Inheritance: IBotResponse
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            const string username = "******";
            const string password = "******";
            const string rocketServerUrl = "dev0:3000"; // just the host and port
            const bool useSsl = false; // Basically use ws or wss.
            // Create the bot - an abstraction of the driver
            RocketChatBot bot = new RocketChatBot(rocketServerUrl, useSsl);

            // Connect to Rocket.Chat
            await bot.ConnectAsync();

            // Login
            ILoginOption loginOption = new EmailLoginOption
                Email = username,
                Password = password
            await bot.LoginAsync(loginOption);

            // Start listening for messages
            await bot.SubscribeAsync();

            // Add possible responses to be checked in order
            // This is not thead safe, FYI 
            IBotResponse giphyResponse = new GiphyResponse();

            // And that's it
            // Checkout GiphyResponse in the example project for more info.
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            const string username        = "******";
            const string password        = "******";
            const string rocketServerUrl = "dev0:3000"; // just the host and port
            const bool   useSsl          = false;       // Basically use ws or wss.

            // Create the bot - an abstraction of the driver
            RocketChatBot bot = new RocketChatBot(rocketServerUrl, useSsl);

            // Connect to Rocket.Chat
            await bot.ConnectAsync();

            // Login
            ILoginOption loginOption = new EmailLoginOption
                Email    = username,
                Password = password
            await bot.LoginAsync(loginOption);

            // Start listening for messages
            await bot.SubscribeAsync();

            // Add possible responses to be checked in order
            // This is not thead safe, FYI
            IBotResponse giphyResponse = new GiphyResponse();


            // And that's it
            // Checkout GiphyResponse in the example project for more info.
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            const string username        = "******";
            const string password        = "******";
            const string rocketServerUrl = "dev0:3000"; // just the host and port
            const bool   useSsl          = false;       // Basically use ws or wss.

            // Basic logger
            ILogger logger = new ConsoleLogger();

            // Create the rocket driver - will connect the the server using websockets
            _driver = new RocketChatDriver(rocketServerUrl, useSsl, logger);

            // Request connection to Rocket.Chat
            await _driver.ConnectAsync();

            // Login with a email address (opposed to logging in with LDAP or Username)
            await _driver.LoginWithEmailAsync(username, password);

            // Most rooms have a GUID - GENERAL is always called GENERAL
            string roomId = await _driver.GetRoomIdAsync("GENERAL");

            // Join the room if not already joined
            await _driver.JoinRoomAsync(roomId);

            // Start listening for messages
            // Don't specify a roomId if you want to listen on all channels
            await _driver.SubscribeToRoomAsync(roomId);

            // Create the bot - an abstraction of the driver
            RocketChatBot bot = new RocketChatBot(_driver, logger);

            // Add possible responses to be checked in order
            // This is not thead safe, FYI
            IBotResponse giphyResponse = new GiphyResponse();


            // And that's it
            // Checkout GiphyResponse in the example project for more info.