        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the edit detail.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="htmlContent">Content of the HTML.</param>
        private void ShowEditDetail(HtmlContent htmlContent)
            if (htmlContent == null)
                htmlContent = new HtmlContent();

            int?maxVersion = GetMaxVersionOfHtmlContent();

            hfVersion.Value = htmlContent.Version.ToString();
            if (maxVersion.HasValue && maxVersion.Value != htmlContent.Version)
                lVersion.Text = string.Format("Version {0} <small>of {1}</small> | ", htmlContent.Version, maxVersion.Value);
                lVersion.Text = string.Format("Version {0} | ", htmlContent.Version);

            SetApprovalValues(htmlContent.IsApproved, htmlContent.ApprovedByPerson);

            drpDateRange.LowerValue = htmlContent.StartDateTime;
            drpDateRange.UpperValue = htmlContent.ExpireDateTime;
            htmlEditor.Text         = htmlContent.Content;
            ceHtml.Text             = htmlContent.Content;
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the edit detail.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="htmlContent">Content of the HTML.</param>
        private void ShowEditDetail( HtmlContent htmlContent )
            if ( htmlContent == null )
                htmlContent = new HtmlContent();

            int? maxVersion = GetMaxVersionOfHtmlContent();

            hfVersion.Value = htmlContent.Version.ToString();
            if ( maxVersion.HasValue && maxVersion.Value != htmlContent.Version )
                lVersion.Text = string.Format( "Version {0} <small>of {1}</small> | ", htmlContent.Version, maxVersion.Value );
                lVersion.Text = string.Format( "Version {0} | ", htmlContent.Version );

            SetApprovalValues( htmlContent.IsApproved, htmlContent.ApprovedByPerson );

            drpDateRange.LowerValue = htmlContent.StartDateTime;
            drpDateRange.UpperValue = htmlContent.ExpireDateTime;
            htmlEditor.Text = htmlContent.Content;
            ceHtml.Text = htmlContent.Content;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            bool supportVersioning = GetAttributeValue( "SupportVersions" ).AsBoolean();
            bool requireApproval = GetAttributeValue( "RequireApproval" ).AsBoolean();
            HtmlContentService htmlContentService = new HtmlContentService();

            // get settings
            string entityValue = EntityValue();

            // get current content
            int version = hfVersion.ValueAsInt();
            HtmlContent htmlContent = htmlContentService.GetByBlockIdAndEntityValueAndVersion( this.BlockId, entityValue, version );

            // if the existing content changed, and the overwrite option was not checked, create a new version
            string newContent = ceHtml.Visible ? ceHtml.Text : htmlEditor.Text;

            if ( htmlContent != null && supportVersioning && htmlContent.Content != newContent && !cbOverwriteVersion.Checked )
                htmlContent = null;

            // if a record doesn't exist then create one
            if ( htmlContent == null )
                htmlContent = new HtmlContent();
                htmlContent.BlockId = this.BlockId;
                htmlContent.EntityValue = entityValue;

                if ( supportVersioning )
                    int? maxVersion = GetMaxVersionOfHtmlContent();

                    htmlContent.Version = maxVersion.HasValue ? maxVersion.Value + 1 : 1;
                    htmlContent.Version = 1;

                htmlContentService.Add( htmlContent, CurrentPersonId );

            htmlContent.StartDateTime = drpDateRange.LowerValue;
            htmlContent.ExpireDateTime = drpDateRange.UpperValue;

            if ( !requireApproval || IsUserAuthorized( "Approve" ) )
                htmlContent.IsApproved = !requireApproval || hfApprovalStatus.Value.AsBoolean();
                if ( htmlContent.IsApproved )
                    int personId = hfApprovalStatusPersonId.ValueAsInt();
                    if ( personId > 0 )
                        htmlContent.ApprovedByPersonId = personId;
                        htmlContent.ApprovedDateTime = DateTime.Now;

            htmlContent.LastModifiedPersonId = this.CurrentPersonId;
            htmlContent.LastModifiedDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            htmlContent.Content = newContent;

            if ( htmlContentService.Save( htmlContent, CurrentPersonId ) )
                // flush cache content 
                this.FlushCacheItem( entityValue );

                // force the updatepanel for the view to update since we have two update panels and we only want the View to update when it is edited and Saved
                // TODO: service.ErrorMessages;
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the view.
        /// </summary>
        protected void ShowView()
            pnlEditModel.Visible = false;

            // prevent htmlEditor from using viewstate when not needed
            pnlEdit.EnableViewState = false;

            pnlEdit.Visible        = false;
            pnlVersionGrid.Visible = false;
            string entityValue = EntityValue();
            string html        = string.Empty;

            string cachedContent = HtmlContentService.GetCachedContent(this.BlockId, entityValue);

            // if content not cached load it from DB
            if (cachedContent == null)
                using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                    var         htmlContentService = new HtmlContentService(rockContext);
                    HtmlContent content            = htmlContentService.GetActiveContent(this.BlockId, entityValue);

                    if (content != null)
                        bool enableDebug = GetAttributeValue("EnableDebug").AsBoolean();

                        if (content.Content.HasMergeFields() || enableDebug)
                            var mergeFields = Rock.Web.Cache.GlobalAttributesCache.GetMergeFields(CurrentPerson);
                            if (CurrentPerson != null)
                                // TODO: When support for "Person" is not supported anymore (should use "CurrentPerson" instead), remove this line
                                mergeFields.Add("Person", CurrentPerson);
                                mergeFields.Add("CurrentPerson", CurrentPerson);

                            mergeFields.Add("Campuses", CampusCache.All());
                            mergeFields.Add("PageParameter", PageParameters());
                            mergeFields.Add("CurrentPage", GetPageProperties());

                            var contextObjects = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                            foreach (var contextEntityType in RockPage.GetContextEntityTypes())
                                var contextEntity = RockPage.GetCurrentContext(contextEntityType);
                                if (contextEntity != null && contextEntity is DotLiquid.ILiquidizable)
                                    var type = Type.GetType(contextEntityType.AssemblyName ?? contextEntityType.Name);
                                    if (type != null)
                                        contextObjects.Add(type.Name, contextEntity);

                            if (contextObjects.Any())
                                mergeFields.Add("Context", contextObjects);

                            mergeFields.Add("RockVersion", Rock.VersionInfo.VersionInfo.GetRockProductVersionNumber());
                            mergeFields.Add("CurrentPersonCanEdit", IsUserAuthorized(Authorization.EDIT));
                            mergeFields.Add("CurrentPersonCanAdministrate", IsUserAuthorized(Authorization.ADMINISTRATE));

                            html = content.Content.ResolveMergeFields(mergeFields);

                            // show merge fields if enable debug true
                            if (enableDebug && IsUserAuthorized(Authorization.EDIT))
                                // TODO: When support for "Person" is not supported anymore (should use "CurrentPerson" instead), remove this line
                                html += mergeFields.lavaDebugInfo();
                            html = content.Content;
                        html = string.Empty;

                // Resolve any dynamic url references
                string appRoot   = ResolveRockUrl("~/");
                string themeRoot = ResolveRockUrl("~~/");
                html = html.Replace("~~/", themeRoot).Replace("~/", appRoot);

                // cache content
                int cacheDuration = GetAttributeValue("CacheDuration").AsInteger();
                if (cacheDuration > 0)
                    HtmlContentService.AddCachedContent(this.BlockId, entityValue, html, cacheDuration);
                html = cachedContent;

            // add content to the content window
            lHtmlContent.Text = html;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool supportVersioning = GetAttributeValue("SupportVersions").AsBoolean();
            bool requireApproval   = GetAttributeValue("RequireApproval").AsBoolean();

            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            HtmlContentService htmlContentService = new HtmlContentService(rockContext);

            // get settings
            string entityValue = EntityValue();

            // get current content
            int         version     = hfVersion.ValueAsInt();
            HtmlContent htmlContent = htmlContentService.GetByBlockIdAndEntityValueAndVersion(this.BlockId, entityValue, version);

            // get the content depending on which mode we are in (codeeditor or ckeditor)
            string newContent = ceHtml.Visible ? ceHtml.Text : htmlEditor.Text;

            //// create a new record only in the following situations:
            ////   - this is the first time this htmlcontent block got content (new block and edited for the first time)
            ////   - the content was changed, versioning is enabled, and OverwriteVersion is not checked

            // if the existing content changed, and the overwrite option was not checked, create a new version
            if (htmlContent != null)
                // Editing existing content. Check if content has changed
                if (htmlContent.Content != newContent)
                    // The content has changed (different than database). Check if versioning is enabled
                    if (supportVersioning && !cbOverwriteVersion.Checked)
                        //// versioning is enabled, and they didn't choose to overwrite
                        //// set to null so that we'll create a new record
                        htmlContent = null;

            // if a record doesn't exist then create one
            if (htmlContent == null)
                htmlContent             = new HtmlContent();
                htmlContent.BlockId     = this.BlockId;
                htmlContent.EntityValue = entityValue;

                if (supportVersioning)
                    int?maxVersion = GetMaxVersionOfHtmlContent();

                    htmlContent.Version = maxVersion.HasValue ? maxVersion.Value + 1 : 1;
                    htmlContent.Version = 1;


            htmlContent.StartDateTime  = drpDateRange.LowerValue;
            htmlContent.ExpireDateTime = drpDateRange.UpperValue;
            bool currentUserCanApprove = IsUserAuthorized("Approve");

            if (!requireApproval)
                // if this block doesn't require Approval, mark it as approved
                htmlContent.IsApproved         = true;
                htmlContent.ApprovedByPersonId = this.CurrentPersonId;
                htmlContent.ApprovedDateTime   = RockDateTime.Now;
                // if this block requires Approval, mark it as approved if the ApprovalStatus is still approved, or if the current user can approve
                htmlContent.IsApproved = (hfApprovalStatus.Value.AsBoolean()) || currentUserCanApprove;
                if (htmlContent.IsApproved)
                    int?personId = hfApprovalStatusPersonId.Value.AsInteger(false);
                    if (!personId.HasValue)
                        // if it wasn't approved, but the current user can approve, make the current user the approver
                        if (currentUserCanApprove)
                            personId = this.CurrentPersonId;

                    if (personId.HasValue)
                        htmlContent.ApprovedByPersonId = personId;
                        htmlContent.ApprovedDateTime   = RockDateTime.Now;

            htmlContent.Content = newContent;

            if (rockContext.SaveChanges() > 0)
                // flush cache content

                // TODO: service.ErrorMessages;
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the view.
        /// </summary>
        protected void ShowView()
            pnlEditModel.Visible = false;

            // prevent htmlEditor from using viewstate when not needed
            pnlEdit.EnableViewState = false;

            pnlEdit.Visible        = false;
            pnlVersionGrid.Visible = false;
            string entityValue = EntityValue();
            string html        = string.Empty;

            int    cacheDuration = GetAttributeValue("CacheDuration").AsInteger();
            string cachedContent = null;

            // only load from the cache if a cacheDuration was specified
            if (cacheDuration > 0)
                cachedContent = HtmlContentService.GetCachedContent(this.BlockId, entityValue);

            // if content not cached load it from DB
            if (cachedContent == null)
                using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                    var         htmlContentService = new HtmlContentService(rockContext);
                    HtmlContent content            = htmlContentService.GetActiveContent(this.BlockId, entityValue);

                    if (content != null)
                        if (content.Content.HasMergeFields())
                            var mergeFields = Rock.Lava.LavaHelper.GetCommonMergeFields(this.RockPage, this.CurrentPerson);
                            mergeFields.Add("CurrentPage", this.PageCache);

                            if (CurrentPerson != null)
                                // TODO: When support for "Person" is not supported anymore (should use "CurrentPerson" instead), remove this line
                                mergeFields.AddOrIgnore("Person", CurrentPerson);

                            mergeFields.Add("RockVersion", Rock.VersionInfo.VersionInfo.GetRockProductVersionNumber());
                            mergeFields.Add("CurrentPersonCanEdit", IsUserAuthorized(Authorization.EDIT));
                            mergeFields.Add("CurrentPersonCanAdministrate", IsUserAuthorized(Authorization.ADMINISTRATE));

                            html = content.Content.ResolveMergeFields(mergeFields, GetAttributeValue("EnabledLavaCommands"));
                            html = content.Content;
                        html = string.Empty;

                // Resolve any dynamic url references
                string appRoot   = ResolveRockUrl("~/");
                string themeRoot = ResolveRockUrl("~~/");
                html = html.Replace("~~/", themeRoot).Replace("~/", appRoot);

                // cache content
                if (cacheDuration > 0)
                    HtmlContentService.AddCachedContent(this.BlockId, entityValue, html, cacheDuration);
                html = cachedContent;

            // add content to the content window
            lHtmlContent.Text = html;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbQuickEdit control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        // Disable QuickEdit for v7
        //protected void lbQuickEdit_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
        //    ShowSettings();

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool supportVersioning = GetAttributeValue("SupportVersions").AsBoolean();
            bool requireApproval   = GetAttributeValue("RequireApproval").AsBoolean();

            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            HtmlContentService htmlContentService = new HtmlContentService(rockContext);

            // get settings
            string entityValue = EntityValue();

            // get current content
            int         version     = hfVersion.ValueAsInt();
            HtmlContent htmlContent = htmlContentService.GetByBlockIdAndEntityValueAndVersion(this.BlockId, entityValue, version);

            string newContent = htmlEditor.Text;

            // check if the new content is valid
            // NOTE: This is a limited check that will only warn of invalid HTML the first
            // time a user clicks the save button. Any errors encountered on the second runthrough
            // are assumed to be intentional.
            HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();


            if (doc.ParseErrors.Count() > 0 && !nbInvalidHtml.Visible)
                var           reasons = doc.ParseErrors.Select(r => r.Reason).ToList();
                StringBuilder sb      = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine("Warning: The HTML has the following errors:<ul>");
                foreach (var reason in reasons)
                    sb.AppendLine(String.Format("<li>{0}</li>", reason.EncodeHtml()));
                sb.AppendLine("</ul> <br/> If you wish to save anyway, click the save button again.");
                nbInvalidHtml.Text    = sb.ToString();
                nbInvalidHtml.Visible = true;

            //// create a new record only in the following situations:
            ////   - this is the first time this htmlcontent block got content (new block and edited for the first time)
            ////   - the content was changed, versioning is enabled, and OverwriteVersion is not checked

            // if the existing content changed, and the overwrite option was not checked, create a new version
            if (htmlContent != null)
                // Editing existing content. Check if content has changed
                if (htmlContent.Content != newContent)
                    // The content has changed (different than database). Check if versioning is enabled
                    if (supportVersioning && !cbOverwriteVersion.Checked)
                        //// versioning is enabled, and they didn't choose to overwrite
                        //// set to null so that we'll create a new record
                        htmlContent = null;

            // if a record doesn't exist then create one
            if (htmlContent == null)
                htmlContent             = new HtmlContent();
                htmlContent.BlockId     = this.BlockId;
                htmlContent.EntityValue = entityValue;

                if (supportVersioning)
                    int?maxVersion = GetMaxVersionOfHtmlContent();

                    htmlContent.Version = maxVersion.HasValue ? maxVersion.Value + 1 : 1;
                    htmlContent.Version = 1;


            htmlContent.StartDateTime  = drpDateRange.LowerValue;
            htmlContent.ExpireDateTime = drpDateRange.UpperValue;
            bool currentUserCanApprove = IsUserAuthorized("Approve");

            if (!requireApproval)
                // if this block doesn't require Approval, mark it as approved
                htmlContent.IsApproved = true;
                htmlContent.ApprovedByPersonAliasId = CurrentPersonAliasId;
                htmlContent.ApprovedDateTime        = RockDateTime.Now;
                // since this content requires Approval, mark it as approved ONLY if the current user can approve
                // and they set the hfApprovalStatus flag to true.
                if (currentUserCanApprove && hfApprovalStatus.Value.AsBoolean())
                    htmlContent.IsApproved = true;
                    htmlContent.ApprovedByPersonAliasId = CurrentPersonAliasId;
                    htmlContent.ApprovedDateTime        = RockDateTime.Now;
                    // if the content has changed
                    if (htmlContent.Content != newContent)
                        nbApprovalRequired.Visible = true;
                        htmlContent.IsApproved     = false;

            htmlContent.Content = newContent;


            // flush cache content
            HtmlContentService.FlushCachedContent(htmlContent.BlockId, htmlContent.EntityValue);

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            bool supportVersioning = GetAttributeValue( "SupportVersions" ).AsBoolean();
            bool requireApproval = GetAttributeValue( "RequireApproval" ).AsBoolean();

            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            HtmlContentService htmlContentService = new HtmlContentService( rockContext );

            // get settings
            string entityValue = EntityValue();

            // get current content
            int version = hfVersion.ValueAsInt();
            HtmlContent htmlContent = htmlContentService.GetByBlockIdAndEntityValueAndVersion( this.BlockId, entityValue, version );

            // get the content depending on which mode we are in (codeeditor or ckeditor)
            string newContent = ceHtml.Visible ? ceHtml.Text : htmlEditor.Text;

            //// create a new record only in the following situations:
            ////   - this is the first time this htmlcontent block got content (new block and edited for the first time)
            ////   - the content was changed, versioning is enabled, and OverwriteVersion is not checked

            // if the existing content changed, and the overwrite option was not checked, create a new version
            if (htmlContent != null)
                // Editing existing content. Check if content has changed
                if (htmlContent.Content != newContent)
                    // The content has changed (different than database). Check if versioning is enabled
                    if (supportVersioning && !cbOverwriteVersion.Checked)
                        //// versioning is enabled, and they didn't choose to overwrite
                        //// set to null so that we'll create a new record
                        htmlContent = null;

            // if a record doesn't exist then create one
            if ( htmlContent == null )
                htmlContent = new HtmlContent();
                htmlContent.BlockId = this.BlockId;
                htmlContent.EntityValue = entityValue;

                if ( supportVersioning )
                    int? maxVersion = GetMaxVersionOfHtmlContent();

                    htmlContent.Version = maxVersion.HasValue ? maxVersion.Value + 1 : 1;
                    htmlContent.Version = 1;

                htmlContentService.Add( htmlContent );

            htmlContent.StartDateTime = drpDateRange.LowerValue;
            htmlContent.ExpireDateTime = drpDateRange.UpperValue;
            bool currentUserCanApprove = IsUserAuthorized( "Approve" );

            if ( !requireApproval )
                // if this block doesn't require Approval, mark it as approved
                htmlContent.IsApproved = true;
                htmlContent.ApprovedByPersonAliasId = CurrentPersonAliasId;
                htmlContent.ApprovedDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                // since this content requires Approval, mark it as approved ONLY if the current user can approve
                // and they set the hfApprovalStatus flag to true.
                if ( currentUserCanApprove && hfApprovalStatus.Value.AsBoolean() )
                    htmlContent.IsApproved = true;
                    htmlContent.ApprovedByPersonAliasId = CurrentPersonAliasId;
                    htmlContent.ApprovedDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                    // if the content has changed
                    if ( htmlContent.Content != newContent )
                        nbApprovalRequired.Visible = true;
                        htmlContent.IsApproved = false;

            htmlContent.Content = newContent;


            // flush cache content
            HtmlContentService.FlushCachedContent( htmlContent.BlockId, htmlContent.EntityValue );

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            bool supportVersioning = GetAttributeValue( "SupportVersions" ).AsBoolean();
            bool requireApproval = GetAttributeValue( "RequireApproval" ).AsBoolean();

            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            HtmlContentService htmlContentService = new HtmlContentService( rockContext );

            // get settings
            string entityValue = EntityValue();

            // get current content
            int version = hfVersion.ValueAsInt();
            HtmlContent htmlContent = htmlContentService.GetByBlockIdAndEntityValueAndVersion( this.BlockId, entityValue, version );

            // get the content depending on which mode we are in (codeeditor or ckeditor)
            string newContent = ceHtml.Visible ? ceHtml.Text : htmlEditor.Text;

            // check if the new content is valid
            // NOTE: This is a limited check that will only warn of invalid HTML the first
            // time a user clicks the save button. Any errors encountered on the second runthrough
            // are assumed to be intentional.
            HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
            doc.LoadHtml( newContent );
            if ( doc.ParseErrors.Count() > 0 && !nbInvalidHtml.Visible )
                var reasons = doc.ParseErrors.Select( r => r.Reason ).ToList();
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine( "Warning: The HTML has the following errors:<ul>" );
                foreach ( var reason in reasons )
                    sb.AppendLine( String.Format( "<li>{0}</li>", reason.EncodeHtml() ) );
                sb.AppendLine( "</ul> <br/> If you wish to save anyway, click the save button again." );
                nbInvalidHtml.Text = sb.ToString();
                nbInvalidHtml.Visible = true;

            //// create a new record only in the following situations:
            ////   - this is the first time this htmlcontent block got content (new block and edited for the first time)
            ////   - the content was changed, versioning is enabled, and OverwriteVersion is not checked

            // if the existing content changed, and the overwrite option was not checked, create a new version
            if (htmlContent != null)
                // Editing existing content. Check if content has changed
                if (htmlContent.Content != newContent)
                    // The content has changed (different than database). Check if versioning is enabled
                    if (supportVersioning && !cbOverwriteVersion.Checked)
                        //// versioning is enabled, and they didn't choose to overwrite
                        //// set to null so that we'll create a new record
                        htmlContent = null;

            // if a record doesn't exist then create one
            if ( htmlContent == null )
                htmlContent = new HtmlContent();
                htmlContent.BlockId = this.BlockId;
                htmlContent.EntityValue = entityValue;

                if ( supportVersioning )
                    int? maxVersion = GetMaxVersionOfHtmlContent();

                    htmlContent.Version = maxVersion.HasValue ? maxVersion.Value + 1 : 1;
                    htmlContent.Version = 1;

                htmlContentService.Add( htmlContent );

            htmlContent.StartDateTime = drpDateRange.LowerValue;
            htmlContent.ExpireDateTime = drpDateRange.UpperValue;
            bool currentUserCanApprove = IsUserAuthorized( "Approve" );

            if ( !requireApproval )
                // if this block doesn't require Approval, mark it as approved
                htmlContent.IsApproved = true;
                htmlContent.ApprovedByPersonAliasId = CurrentPersonAliasId;
                htmlContent.ApprovedDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                // since this content requires Approval, mark it as approved ONLY if the current user can approve
                // and they set the hfApprovalStatus flag to true.
                if ( currentUserCanApprove && hfApprovalStatus.Value.AsBoolean() )
                    htmlContent.IsApproved = true;
                    htmlContent.ApprovedByPersonAliasId = CurrentPersonAliasId;
                    htmlContent.ApprovedDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                    // if the content has changed
                    if ( htmlContent.Content != newContent )
                        nbApprovalRequired.Visible = true;
                        htmlContent.IsApproved = false;

            htmlContent.Content = newContent;


            // flush cache content
            HtmlContentService.FlushCachedContent( htmlContent.BlockId, htmlContent.EntityValue );

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool supportVersioning = GetAttributeValue("SupportVersions").AsBoolean();
            bool requireApproval   = GetAttributeValue("RequireApproval").AsBoolean();
            HtmlContentService htmlContentService = new HtmlContentService();

            // get settings
            string entityValue = EntityValue();

            // get current content
            int         version     = hfVersion.ValueAsInt();
            HtmlContent htmlContent = htmlContentService.GetByBlockIdAndEntityValueAndVersion(this.BlockId, entityValue, version);

            // if the existing content changed, and the overwrite option was not checked, create a new version
            string newContent = ceHtml.Visible ? ceHtml.Text : htmlEditor.Text;

            if (htmlContent != null && supportVersioning && htmlContent.Content != newContent && !cbOverwriteVersion.Checked)
                htmlContent = null;

            // if a record doesn't exist then create one
            if (htmlContent == null)
                htmlContent             = new HtmlContent();
                htmlContent.BlockId     = this.BlockId;
                htmlContent.EntityValue = entityValue;

                if (supportVersioning)
                    int?maxVersion = GetMaxVersionOfHtmlContent();

                    htmlContent.Version = maxVersion.HasValue ? maxVersion.Value + 1 : 1;
                    htmlContent.Version = 1;

                htmlContentService.Add(htmlContent, CurrentPersonId);

            htmlContent.StartDateTime  = drpDateRange.LowerValue;
            htmlContent.ExpireDateTime = drpDateRange.UpperValue;

            if (!requireApproval || IsUserAuthorized("Approve"))
                htmlContent.IsApproved = !requireApproval || hfApprovalStatus.Value.AsBoolean();
                if (htmlContent.IsApproved)
                    int personId = hfApprovalStatusPersonId.ValueAsInt();
                    if (personId > 0)
                        htmlContent.ApprovedByPersonId = personId;
                        htmlContent.ApprovedDateTime   = DateTime.Now;

            htmlContent.LastModifiedPersonId = this.CurrentPersonId;
            htmlContent.LastModifiedDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            htmlContent.Content = newContent;

            if (htmlContentService.Save(htmlContent, CurrentPersonId))
                // flush cache content

                // force the updatepanel for the view to update since we have two update panels and we only want the View to update when it is edited and Saved
                // TODO: service.ErrorMessages;