protected static void InvItem_LoadItemSprite(InvItem __instance) { CustomItem item = RogueLibs.Instance.Items.Find(i => i.Id == __instance.invItemName); if (item == null) { return; } __instance.itemIcon = __instance.itemIcon ?? item.Sprite; }
protected static void InvItem_SetupDetails(InvItem __instance) { CustomItem item = RogueLibs.Instance.Items.Find(i => i.Id == __instance.invItemName); if (item == null) { return; } item.SetupDetails?.Invoke(__instance); __instance.LoadItemSprite(item.Id); }
public static void InvSlot_LateUpdate(InvSlot __instance, Text ___itemText) { CustomItem custom = __instance.item?.GetHook <CustomItem>(); if (custom != null) { ___itemText.enabled = true; CustomTooltip tooltip = custom.GetCountString(); ___itemText.text = tooltip.Text ?? string.Empty; ___itemText.color = tooltip.Color ?? Color.white; } }
public static void InvInterface_HideCursorText(InvInterface __instance) { CustomItem custom = __instance.mainGUI.targetItem?.GetHook <CustomItem>(); if (custom is IItemTargetable targetable) { CustomTooltip tooltip = targetable.TargetCursorText(null); __instance.cursorTextCanvas3.enabled = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltip.Text); __instance.cursorTextString3.text = tooltip.Text ?? string.Empty; __instance.cursorTextString3.color = tooltip.Color ?? Color.white; } }
public static void EquippedItemSlot_LateUpdateEquippedItemSlot(EquippedItemSlot __instance) { CustomItem custom = __instance.item?.GetHook <CustomItem>(); if (custom != null) { __instance.countText.enabled = true; __instance.countText.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 1f); CustomTooltip tooltip = custom.GetCountString(); __instance.countText.text = tooltip.Text ?? string.Empty; __instance.countText.color = tooltip.Color ?? Color.white; } }
protected static void ItemFunctions_UseItem(InvItem item, Agent agent) { CustomItem citem = RogueLibs.Instance.Items.Find(i => i.Id == item.invItemName); if (citem?.TargetObject != null) { item.invInterface.ShowOrHideTarget(item); } else if (citem != null) { citem.UseItem?.Invoke(item, agent); } }
public static void InvInterface_ShowTarget(InvInterface __instance, InvItem item) { __instance.cursorTextString3.color = Color.white; if (item.itemType != ItemTypes.Combine) { CustomItem custom = item.GetHook <CustomItem>(); if (custom is IItemTargetable targetable) { CustomTooltip tooltip = targetable.TargetCursorText(; __instance.cursorTextCanvas3.enabled = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltip.Text); __instance.cursorTextString3.text = tooltip.Text ?? string.Empty; __instance.cursorTextString3.color = tooltip.Color ?? Color.white; } } }
protected static void ItemFunctions_CombineItems(InvItem item, Agent agent, InvItem otherItem, int slotNum, string combineType, ref bool __result) { CustomItem citem = RogueLibs.Instance.Items.Find(i => i.Id == item.invItemName); if (citem?.CombineItem == null) { return; } if ((__result = citem.CombineFilter == null || citem.CombineFilter(item, agent, otherItem)) && combineType == "Combine") { citem.CombineItem(item, agent, otherItem, slotNum); if (item.invItemCount < 1) { agent.mainGUI.invInterface.HideDraggedItem(); agent.mainGUI.invInterface.HideTarget(); } } }
protected static void ItemFunctions_TargetObject(InvItem item, Agent agent, PlayfieldObject otherObject, string combineType, ref bool __result) { CustomItem citem = RogueLibs.Instance.Items.Find(i => i.Id == item.invItemName); if (citem?.TargetObject == null) { return; } if ((__result = citem.TargetFilter == null || citem.TargetFilter(item, agent, otherObject)) && combineType == "Combine") { citem.TargetObject(item, agent, otherObject); if (item.invItemCount < 1) { agent.mainGUI.invInterface.HideDraggedItem(); agent.mainGUI.invInterface.HideTarget(); } } }
public static bool ItemFunctions_UseItem(InvItem item, Agent agent) { bool debug = RogueFramework.IsDebugEnabled(DebugFlags.Items); CustomItem custom = item.GetHook <CustomItem>(); if (custom is IItemTargetable || custom is IItemTargetableAnywhere) { if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug($"Showing target for {custom} ({item.invItemName})."); } item.invInterface.ShowOrHideTarget(item); return(false); } if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug($"Using {custom} ({item.invItemName}):"); } Agent originalAgent = agent; OnItemUsingArgs args = new OnItemUsingArgs(item, agent); if (InventoryChecks.onItemUsing.Raise(args, custom?.ItemInfo.IgnoredChecks)) { agent = args.User; // in case an inventory check redirected the use of an item on someone else using (AgentSwapper swapper = new AgentSwapper(item, agent)) { if (agent.localPlayer) { if (!originalAgent.inventory.HasItem(item.invItemName) && originalAgent.inventory.equippedSpecialAbility?.invItemName != item.invItemName) { return(false); } else if (!item.used && (item.Categories.Contains(RogueCategories.Usable) || item.itemType == ItemTypes.Consumable)) { item.used = true; if (agent.isPlayer > 0) { agent.gc.sessionData.endStats[agent.isPlayer].itemsUsed++; } } } // if it's not a custom item, run the original method if (!(custom is IItemUsable usable)) { if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Running the original method."); } return(true); } bool success = usable.UseItem(); if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug($"---- Usage {(success ? "was successful" : "failed")}."); } if (success) { new ItemFunctions().UseItemAnim(item, agent); } } } else { if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Usage was prevented by an inventory check."); } } return(false); }
public static void InvInterface_TargetAnywhere(InvInterface __instance, Vector2 myPos, bool pressedButton) { __instance.cursorTextString3.color = Color.white; bool debug = RogueFramework.IsDebugEnabled(DebugFlags.Items); InvItem invItem = __instance.mainGUI.targetItem; if (invItem != null) { CustomItem custom = invItem.GetHook <CustomItem>(); __instance.cursorHighlightTargetObjects = custom is IItemTargetable; if (custom is IItemTargetableAnywhere targetable) { if (debug && pressedButton) { RogueFramework.LogDebug($"Targeting {custom} ({invItem.invItemName}) anywhere:"); } bool filter = targetable.TargetFilter(myPos); __instance.cursorHighlight = filter; __instance.cursorHighlightTargetAnywhere = filter; =; CustomTooltip tooltip = targetable.TargetCursorText(myPos); __instance.cursorTextCanvas3.enabled = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltip.Text); __instance.cursorTextString3.text = tooltip.Text ?? string.Empty; __instance.cursorTextString3.color = tooltip.Color ?? Color.white; if (pressedButton) { OnItemTargetingAnywhereArgs args = new OnItemTargetingAnywhereArgs(invItem, myPos, invItem.agent); if (InventoryChecks.onItemTargetingAnywhere.Raise(args, custom?.ItemInfo.IgnoredChecks)) { myPos = args.Target; using (AgentSwapper swapper = new AgentSwapper(invItem, args.User)) { bool success = targetable.TargetPosition(myPos); if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug($"---- Targeting {(success ? "was successful" : "failed")}."); } if (success) { new ItemFunctions().UseItemAnim(invItem, invItem.agent); } if (custom.Count < 1 || !custom.Inventory.InvItemList.Contains(custom.Item) && InventoryChecks.IsCheckAllowed(custom, "StopOnZero")) { if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Triggered \"StopOnZero\" inventory check."); } __instance.HideDraggedItem(); __instance.HideTarget(); } } } else { if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Targeting was prevented by an inventory check."); } } } } } }
public static void InvSlot_SetColor(InvSlot __instance) { // set default color __instance.toolbarNumText.color = new Color32(255, 237, 0, 255); InvItem combiner = __instance.mainGUI.targetItem ?? __instance.database.invInterface.draggedInvItem; if (combiner is null) { return; } InvItem combinee = __instance.curItemList[__instance.slotNumber]; CustomItem custom = combiner.GetHook <CustomItem>(); if (!(custom is IItemCombinable combinable)) { return; } if (__instance.slotType == "Player" || __instance.slotType == "Toolbar" || __instance.slotType == "Chest" || __instance.slotType == "NPCChest") { if (combinee.invItemName != null && combiner.itemType == ItemTypes.Combine) { if (combiner.CombineItems(combinee, __instance.slotNumber, string.Empty, __instance.agent) && __instance.slotType != "NPCChest") { __instance.myImage.color = new Color32(0,,, __instance.standardAlpha); __instance.itemImage.color = new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue); __instance.myImage.sprite = __instance.invBoxCanUse; } else if ((__instance.slotType != "Toolbar" || __instance.mainGUI.openedInventory) && __instance.slotType != "NPCChest") { __instance.myImage.color = new Color32(, 0,, __instance.standardAlpha); __instance.itemImage.color = new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, __instance.fadedItemAlpha); __instance.myImage.sprite = __instance.invBoxNormal; __instance.toolbarNumTextGo.SetActive(false); } if (__instance.slotType != "NPCChest" && __instance.slotType != "Chest") { CustomTooltip tooltip = combinable.CombineTooltip(combinee); __instance.toolbarNumTextGo.SetActive(true); __instance.toolbarNumText.text = tooltip.Text ?? string.Empty; __instance.toolbarNumText.color = tooltip.Color ?? new Color32(255, 237, 0, 255); } } else if (__instance.slotType != "NPCChest" && (combinee.invItemName != null || combiner.itemType != ItemTypes.Combine)) { __instance.myImage.color = __instance.overSlot ? (Color) new Color32(0,,, __instance.standardAlpha) : (Color) new Color32(,,, __instance.standardAlpha); __instance.itemImage.color = new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue); __instance.myImage.sprite = __instance.invBoxNormal; if (__instance.slotType == "Toolbar") { __instance.toolbarNumTextGo.SetActive(false); } } if (__instance.mainGUI.curSelected == __instance.mySelectable && __instance.agent.controllerType != "Keyboard") { __instance.invInterface.OnSelectionBox(__instance.slotType,; } } }
public static bool InvItem_TargetObject(InvItem __instance, PlayfieldObject otherObject, string combineType, ref bool __result) { bool debug = RogueFramework.IsDebugEnabled(DebugFlags.Items); bool actualCombining = combineType == "Combine"; CustomItem custom = __instance.GetHook <CustomItem>(); if (debug && actualCombining) { RogueFramework.LogDebug($"Targeting {custom} ({__instance.invItemName}) on {otherObject.objectName}:"); } if (Vector2.Distance(__instance.agent.curPosition, otherObject.curPosition) > 15f && InventoryChecks.IsCheckAllowed(custom, "Distance")) { if (debug && actualCombining) { RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Triggered \"Distance\" inventory check."); RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Targeting was prevented by an inventory check."); } __result = false; return(false); } if ((otherObject as Agent)?.butlerBot == true && InventoryChecks.IsCheckAllowed(custom, "ButlerBot")) { if (debug && actualCombining) { RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Triggered \"ButlerBot\" inventory check."); RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Targeting was prevented by an inventory check."); } __result = false; return(false); } if ((otherObject as Agent)?.mechEmpty == true && InventoryChecks.IsCheckAllowed(custom, "EmptyMech")) { if (debug && actualCombining) { RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Triggered \"EmptyMech\" inventory check."); RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Targeting was prevented by an inventory check."); } __result = false; return(false); } __result = custom is IItemTargetable targetable ? targetable.TargetFilter(otherObject) : new ItemFunctions().TargetObject(__instance, __instance.agent, otherObject, string.Empty); if (actualCombining) { OnItemTargetingArgs args = new OnItemTargetingArgs(__instance, otherObject, __instance.agent); if (InventoryChecks.onItemTargeting.Raise(args, custom?.ItemInfo.IgnoredChecks)) { otherObject = args.Target; using (AgentSwapper swapper = new AgentSwapper(__instance, args.User)) { if (custom is IItemTargetable targetable2) { bool success = targetable2.TargetObject(otherObject); if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug($"---- Targeting {(success ? "was successful" : "failed")}."); } if (success) { new ItemFunctions().UseItemAnim(__instance, __instance.agent); } } else { if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Running the original method."); } new ItemFunctions().TargetObject(__instance, __instance.agent, otherObject, "Combine"); } if (__instance.invItemCount < 1 || !__instance.database.InvItemList.Contains(__instance) && InventoryChecks.IsCheckAllowed(custom, "StopOnZero")) { if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Triggered \"StopOnZero\" inventory check."); } __instance.agent.mainGUI.invInterface.HideDraggedItem(); __instance.agent.mainGUI.invInterface.HideTarget(); } } } else { if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Targeting was prevented by an inventory check."); } } } return(false); }
public static bool InvItem_CombineItems(InvItem __instance, InvItem otherItem, int slotNum, Agent myAgent, string combineType, ref bool __result) { bool debug = RogueFramework.IsDebugEnabled(DebugFlags.Items); bool actualCombining = combineType == "Combine"; CustomItem custom = __instance.GetHook <CustomItem>(); if (debug && actualCombining) { RogueFramework.LogDebug($"Combining {custom} ({__instance.invItemName}) with {otherItem.invItemName}:"); } if (__instance.stackable && __instance.invItemName == otherItem.invItemName && InventoryChecks.IsCheckAllowed(custom, "AutoStacking")) { if (__instance.invItemName == VanillaItems.Syringe && __instance.contents[0] != otherItem.contents[0]) { __result = false; return(false); } if (actualCombining) { if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Triggered \"AutoStacking\" inventory check."); RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Combining was prevented by an inventory check."); } if (myAgent.controllerType != "Keyboard") { myAgent.gc.audioHandler.Play(myAgent, VanillaAudio.BeginCombine); } otherItem.agent.mainGUI.invInterface.PutDraggedItemBack(); } __result = true; return(false); } if (custom is IItemCombinable combinable) { using (AgentSwapper swapper = new AgentSwapper(__instance, myAgent)) __result = combinable.CombineFilter(otherItem); } else { __result = new ItemFunctions().CombineItems(__instance, myAgent, otherItem, slotNum, string.Empty); } if (actualCombining) { OnItemsCombiningArgs args = new OnItemsCombiningArgs(__instance, otherItem, myAgent); if (InventoryChecks.onItemsCombining.Raise(args, custom?.ItemInfo.IgnoredChecks)) { myAgent = args.Combiner; otherItem = args.OtherItem; if (custom is IItemCombinable combinable2) { using (AgentSwapper swapper = new AgentSwapper(__instance, myAgent)) { bool success = combinable2.CombineItems(otherItem); if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug($"---- Combining {(success ? "was successful" : "failed")}."); } if (success) { new ItemFunctions().UseItemAnim(__instance, myAgent); } } } else { if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Running the original method."); } new ItemFunctions().CombineItems(__instance, myAgent, otherItem, slotNum, "Combine"); } if (__instance.invItemCount < 1 || !__instance.database.InvItemList.Contains(__instance) && InventoryChecks.IsCheckAllowed(custom, "StopOnZero")) { if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Triggered \"StopOnZero\" inventory check."); } myAgent.mainGUI.invInterface.HideDraggedItem(); myAgent.mainGUI.invInterface.HideTarget(); } } else { if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug("---- Combining was prevented by an inventory check."); } } } return(false); }
protected static void InvSlot_SetColor(InvSlot __instance, Text ___itemText) { __instance.toolbarNumTextGo.SetActive(false); InvItem targetItem = __instance.mainGUI.targetItem ?? __instance.database.invInterface.draggedInvItem; if (targetItem == null) { return; } InvItem thisItem = __instance.curItemList[__instance.slotNumber]; CustomItem cItem = RogueLibs.Instance.Items.Find(i => i.Id == targetItem.invItemName); if (cItem?.CombineTooltip == null) { return; } if (targetItem != null && (__instance.slotType == "Player" || __instance.slotType == "Toolbar" || __instance.slotType == "Chest" || __instance.slotType == "NPCChest")) { if (thisItem.invItemName != null && targetItem.itemType == "Combine") { if (targetItem.CombineItems(thisItem, __instance.slotNumber, string.Empty, __instance.agent) && __instance.slotType != "NPCChest") { __instance.myImage.color = new Color32(0,,, __instance.standardAlpha); __instance.itemImage.color = new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue); __instance.myImage.sprite = __instance.invBoxCanUse; if (__instance.slotType != "NPCChest" && __instance.slotType != "Chest") { string result = cItem.CombineTooltip(targetItem, targetItem.agent, thisItem) ?? string.Empty; __instance.toolbarNumTextGo.SetActive(result != string.Empty); __instance.toolbarNumText.text = result; } } else if ((!(__instance.slotType == "Toolbar") || __instance.mainGUI.openedInventory) && __instance.slotType != "NPCChest") { __instance.myImage.color = new Color32(, 0,, __instance.standardAlpha); __instance.itemImage.color = new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, __instance.fadedItemAlpha); __instance.myImage.sprite = __instance.invBoxNormal; ___itemText.color = __instance.whiteTransparent; __instance.toolbarNumTextGo.SetActive(false); } } else if (__instance.slotType != "NPCChest" && (thisItem.invItemName != null || targetItem.itemType != "Combine")) { __instance.myImage.color = __instance.overSlot ? (Color) new Color32(0,,, __instance.standardAlpha) : (Color) new Color32(,,, __instance.standardAlpha); __instance.itemImage.color = new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue); __instance.myImage.sprite = __instance.invBoxNormal; if (__instance.slotType == "Toolbar") { __instance.toolbarNumTextGo.SetActive(false); } } if (__instance.mainGUI.curSelected == __instance.mySelectable && __instance.agent.controllerType != "Keyboard") { __instance.invInterface.OnSelectionBox(__instance.slotType,; } } }