            /// <summary>
            /// Called after the save operation has been executed
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// This method is only called if <see cref="M:Rock.Data.EntitySaveHook`1.PreSave" /> returns
            /// without error.
            /// </remarks>
            protected override void PostSave()
                if (PreSaveState == EntityContextState.Added)
                    // We don't need to wait for this to complete.
                    Task.Run(() => MediaElementService.TriggerPostSaveTasks(Entity.Id));

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the missing synced content channel items for all <see cref="MediaElement"/>
        /// items in the folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaFolderId">The media folder identifier.</param>
        public static void AddMissingSyncedContentChannelItems(int mediaFolderId)
            List <int> mediaElementIds;

            using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                var mediaFolder = new MediaFolderService(rockContext).Get(mediaFolderId);

                // If the folder wasn't found or syncing isn't enabled then exit early.
                if (mediaFolder == null || !mediaFolder.IsContentChannelSyncEnabled)

                var contentChannelId = mediaFolder.ContentChannelId;
                var attributeId      = mediaFolder.ContentChannelAttributeId;

                // If we don't have required information then exit early.
                if (!contentChannelId.HasValue || !attributeId.HasValue)

                // Build a query of all attribute values for the given attribute
                // that are not null or empty.
                var attributeValueQuery = new AttributeValueService(rockContext).Queryable()
                                          .Where(a => a.AttributeId == attributeId.Value && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Value));

                // Build a query of all content channel items for the channel.
                var contentChannelItemQuery = new ContentChannelItemService(rockContext).Queryable()
                                              .Where(i => i.ContentChannelId == contentChannelId.Value);

                // Join the two so we end up just content channel items that
                // have a non-null and non-empty attribute value. Finally
                // select just the value so we get a list of MediaElement Guid
                // values that have already been synced.
                var syncedMediaElementValues = contentChannelItemQuery.Join(attributeValueQuery, i => i.Id, v => v.EntityId, (i, v) => v.Value);

                // Our final query is to get all MediaElements that do not
                // exist in the previous query. That gives us a final list
                // of items that need to be synced still.
                mediaElementIds = new MediaElementService(rockContext).Queryable()
                                  .Where(e => e.MediaFolderId == mediaFolderId &&
                                  .Select(e => e.Id)

            // Add the content channel item for each media element.
            foreach (var mediaElementId in mediaElementIds)
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the synced content channel item for the media element by
        /// the given identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaElementId">The media element identifier.</param>
        public static void AddSyncedContentChannelItem(int mediaElementId)
            using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                var mediaElement = new MediaElementService(rockContext).Queryable()
                                   .Include(m => m.MediaFolder)
                                   .Include(m => m.MediaFolder.ContentChannel)
                                   .Where(m => m.Id == mediaElementId)

                AddSyncedContentChannelItem(mediaElement, rockContext);
        /// <summary>
        /// Triggers all the post-save tasks for a <see cref="MediaElement"/>
        /// that need to happen in a background task. This will load the
        /// <see cref="MediaElement"/> from the database to determine which
        /// specific tasks need to be executed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaElementId">The media element identifier.</param>
        internal static void TriggerPostSaveTasks(int mediaElementId)
            using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                var mediaElement = new MediaElementService(rockContext).Queryable()
                                   .Include(m => m.MediaFolder)
                                   .Include(m => m.MediaFolder.ContentChannel)
                                   .Where(m => m.Id == mediaElementId)

                AddSyncedContentChannelItem(mediaElement, rockContext);

                if (mediaElement.MediaFolder.WorkflowTypeId.HasValue)
                    mediaElement.LaunchWorkflow(mediaElement.MediaFolder.WorkflowTypeId, string.Empty, null, null);