public void Start() { Instance = this; bool autoSaveEnabled = true; //U.Settings.Instance.AutomaticSave.Enabled; // ReSharper disable once ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse // ReSharper disable once HeuristicUnreachableCode if (!autoSaveEnabled) { return; } int i = 300; //;U.Settings.Instance.AutomaticSave.Interval; if (i < interval) { logger.LogError("AutomaticSave interval must be atleast 30 seconds, changed to 30 seconds"); } else { interval = i; } logger.LogInformation("This server will automatically save every {0} seconds", interval); RestartTimer(); }
private void Start() { Instance = this; if (U.Settings.Instance.AutomaticSave.Enabled) { if (U.Settings.Instance.AutomaticSave.Interval < interval) { Core.Logging.Logger.LogError("AutomaticSave interval must be atleast 30 seconds, changed to 30 seconds"); } else { interval = U.Settings.Instance.AutomaticSave.Interval; } Core.Logging.Logger.Log(string.Format("This server will automatically save every {0} seconds", interval)); restartTimer(); } }
private void Start() { Instance = this; if (U.Settings.Instance.AutomaticSave.Enabled) { if(U.Settings.Instance.AutomaticSave.Interval < interval) { Core.Logging.Logger.LogError("AutomaticSave interval must be atleast 30 seconds, changed to 30 seconds"); } else { interval = U.Settings.Instance.AutomaticSave.Interval; } Core.Logging.Logger.Log(String.Format("This server will automatically save every {0} seconds", interval)); restartTimer(); } }