PluralString() public static method

Return an English pluralised string for the given thing or things. If the thing ends with 'y', the plural is assumes to end with 'ies', e.g. (2, 'chair') -- '2 chairs' (2, 'property') -- '2 properties' (2, 'furniture item') -- '2 furniture items' If in doubt, appending 'item' or 'entry' to the thing description is normally a pretty safe bet. Replaces calls to PluralSuffix and PluralSuffixY.
public static PluralString ( int n, string thing ) : string
n int
thing string
return string
        public CategoryCollector(ICollection <View> views)
            : base(new CategoryEqualityComparer())
            _nViews    = views.Count;
            _nElements = 0;
            _nElementsWithCategorMaterialQuantities = 0;

            if (0 < _nViews)
                FilteredElementCollector a;

                foreach (View v in views)
                    a = new FilteredElementCollector(v.Document, v.Id)

                    foreach (Element e in a)

                        #region Research code
                        // Categories of all elements in the given set of views:
                        // 14 Categories Selected: Cameras, Curtain Panels, Curtain Wall Grids, Curtain Wall Mullions, Doors, Elevations, Furniture, Project Base Point, Room Tags, Rooms, Structural Columns, Survey Point, Views, Walls

                        // suppressing view specific elements eliminated Room Tags
                        //if( !e.ViewSpecific )
                        // 13 Categories Selected: Cameras, Curtain Panels, Curtain Wall Grids, Curtain Wall Mullions, Doors, Elevations, Furniture, Project Base Point, Rooms, Structural Columns, Survey Point, Views, Walls

                        // suppressing elements with an empty bounding box eliminated Project Base Point and Survey Point
                        //BoundingBoxXYZ box = e.get_BoundingBox( v );
                        //if( null != box
                        //  && !box.Max.IsAlmostEqualTo( box.Min ) )
                        // 13 Categories Selected: Cameras, Curtain Panels, Curtain Wall Grids, Curtain Wall Mullions, Doors, Elevations, Furniture, Project Base Point, Rooms, Structural Columns, Survey Point, Views, Walls
                        #endregion // Research code

                        Category cat = e.Category;

                        if (null != cat &&

                            if (!ContainsKey(cat))
                                Add(cat, 0);
            Debug.Print("Selected {0} from {1} displaying "
                        + "{2}, {3} with HasMaterialQuantities=true",
                        Util.PluralString(Count, "category"),
                        Util.PluralString(_nViews, "view"),
                        Util.PluralString(_nElements, "element"),
        /// <summary>
        /// List all the loops retrieved
        /// from the given element.
        /// </summary>
        static void ListLoops(Element e, JtLoops loops)
            int nLoops = loops.Count;

            Debug.Print("{0} has {1}{2}",
                        Util.PluralString(nLoops, "loop"),

            int i = 0;

            foreach (JtLoop loop in loops)
                Debug.Print("  {0}: {1}", i++,
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload the selected rooms and the furniture
        /// they contain to the cloud database.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UploadRoom(
            Document doc,
            Room room)
            BoundingBoxXYZ bb = room.get_BoundingBox(null);

            if (null == bb)
                Util.ErrorMsg(string.Format("Skipping room {0} "
                                            + "because it has no bounding box.",


            JtLoops roomLoops = GetRoomLoops(room);

            ListLoops(room, roomLoops);

            List <Element> furniture
                = GetFurniture(room);

            // Map symbol UniqueId to symbol loop

            Dictionary <string, JtLoop> furnitureLoops
                = new Dictionary <string, JtLoop>();

            // List of instances referring to symbols

            List <JtPlacement2dInt> furnitureInstances
                = new List <JtPlacement2dInt>(

            int nFailures;

            foreach (FamilyInstance f in furniture)
                FamilySymbol s = f.Symbol;

                string uid = s.UniqueId;

                if (!furnitureLoops.ContainsKey(uid))
                    nFailures = 0;

                    JtLoops loops = GetPlanViewBoundaryLoops(
                        f, ref nFailures);

                    if (0 < nFailures)
                        Debug.Print("{0}: {1}",
                                                      "extrusion analyser failure"));
                    ListLoops(f, loops);

                    if (0 < loops.Count)
                        // Assume first loop is outer one

                        furnitureLoops.Add(uid, loops[0]);
                    new JtPlacement2dInt(f));
            IWin32Window revit_window
                = new JtWindowHandle(

            string caption = doc.Title
                             + " : " + doc.GetElement(room.LevelId).Name
                             + " : " + room.Name;

            Bitmap bmp = GeoSnoop.DisplayRoom(roomLoops,
                                              furnitureLoops, furnitureInstances);

                                        caption, false, bmp);

            DbUpload.DbUploadRoom(room, furniture,
                                  roomLoops, furnitureLoops);
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
            UIDocument    uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
            Application   app   = uiapp.Application;
            Document      doc   = uidoc.Document;

            //IWin32Window revit_window
            //  = new JtWindowHandle(
            //    ComponentManager.ApplicationWindow ); // pre-2020

            IWin32Window revit_window
                = new JtWindowHandle(uiapp.MainWindowHandle); // 2020

            if (null == doc)
                Util.ErrorMsg("Please run this command in a valid"
                              + " Revit project document.");

            // Interactive sheet selection.

            FrmSelectSheets form = new FrmSelectSheets(doc);

            if (DialogResult.OK == form.ShowDialog(
                List <ViewSheet> sheets
                    = form.GetSelectedSheets();

                int n = sheets.Count;

                string caption = Util.PluralString(
                    n, "Sheet") + " Selected";

                string msg = string.Join(", ",
                                         sheets.Select <Element, string>(
                                             e => Util.SheetDescription(e))) + ".";

                // Determine all floor plan views displayed
                // in the selected sheets.

                Dictionary <View, int> views
                    = new Dictionary <View, int>(
                          new ElementEqualityComparer());

                int nFloorPlans = 0;

                foreach (ViewSheet sheet in sheets)
                    foreach (View v in sheet.GetAllPlacedViews()
                             .Select <ElementId, View>(id =>
                                                       doc.GetElement(id) as View))
                        if (!views.ContainsKey(v))
                            if (IsFloorPlan(v))
                            views.Add(v, 0);

                msg += (1 == n)
          ? "\nIt contains"
          : "\nThey contain";

                n = views.Count;

                msg += string.Format(
                    " {0} including {1}: ",
                    Util.PluralString(n, "view"),
                                      "floor plan"));

                msg += string.Join(", ",
                                   views.Keys.Select <Element, string>(
                                       e => e.Name)) + ".";

                Util.InfoMsg2(caption, msg, false);

                // Determine all categories occurring
                // in the views displayed by the sheets.

                List <Category> categories
                    = new List <Category>(
                          new CategoryCollector(views.Keys).Keys);

                // Sort categories alphabetically by name
                // to display them in selection form.

                    delegate(Category c1, Category c2)
                    return(string.Compare(c1.Name, c2.Name));

                // Interactive category selection.

                FrmSelectCategories form2
                    = new FrmSelectCategories(categories);

                if (DialogResult.OK == form2.ShowDialog(
                    categories = form2.GetSelectedCategories();

                    n = categories.Count;

                    caption = Util.PluralString(n, "Category")
                              + " Selected";

                    msg = string.Join(", ",
                                      categories.Select <Category, string>(
                                          e => e.Name)) + ".";

                    Util.InfoMsg2(caption, msg, false);

                    // Convert category list to a dictionary for
                    // more effective repeated lookup.
                    //Dictionary<ElementId, Category> catLookup =
                    //  categories.ToDictionary<Category, ElementId>(
                    //    c => c.Id );
                    // No, much better: set up a reusable element
                    // filter for the categories of interest:

                    ElementFilter categoryFilter
                        = new LogicalOrFilter(categories
                                              .Select <Category, ElementCategoryFilter>(
                                                  c => new ElementCategoryFilter(c.Id))
                                              .ToList <ElementFilter>());

                    // Instantiate a container for all
                    // cloud data repository content.

                    SheetModelCollections modelCollections
                        = new SheetModelCollections(

                    foreach (ViewSheet sheet in sheets)
                        // Define preview form caption.

                        caption = "Sheet and Viewport Loops - "
                                  + Util.SheetDescription(sheet);

                        // This is currently not used for anything.


                        // Determine the polygon loops representing
                        // the size and location of given sheet and
                        // the viewports it contains.

                        JtLoops sheetViewportLoops
                            = GetSheetViewportLoops(
                                  modelCollections, sheet);

                        // Determine graphics for family instances,
                        // their symbols and other BIM parts.

                                       sheet, categoryFilter);

                        // Display sheet and viewports with the
                        // geometry retrieved in a temporary GeoSnoop
                        // form generated on the fly for debugging
                        // purposes.

                        Bitmap bmp = GeoSnoop.DisplaySheet(
                            sheet.Id, sheetViewportLoops,

                            revit_window, caption, false, bmp);

                        // Upload data to the cloud database.

                                               sheetViewportLoops, modelCollections);