private void BuildDynamicControls()
            // Get all the accounts grouped by campus
            if ( _campusAccounts == null )
                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                    _campusAccounts = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, string>>();

                    Guid contributionGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.TRANSACTION_TYPE_CONTRIBUTION.AsGuid();
                    var contributionAccountIds = new FinancialTransactionDetailService( rockContext )
                        .Where( d =>
                            d.Transaction != null &&
                            d.Transaction.TransactionTypeValue != null &&
                            d.Transaction.TransactionTypeValue.Guid.Equals( contributionGuid ) )
                        .Select( d => d.AccountId )

                    foreach ( var campusAccounts in new FinancialAccountService( rockContext )
                        .Where( a =>
                            a.IsActive &&
                            contributionAccountIds.Contains( a.Id ) )
                        .GroupBy( a => a.CampusId ?? 0 )
                        .Select( c => new
                            CampusId = c.Key,
                            Accounts = c.OrderBy( a => a.Name ).Select( a => new { a.Id, a.Name } ).ToList()
                        } ) )
                        _campusAccounts.Add( campusAccounts.CampusId, new Dictionary<int, string>() );
                        foreach ( var account in campusAccounts.Accounts )
                            _campusAccounts[campusAccounts.CampusId].Add( account.Id, account.Name );


            foreach( var campusId in _campusAccounts )
                var cbList = new RockCheckBoxList();
                cbList.ID = "cblAccounts" + campusId.Key.ToString();

                if ( campusId.Key > 0)
                    var campus = CampusCache.Read( campusId.Key );
                    cbList.Label = campus != null ? campus.Name + " Accounts" : "Campus " + campusId.Key.ToString();
                    cbList.Label = "Accounts";

                cbList.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Vertical;
                cbList.DataValueField = "Key";
                cbList.DataTextField = "Value";
                cbList.DataSource = campusId.Value;

                phAccounts.Controls.Add( cbList );
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the settings.
        /// </summary>
        private void ConfigureSettings()
            // toggle refine search view toggle button
            lbRefineSearch.Visible = GetAttributeValue( "ShowRefinedSearch" ).AsBoolean();

            // model selector
            var enabledModelIds = new List<int>();
            if ( GetAttributeValue( "EnabledModels" ).IsNotNullOrWhitespace() )
                enabledModelIds = GetAttributeValue( "EnabledModels" ).Split( ',' ).Select( int.Parse ).ToList();

            var entities = EntityTypeCache.All();
            var indexableEntities = entities.Where( i => i.IsIndexingSupported == true &&  enabledModelIds.Contains( i.Id )).ToList();

            cblModelFilter.DataTextField = "FriendlyName";
            cblModelFilter.DataValueField = "Id";
            cblModelFilter.DataSource = indexableEntities;

            cblModelFilter.Visible = GetAttributeValue( "ShowFilters" ).AsBoolean();

            // add dynamic filters
            if ( GetAttributeValue( "ShowRefinedSearch" ).AsBoolean() )
                foreach ( var entity in indexableEntities )
                    var entityType = entity.GetEntityType();

                    if ( SupportsIndexFieldFiltering( entityType ) )
                        var filterOptions = GetIndexFilterConfig( entityType );

                        RockCheckBoxList filterConfig = new RockCheckBoxList();
                        filterConfig.Label = filterOptions.FilterLabel;
                        filterConfig.CssClass = "js-entity-id-" + entity.Id.ToString();
                        filterConfig.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal;
                        filterConfig.Attributes.Add( "entity-id", entity.Id.ToString() );
                        filterConfig.Attributes.Add( "entity-filter-field", filterOptions.FilterField );
                        filterConfig.DataSource = filterOptions.FilterValues;

                        // set any selected values from the query string
                        if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PageParameter( filterOptions.FilterField ) ) )
                            List<string> selectedValues = PageParameter( filterOptions.FilterField ).Split( ',' ).ToList();

                            foreach(ListItem item in filterConfig.Items )
                                if ( selectedValues.Contains( item.Value ) )
                                    item.Selected = true;

                        if ( filterOptions.FilterValues.Count > 0 )
                            HtmlGenericContainer filterWrapper = new HtmlGenericContainer( "div", "col-md-6" );
                            filterWrapper.Controls.Add( filterConfig );
                            phFilters.Controls.Add( filterWrapper );

            // if only one model is selected then hide the type checkbox
            if (cblModelFilter.Items.Count == 1 )
                cblModelFilter.Visible = false;

            ddlSearchType.SelectedValue = GetAttributeValue( "SearchType" );

            // override the block setting if passed in the query string
            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( PageParameter( "SearchType" ) ) )
                ddlSearchType.SelectedValue = PageParameter( "SearchType" );

            // set setting values from query string
            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( PageParameter( "Models" ) ) )
                var queryStringModels = PageParameter( "Models" ).Split( ',' ).Select( s => s.Trim() ).ToList();

                foreach ( ListItem item in cblModelFilter.Items )
                    if ( queryStringModels.Contains( item.Value ) )
                        item.Selected = true;
                        item.Selected = false;

            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( PageParameter( "ItemsPerPage" ) ) )
                _itemsPerPage = PageParameter( "ItemsPerPage" ).AsInteger();

            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( PageParameter( "CurrentPage" ) ) )
                _currentPageNum = PageParameter( "CurrentPage" ).AsInteger();

            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( PageParameter( "RefinedSearch" ) ) )
                pnlRefineSearch.Visible = PageParameter( "RefinedSearch" ).AsBoolean();

                if ( pnlRefineSearch.Visible )
                    lbRefineSearch.Text = "Hide Refined Search";

            _itemsPerPage = GetAttributeValue( "ResultsPerPage" ).AsInteger();
        private void BuildDynamicControls()
            // Get all the accounts grouped by campus
            if ( _campusAccounts == null )
                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                    _campusAccounts = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, string>>();
                    foreach ( var campusAccounts in new FinancialAccountService( rockContext )
                        .Where( a => a.IsActive && a.IsTaxDeductible )
                        .GroupBy( a => a.CampusId ?? 0 )
                        .Select( c => new
                            CampusId = c.Key,
                            Accounts = c.OrderBy( a => a.Name ).Select( a => new { a.Id, a.Name } ).ToList()
                        } ) )
                        _campusAccounts.Add( campusAccounts.CampusId, new Dictionary<int, string>() );
                        foreach ( var account in campusAccounts.Accounts )
                            _campusAccounts[campusAccounts.CampusId].Add( account.Id, account.Name );


            foreach ( var campusId in _campusAccounts )
                var cbList = new RockCheckBoxList();
                cbList.ID = "cblAccounts" + campusId.Key.ToString();

                if ( campusId.Key > 0 )
                    var campus = CampusCache.Read( campusId.Key );
                    cbList.Label = campus != null ? campus.Name + " Accounts" : "Campus " + campusId.Key.ToString();
                    cbList.Label = "Accounts";

                cbList.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Vertical;
                cbList.DataValueField = "Key";
                cbList.DataTextField = "Value";
                cbList.DataSource = campusId.Value;

                phAccounts.Controls.Add( cbList );