public void SetHallToNull() { // set existing hall to null string[] inGrid = { "", ". . . .", "0.0#0.0", ". . . .", "", }; string[] outGrid = { "", ". . . .", "", ". . . .", "", }; TestGridFloorPlan floorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(inGrid); floorPlan.SetHall(new LocRay4(1, 1, Dir4.Right), null); TestGridFloorPlan compareFloorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(outGrid); TestGridFloorPlan.CompareFloorPlans(floorPlan, compareFloorPlan); }
public void AddBigRoomToEmptySpace() { // add big room to empty space string[] inGrid = { "", ". . . .", "", ". . . .", "", }; string[] outGrid = { "", ". . . .", "0.A.A.A", ". . . .", "0.A.A.A", }; TestGridFloorPlan floorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(inGrid); var gen = new TestGridRoomGen('A'); floorPlan.AddRoom(new Rect(1, 1, 3, 2), gen); TestGridFloorPlan compareFloorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(outGrid); TestGridFloorPlan.CompareFloorPlans(floorPlan, compareFloorPlan); }
public void AddBigRoomToSurrounded() { // add room to a room/hall-ridden floor where halls just barely avoid the room string[] inGrid = { "A#B#C#D", "# # # #", "E#0.0#F", "# . . #", "G#0.0#H", }; string[] outGrid = { "A#B#C#D", "# # # #", "E#I.I#F", "# . . #", "G#I.I#H", }; TestGridFloorPlan floorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(inGrid); var gen = new TestGridRoomGen('I'); floorPlan.AddRoom(new Rect(1, 1, 2, 2), gen); TestGridFloorPlan compareFloorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(outGrid); TestGridFloorPlan.CompareFloorPlans(floorPlan, compareFloorPlan); }
public void AddRoomToEmptySpace() { // add to empty space string[] inGrid = { "0.0.0", ". . .", "0.0.0", }; string[] outGrid = { "0.A.0", ". . .", "0.0.0", }; TestGridFloorPlan floorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(inGrid); var gen = new TestGridRoomGen('A'); floorPlan.AddRoom(new Rect(1, 0, 1, 1), gen, new ComponentCollection()); TestGridFloorPlan compareFloorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(outGrid); TestGridFloorPlan.CompareFloorPlans(floorPlan, compareFloorPlan); }
public void Comb4Choose3B() { string[] inGrid = { "", ". . . . .", "0.A#C#E#G", ". # # # #", "0.B.D.F.H", ". . . . .", "", }; string[] outGrid = { "", ". . . . .", "0.A#C#E#G", ". # # # #", "0.B#D.F#H", ". . . . .", "", }; TestGridFloorPlan floorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(inGrid); TestGridFloorPlan compareFloorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(outGrid); Mock <IRandom> testRand = new Mock <IRandom>(MockBehavior.Strict); testRand.Setup(p => p.Next(It.IsNotIn <int>(100, 4))).Returns(0); testRand.Setup(p => p.Next(4)).Returns(3); Moq.Language.ISetupSequentialResult <int> seq = testRand.SetupSequence(p => p.Next(100)); seq = seq.Returns(0); seq = seq.Returns(0); seq = seq.Returns(0); seq = seq.Returns(99); var pathGen = new ConnectGridBranchStep <IGridPathTestContext> { ConnectPercent = 50 }; Mock <IRandPicker <PermissiveRoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > > mockHalls = new Mock <IRandPicker <PermissiveRoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > >(MockBehavior.Strict); mockHalls.Setup(p => p.Pick(testRand.Object)).Returns(new TestGridRoomGen()); pathGen.GenericHalls = mockHalls.Object; pathGen.ApplyToPath(testRand.Object, floorPlan); TestGridFloorPlan.CompareFloorPlans(floorPlan, compareFloorPlan); }
public void Wishbone() { string[] inGrid = { "0.C#D#E#F.0", ". # . . # .", "A#B.0.0.G.0", ". # . . . .", "0.H.0.0.M.0", ". # . . # .", "0.I#J#K#L.0", }; string[] outGrid = { "0.C#D#E#F.0", ". # . . # .", "A#B.0.0.G.0", ". # . . # .", "0.H.0.0.M.0", ". # . . # .", "0.I#J#K#L.0", }; TestGridFloorPlan floorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(inGrid); TestGridFloorPlan compareFloorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(outGrid); Mock <IRandom> testRand = new Mock <IRandom>(MockBehavior.Strict); testRand.Setup(p => p.Next(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(0); var pathGen = new ConnectGridBranchStep <IGridPathTestContext> { ConnectPercent = 100 }; Mock <IRandPicker <PermissiveRoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > > mockHalls = new Mock <IRandPicker <PermissiveRoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > >(MockBehavior.Strict); mockHalls.Setup(p => p.Pick(testRand.Object)).Returns(new TestGridRoomGen()); pathGen.GenericHalls = mockHalls.Object; pathGen.ApplyToPath(testRand.Object, floorPlan); TestGridFloorPlan.CompareFloorPlans(floorPlan, compareFloorPlan); }
public void CreateErrorPath() { string[] inGrid = { "0.0", ". .", "0.0", }; string[] outGrid = { "A.0", ". .", "0.0", }; var pathGen = new Mock <GridPathStartStepGeneric <IGridPathTestContext> > { CallBase = true }; Moq.Language.ISetupSequentialResult <RoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > defaultSeq = pathGen.SetupSequence(p => p.GetDefaultGen()); defaultSeq = defaultSeq.Returns(new TestGridRoomGen('A')); Mock <IRandPicker <PermissiveRoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > > mockHalls = new Mock <IRandPicker <PermissiveRoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > >(MockBehavior.Strict); pathGen.Object.GenericHalls = mockHalls.Object; Mock <IRandPicker <RoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > > mockRooms = new Mock <IRandPicker <RoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > >(MockBehavior.Strict); pathGen.Object.GenericRooms = mockRooms.Object; Mock <IRandom> mockRand = new Mock <IRandom>(MockBehavior.Strict); TestGridFloorPlan floorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(inGrid); TestGridFloorPlan compareFloorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(outGrid); pathGen.Object.CreateErrorPath(mockRand.Object, floorPlan); TestGridFloorPlan.CompareFloorPlans(floorPlan, compareFloorPlan); pathGen.Verify(p => p.GetDefaultGen(), Times.Exactly(1)); }
public void CreatePathMinSize() { string[] inGrid = { "0.0", }; string[] outGrid = { "A#B", }; Mock <IRandom> testRand = new Mock <IRandom>(MockBehavior.Strict); var pathGen = new GridPathTwoSides <IGridPathTestContext> { GapAxis = Axis4.Horiz }; Mock <IRandPicker <PermissiveRoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > > mockHalls = new Mock <IRandPicker <PermissiveRoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > >(MockBehavior.Strict); mockHalls.Setup(p => p.Pick(testRand.Object)).Returns(new TestGridRoomGen()); pathGen.GenericHalls = mockHalls.Object; Mock <IRandPicker <RoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > > mockRooms = new Mock <IRandPicker <RoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > >(MockBehavior.Strict); Moq.Language.ISetupSequentialResult <RoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > roomSeq = mockRooms.SetupSequence(p => p.Pick(testRand.Object)); roomSeq = roomSeq.Returns(new TestGridRoomGen('A')); roomSeq = roomSeq.Returns(new TestGridRoomGen('B')); pathGen.GenericRooms = mockRooms.Object; TestGridFloorPlan floorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(inGrid); TestGridFloorPlan compareFloorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(outGrid); pathGen.ApplyToPath(testRand.Object, floorPlan); TestGridFloorPlan.CompareFloorPlans(floorPlan, compareFloorPlan); mockHalls.Verify(p => p.Pick(testRand.Object), Times.Exactly(1)); mockRooms.Verify(p => p.Pick(testRand.Object), Times.Exactly(2)); }
public void SetHallInDirs(Dir4 dir, int expectedOut) { // valid/invalid dir string[] inGrid = { "", ". . . .", "", ". . . .", "", }; string[] outGrid = null; bool exception = false; switch (expectedOut) { case 0: outGrid = new string[] { "", ". . . .", "", ". # . .", "", }; break; case 1: outGrid = new string[] { "", ". . . .", "0#0.0.0", ". . . .", "", }; break; case 2: outGrid = new string[] { "", ". # . .", "", ". . . .", "", }; break; case 3: outGrid = new string[] { "", ". . . .", "0.0#0.0", ". . . .", "", }; break; default: exception = true; break; } TestGridFloorPlan floorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(inGrid); var gen = new TestGridRoomGen((char)0); if (exception) { if (dir == Dir4.None) { Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { floorPlan.SetHall(new LocRay4(1, 1, dir), gen); }); } else { Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => { floorPlan.SetHall(new LocRay4(1, 1, dir), gen); }); } return; } else { floorPlan.SetHall(new LocRay4(1, 1, dir), gen); } TestGridFloorPlan compareFloorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(outGrid); TestGridFloorPlan.CompareFloorPlans(floorPlan, compareFloorPlan); // set existing hall to null }
public void CreatePathMedSize() { string[] inGrid = { "", ". . . .", "", ". . . .", "", }; string[] outGrid = { "A#C.C#B", "# . . .", "D#F.F#E", "# . . .", "G#I.I#H", }; Mock <IRandom> testRand = new Mock <IRandom>(MockBehavior.Strict); testRand.Setup(p => p.Next(2)).Returns(0); var pathGen = new Mock <GridPathTwoSides <IGridPathTestContext> > { CallBase = true }; pathGen.Object.GapAxis = Axis4.Horiz; Moq.Language.ISetupSequentialResult <RoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > defaultSeq = pathGen.SetupSequence(p => p.GetDefaultGen()); defaultSeq = defaultSeq.Returns(new TestGridRoomGen('C')); defaultSeq = defaultSeq.Returns(new TestGridRoomGen('F')); defaultSeq = defaultSeq.Returns(new TestGridRoomGen('I')); Mock <IRandPicker <PermissiveRoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > > mockHalls = new Mock <IRandPicker <PermissiveRoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > >(MockBehavior.Strict); mockHalls.Setup(p => p.Pick(testRand.Object)).Returns(new TestGridRoomGen()); pathGen.Object.GenericHalls = mockHalls.Object; Mock <IRandPicker <RoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > > mockRooms = new Mock <IRandPicker <RoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > >(MockBehavior.Strict); Moq.Language.ISetupSequentialResult <RoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> > roomSeq = mockRooms.SetupSequence(p => p.Pick(testRand.Object)); roomSeq = roomSeq.Returns(new TestGridRoomGen('A')); roomSeq = roomSeq.Returns(new TestGridRoomGen('B')); roomSeq = roomSeq.Returns(new TestGridRoomGen('D')); roomSeq = roomSeq.Returns(new TestGridRoomGen('E')); roomSeq = roomSeq.Returns(new TestGridRoomGen('G')); roomSeq = roomSeq.Returns(new TestGridRoomGen('H')); pathGen.Object.GenericRooms = mockRooms.Object; TestGridFloorPlan floorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(inGrid); TestGridFloorPlan compareFloorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(outGrid); pathGen.Object.ApplyToPath(testRand.Object, floorPlan); TestGridFloorPlan.CompareFloorPlans(floorPlan, compareFloorPlan); testRand.Verify(p => p.Next(2), Times.Exactly(2)); mockHalls.Verify(p => p.Pick(testRand.Object), Times.Exactly(8)); mockRooms.Verify(p => p.Pick(testRand.Object), Times.Exactly(6)); pathGen.Verify(p => p.GetDefaultGen(), Times.Exactly(3)); }
public void CreatePathSpecific() { // specific halls and rooms string[] inGrid = { "0.0.0", ". . .", "0.0.0", ". . .", "0.0.0", }; string[] outGrid = { "A#B#C", ". . #", "H#I.D", "# . #", "G#F#E", }; TestGridFloorPlan floorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(inGrid); TestGridFloorPlan compareFloorPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(outGrid); Mock <IRandom> testRand = new Mock <IRandom>(MockBehavior.Strict); var pathGen = new GridPathSpecific <IGridPathTestContext> { SpecificVHalls = new PermissiveRoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> [3][], }; for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) { pathGen.SpecificVHalls[ii] = new PermissiveRoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> [2]; } pathGen.SpecificHHalls = new PermissiveRoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> [2][]; for (int ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++) { pathGen.SpecificHHalls[ii] = new PermissiveRoomGen <IGridPathTestContext> [3]; } pathGen.SpecificRooms.Add(new SpecificGridRoomPlan <IGridPathTestContext>(new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), new TestGridRoomGen('A'))); pathGen.SpecificHHalls[0][0] = new TestGridRoomGen(); pathGen.SpecificRooms.Add(new SpecificGridRoomPlan <IGridPathTestContext>(new Rect(1, 0, 1, 1), new TestGridRoomGen('B'))); pathGen.SpecificHHalls[1][0] = new TestGridRoomGen(); pathGen.SpecificRooms.Add(new SpecificGridRoomPlan <IGridPathTestContext>(new Rect(2, 0, 1, 1), new TestGridRoomGen('C'))); pathGen.SpecificVHalls[2][0] = new TestGridRoomGen(); pathGen.SpecificRooms.Add(new SpecificGridRoomPlan <IGridPathTestContext>(new Rect(2, 1, 1, 1), new TestGridRoomGen('D'))); pathGen.SpecificVHalls[2][1] = new TestGridRoomGen(); pathGen.SpecificRooms.Add(new SpecificGridRoomPlan <IGridPathTestContext>(new Rect(2, 2, 1, 1), new TestGridRoomGen('E'))); pathGen.SpecificHHalls[1][2] = new TestGridRoomGen(); pathGen.SpecificRooms.Add(new SpecificGridRoomPlan <IGridPathTestContext>(new Rect(1, 2, 1, 1), new TestGridRoomGen('F'))); pathGen.SpecificHHalls[0][2] = new TestGridRoomGen(); pathGen.SpecificRooms.Add(new SpecificGridRoomPlan <IGridPathTestContext>(new Rect(0, 2, 1, 1), new TestGridRoomGen('G'))); pathGen.SpecificVHalls[0][1] = new TestGridRoomGen(); pathGen.SpecificRooms.Add(new SpecificGridRoomPlan <IGridPathTestContext>(new Rect(0, 1, 1, 1), new TestGridRoomGen('H'))); pathGen.SpecificHHalls[0][1] = new TestGridRoomGen(); pathGen.SpecificRooms.Add(new SpecificGridRoomPlan <IGridPathTestContext>(new Rect(1, 1, 1, 1), new TestGridRoomGen('I'))); pathGen.ApplyToPath(testRand.Object, floorPlan); TestGridFloorPlan.CompareFloorPlans(floorPlan, compareFloorPlan); }