public static void Wav2Ogg(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, int qualityFactor)
            if (destinationPath == null)
                destinationPath = String.Format("{0}", Path.ChangeExtension(sourcePath, "ogg"));
            // interestingly ODLC uses 44100 or 48000 interchangeably ... so resampling is not necessary
            var cmdArgs = String.Format(" -q {2} \"{0}\" -o \"{1}\"", sourcePath, destinationPath, Convert.ToString(qualityFactor));

            GeneralExtension.RunExternalExecutable(APP_OGGENC, true, false, true, cmdArgs);
        public static void Preview2Wav(string sourcePath)
            var dirName     = Path.GetDirectoryName(sourcePath);
            var fileName    = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sourcePath);
            var dirFileName = Path.Combine(dirName, fileName);
            var srcPath     = String.Format("{0}_{1}.ogg", dirFileName, "preview");
            var destPath    = Path.ChangeExtension(srcPath, ".wav");

            var cmdArgs = String.Format(" -o \"{1}\" \"{0}\"", srcPath, destPath);

            GeneralExtension.RunExternalExecutable(APP_OGGDEC, true, false, true, cmdArgs);
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert audio file to ogg
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourcePath"> RAW Audio, WAV, AIFF, FLAC, OGG</param>
        /// <param name="destinationPath">OGG</param>
        /// <param name="qualityFactor"> 0 (low) to 10 (high)</param>
        /// <param name="sampleRate"> (Hz), defaults to same sample rate as source if not specified</param>
        public static void Audio2Ogg(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, int qualityFactor, int sampleRate = 0)
            if (destinationPath == null)
                destinationPath = String.Format("{0}", Path.ChangeExtension(sourcePath, "ogg"));

            var cmdArgs = String.Format(" -q {2} \"{0}\" -o \"{1}\"", sourcePath, destinationPath, qualityFactor);

            if (sampleRate > 0)
                cmdArgs += String.Format(" --resample {0}\"", sampleRate);

            GeneralExtension.RunExternalExecutable(APP_OGGENC, true, false, true, cmdArgs);
        public static void Wav2Wem(string wwiseCLIPath, string wwiseTemplateDir, int magicDust = 0)
            var templatePath = Path.Combine(wwiseTemplateDir, "Template.wproj");
            // -NoWwiseDat ignores cached wem's and will generate each time.
            // -ClearAudioFileCache force re-generate for wem's also deletes old and creates fresh new file.
            // -Save should help with updating project to new schema (may loose quality factor field)
            var cmdArgs = String.Format("\"{0}\" -GenerateSoundBanks -Platform Windows -Language English(US) -NoWwiseDat -ClearAudioFileCache -Save", templatePath);
            var output  = GeneralExtension.RunExternalExecutable(wwiseCLIPath, true, false, true, cmdArgs);

            if (output.Contains("Error: Project migration needed") && magicDust > 0)
                Debug.WriteLine("'WwiseCLI.exe' Conversion Failed ...");
                Debug.WriteLine("Applying Magic Dust #" + magicDust);
                Wav2Wem(wwiseCLIPath, wwiseTemplateDir, magicDust);
        public static void InjectZip(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, bool recurseDir = false, bool filesOnly = false)
            var cmdSwitch = String.Empty;

            if (recurseDir)
                cmdSwitch = " -r";             // do not remove space
            if (filesOnly)
                sourcePath = Path.Combine(sourcePath, "*");
            // CRITICAL spacing in cmdArgs
            var cmdArgs = String.Format(" a \"{0}\"{2} \"{1}\"", destinationPath, sourcePath, cmdSwitch);

            GeneralExtension.RunExternalExecutable(APP_7Z, true, true, true, cmdArgs);
        public static void Dds2Png(string sourcePath, string destinationPath = null, bool isQuiet = false)
            var cmdArgs = String.Empty;

            if (destinationPath == null)
                cmdArgs = String.Format(" -overwrite -out png \"{0}\"", sourcePath);
                cmdArgs = String.Format(" -overwrite -out png -o \"{1}\" \"{0}\"", sourcePath, destinationPath);

            if (isQuiet)
                cmdArgs = String.Format(" -quiet{0}", cmdArgs);

            GeneralExtension.RunExternalExecutable(APP_TOPNG, true, true, true, cmdArgs);
        public static void ExtractZip(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, bool overwriteExisting = true, bool runInBackground = true)
            var cmdSwitch = String.Empty;

            if (overwriteExisting)
                cmdSwitch = " -aoa";

            // CRITICAL spacing in cmdArgs ... there can be no space after "-o" or it doesn't work
            var cmdArgs = String.Format(" x \"{0}\"{2} -o\"{1}\"", sourcePath, destinationPath, cmdSwitch);

            if (runInBackground)
                GeneralExtension.RunExternalExecutable(APP_7Z, true, true, true, cmdArgs);
                GeneralExtension.RunExternalExecutable(APP_7Z, true, false, true, cmdArgs);
        public static void Ogg2Wav(string sourcePath, string destinationPath)
            var cmdArgs = String.Format(" -o \"{1}\" \"{0}\"", sourcePath, destinationPath);

            GeneralExtension.RunExternalExecutable(APP_OGGDEC, true, false, true, cmdArgs);
        public static void Ogg2Preview(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, long msLength = 30000, long msStart = 4000)
            var cmdArgs = String.Format(" -s {2} -l {3} \"{0}\" \"{1}\"", sourcePath, destinationPath, msStart, msLength);

            GeneralExtension.RunExternalExecutable(APP_OGGCUT, true, false, true, cmdArgs);
        public static void RepackPsarc(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, string targetPlatform)
            var cmdArgs = String.Format(" --pack --input=\"{0}\" --platform={2} --version=RS2014 --output=\"{1}\"", sourcePath, destinationPath, targetPlatform);

            GeneralExtension.RunExternalExecutable(Path.Combine(TOOLKIT_ROOT, "packer.exe"), true, true, true, cmdArgs);
        public static void Png2Dds(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, int xSize, int ySize)
            var cmdArgs = String.Format(" -file \"{0}\" -prescale {2} {3} -quality_highest -max -dxt5 -nomipmap -alpha -overwrite -output \"{1}\"", sourcePath, destinationPath, xSize, ySize);

            GeneralExtension.RunExternalExecutable(APP_NVDXT, true, true, true, cmdArgs);
        public static void PngFlipY(string sourcePath)
            var cmdArgs = String.Format("-overwrite -yflip \"{0}\"", sourcePath);

            GeneralExtension.RunExternalExecutable(APP_TOPNG, true, true, true, cmdArgs);