (Double.IsNaN(hd_Col.rMarginLeft) ? hd_Base.rMarginLeft : hd_Col.rMarginLeft);
                cell.rMarginRight  = (Double.IsNaN(hd_Col.rMarginRight) ? hd_Base.rMarginRight : hd_Col.rMarginRight);
                cell.rMarginTop    = (Double.IsNaN(hd_Col.rMarginTop) ? hd_Base.rMarginTop : hd_Col.rMarginTop);
                cell.rMarginBottom = (Double.IsNaN(hd_Col.rMarginBottom) ? hd_Base.rMarginBottom : hd_Col.rMarginBottom);

                cell.rIndentLeft   = (Double.IsNaN(hd_Col.rIndentLeft) ? hd_Base.rIndentLeft : hd_Col.rIndentLeft);
                cell.rIndentRight  = (Double.IsNaN(hd_Col.rIndentRight) ? hd_Base.rIndentRight : hd_Col.rIndentRight);
                cell.rIndentTop    = (Double.IsNaN(hd_Col.rIndentTop) ? hd_Base.rIndentTop : hd_Col.rIndentTop);
                cell.rIndentBottom = (Double.IsNaN(hd_Col.rIndentBottom) ? hd_Base.rIndentBottom : hd_Col.rIndentBottom);

                cell.brushProp_Back = (Object.ReferenceEquals(hd_Col.brushProp_Back, BrushProp.bp_Null) ? hd_Base.brushProp_Back : hd_Col.brushProp_Back);

                cell.penProp_LineLeft   = (Object.ReferenceEquals(hd_Col.penProp_LineLeft, PenProp.penProp_Null) ? hd_Base.penProp_LineLeft : hd_Col.penProp_LineLeft);
                cell.penProp_LineRight  = (Object.ReferenceEquals(hd_Col.penProp_LineRight, PenProp.penProp_Null) ? hd_Base.penProp_LineRight : hd_Col.penProp_LineRight);
                cell.penProp_LineTop    = (Object.ReferenceEquals(hd_Col.penProp_LineTop, PenProp.penProp_Null) ? hd_Base.penProp_LineTop : hd_Col.penProp_LineTop);
                cell.penProp_LineBottom = (Object.ReferenceEquals(hd_Col.penProp_LineBottom, PenProp.penProp_Null) ? hd_Base.penProp_LineBottom : hd_Col.penProp_LineBottom);

                cell.iOrderLineLeft   = (hd_Col.iOrderLineLeft == Int32.MinValue ? hd_Base.iOrderLineLeft : hd_Col.iOrderLineLeft);
                cell.iOrderLineRight  = (hd_Col.iOrderLineRight == Int32.MinValue ? hd_Base.iOrderLineRight : hd_Col.iOrderLineRight);
                cell.iOrderLineTop    = (hd_Col.iOrderLineTop == Int32.MinValue ? hd_Base.iOrderLineTop : hd_Col.iOrderLineTop);
                cell.iOrderLineBottom = (hd_Col.iOrderLineBottom == Int32.MinValue ? hd_Base.iOrderLineBottom : hd_Col.iOrderLineBottom);

                if (col.sHeader != null)
                    cell.Add(new RepString(col.fontProp_Header, col.sHeader));
        /// <summary>Creates a column definition object.</summary>
        /// <param name="tlmBase">Table layout manager of this column</param>
        /// <param name="rWidth">Width of the column (points, 1/72 inch)</param>
        internal TlmColumn(TlmBase tlmBase, Double rWidth)
            tlmBase.CheckStatus_Init("cannot add columns.");
            this.tlmBase       = tlmBase;
            tlmCellDef_Default = new TlmCellDef();
            iIndex             = tlmBase.al_TlmColumn.Count;

            if (rWidth <= 0)
                throw new ReportException("Invalid value for the column width");
            this.rWidth = rWidth;

            rBorderTop           = tlmBase.tlmColumnDef_Default.rBorderTop;
            rBorderBottom        = tlmBase.tlmColumnDef_Default.rBorderBottom;
            penProp_BorderTop    = tlmBase.tlmColumnDef_Default.penProp_BorderTop;
            penProp_BorderBottom = tlmBase.tlmColumnDef_Default.penProp_BorderBottom;
        /// <summary>Creates a cell definition object.</summary>
        /// <param name="tlmColumn_Start">Start column</param>
        /// <param name="tlmColumn_End">End column</param>
        /// <param name="tlmRow">Start row</param>
        internal TlmCell(TlmColumn tlmColumn_Start, TlmColumn tlmColumn_End, TlmRow tlmRow)
            this.tlmColumn_Start = tlmColumn_Start;
            this.tlmColumn_End   = tlmColumn_End;
            tlmRow_Start         = tlmRow;
            tlmRow_End           = tlmRow;

            TlmCellDef cd_Col  = tlmColumn_Start.tlmCellDef_Default;
            TlmCellDef cd_Base = tlmBase.tlmCellDef_Default;

            rAlignH     = (Double.IsNaN(cd_Col.rAlignH) ? cd_Base.rAlignH : cd_Col.rAlignH);
            rAlignV     = (Double.IsNaN(cd_Col.rAlignV) ? cd_Base.rAlignV : cd_Col.rAlignV);
            rAngle      = (Double.IsNaN(cd_Col.rAngle) ? cd_Base.rAngle : cd_Col.rAngle);
            tlmTextMode = (cd_Col.tlmTextMode == TlmTextMode.FallBack ? cd_Base.tlmTextMode : cd_Col.tlmTextMode);
            rLineFeed   = (Double.IsNaN(cd_Col.rLineFeed) ? cd_Base.rLineFeed : cd_Col.rLineFeed);

            rMarginLeft   = (Double.IsNaN(cd_Col.rMarginLeft) ? cd_Base.rMarginLeft : cd_Col.rMarginLeft);
            rMarginRight  = (Double.IsNaN(cd_Col.rMarginRight) ? cd_Base.rMarginRight : cd_Col.rMarginRight);
            rMarginTop    = (Double.IsNaN(cd_Col.rMarginTop) ? cd_Base.rMarginTop : cd_Col.rMarginTop);
            rMarginBottom = (Double.IsNaN(cd_Col.rMarginBottom) ? cd_Base.rMarginBottom : cd_Col.rMarginBottom);

            rIndentLeft   = (Double.IsNaN(cd_Col.rIndentLeft) ? cd_Base.rIndentLeft : cd_Col.rIndentLeft);
            rIndentRight  = (Double.IsNaN(cd_Col.rIndentRight) ? cd_Base.rIndentRight : cd_Col.rIndentRight);
            rIndentTop    = (Double.IsNaN(cd_Col.rIndentTop) ? cd_Base.rIndentTop : cd_Col.rIndentTop);
            rIndentBottom = (Double.IsNaN(cd_Col.rIndentBottom) ? cd_Base.rIndentBottom : cd_Col.rIndentBottom);

            brushProp_Back = (Object.ReferenceEquals(cd_Col.brushProp_Back, BrushProp.bp_Null) ? cd_Base.brushProp_Back : cd_Col.brushProp_Back);

            penProp_LineLeft   = (Object.ReferenceEquals(cd_Col.penProp_LineLeft, PenProp.penProp_Null) ? cd_Base.penProp_LineLeft : cd_Col.penProp_LineLeft);
            penProp_LineRight  = (Object.ReferenceEquals(cd_Col.penProp_LineRight, PenProp.penProp_Null) ? cd_Base.penProp_LineRight : cd_Col.penProp_LineRight);
            penProp_LineTop    = (Object.ReferenceEquals(cd_Col.penProp_LineTop, PenProp.penProp_Null) ? cd_Base.penProp_LineTop : cd_Col.penProp_LineTop);
            penProp_LineBottom = (Object.ReferenceEquals(cd_Col.penProp_LineBottom, PenProp.penProp_Null) ? cd_Base.penProp_LineBottom : cd_Col.penProp_LineBottom);

            iOrderLineLeft   = (cd_Col.iOrderLineLeft == Int32.MinValue ? cd_Base.iOrderLineLeft : cd_Col.iOrderLineLeft);
            iOrderLineRight  = (cd_Col.iOrderLineRight == Int32.MinValue ? cd_Base.iOrderLineRight : cd_Col.iOrderLineRight);
            iOrderLineTop    = (cd_Col.iOrderLineTop == Int32.MinValue ? cd_Base.iOrderLineTop : cd_Col.iOrderLineTop);
            iOrderLineBottom = (cd_Col.iOrderLineBottom == Int32.MinValue ? cd_Base.iOrderLineBottom : cd_Col.iOrderLineBottom);