        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            var txnService = new FinancialTransactionService( rockContext );
            var txnDetailService = new FinancialTransactionDetailService( rockContext );
            var txnImageService = new FinancialTransactionImageService( rockContext );
            var binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService( rockContext );

            FinancialTransaction txn = null;

            int? txnId = hfTransactionId.Value.AsIntegerOrNull();
            int? batchId = hfBatchId.Value.AsIntegerOrNull();

            if ( txnId.HasValue )
                txn = txnService.Get( txnId.Value );

            if ( txn == null && batchId.HasValue )
                txn = new FinancialTransaction();
                txnService.Add( txn );
                txn.BatchId = batchId.Value;

            if ( txn != null )
                txn.AuthorizedPersonId = ppAuthorizedPerson.PersonId;
                txn.TransactionDateTime = dtTransactionDateTime.SelectedDateTime;
                txn.TransactionTypeValueId = ddlTransactionType.SelectedValue.AsInteger();
                txn.SourceTypeValueId = ddlSourceType.SelectedValueAsInt();

                Guid? gatewayGuid = cpPaymentGateway.SelectedValueAsGuid();
                if ( gatewayGuid.HasValue )
                    var gatewayEntity = EntityTypeCache.Read( gatewayGuid.Value );
                    if ( gatewayEntity != null )
                        txn.GatewayEntityTypeId = gatewayEntity.Id;
                        txn.GatewayEntityTypeId = null;
                    txn.GatewayEntityTypeId = null;

                txn.TransactionCode = tbTransactionCode.Text;
                txn.CurrencyTypeValueId = ddlCurrencyType.SelectedValueAsInt();
                txn.CreditCardTypeValueId = ddlCreditCardType.SelectedValueAsInt();
                txn.Summary = tbSummary.Text;

                if ( !Page.IsValid || !txn.IsValid )

                foreach ( var txnDetail in TransactionDetailsState )
                    if ( !txnDetail.IsValid )

                foreach ( var txnImage in TransactionImagesState )
                    if ( !txnImage.IsValid )

                rockContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                    // Save the transaction

                    // Delete any transaction details that were removed
                    var txnDetailsInDB = txnDetailService.Queryable().Where( a => a.TransactionId.Equals( txn.Id ) ).ToList();
                    var deletedDetails = from txnDetail in txnDetailsInDB
                                         where !TransactionDetailsState.Select( d => d.Guid ).Contains( txnDetail.Guid )
                                         select txnDetail;
                    deletedDetails.ToList().ForEach( txnDetail =>
                        txnDetailService.Delete( txnDetail );
                    } );

                    // Save Transaction Details
                    foreach ( var editorTxnDetail in TransactionDetailsState )
                        // Add or Update the activity type
                        var txnDetail = txn.TransactionDetails.FirstOrDefault( d => d.Guid.Equals( editorTxnDetail.Guid ) );
                        if ( txnDetail == null )
                            txnDetail = new FinancialTransactionDetail();
                            txnDetail.Guid = editorTxnDetail.Guid;
                            txn.TransactionDetails.Add( txnDetail );
                        txnDetail.AccountId = editorTxnDetail.AccountId;
                        txnDetail.Amount = editorTxnDetail.Amount;
                        txnDetail.Summary = editorTxnDetail.Summary;

                    // Remove any images that do not have a binary file
                    foreach ( var txnImage in TransactionImagesState.Where( i => i.BinaryFileId == 0 ).ToList() )
                        TransactionImagesState.Remove( txnImage );

                    // Delete any transaction images that were removed
                    var txnImagesInDB = txnImageService.Queryable().Where( a => a.TransactionId.Equals( txn.Id ) ).ToList();
                    var deletedImages = from txnImage in txnImagesInDB
                                        where !TransactionImagesState.Select( d => d.Guid ).Contains( txnImage.Guid )
                                        select txnImage;
                    deletedImages.ToList().ForEach( txnImage =>
                        txnImageService.Delete( txnImage );
                    } );

                    // Save Transaction Images
                    foreach ( var editorTxnImage in TransactionImagesState )
                        // Add or Update the activity type
                        var txnImage = txn.Images.FirstOrDefault( d => d.Guid.Equals( editorTxnImage.Guid ) );
                        if ( txnImage == null )
                            txnImage = new FinancialTransactionImage();
                            txnImage.Guid = editorTxnImage.Guid;
                            txn.Images.Add( txnImage );
                        txnImage.BinaryFileId = editorTxnImage.BinaryFileId;
                        txnImage.TransactionImageTypeValueId = editorTxnImage.TransactionImageTypeValueId;

                    // Make sure updated binary files are not temporary
                    var savedBinaryFileIds = txn.Images.Select( i => i.BinaryFileId ).ToList();
                    foreach ( var binaryFile in binaryFileService.Queryable().Where( f => savedBinaryFileIds.Contains( f.Id ) ) )
                        binaryFile.IsTemporary = false;

                    // Delete any orphaned images
                    var orphanedBinaryFileIds = BinaryFileIds.Where( f => !savedBinaryFileIds.Contains( f ) );
                    foreach ( var binaryFile in binaryFileService.Queryable().Where( f => orphanedBinaryFileIds.Contains( f.Id ) ) )
                        binaryFileService.Delete( binaryFile );


                } );

                // Requery the batch to support EF navigation properties
                var savedTxn = GetTransaction( txn.Id );
                ShowReadOnlyDetails( savedTxn );
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            var txnService = new FinancialTransactionService( rockContext );
            var txnDetailService = new FinancialTransactionDetailService( rockContext );
            var txnImageService = new FinancialTransactionImageService( rockContext );
            var binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService( rockContext );

            FinancialTransaction txn = null;

            int? txnId = hfTransactionId.Value.AsIntegerOrNull();
            int? batchId = hfBatchId.Value.AsIntegerOrNull();

            var changes = new List<string>();

            if ( txnId.HasValue )
                txn = txnService.Get( txnId.Value );

            if ( txn == null )
                txn = new FinancialTransaction();
                txnService.Add( txn );
                txn.BatchId = batchId;
                changes.Add( "Created transaction" );

            if ( txn != null )
                if ( txn.FinancialPaymentDetail == null )
                    txn.FinancialPaymentDetail = new FinancialPaymentDetail();

                string newPerson = ppAuthorizedPerson.PersonName;

                if ( batchId.HasValue )
                    if ( !txn.AuthorizedPersonAliasId.Equals( ppAuthorizedPerson.PersonAliasId ) )
                        string prevPerson = ( txn.AuthorizedPersonAlias != null && txn.AuthorizedPersonAlias.Person != null ) ?
                            txn.AuthorizedPersonAlias.Person.FullName : string.Empty;
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Person", prevPerson, newPerson );

                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Date/Time", txn.TransactionDateTime, dtTransactionDateTime.SelectedDateTime );
                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Type", GetDefinedValue( txn.TransactionTypeValueId ), GetDefinedValue( ddlTransactionType.SelectedValue.AsInteger() ) );
                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Source", GetDefinedValue( txn.SourceTypeValueId ), GetDefinedValue( ddlSourceType.SelectedValueAsInt() ) );

                    if ( !txn.FinancialGatewayId.Equals( gpPaymentGateway.SelectedValueAsInt() ) )
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Gateway", GetFinancialGatewayName( txn.FinancialGatewayId, rockContext ), GetFinancialGatewayName( gpPaymentGateway.SelectedValueAsInt(), rockContext ) );

                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Transaction Code", txn.TransactionCode, tbTransactionCode.Text );
                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Currency Type", GetDefinedValue( txn.FinancialPaymentDetail.CurrencyTypeValueId ), GetDefinedValue( ddlCurrencyType.SelectedValueAsInt() ) );
                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Credit Card Type", GetDefinedValue( txn.FinancialPaymentDetail.CreditCardTypeValueId ), GetDefinedValue( ddlCreditCardType.SelectedValueAsInt() ) );
                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Summary", txn.Summary, tbSummary.Text );
                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Is Refund", ( txn.RefundDetails != null ), cbIsRefund.Checked );

                txn.AuthorizedPersonAliasId = ppAuthorizedPerson.PersonAliasId;
                txn.TransactionDateTime = dtTransactionDateTime.SelectedDateTime;
                txn.TransactionTypeValueId = ddlTransactionType.SelectedValue.AsInteger();
                txn.SourceTypeValueId = ddlSourceType.SelectedValueAsInt();
                txn.FinancialGatewayId = gpPaymentGateway.SelectedValueAsInt();
                txn.TransactionCode = tbTransactionCode.Text;
                txn.FinancialPaymentDetail.CurrencyTypeValueId = ddlCurrencyType.SelectedValueAsInt();
                txn.FinancialPaymentDetail.CreditCardTypeValueId = ddlCreditCardType.SelectedValueAsInt();

                txn.Summary = tbSummary.Text;

                decimal totalAmount = TransactionDetailsState.Select( d => d.Amount ).ToList().Sum();
                if ( cbIsRefund.Checked && totalAmount > 0 )
                    nbErrorMessage.Title = "Incorrect Refund Amount";
                    nbErrorMessage.Text = "<p>A refund should have a negative amount. Please unselect the refund option, or change amounts to be negative values.</p>";
                    nbErrorMessage.Visible = true;

                if ( cbIsRefund.Checked )
                    if ( txn.RefundDetails != null )
                        txn.RefundDetails = new FinancialTransactionRefund();
                    txn.RefundDetails.RefundReasonValueId = ddlRefundReasonEdit.SelectedValueAsId();
                    txn.RefundDetails.RefundReasonSummary = tbRefundSummaryEdit.Text;

                if ( !Page.IsValid || !txn.IsValid )

                foreach ( var txnDetail in TransactionDetailsState )
                    if ( !txnDetail.IsValid )

                rockContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                    // Save the transaction

                    // Delete any transaction details that were removed
                    var txnDetailsInDB = txnDetailService.Queryable().Where( a => a.TransactionId.Equals( txn.Id ) ).ToList();
                    var deletedDetails = from txnDetail in txnDetailsInDB
                                         where !TransactionDetailsState.Select( d => d.Guid ).Contains( txnDetail.Guid )
                                         select txnDetail;
                    deletedDetails.ToList().ForEach( txnDetail =>
                        if ( batchId.HasValue )
                            History.EvaluateChange( changes, txnDetail.Account != null ? txnDetail.Account.Name : "Unknown", txnDetail.Amount.FormatAsCurrency(), string.Empty );
                        txnDetailService.Delete( txnDetail );
                    } );

                    // Save Transaction Details
                    foreach ( var editorTxnDetail in TransactionDetailsState )
                        string oldAccountName = string.Empty;
                        string newAccountName = string.Empty;
                        decimal oldAmount = 0.0M;
                        decimal newAmount = 0.0M;

                        // Add or Update the activity type
                        var txnDetail = txn.TransactionDetails.FirstOrDefault( d => d.Guid.Equals( editorTxnDetail.Guid ) );
                        if ( txnDetail != null )
                            oldAccountName = AccountName( txnDetail.AccountId );
                            oldAmount = txnDetail.Amount;
                            txnDetail = new FinancialTransactionDetail();
                            txnDetail.Guid = editorTxnDetail.Guid;
                            txn.TransactionDetails.Add( txnDetail );

                        newAccountName = AccountName( editorTxnDetail.AccountId );
                        newAmount = UseSimpleAccountMode ? tbSingleAccountAmount.Text.AsDecimal() : editorTxnDetail.Amount;

                        if ( batchId.HasValue )
                            if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(oldAccountName) )
                                History.EvaluateChange( changes, newAccountName, string.Empty, newAmount.FormatAsCurrency() );
                                if ( oldAccountName == newAccountName )
                                    if ( oldAmount != newAmount )
                                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, oldAccountName, oldAmount.FormatAsCurrency(), newAmount.FormatAsCurrency() );
                                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, oldAccountName, oldAmount.FormatAsCurrency(), string.Empty );
                                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, newAccountName, string.Empty, newAmount.FormatAsCurrency() );

                        txnDetail.AccountId = editorTxnDetail.AccountId;
                        txnDetail.Amount = newAmount;
                        txnDetail.Summary = editorTxnDetail.Summary;

                        if ( editorTxnDetail.AttributeValues != null )
                            txnDetail.AttributeValues = editorTxnDetail.AttributeValues;
                            txnDetail.SaveAttributeValues( rockContext );

                    // Delete any transaction images that were removed
                    var orphanedBinaryFileIds = new List<int>();
                    var txnImagesInDB = txnImageService.Queryable().Where( a => a.TransactionId.Equals( txn.Id ) ).ToList();
                    foreach ( var txnImage in txnImagesInDB.Where( i => !TransactionImagesState.Contains( i.BinaryFileId ) ) )
                        changes.Add( "Removed Image" );
                        orphanedBinaryFileIds.Add( txnImage.BinaryFileId );
                        txnImageService.Delete( txnImage );

                    // Save Transaction Images
                    int imageOrder = 0;
                    foreach ( var binaryFileId in TransactionImagesState )
                        // Add or Update the activity type
                        var txnImage = txnImagesInDB.FirstOrDefault( i => i.BinaryFileId == binaryFileId );
                        if ( txnImage == null )
                            changes.Add( "Added Image" );
                            txnImage = new FinancialTransactionImage();
                            txnImage.TransactionId = txn.Id;
                            txn.Images.Add( txnImage );
                            if ( txnImage.BinaryFileId != binaryFileId )
                                changes.Add( "Updated Image" );

                        txnImage.BinaryFileId = binaryFileId;
                        txnImage.Order = imageOrder;


                    // Make sure updated binary files are not temporary
                    foreach ( var binaryFile in binaryFileService.Queryable().Where( f => TransactionImagesState.Contains( f.Id ) ) )
                        binaryFile.IsTemporary = false;

                    // Delete any orphaned images
                    foreach ( var binaryFile in binaryFileService.Queryable().Where( f => orphanedBinaryFileIds.Contains( f.Id ) ) )
                        binaryFileService.Delete( binaryFile );

                    // Update any attributes
                    Helper.GetEditValues(phAttributeEdits, txn);
                    Helper.GetEditValues(phPaymentAttributeEdits, txn.FinancialPaymentDetail);

                    // If the transaction is associated with a batch, update that batch's history
                    if ( batchId.HasValue )
                            typeof( FinancialBatch ),
                            !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( newPerson ) ? newPerson : string.Format( "Transaction Id:{0}", txn.Id ),
                            typeof( FinancialTransaction ),

                } );

                // Save selected options to session state in order to prefill values for next added txn
                Session["NewTxnDefault_BatchId"] = txn.BatchId;
                Session["NewTxnDefault_TransactionDateTime"] = txn.TransactionDateTime;
                Session["NewTxnDefault_TransactionType"] = txn.TransactionTypeValueId;
                Session["NewTxnDefault_SourceType"] = txn.SourceTypeValueId;
                Session["NewTxnDefault_CurrencyType"] = txn.FinancialPaymentDetail.CurrencyTypeValueId;
                Session["NewTxnDefault_CreditCardType"] = txn.FinancialPaymentDetail.CreditCardTypeValueId;
                if ( TransactionDetailsState.Count() == 1 )
                    Session["NewTxnDefault_Account"] = TransactionDetailsState.First().AccountId;

                // Requery the batch to support EF navigation properties
                var savedTxn = GetTransaction( txn.Id );
                if ( savedTxn != null )
                    ShowReadOnlyDetails( savedTxn );
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            var txnService = new FinancialTransactionService( rockContext );
            var txnDetailService = new FinancialTransactionDetailService( rockContext );
            var txnImageService = new FinancialTransactionImageService( rockContext );
            var binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService( rockContext );

            FinancialTransaction txn = null;

            int? txnId = hfTransactionId.Value.AsIntegerOrNull();
            int? batchId = hfBatchId.Value.AsIntegerOrNull();

            if ( txnId.HasValue )
                txn = txnService.Get( txnId.Value );

            if ( txn == null )
                txn = new FinancialTransaction();
                txnService.Add( txn );
                txn.BatchId = batchId;

            if ( txn != null )
                if ( ppAuthorizedPerson.PersonId.HasValue )
                    txn.AuthorizedPersonAliasId = ppAuthorizedPerson.PersonAliasId;

                txn.TransactionDateTime = dtTransactionDateTime.SelectedDateTime;
                txn.TransactionTypeValueId = ddlTransactionType.SelectedValue.AsInteger();
                txn.SourceTypeValueId = ddlSourceType.SelectedValueAsInt();

                Guid? gatewayGuid = cpPaymentGateway.SelectedValueAsGuid();
                if ( gatewayGuid.HasValue )
                    var gatewayEntity = EntityTypeCache.Read( gatewayGuid.Value );
                    if ( gatewayEntity != null )
                        txn.GatewayEntityTypeId = gatewayEntity.Id;
                        txn.GatewayEntityTypeId = null;
                    txn.GatewayEntityTypeId = null;

                txn.TransactionCode = tbTransactionCode.Text;
                txn.CurrencyTypeValueId = ddlCurrencyType.SelectedValueAsInt();
                txn.CreditCardTypeValueId = ddlCreditCardType.SelectedValueAsInt();
                txn.Summary = tbSummary.Text;

                if ( !Page.IsValid || !txn.IsValid )

                foreach ( var txnDetail in TransactionDetailsState )
                    if ( !txnDetail.IsValid )

                rockContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                    // Save the transaction

                    // Delete any transaction details that were removed
                    var txnDetailsInDB = txnDetailService.Queryable().Where( a => a.TransactionId.Equals( txn.Id ) ).ToList();
                    var deletedDetails = from txnDetail in txnDetailsInDB
                                         where !TransactionDetailsState.Select( d => d.Guid ).Contains( txnDetail.Guid )
                                         select txnDetail;
                    deletedDetails.ToList().ForEach( txnDetail =>
                        txnDetailService.Delete( txnDetail );
                    } );

                    // Save Transaction Details
                    foreach ( var editorTxnDetail in TransactionDetailsState )
                        // Add or Update the activity type
                        var txnDetail = txn.TransactionDetails.FirstOrDefault( d => d.Guid.Equals( editorTxnDetail.Guid ) );
                        if ( txnDetail == null )
                            txnDetail = new FinancialTransactionDetail();
                            txnDetail.Guid = editorTxnDetail.Guid;
                            txn.TransactionDetails.Add( txnDetail );
                        txnDetail.AccountId = editorTxnDetail.AccountId;
                        txnDetail.Amount = UseSimpleAccountMode ? tbSingleAccountAmount.Text.AsDecimal() : editorTxnDetail.Amount;
                        txnDetail.Summary = editorTxnDetail.Summary;

                    // Delete any transaction images that were removed
                    var orphanedBinaryFileIds = new List<int>();
                    var txnImagesInDB = txnImageService.Queryable().Where( a => a.TransactionId.Equals( txn.Id ) ).ToList();
                    foreach ( var txnImage in txnImagesInDB.Where( i => !TransactionImagesState.Contains( i.BinaryFileId ) ) )
                        orphanedBinaryFileIds.Add( txnImage.BinaryFileId );
                        txnImageService.Delete( txnImage );

                    // Save Transaction Images
                    int imageOrder = 0;
                    foreach ( var binaryFileId in TransactionImagesState )
                        // Add or Update the activity type
                        var txnImage = txnImagesInDB.FirstOrDefault( i => i.BinaryFileId == binaryFileId );
                        if ( txnImage == null )
                            txnImage = new FinancialTransactionImage();
                            txnImage.TransactionId = txn.Id;
                            txn.Images.Add( txnImage );
                        txnImage.BinaryFileId = binaryFileId;
                        txnImage.Order = imageOrder;

                    // Make sure updated binary files are not temporary
                    foreach ( var binaryFile in binaryFileService.Queryable().Where( f => TransactionImagesState.Contains( f.Id ) ) )
                        binaryFile.IsTemporary = false;

                    // Delete any orphaned images
                    foreach ( var binaryFile in binaryFileService.Queryable().Where( f => orphanedBinaryFileIds.Contains( f.Id ) ) )
                        binaryFileService.Delete( binaryFile );


                } );

                // Save selected options to session state in order to prefill values for next added txn
                Session["NewTxnDefault_BatchId"] = txn.BatchId;
                Session["NewTxnDefault_TransactionDateTime"] = txn.TransactionDateTime;
                Session["NewTxnDefault_TransactionType"] = txn.TransactionTypeValueId;
                Session["NewTxnDefault_SourceType"] = txn.SourceTypeValueId;
                Session["NewTxnDefault_CurrencyType"] = txn.CurrencyTypeValueId;
                Session["NewTxnDefault_CreditCardType"] = txn.CreditCardTypeValueId;
                if ( TransactionDetailsState.Count() == 1 )
                    Session["NewTxnDefault_Account"] = TransactionDetailsState.First().AccountId;

                // Requery the batch to support EF navigation properties
                var savedTxn = GetTransaction( txn.Id );
                ShowReadOnlyDetails( savedTxn );
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbDelete control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbDelete_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            LinkButton lbDelete = sender as LinkButton;
            var imageId = int.Parse( lbDelete.Attributes["imageId"] );
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            // Delete the reference to the binary file (image) from the FinancialTransactionImage table
            var imageService = new FinancialTransactionImageService( rockContext );
            var financialTransactionImage = imageService.Queryable().Where( image => image.BinaryFileId == imageId ).FirstOrDefault();
            imageService.Delete( financialTransactionImage );

            // Delete the actual binary file (image)
            var binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService( rockContext );
            var binaryFile = binaryFileService.Get( imageId );
            binaryFileService.Delete( binaryFile );


            LoadRelatedImages( hfIdTransValue.ValueAsInt() );