        private static void readVertexWeights(StreamReader stream, ModelData model)
            // Bone Weights
            model.bone_weights = new ModelData.BoneConnection[model.num_lvertices];

            int[] index = new int[4];
            for (UInt32 i = 0; i < model.num_lvertices; ++i)
            ASSERT_DELIMETER( stream, "(");
            index[0] = Convert.ToInt32(readWord(stream));
            model.bone_weights[i].boneweight_1 = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            index[1] = Convert.ToInt32(readWord(stream));
            model.bone_weights[i].boneweight_1 = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            index[2] = Convert.ToInt32(readWord(stream));
            model.bone_weights[i].boneweight_1 = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            index[3] = Convert.ToInt32(readWord(stream));
            model.bone_weights[i].boneweight_1 = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));

            model.bone_weights[i].boneid_1 = (byte)index[0];
            model.bone_weights[i].boneid_2 = (byte)index[1];
            model.bone_weights[i].boneid_3 = (byte)index[2];
            model.bone_weights[i].boneid_4 = (byte)index[3];
            ASSERT_DELIMETER( stream, ")");
        private static void readVertexLightNormals(StreamReader stream, ModelData model)
            // Lighting Normals
            model.lighting_normal = new ModelData.Vector3[model.num_dvertices];

            for (uint i = 0; i < model.num_dvertices; ++i)
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, "(");
            model.lighting_normal[i].x = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            model.lighting_normal[i].y = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            model.lighting_normal[i].z = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, ")");
        private static void readVertexUvs(StreamReader stream, ModelData model)
            // Texture UVs
            model.texture_uvs = new ModelData.Vector2[model.num_dvertices];

            for (uint i = 0; i < model.num_dvertices; ++i)
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, "(");
            model.texture_uvs[i].u = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            model.texture_uvs[i].v = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, ")");
        // ----==== Logical Vertex Data ====---- //
        private static void readVertexGeometry(StreamReader stream, ModelData model)
            // Position Data
            model.position = new ModelData.Vector3[model.num_lvertices];

            for (UInt32 i = 0; i < model.num_lvertices; ++i)
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, "(");
            model.position[i].x = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            model.position[i].y = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            model.position[i].z = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, ")");
        // ----==== Drawing Vertex Data ====---- //
        private static void readVertexIds(StreamReader stream, ModelData model)
            // Indexes of the Logical Vertex the Drawn Vertices are linked to
            model.drawn_index = new UInt16[model.num_dvertices];

            for (uint i = 0; i < model.num_dvertices; ++i)
            model.drawn_index[i] = Convert.ToUInt16(readWord(stream));
        private static void readTriangleData(StreamReader stream, ModelData model)
            // Triangle indices and normals
            uint i;

            i = Convert.ToUInt32( readWord(stream));
            if (i > 0xffff) throw new Exception("Too many Triangles: " + i);
            model.num_triangles = (UInt16)i;

            model.drawn_triangles = new ModelData.Triangle[model.num_triangles];
            model.collision_triangles = new ModelData.Triangle[model.num_triangles];
            model.ctriangle_normals = new ModelData.Vector3[model.num_triangles];

            for( i = 0; i < model.num_triangles; ++i)
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, "(");
            model.drawn_triangles[i].id_1 = Convert.ToUInt16(readWord(stream));
            model.drawn_triangles[i].id_2 = Convert.ToUInt16(readWord(stream));
            model.drawn_triangles[i].id_3 = Convert.ToUInt16(readWord(stream));
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, ")");
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, "(");
            model.ctriangle_normals[i].x = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            model.ctriangle_normals[i].y = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            model.ctriangle_normals[i].z = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, ")");

            // Fill the collision triangles with appropriate data
            model.collision_triangles[i].id_1 = model.drawn_index[model.drawn_triangles[i].id_1];
            model.collision_triangles[i].id_2 = model.drawn_index[model.drawn_triangles[i].id_2];
            model.collision_triangles[i].id_3 = model.drawn_index[model.drawn_triangles[i].id_3];
        private static void readVertexCollisionNormals(StreamReader stream, ModelData model)
            // Collision Normals
            model.collision_normal = new ModelData.Vector3[model.num_lvertices];

            for (UInt32 i = 0; i < model.num_lvertices; ++i)
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, "(");
            model.collision_normal[i].x = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            model.collision_normal[i].y = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            model.collision_normal[i].z = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, ")");
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the Bone structure from the stream (bone structure contains
        /// Bone tree hierarchy and the transformation matrix corresponding
        /// to the bone's default position/orientation).
        /// </summary>
        private static void loadBoneStructure(BinaryReader stream, ModelData model)
            model.inv_bone_matrices = new ModelData.BoneMatrix[model.num_bones];
            model.bone_parents = new byte[model.num_bones];

            for (byte i = 0; i < model.num_bones; ++i)
            model.bone_parents[i] = stream.ReadByte();

            for (byte i = 0; i < model.num_bones; ++i)
            model.inv_bone_matrices[i].a = new float[4, 4];
            for (byte col = 0; col < 4; ++col)
                for (byte row = 0; row < 4; ++row)
                    model.inv_bone_matrices[i].a[row, col] = stream.ReadSingle();
        private static void readFCurve(StreamReader stream, ModelData.Animation animation, byte bone, string id)
            int index;
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, id);

            index = Array.IndexOf(anim_types, id);

            for (int j = 0; j < animation.num_keys; ++j)
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, "(");
            animation.bone_animations[bone].key_states[j].handles[index].center = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            readWord(stream);   // Ignored
            animation.bone_animations[bone].key_states[j].handles[index].left = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            readWord(stream);   // Ignored
            animation.bone_animations[bone].key_states[j].handles[index].right= Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, ")");
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a single animation from the stream (an animation contains 
        /// a timeline containing key frames, and keys at each point for each
        /// bone corresponding to their position and rotation at that frame).
        /// </summary>
        private static void loadAnimation(BinaryReader stream, ModelData model)
            ModelData.Animation animation = model.animations.Last();

            // Read the number of keys in the animation, and set up the structures
            animation.num_keys = stream.ReadUInt16();
            animation.keyframes = new float[animation.num_keys];
            animation.bone_animations = new ModelData.BoneAnimation[model.num_bones];

            for (uint i = 0; i < model.num_bones; ++i)
            animation.bone_animations[i].key_states = new ModelData.AnimationKey[animation.num_keys];

            for( uint j = 0; j < animation.num_keys; ++j)
                animation.bone_animations[i].key_states[j].handles = new ModelData.BezierHandle[10];

            // Read the time frames for each key frame.
            for (uint key = 0; key < animation.num_keys; ++key)
            animation.keyframes[key] = stream.ReadSingle();

            // Read the keys for each bone and each key type
            // 10 Key types are position (x,y,z), rotation (w,x,y,z), and scale (x,y,z)
            foreach(ModelData.BoneAnimation bone in animation.bone_animations)
            foreach(ModelData.AnimationKey key in bone.key_states)
                for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                    key.handles[i].center = stream.ReadSingle();
                    key.handles[i].left = stream.ReadSingle();
                    key.handles[i].right = stream.ReadSingle();
        // ----==== Bone Structure ====---- //
        private static void loadBoneStructure(StreamReader stream, ModelData model)
            uint i, row, col;

            model.bone_parents = new byte[model.num_bones];
            model.inv_bone_matrices = new ModelData.BoneMatrix[model.num_bones];

            for (i = 0; i < model.num_bones; ++i)
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, "[");
            readWord(stream);   // ignored
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, "<-");
            model.bone_parents[i] = Convert.ToByte(readWord(stream));
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, "]");

            for (i = 0; i < model.num_bones; ++i)
            // Really, just a terrible language
            model.inv_bone_matrices[i].a = new float[4, 4];

            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, "[");
            for (col = 0; col < 4; ++col)
                for (row = 0; row < 4; ++row)
                    model.inv_bone_matrices[i].a[row, col] = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, "]");
        private static void loadAnimation(StreamReader stream, ModelData model)
            byte current_bone;
            uint i,j;
            ModelData.Animation current_animation = model.animations.Last();

            current_animation.num_keys = Convert.ToUInt16(readWord(stream));
            current_animation.keyframes = new float[current_animation.num_keys];
            current_animation.bone_animations = new ModelData.BoneAnimation[model.num_bones];

            for (i = 0; i < model.num_bones; ++i)
            current_animation.bone_animations[i].key_states = new ModelData.AnimationKey[current_animation.num_keys];

            // Read the keyframe positions
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, "{");
            for (i = 0; i < current_animation.num_keys; ++i)
            current_animation.keyframes[i] = Convert.ToSingle(readWord(stream));

            for (j = 0; j < model.num_bones; ++j)
                current_animation.bone_animations[j].key_states[i].handles = new ModelData.BezierHandle[10];
            ASSERT_DELIMETER(stream, "}");

            // Read fcurve data
            for (i = 0; i < model.num_bones; ++i)
            current_bone = Convert.ToByte( readWord(stream));

            // Does it really matter if it's unnordered?
            // For now I will trust past me and not mess with it
            if( current_bone != i)
                throw new Exception(ControlStrings.ErrorBoneMissing);

            // Forced Order
            foreach( string anim_type in anim_types)
                readFCurve(stream, current_animation, current_bone, anim_type);
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports a Model stored in RSM Verbose format.  Assumes that the stream 
        /// has already seeked past the first 8 bytes and validated the header.
        /// </summary>
        private static ModelData importVerboseModel(StreamReader stream)
            ModelData model = new ModelData();
            string word;
            int int_buffer;

            // Initialize default
            model.has_uvs = true;
            model.num_animations = 0;

            // Read Header
            int_buffer = Convert.ToInt32(readWord(stream));
            if (int_buffer > 0x9999)
                throw new Exception("" + int_buffer);
            model.num_lvertices = (UInt16)int_buffer;

            int_buffer = Convert.ToInt32(readWord(stream));
            if (int_buffer > 0x9999)
                throw new Exception(ControlStrings.ErrorNumVerts + int_buffer);
            model.num_dvertices = (UInt16)int_buffer;

            int_buffer = Convert.ToInt32(readWord(stream));
            if (int_buffer > ModelData.MAX_BONES)
                throw new Exception(ControlStrings.ErrorNumBones + int_buffer);
            model.num_bones = (byte)int_buffer;

            // Go through each segment, determine what it is, and load it.
            while (true)
                word = readWord(stream);

                if (stream.EndOfStream)
                if (word == "")

                if (word == "vertex_geometry")
                    readVertexGeometry(stream, model);
                else if (word == "vertex_collision_normals")
                    readVertexCollisionNormals(stream, model);
                else if (word == "vertex_weights")
                    readVertexWeights(stream, model);
                else if (word == "vertex_ids")
                    readVertexIds(stream, model);
                else if (word == "vertex_light_normals")
                    readVertexLightNormals(stream, model);
                else if (word == "vertex_uvs")
                    model.has_uvs = true;
                    readVertexUvs(stream, model);
                else if (word == "bone_structure")
                    loadBoneStructure(stream, model);
                else if (word == "triangle_data")
                    readTriangleData(stream, model);
                else if (word == "animation_data")
                    model.animations.Add(new ModelData.Animation());
                    loadAnimation(stream, model);
                    throw new Exception( ControlStrings.ErrorFlag + word);

            catch (Exception ex)
            model = null;

            return model;
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports a Model stored in RSM Compressed format.  Assumes that the stream 
        /// has already seeked past the first 8 bytes and validated the header.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// For more information on the RSMc format, see documentation.
        /// </remarks>
        private static ModelData importCompressedModel(BinaryReader stream)
            ModelData model = new ModelData();

            // :::: Header Data
            byte flags = stream.ReadByte();

            model.has_uvs = ((flags & 0x01) != 0);
            model.drawn = ((flags & 0x02) != 0);
            model.collision = ((flags & 0x04) != 0);

            model.num_lvertices = stream.ReadUInt16();

            if (model.drawn)
                model.num_dvertices = stream.ReadUInt16();
                model.num_bones = stream.ReadByte();
                model.num_animations = stream.ReadUInt16();

                // Bone Structure
                loadBoneStructure( stream, model);

            // :::: Logical (geometric) model data
            if ( model.collision)
                model.position = new ModelData.Vector3[model.num_lvertices];
                model.collision_normal = new ModelData.Vector3[model.num_lvertices];

                for (uint i = 0; i < model.num_lvertices; ++i)
                    model.position[i].x = stream.ReadSingle();
                    model.position[i].y = stream.ReadSingle();
                    model.position[i].z = stream.ReadSingle();

                    model.collision_normal[i].x = stream.ReadSingle();
                    model.collision_normal[i].y = stream.ReadSingle();
                    model.collision_normal[i].z = stream.ReadSingle();
                model.num_lvertices = model.num_dvertices;
                model.position = new ModelData.Vector3[model.num_dvertices];

            // :::: Drawing model data
            if (model.drawn)
                model.drawn_index = new UInt16[model.num_dvertices];
                model.lighting_normal = new ModelData.Vector3[model.num_dvertices];

                if (model.has_uvs)
                    model.texture_uvs = new ModelData.Vector2[model.num_dvertices];
                if (model.num_bones > 0)
                    model.bone_weights = new ModelData.BoneConnection[model.num_dvertices];

                for (uint i = 0; i < model.num_dvertices; ++i)

                    if (!model.collision)
                        // Read position from drawn vertex data (only if there
                        //  is no collision data)
                        model.position[i].x = stream.ReadSingle();
                        model.position[i].y = stream.ReadSingle();
                        model.position[i].z = stream.ReadSingle();
                        model.drawn_index[i] = (ushort)i;
                        // Read the index which the drawn vertex is linked to
                        model.drawn_index[i] = stream.ReadUInt16();

                    model.lighting_normal[i].x = stream.ReadSingle();
                    model.lighting_normal[i].y = stream.ReadSingle();
                    model.lighting_normal[i].z = stream.ReadSingle();

                    if (model.has_uvs)
                        // Texture coordinates
                        model.texture_uvs[i].u = stream.ReadSingle();
                        model.texture_uvs[i].v = stream.ReadSingle();

                    if (model.num_bones != 0)
                        // Bone Weights
                        int index = model.drawn_index[i];
                        model.bone_weights[index].boneid_1 = stream.ReadByte();
                        model.bone_weights[index].boneid_2 = stream.ReadByte();
                        model.bone_weights[index].boneid_3 = stream.ReadByte();
                        model.bone_weights[index].boneid_4 = stream.ReadByte();
                        model.bone_weights[index].boneweight_1 = stream.ReadSingle();
                        model.bone_weights[index].boneweight_2 = stream.ReadSingle();
                        model.bone_weights[index].boneweight_3 = stream.ReadSingle();
                        model.bone_weights[index].boneweight_4 = stream.ReadSingle();

            // :::: Index Data
            model.num_triangles = stream.ReadUInt16();
            if (model.collision)
                model.collision_triangles = new ModelData.Triangle[model.num_triangles];
                model.ctriangle_normals = new ModelData.Vector3[model.num_triangles];
            if (model.drawn)
                model.drawn_triangles = new ModelData.Triangle[model.num_triangles];

            for (uint i = 0; i < model.num_triangles; ++i)
                if (model.collision)
                    // Collision Triangles
                    model.collision_triangles[i].id_1 = stream.ReadUInt16();
                    model.collision_triangles[i].id_2 = stream.ReadUInt16();
                    model.collision_triangles[i].id_3 = stream.ReadUInt16();

                    model.ctriangle_normals[i].x = stream.ReadSingle();
                    model.ctriangle_normals[i].y = stream.ReadSingle();
                    model.ctriangle_normals[i].z = stream.ReadSingle();
                if (model.drawn)
                    // Drawn Triangles
                    model.drawn_triangles[i].id_1 = stream.ReadUInt16();
                    model.drawn_triangles[i].id_2 = stream.ReadUInt16();
                    model.drawn_triangles[i].id_3 = stream.ReadUInt16();

            // :::: Animation Data
            if (model.drawn)
                for (uint i = 0; i < model.num_animations; ++i)
                    model.animations.Add(new ModelData.Animation());

                    loadAnimation( stream, model);

            catch (ArithmeticException ex)
            model = null;

            return model;
        /// <summary>
        /// Throws the model data away and clear the statistics.
        /// </summary>
        public void disassosiateData()
            data = null;
            collision = false;
            drawn = false;

            num_animations = 0;
            num_bones = 0;
            num_dvertices = 0;
            num_lvertices = 0;
            num_triangles = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Assosciates an already-loaded Model with the given Model container.
        /// </summary>
        public void assosciateData( ModelData model_data)
            if (data != model_data)
            context.file_changed = true;

            data = model_data;


            collision = model_data.collision;
            drawn = model_data.drawn;

            num_animations = model_data.num_animations;
            num_bones = model_data.num_bones;
            num_dvertices = model_data.num_dvertices;
            num_lvertices = model_data.num_lvertices;
            num_triangles = model_data.num_triangles;

            if (data != null)
            data_location = DataLocation.Memory;