 /// <summary>
 /// Sends the file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
 /// <param name="file">The file.</param>
 private static void SendFile(HttpContext context, Rock.Model.BinaryFile file)
     context.Response.ContentType = file.MimeType;
     context.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "inline;filename=" + file.FileName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Resizes the specified context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="file">The file.</param>
        private static void Resize(HttpContext context, Rock.Model.BinaryFile file)
            ResizeSettings settings      = new ResizeSettings(context.Request.QueryString);
            MemoryStream   resizedStream = new MemoryStream();

            ImageBuilder.Current.Build(new MemoryStream(file.Data), resizedStream, settings);
            file.Data = resizedStream.GetBuffer();
 /// <summary>
 /// Caches the specified file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">The file.</param>
 /// <param name="physFilePath">The phys file path.</param>
 private static void Cache(Rock.Model.BinaryFile file, string physFilePath)
         using (BinaryWriter binWriter = new BinaryWriter(System.IO.File.Open(physFilePath, FileMode.Create)))
     catch { /* do nothing, not critical if this fails, although TODO: log */ }
 /// <summary>
 /// Copies the properties from another BinaryFile object to this BinaryFile object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">The target.</param>
 /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
 public static void CopyPropertiesFrom(this BinaryFile target, BinaryFile source)
     target.Id = source.Id;
     target.BinaryFileTypeId    = source.BinaryFileTypeId;
     target.ContentLastModified = source.ContentLastModified;
     target.Description         = source.Description;
     target.FileName            = source.FileName;
     target.ForeignGuid         = source.ForeignGuid;
     target.ForeignKey          = source.ForeignKey;
     target.IsSystem            = source.IsSystem;
     target.IsTemporary         = source.IsTemporary;
     target.MimeType            = source.MimeType;
     target.Path = source.Path;
     target.StorageEntitySettings   = source.StorageEntitySettings;
     target.CreatedDateTime         = source.CreatedDateTime;
     target.ModifiedDateTime        = source.ModifiedDateTime;
     target.CreatedByPersonAliasId  = source.CreatedByPersonAliasId;
     target.ModifiedByPersonAliasId = source.ModifiedByPersonAliasId;
     target.Guid      = source.Guid;
     target.ForeignId = source.ForeignId;
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the specified <see cref="Rock.Model.BinaryFile"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">A <see cref="Rock.Model.BinaryFile"/> to save.</param>
        /// <param name="personId">A <see cref="System.Int32"/> representing the PersonId of the <see cref="Rock.Model.Person"/> who is saving the BinaryFile..</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Save(BinaryFile item, int?personId)
            item.LastModifiedDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            Rock.Storage.ProviderComponent storageProvider = DetermineBinaryFileStorageProvider(item);

            if (storageProvider != null)
                //// if this file is getting replaced, and we can determine the StorageProvider, use the provider to get and remove the file from the provider's
                //// external storage medium before we save it again. This especially important in cases where the provider for this filetype has changed
                //// since it was last saved

                // first get the FileContent from the old/current fileprovider in case we need to save it somewhere else
                item.Data         = item.Data ?? new BinaryFileData();
                item.Data.Content = storageProvider.GetFileContent(item, HttpContext.Current);

                // now, remove it from the old/current fileprovider
                storageProvider.RemoveFile(item, HttpContext.Current);

            // when a file is saved (unless it is getting Deleted/Saved), it should use the StoredEntityType that is associated with the BinaryFileType
            if (item.BinaryFileType != null)
                // make sure that it updated to use the same storage as specified by the BinaryFileType
                if (item.StorageEntityTypeId != item.BinaryFileType.StorageEntityTypeId)
                    storageProvider = DetermineBinaryFileStorageProvider(item);

            if (storageProvider != null)
                // save the file to the provider's new storage medium
                storageProvider.SaveFile(item, HttpContext.Current);

            return(base.Save(item, personId));
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiates a new DTO object from the entity
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="binaryFile"></param>
 public BinaryFileDto(BinaryFile binaryFile)
 /// <summary>
 /// To the dto.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static BinaryFileDto ToDto(this BinaryFile value)
     return(new BinaryFileDto(value));
        /// <summary>
        /// Enables processing of HTTP Web requests by a custom HttpHandler that implements the <see cref="T:System.Web.IHttpHandler" /> interface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">An <see cref="T:System.Web.HttpContext" /> object that provides references to the intrinsic server objects (for example, Request, Response, Session, and Server) used to service HTTP requests.</param>
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)

            if (context.Request.QueryString == null || context.Request.QueryString.Count == 0)
                context.Response.StatusCode = 404;

            string anID = context.Request.QueryString[0];
            int    id;

            if (!int.TryParse(anID, out id))
                context.Response.StatusCode = 404;

                BinaryFileService     fileService = new BinaryFileService();
                Rock.Model.BinaryFile file        = null;

                string cacheName    = Uri.EscapeDataString(context.Request.Url.Query);
                string physFilePath = context.Request.MapPath(string.Format("~/Cache/{0}", cacheName));

                // Is it cached
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(physFilePath))
                    // When was file last modified
                    dynamic fileInfo = fileService
                                       .Where(f => f.Id == id)
                                       .Select(f => new
                        MimeType         = f.MimeType,
                        LastModifiedTime = f.LastModifiedTime

                    file                  = new Rock.Model.BinaryFile();
                    file.MimeType         = fileInfo.MimeType;
                    file.LastModifiedTime = fileInfo.LastModifiedTime;

                    // Is cached version newer?
                    if (file.LastModifiedTime.HasValue && file.LastModifiedTime.Value.CompareTo(System.IO.File.GetCreationTime(physFilePath)) <= 0)
                        file.Data = FetchFromCache(physFilePath);

                if (file == null || file.Data == null)
                    file = fileService.Get(id);

                    if (file != null)
                        if (WantsImageResizing(context))
                            Resize(context, file);

                        Cache(file, physFilePath);

                if (file == null || file.Data == null)
                    context.Response.StatusCode = 404;

                // Post process
                SendFile(context, file);
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the specified folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="folder">The folder.</param>
        /// <param name="requestDocumentType">The benevolence request document file type.</param>
        public int Map(ZipArchive folder, BinaryFileType requestDocumentType)
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();

            var emptyJsonObject           = "{}";
            var newFileList               = new Dictionary <KeyValuePair <int, int>, Rock.Model.BinaryFile>();
            var benevolenceRequestService = new BenevolenceRequestService(lookupContext);
            var importedRequests          = benevolenceRequestService
                                            .Queryable().AsNoTracking().Where(t => t.ForeignId != null)
                                            .ToDictionary(t => ( int )t.ForeignId, t => t.Id);
            var importedRequestDocuments = new BenevolenceRequestDocumentService(lookupContext)
                                           .Queryable().AsNoTracking().Where(t => t.ForeignId != null)
                                           .ToDictionary(t => ( int )t.ForeignId, t => t.Id);

            var storageProvider = requestDocumentType.StorageEntityTypeId == DatabaseProvider.EntityType.Id
                ? ( ProviderComponent )DatabaseProvider
                : ( ProviderComponent )FileSystemProvider;

            var completedItems = 0;
            var totalEntries   = folder.Entries.Count;
            var percentage     = (totalEntries - 1) / 100 + 1;

            ReportProgress(0, string.Format("Verifying benevolence request documents import ({0:N0} found.", totalEntries));

            foreach (var file in folder.Entries)
                var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file.Name);
                if (FileTypeBlackList.Contains(fileExtension))
                    LogException("Binary File Import", string.Format("{0} filetype not allowed ({1})", fileExtension, file.Name));

                var nameWithoutExtension = file.Name.ReplaceLastOccurrence(fileExtension, string.Empty);
                var parsedFileName       = nameWithoutExtension.Split('_').ToList();

                // Benevolence Request docs should follow this pattern:
                // 0. Request ForeignId
                // 1. FileName
                // 2. Doc Id

                var foreignBenevolenceRequestId = parsedFileName[0].AsType <int?>();

                // Make sure the Benevolence Request exists
                if (foreignBenevolenceRequestId != null && importedRequests.ContainsKey(( int )foreignBenevolenceRequestId))
                    var benevolenceRequest = benevolenceRequestService.Queryable().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(r => r.ForeignId.HasValue && r.ForeignId == foreignBenevolenceRequestId);
                    var documentForeignId  = -1;
                    var fileName           = string.Empty;
                    if (parsedFileName.Count() >= 3)
                        documentForeignId = parsedFileName.LastOrDefault().AsInteger();

                        // If document foreignId is provided, make sure it doesn't already exist
                        if (documentForeignId > 0 && importedRequestDocuments.ContainsKey(documentForeignId))

                        // Extract filename
                        parsedFileName.RemoveAt(parsedFileName.Count() - 1); // Remove Doc Id from end
                        parsedFileName.RemoveAt(0);                          // Remove Request ForeignId from beginning
                        fileName = string.Join("_", parsedFileName);
                        var filename = file.Name.ReplaceLastOccurrence(fileExtension, string.Empty);

                    // Create the binary file
                    var rockFile = new Rock.Model.BinaryFile
                        IsSystem               = false,
                        IsTemporary            = false,
                        MimeType               = GetMIMEType(file.Name),
                        BinaryFileTypeId       = requestDocumentType.Id,
                        FileName               = fileName,
                        CreatedDateTime        = file.LastWriteTime.DateTime,
                        ModifiedDateTime       = file.LastWriteTime.DateTime,
                        CreatedByPersonAliasId = ImportPersonAliasId

                    rockFile.StorageEntitySettings = emptyJsonObject;

                    if (requestDocumentType.AttributeValues.Any())
                        rockFile.StorageEntitySettings = requestDocumentType.AttributeValues
                                                         .ToDictionary(a => a.Key, v => v.Value.Value).ToJson();

                    // use base stream instead of file stream to keep the byte[]
                    // NOTE: if byte[] converts to a string it will corrupt the stream
                    using (var fileContent = new StreamReader(file.Open()))
                        rockFile.ContentStream = new MemoryStream(fileContent.BaseStream.ReadBytesToEnd());

                    //  add this document file to the Rock transaction
                    newFileList.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(importedRequests[( int )foreignBenevolenceRequestId], documentForeignId), rockFile);

                    if (completedItems % percentage < 1)
                        var percentComplete = completedItems / percentage;
                        ReportProgress(percentComplete, string.Format("{0:N0} benevolence document files imported ({1}% complete).", completedItems, percentComplete));

                    if (completedItems % ReportingNumber < 1)
                        SaveFiles(newFileList, storageProvider);

                        // Reset list

            if (newFileList.Any())
                SaveFiles(newFileList, storageProvider);

            ReportProgress(100, string.Format("Finished document import: {0:N0} benevolence documents imported.", completedItems));
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the specified folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="folder">The folder.</param>
        /// <param name="ministryFileType">Type of the ministry file.</param>
        /// <param name="storageProvider">The storage provider.</param>
        public void Map( ZipArchive folder, BinaryFileType ministryFileType, ProviderComponent storageProvider )
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();
            var personEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.GetId<Person>();
            var fileFieldTypeId = FieldTypeCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.FILE.AsGuid(), lookupContext ).Id;

            var existingAttributes = new AttributeService( lookupContext ).GetByFieldTypeId( fileFieldTypeId )
                .Where( a => a.EntityTypeId == personEntityTypeId )
                .ToDictionary( a => a.Key, a => a.Id );

            var emptyJsonObject = "{}";
            var newFileList = new List<DocumentKeys>();

            int completed = 0;
            int totalRows = folder.Entries.Count;
            int percentage = ( totalRows - 1 ) / 100 + 1;
            ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "Verifying files import ({0:N0} found.", totalRows ) );

            foreach ( var file in folder.Entries )
                var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension( file.Name );
                var fileMimeType = Extensions.GetMIMEType( file.Name );
                if ( BinaryFileComponent.FileTypeBlackList.Contains( fileExtension ) )
                    LogException( "Binary File Import", string.Format( "{0} filetype not allowed ({1})", fileExtension, file.Name ) );
                else if ( fileMimeType == null )
                    LogException( "Binary File Import", string.Format( "{0} filetype not recognized ({1})", fileExtension, file.Name ) );

                string[] parsedFileName = file.Name.Split( '_' );
                // Ministry docs should follow this pattern:
                // 0. Firstname
                // 1. Lastname
                // 2. ForeignId
                // 3. Filename

                var personForeignId = parsedFileName[2].AsType<int?>();
                var personKeys = BinaryFileComponent.ImportedPeople.FirstOrDefault( p => p.IndividualId == personForeignId );
                if ( personKeys != null )
                    var rockFile = new Rock.Model.BinaryFile();
                    rockFile.IsSystem = false;
                    rockFile.IsTemporary = false;
                    rockFile.FileName = file.Name;
                    rockFile.MimeType = fileMimeType;
                    rockFile.BinaryFileTypeId = ministryFileType.Id;
                    rockFile.CreatedDateTime = file.LastWriteTime.DateTime;
                    rockFile.ModifiedDateTime = ImportDateTime;
                    rockFile.Description = string.Format( "Imported as {0}", file.Name );
                    rockFile.SetStorageEntityTypeId( ministryFileType.StorageEntityTypeId );
                    rockFile.StorageEntitySettings = emptyJsonObject;

                    if ( ministryFileType.AttributeValues.Any() )
                        rockFile.StorageEntitySettings = ministryFileType.AttributeValues
                            .ToDictionary( a => a.Key, v => v.Value.Value ).ToJson();

                    // use base stream instead of file stream to keep the byte[]
                    // NOTE: if byte[] converts to a string it will corrupt the stream
                    using ( var fileContent = new StreamReader( file.Open() ) )
                        rockFile.ContentStream = new MemoryStream( fileContent.BaseStream.ReadBytesToEnd() );

                    var attributePattern = "[A-Za-z0-9-]+";
                    var attributeName = Regex.Match( parsedFileName[3].RemoveWhitespace(), attributePattern );
                    var attributeKey = attributeName.Value.RemoveWhitespace();

                    // change key to default key for Background Check Documents
                    if ( attributeKey == "BackgroundCheck" )
                        attributeKey = "BackgroundCheckDocument";

                    if ( !existingAttributes.ContainsKey( attributeKey ) )
                        var newAttribute = new Attribute();
                        newAttribute.FieldTypeId = fileFieldTypeId;
                        newAttribute.EntityTypeId = personEntityTypeId;
                        newAttribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn = string.Empty;
                        newAttribute.EntityTypeQualifierValue = string.Empty;
                        newAttribute.Key = attributeKey;
                        newAttribute.Name = attributeName.Value;
                        newAttribute.Description = attributeName.Value + " created by binary file import";
                        newAttribute.CreatedDateTime = ImportDateTime;
                        newAttribute.ModifiedDateTime = ImportDateTime;
                        newAttribute.IsGridColumn = false;
                        newAttribute.IsMultiValue = false;
                        newAttribute.IsRequired = false;
                        newAttribute.AllowSearch = false;
                        newAttribute.IsSystem = false;
                        newAttribute.Order = 0;

                        newAttribute.AttributeQualifiers.Add( new AttributeQualifier()
                            Key = "binaryFileType",
                            Value = ministryFileType.Guid.ToString()
                        } );

                        lookupContext.Attributes.Add( newAttribute );

                        existingAttributes.Add( newAttribute.Key, newAttribute.Id );

                    newFileList.Add( new DocumentKeys()
                        PersonId = personKeys.PersonId,
                        AttributeId = existingAttributes[attributeKey],
                        File = rockFile
                    } );

                    if ( completed % percentage < 1 )
                        int percentComplete = completed / percentage;
                        ReportProgress( percentComplete, string.Format( "{0:N0} files imported ({1}% complete).", completed, percentComplete ) );
                    else if ( completed % ReportingNumber < 1 )
                        SaveFiles( newFileList, storageProvider );

                        // Reset list

            if ( newFileList.Any() )
                SaveFiles( newFileList, storageProvider );

            ReportProgress( 100, string.Format( "Finished files import: {0:N0} addresses imported.", completed ) );
        /// <summary>
        /// Enables processing of HTTP Web requests by a custom HttpHandler that implements the <see cref="T:System.Web.IHttpHandler" /> interface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">An <see cref="T:System.Web.HttpContext" /> object that provides references to the intrinsic server objects (for example, Request, Response, Session, and Server) used to service HTTP requests.</param>
        /// <exception cref="WebFaultException">Must be logged in</exception>
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            // *********************************************
            // TODO: verify user is authorized to save file!
            // *********************************************

            if (!context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                throw new WebFaultException <string>("Must be logged in", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

                HttpPostedFile     uploadedFile = null;
                HttpFileCollection hfc          = context.Request.Files;
                foreach (string fk in hfc.AllKeys)
                    uploadedFile = hfc[fk];

                // No file or no data?  No good.
                if (uploadedFile == null || uploadedFile.ContentLength == 0)

                BinaryFileService     fileService = new BinaryFileService();
                Rock.Model.BinaryFile cmsFile     = null;

                // was an ID given? if so, fetch that file and replace it with the new one
                if (context.Request.QueryString.Count > 0)
                    string anID = context.Request.QueryString[0];
                    int    id;
                    cmsFile = (int.TryParse(anID, out id)) ? fileService.Get(id) : fileService.GetByEncryptedKey(anID);

                if (cmsFile == null)
                    // ...otherwise create a new Cms File
                    cmsFile             = new Rock.Model.BinaryFile();
                    cmsFile.IsTemporary = true;
                    fileService.Add(cmsFile, null);

                cmsFile.MimeType = uploadedFile.ContentType;
                cmsFile.FileName = Path.GetFileName(uploadedFile.FileName);
                SaveData(context, uploadedFile.InputStream, cmsFile);

                fileService.Save(cmsFile, null);

                cmsFile.Data = null;
                context.Response.Write(new { Id = cmsFile.Id, FileName = cmsFile.FileName }.ToJson());
            catch (Exception ex)
                context.Response.Write("err:" + ex.Message + "<br>" + ex.StackTrace);
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the specified folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="folder">The folder.</param>
        /// <param name="personImageType">Type of the person image file.</param>
        public void Map(ZipArchive folder, BinaryFileType personImageType)
            // check for existing images
            var lookupContext     = new RockContext();
            var existingImageList = new PersonService(lookupContext).Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                                    .Where(p => p.Photo != null)
                                    .ToDictionary(p => p.Id, p => p.Photo.CreatedDateTime);

            var emptyJsonObject = "{}";
            var newFileList     = new Dictionary <int, Rock.Model.BinaryFile>();

            var storageProvider = personImageType.StorageEntityTypeId == DatabaseProvider.EntityType.Id
                ? (ProviderComponent)DatabaseProvider
                : (ProviderComponent)FileSystemProvider;

            var completedItems = 0;
            var totalEntries   = folder.Entries.Count;
            var percentage     = (totalEntries - 1) / 100 + 1;

            ReportProgress(0, string.Format("Verifying person images import ({0:N0} found.", totalEntries));

            foreach (var file in folder.Entries)
                var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file.Name);
                if (FileTypeBlackList.Contains(fileExtension))
                    LogException("Binary File Import", string.Format("{0} filetype not allowed ({1})", fileExtension, file.Name));

                var personForeignId = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name).AsType <int?>();
                var personKeys      = ImportedPeople.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PersonForeignId == personForeignId);
                if (personKeys != null)
                    // only import the most recent profile photo
                    if (!existingImageList.ContainsKey(personKeys.PersonId) || existingImageList[personKeys.PersonId].Value < file.LastWriteTime.DateTime)
                        var rockFile = new Rock.Model.BinaryFile
                            IsSystem         = false,
                            IsTemporary      = false,
                            FileName         = file.Name,
                            BinaryFileTypeId = personImageType.Id,
                            MimeType         = GetMIMEType(file.Name),
                            CreatedDateTime  = file.LastWriteTime.DateTime,
                            Description      = string.Format("Imported as {0}", file.Name)

                        rockFile.StorageEntitySettings = emptyJsonObject;

                        if (personImageType.AttributeValues.Any())
                            rockFile.StorageEntitySettings = personImageType.AttributeValues
                                                             .ToDictionary(a => a.Key, v => v.Value.Value).ToJson();

                        // use base stream instead of file stream to keep the byte[]
                        // NOTE: if byte[] converts to a string it will corrupt the stream
                        using (var fileContent = new StreamReader(file.Open()))
                            rockFile.ContentStream = new MemoryStream(fileContent.BaseStream.ReadBytesToEnd());

                        newFileList.Add(personKeys.PersonId, rockFile);

                    if (completedItems % percentage < 1)
                        var percentComplete = completedItems / percentage;
                        ReportProgress(percentComplete, string.Format("{0:N0} person image files imported ({1}% complete).", completedItems, percentComplete));
                    else if (completedItems % ReportingNumber < 1)
                        SaveFiles(newFileList, storageProvider);

                        // add image keys to master list
                        foreach (var newFile in newFileList)
                            existingImageList.AddOrReplace(newFile.Key, newFile.Value.CreatedDateTime);

                        // Reset batch list

            if (newFileList.Any())
                SaveFiles(newFileList, storageProvider);

            ReportProgress(100, string.Format("Finished files import: {0:N0} person images imported.", completedItems));
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the specified folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="folder">The folder.</param>
        /// <param name="ministryFileType">Type of the ministry file.</param>
        public int Map(ZipArchive folder, BinaryFileType ministryFileType)
            var lookupContext         = new RockContext();
            var personEntityTypeId    = EntityTypeCache.GetId <Person>();
            var binaryFileTypeService = new BinaryFileTypeService(lookupContext);
            var fileFieldTypeId       = FieldTypeCache.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.FILE.AsGuid(), lookupContext).Id;
            var backgroundFieldTypeId = FieldTypeCache.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.BACKGROUNDCHECK.AsGuid(), lookupContext).Id;

            var existingAttributes = new AttributeService(lookupContext).GetByFieldTypeId(fileFieldTypeId)
                                     .Where(a => a.EntityTypeId == personEntityTypeId)
                                     .ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => a);

            var backgroundCheckFileAttributes = new AttributeService(lookupContext).GetByFieldTypeId(backgroundFieldTypeId)
                                                .Where(a => a.EntityTypeId == personEntityTypeId)
                                                .ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => a);

            foreach (var backgroundCheckFileAttribute in backgroundCheckFileAttributes)
                if (!existingAttributes.ContainsKey(backgroundCheckFileAttribute.Key))
                    existingAttributes.Add(backgroundCheckFileAttribute.Key, backgroundCheckFileAttribute.Value);

            var emptyJsonObject = "{}";
            var newFileList     = new List <DocumentKeys>();

            var completedItems = 0;
            var totalRows      = folder.Entries.Count;
            var percentage     = (totalRows - 1) / 100 + 1;

            ReportProgress(0, string.Format("Verifying ministry document import ({0:N0} found)", totalRows));

            foreach (var file in folder.Entries.OrderBy(f => f.Name))
                var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file.Name);
                if (FileTypeBlackList.Contains(fileExtension))
                    LogException("Binary File Import", string.Format("{0} filetype not allowed ({1})", fileExtension, file.Name));

                var nameWithoutExtension = file.Name.ReplaceLastOccurrence(fileExtension, string.Empty);
                var parsedFileName       = nameWithoutExtension.Split('_');
                // Ministry docs should follow this pattern:
                // 0. Firstname
                // 1. Lastname
                // 2. ForeignId
                // 3. Filename
                // 4. Doc Id
                if (parsedFileName.Length < 3)

                var personForeignId = parsedFileName[2].AsType <int?>();
                var personKeys      = ImportedPeople.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PersonForeignId == personForeignId);
                if (personKeys != null)
                    var attributeName     = string.Empty;
                    var documentForeignId = string.Empty;
                    if (parsedFileName.Count() > 4)
                        attributeName     = parsedFileName[3];
                        documentForeignId = parsedFileName[4];
                        var filename = parsedFileName[3].ReplaceLastOccurrence(fileExtension, string.Empty);
                        attributeName     = Regex.Replace(filename, "\\d{4,}[.\\w]+$", string.Empty);
                        documentForeignId = Regex.Match(filename, "\\d+$").Value;

                    // append "Document" to attribute name to create unique attributes
                    // this matches core attribute "Background Check Document"
                    attributeName = !attributeName.EndsWith("Document", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? string.Format("{0} Document", attributeName) : attributeName;
                    var attributeKey = attributeName.RemoveSpecialCharacters();

                    Attribute fileAttribute           = null;
                    var       attributeBinaryFileType = ministryFileType;
                    if (!existingAttributes.ContainsKey(attributeKey))
                        fileAttribute = new Attribute
                            FieldTypeId  = fileFieldTypeId,
                            EntityTypeId = personEntityTypeId,
                            EntityTypeQualifierColumn = string.Empty,
                            EntityTypeQualifierValue  = string.Empty,
                            Key          = attributeKey,
                            Name         = attributeName,
                            Description  = string.Format("{0} created by binary file import", attributeName),
                            IsGridColumn = false,
                            IsMultiValue = false,
                            IsRequired   = false,
                            AllowSearch  = false,
                            IsSystem     = false,
                            Order        = 0

                        fileAttribute.AttributeQualifiers.Add(new AttributeQualifier()
                            Key   = "binaryFileType",
                            Value = ministryFileType.Guid.ToString()


                        existingAttributes.Add(fileAttribute.Key, fileAttribute);
                        // if attribute already exists in Rock, override default file type with the Rock-specified file type
                        fileAttribute = existingAttributes[attributeKey];
                        var attributeBinaryFileTypeGuid = fileAttribute.AttributeQualifiers.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Key.Equals("binaryFileType"));
                        if (attributeBinaryFileTypeGuid != null)
                            attributeBinaryFileType = binaryFileTypeService.Get(attributeBinaryFileTypeGuid.Value.AsGuid());

                    var rockFile = new Rock.Model.BinaryFile
                        IsSystem               = false,
                        IsTemporary            = false,
                        MimeType               = GetMIMEType(file.Name),
                        BinaryFileTypeId       = attributeBinaryFileType.Id,
                        FileName               = file.Name,
                        Description            = string.Format("Imported as {0}", file.Name),
                        CreatedDateTime        = file.LastWriteTime.DateTime,
                        ModifiedDateTime       = file.LastWriteTime.DateTime,
                        CreatedByPersonAliasId = ImportPersonAliasId,
                        ForeignKey             = documentForeignId,
                        ForeignId              = documentForeignId.AsIntegerOrNull()

                    rockFile.StorageEntitySettings = emptyJsonObject;

                    if (attributeBinaryFileType.AttributeValues != null)
                        rockFile.StorageEntitySettings = attributeBinaryFileType.AttributeValues
                                                         .ToDictionary(a => a.Key, v => v.Value.Value).ToJson();

                    // use base stream instead of file stream to keep the byte[]
                    // NOTE: if byte[] converts to a string it will corrupt the stream
                    using (var fileContent = new StreamReader(file.Open()))
                        rockFile.ContentStream = new MemoryStream(fileContent.BaseStream.ReadBytesToEnd());

                    newFileList.Add(new DocumentKeys()
                        PersonId    = personKeys.PersonId,
                        AttributeId = fileAttribute.Id,
                        File        = rockFile


                    if (completedItems % percentage < 1)
                        var percentComplete = completedItems / percentage;
                        ReportProgress(percentComplete, string.Format("{0:N0} ministry document files imported ({1}% complete).", completedItems, percentComplete));

                    if (completedItems % ReportingNumber < 1)

                        // Reset list

            if (newFileList.Any())

            ReportProgress(100, string.Format("Finished documents import: {0:N0} ministry documents imported.", completedItems));
        /// <summary>
        /// Enables processing of HTTP Web requests by a custom HttpHandler that implements the <see cref="T:System.Web.IHttpHandler" /> interface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">An <see cref="T:System.Web.HttpContext" /> object that provides references to the intrinsic server objects (for example, Request, Response, Session, and Server) used to service HTTP requests.</param>
        public void ProcessRequest( HttpContext context )

            if ( context.Request.QueryString == null || context.Request.QueryString.Count == 0)
                context.Response.StatusCode = 404;

            string anID = context.Request.QueryString[0];
            int id;

            if (!int.TryParse( anID, out id))
                context.Response.StatusCode = 404;

                BinaryFileService fileService = new BinaryFileService();
                Rock.Model.BinaryFile file = null;

                string cacheName = Uri.EscapeDataString( context.Request.Url.Query );
                string physFilePath = context.Request.MapPath( string.Format( "~/Cache/{0}", cacheName ) );

                // Is it cached
                if ( System.IO.File.Exists( physFilePath ) )
                    // When was file last modified
                    dynamic fileInfo = fileService
                        .Where( f => f.Id == id )
                        .Select( f => new
                            MimeType = f.MimeType,
                            LastModifiedTime = f.LastModifiedTime
                        } )

                    file = new Rock.Model.BinaryFile();
                    file.MimeType = fileInfo.MimeType;
                    file.LastModifiedTime = fileInfo.LastModifiedTime;

                    // Is cached version newer?
                    if ( file.LastModifiedTime.HasValue && file.LastModifiedTime.Value.CompareTo( System.IO.File.GetCreationTime( physFilePath ) ) <= 0 )
                        file.Data = FetchFromCache( physFilePath );

                if ( file == null || file.Data == null )
                    file = fileService.Get( id );

                    if ( file != null )
                        if ( WantsImageResizing( context ) )
                            Resize( context, file );

                        Cache( file, physFilePath );

                if ( file == null || file.Data == null )
                    context.Response.StatusCode = 404;

                // Post process
                SendFile( context, file );
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the specified folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="folder">The folder.</param>
        /// <param name="transactionImageType">Type of the transaction image file.</param>
        public void Map(ZipArchive folder, BinaryFileType transactionImageType)
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();

            var emptyJsonObject   = "{}";
            var newFileList       = new Dictionary <int, Rock.Model.BinaryFile>();
            var transactionIdList = new FinancialTransactionService(lookupContext)
                                    .Queryable().AsNoTracking().Where(t => t.ForeignId != null)
                                    .ToDictionary(t => (int)t.ForeignId, t => t.Id);

            var storageProvider = transactionImageType.StorageEntityTypeId == DatabaseProvider.EntityType.Id
                ? (ProviderComponent)DatabaseProvider
                : (ProviderComponent)FileSystemProvider;

            int completed  = 0;
            int totalRows  = folder.Entries.Count;
            int percentage = (totalRows - 1) / 100 + 1;

            ReportProgress(0, string.Format("Verifying files import ({0:N0} found.", totalRows));

            foreach (var file in folder.Entries)
                var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file.Name);
                if (BinaryFileComponent.FileTypeBlackList.Contains(fileExtension))
                    LogException("Binary File Import", string.Format("{0} filetype not allowed ({1})", fileExtension, file.Name));

                int?transactionId = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name).AsType <int?>();
                if (transactionId != null && transactionIdList.ContainsKey((int)transactionId))
                    var rockFile = new Rock.Model.BinaryFile();
                    rockFile.IsSystem         = false;
                    rockFile.IsTemporary      = false;
                    rockFile.FileName         = file.Name;
                    rockFile.BinaryFileTypeId = transactionImageType.Id;
                    rockFile.CreatedDateTime  = file.LastWriteTime.DateTime;
                    rockFile.MimeType         = Extensions.GetMIMEType(file.Name);
                    rockFile.Description      = string.Format("Imported as {0}", file.Name);
                    rockFile.StorageEntitySettings = emptyJsonObject;

                    if (transactionImageType.AttributeValues.Any())
                        rockFile.StorageEntitySettings = transactionImageType.AttributeValues
                                                         .ToDictionary(a => a.Key, v => v.Value.Value).ToJson();

                    // use base stream instead of file stream to keep the byte[]
                    // NOTE: if byte[] converts to a string it will corrupt the stream
                    using (var fileContent = new StreamReader(file.Open()))
                        rockFile.ContentStream = new MemoryStream(fileContent.BaseStream.ReadBytesToEnd());

                    newFileList.Add(transactionIdList[(int)transactionId], rockFile);

                    if (completed % percentage < 1)
                        int percentComplete = completed / percentage;
                        ReportProgress(percentComplete, string.Format("{0:N0} files imported ({1}% complete).", completed, percentComplete));
                    else if (completed % ReportingNumber < 1)
                        SaveFiles(newFileList, storageProvider);

                        // Reset list

            if (newFileList.Any())
                SaveFiles(newFileList, storageProvider);

            ReportProgress(100, string.Format("Finished files import: {0:N0} addresses imported.", completed));
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the specified folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="folder">The folder.</param>
        /// <param name="personImageType">Type of the person image file.</param>
        /// <param name="storageProvider">The storage provider.</param>
        public void Map( ZipArchive folder, BinaryFileType personImageType, ProviderComponent storageProvider )
            // check for existing images
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();
            var existingImageList = new PersonService( lookupContext ).Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                .Where( p => p.Photo != null )
                .ToDictionary( p => p.Id, p => p.Photo.CreatedDateTime );

            var emptyJsonObject = "{}";
            var newFileList = new Dictionary<int, Rock.Model.BinaryFile>();

            int completed = 0;
            int totalRows = folder.Entries.Count;
            int percentage = ( totalRows - 1 ) / 100 + 1;
            ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "Verifying files import ({0:N0} found.", totalRows ) );

            foreach ( var file in folder.Entries )
                var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension( file.Name );
                if ( BinaryFileComponent.FileTypeBlackList.Contains( fileExtension ) )
                    LogException( "Binary File Import", string.Format( "{0} filetype not allowed ({1})", fileExtension, file.Name ) );

                var personForeignId = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( file.Name ).AsType<int?>();
                var personKeys = BinaryFileComponent.ImportedPeople.FirstOrDefault( p => p.IndividualId == personForeignId );
                if ( personKeys != null )
                    // only import the most recent profile photo
                    if ( !existingImageList.ContainsKey( personKeys.PersonId ) || existingImageList[personKeys.PersonId].Value < file.LastWriteTime.DateTime )
                        var rockFile = new Rock.Model.BinaryFile();
                        rockFile.IsSystem = false;
                        rockFile.IsTemporary = false;
                        rockFile.FileName = file.Name;
                        rockFile.BinaryFileTypeId = personImageType.Id;
                        rockFile.MimeType = Extensions.GetMIMEType( file.Name );
                        rockFile.CreatedDateTime = file.LastWriteTime.DateTime;
                        rockFile.ModifiedDateTime = ImportDateTime;
                        rockFile.Description = string.Format( "Imported as {0}", file.Name );
                        rockFile.SetStorageEntityTypeId( personImageType.StorageEntityTypeId );
                        rockFile.StorageEntitySettings = emptyJsonObject;

                        if ( personImageType.AttributeValues.Any() )
                            rockFile.StorageEntitySettings = personImageType.AttributeValues
                                .ToDictionary( a => a.Key, v => v.Value.Value ).ToJson();

                        // use base stream instead of file stream to keep the byte[]
                        // NOTE: if byte[] converts to a string it will corrupt the stream
                        using ( var fileContent = new StreamReader( file.Open() ) )
                            rockFile.ContentStream = new MemoryStream( fileContent.BaseStream.ReadBytesToEnd() );

                        newFileList.Add( personKeys.PersonId, rockFile );

                    if ( completed % percentage < 1 )
                        int percentComplete = completed / percentage;
                        ReportProgress( percentComplete, string.Format( "{0:N0} files imported ({1}% complete).", completed, percentComplete ) );
                    else if ( completed % ReportingNumber < 1 )
                        SaveFiles( newFileList, storageProvider );

                        // add image keys to master list
                        foreach ( var newFile in newFileList )
                            existingImageList.AddOrReplace( newFile.Key, newFile.Value.CreatedDateTime );

                        // Reset batch list

            if ( newFileList.Any() )
                SaveFiles( newFileList, storageProvider );

            ReportProgress( 100, string.Format( "Finished files import: {0:N0} addresses imported.", completed ) );
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the document status.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="signatureDocument">The signature document.</param>
        /// <param name="tempFolderPath">The temporary folder path.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool UpdateDocumentStatus(SignatureDocument signatureDocument, string tempFolderPath, out List <string> errorMessages)
            errorMessages = new List <string>();
            if (signatureDocument == null)
                errorMessages.Add("Invalid Document.");

            if (signatureDocument.SignatureDocumentTemplate == null)
                errorMessages.Add("Document has an invalid document type.");

            if (!errorMessages.Any())
                var provider = DigitalSignatureContainer.GetComponent(signatureDocument.SignatureDocumentTemplate.ProviderEntityType.Name);
                if (provider == null || !provider.IsActive)
                    errorMessages.Add("Digital Signature provider was not found or is not active.");
                    var originalStatus = signatureDocument.Status;
                    if (provider.UpdateDocumentStatus(signatureDocument, out errorMessages))
                        if (signatureDocument.Status == SignatureDocumentStatus.Signed && !signatureDocument.BinaryFileId.HasValue)
                            using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                                string documentPath = provider.GetDocument(signatureDocument, tempFolderPath, out errorMessages);
                                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(documentPath))
                                    var        binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService(rockContext);
                                    BinaryFile binaryFile        = new BinaryFile();
                                    binaryFile.Guid             = Guid.NewGuid();
                                    binaryFile.IsTemporary      = false;
                                    binaryFile.BinaryFileTypeId = signatureDocument.SignatureDocumentTemplate.BinaryFileTypeId;
                                    binaryFile.MimeType         = "application/pdf";
                                    var fi = new FileInfo(documentPath);
                                    binaryFile.FileName      = fi.Name;
                                    binaryFile.FileSize      = fi.Length;
                                    binaryFile.ContentStream = new FileStream(documentPath, FileMode.Open);

                                    signatureDocument.BinaryFileId = binaryFile.Id;


                        if (signatureDocument.Status != originalStatus)
                            signatureDocument.LastStatusDate = RockDateTime.Now;

        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the specified folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="folder">The folder.</param>
        /// <param name="ministryFileType">Type of the ministry file.</param>
        /// <param name="storageProvider">The storage provider.</param>
        public void Map(ZipArchive folder, BinaryFileType ministryFileType, ProviderComponent storageProvider)
            var lookupContext      = new RockContext();
            var personEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.GetId <Person>();
            var fileFieldTypeId    = FieldTypeCache.Read(Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.FILE.AsGuid(), lookupContext).Id;

            var existingAttributes = new AttributeService(lookupContext).GetByFieldTypeId(fileFieldTypeId)
                                     .Where(a => a.EntityTypeId == personEntityTypeId)
                                     .ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => a.Id);

            var emptyJsonObject = "{}";
            var newFileList     = new List <DocumentKeys>();

            int completed  = 0;
            int totalRows  = folder.Entries.Count;
            int percentage = (totalRows - 1) / 100 + 1;

            ReportProgress(0, string.Format("Verifying files import ({0:N0} found.", totalRows));

            foreach (var file in folder.Entries)
                var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file.Name);
                var fileMimeType  = Extensions.GetMIMEType(file.Name);
                if (BinaryFileComponent.FileTypeBlackList.Contains(fileExtension))
                    LogException("Binary File Import", string.Format("{0} filetype not allowed ({1})", fileExtension, file.Name));
                else if (fileMimeType == null)
                    LogException("Binary File Import", string.Format("{0} filetype not recognized ({1})", fileExtension, file.Name));

                string[] parsedFileName = file.Name.Split('_');
                // Ministry docs should follow this pattern:
                // 0. Firstname
                // 1. Lastname
                // 2. ForeignId
                // 3. Filename

                var personForeignId = parsedFileName[2].AsType <int?>();
                var personKeys      = BinaryFileComponent.ImportedPeople.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IndividualId == personForeignId);
                if (personKeys != null)
                    var rockFile = new Rock.Model.BinaryFile();
                    rockFile.IsSystem         = false;
                    rockFile.IsTemporary      = false;
                    rockFile.FileName         = file.Name;
                    rockFile.MimeType         = fileMimeType;
                    rockFile.BinaryFileTypeId = ministryFileType.Id;
                    rockFile.CreatedDateTime  = file.LastWriteTime.DateTime;
                    rockFile.ModifiedDateTime = ImportDateTime;
                    rockFile.Description      = string.Format("Imported as {0}", file.Name);
                    rockFile.StorageEntitySettings = emptyJsonObject;

                    if (ministryFileType.AttributeValues.Any())
                        rockFile.StorageEntitySettings = ministryFileType.AttributeValues
                                                         .ToDictionary(a => a.Key, v => v.Value.Value).ToJson();

                    // use base stream instead of file stream to keep the byte[]
                    // NOTE: if byte[] converts to a string it will corrupt the stream
                    using (var fileContent = new StreamReader(file.Open()))
                        rockFile.ContentStream = new MemoryStream(fileContent.BaseStream.ReadBytesToEnd());

                    var attributePattern = "[A-Za-z0-9-]+";
                    var attributeName    = Regex.Match(parsedFileName[3].RemoveWhitespace(), attributePattern);
                    var attributeKey     = attributeName.Value.RemoveWhitespace();

                    // change key to default key for Background Check Documents
                    if (attributeKey == "BackgroundCheck")
                        attributeKey = "BackgroundCheckDocument";

                    if (!existingAttributes.ContainsKey(attributeKey))
                        var newAttribute = new Attribute();
                        newAttribute.FieldTypeId  = fileFieldTypeId;
                        newAttribute.EntityTypeId = personEntityTypeId;
                        newAttribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn = string.Empty;
                        newAttribute.EntityTypeQualifierValue  = string.Empty;
                        newAttribute.Key              = attributeKey;
                        newAttribute.Name             = attributeName.Value;
                        newAttribute.Description      = attributeName.Value + " created by binary file import";
                        newAttribute.CreatedDateTime  = ImportDateTime;
                        newAttribute.ModifiedDateTime = ImportDateTime;
                        newAttribute.IsGridColumn     = false;
                        newAttribute.IsMultiValue     = false;
                        newAttribute.IsRequired       = false;
                        newAttribute.AllowSearch      = false;
                        newAttribute.IsSystem         = false;
                        newAttribute.Order            = 0;

                        newAttribute.AttributeQualifiers.Add(new AttributeQualifier()
                            Key   = "binaryFileType",
                            Value = ministryFileType.Guid.ToString()


                        existingAttributes.Add(newAttribute.Key, newAttribute.Id);

                    newFileList.Add(new DocumentKeys()
                        PersonId    = personKeys.PersonId,
                        AttributeId = existingAttributes[attributeKey],
                        File        = rockFile

                    if (completed % percentage < 1)
                        int percentComplete = completed / percentage;
                        ReportProgress(percentComplete, string.Format("{0:N0} files imported ({1}% complete).", completed, percentComplete));
                    else if (completed % ReportingNumber < 1)
                        SaveFiles(newFileList, storageProvider);

                        // Reset list

            if (newFileList.Any())
                SaveFiles(newFileList, storageProvider);

            ReportProgress(100, string.Format("Finished files import: {0:N0} addresses imported.", completed));
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the specified folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="folder">The folder.</param>
        /// <param name="transactionImageType">Type of the transaction image file.</param>
        /// <param name="storageProvider">The storage provider.</param>
        public void Map( ZipArchive folder, BinaryFileType transactionImageType, ProviderComponent storageProvider )
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();

            var emptyJsonObject = "{}";
            var newFileList = new Dictionary<int, Rock.Model.BinaryFile>();
            var transactionIdList = new FinancialTransactionService( lookupContext )
                .Queryable().AsNoTracking().Where( t => t.ForeignId != null )
                .ToDictionary( t => (int)t.ForeignId, t => t.Id );

            int completed = 0;
            int totalRows = folder.Entries.Count;
            int percentage = ( totalRows - 1 ) / 100 + 1;
            ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "Verifying files import ({0:N0} found.", totalRows ) );

            foreach ( var file in folder.Entries )
                var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension( file.Name );
                var fileMimeType = Extensions.GetMIMEType( file.Name );
                if ( BinaryFileComponent.FileTypeBlackList.Contains( fileExtension ) )
                    LogException( "Binary File Import", string.Format( "{0} filetype not allowed ({1})", fileExtension, file.Name ) );
                else if ( fileMimeType == null )
                    LogException( "Binary File Import", string.Format( "{0} filetype not recognized ({1})", fileExtension, file.Name ) );

                int? transactionId = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( file.Name ).AsType<int?>();
                if ( transactionId != null && transactionIdList.ContainsKey( (int)transactionId ) )
                    var rockFile = new Rock.Model.BinaryFile();
                    rockFile.IsSystem = false;
                    rockFile.IsTemporary = false;
                    rockFile.FileName = file.Name;
                    rockFile.MimeType = fileMimeType;
                    rockFile.BinaryFileTypeId = transactionImageType.Id;
                    rockFile.CreatedDateTime = file.LastWriteTime.DateTime;
                    rockFile.ModifiedDateTime = ImportDateTime;
                    rockFile.Description = string.Format( "Imported as {0}", file.Name );
                    rockFile.SetStorageEntityTypeId( transactionImageType.StorageEntityTypeId );
                    rockFile.StorageEntitySettings = emptyJsonObject;

                    if ( transactionImageType.AttributeValues.Any() )
                        rockFile.StorageEntitySettings = transactionImageType.AttributeValues
                            .ToDictionary( a => a.Key, v => v.Value.Value ).ToJson();

                    // use base stream instead of file stream to keep the byte[]
                    // NOTE: if byte[] converts to a string it will corrupt the stream
                    using ( var fileContent = new StreamReader( file.Open() ) )
                        rockFile.ContentStream = new MemoryStream( fileContent.BaseStream.ReadBytesToEnd() );

                    newFileList.Add( transactionIdList[(int)transactionId], rockFile );

                    if ( completed % percentage < 1 )
                        int percentComplete = completed / percentage;
                        ReportProgress( percentComplete, string.Format( "{0:N0} files imported ({1}% complete).", completed, percentComplete ) );
                    else if ( completed % ReportingNumber < 1 )
                        SaveFiles( newFileList, storageProvider );

                        // Reset list

            if ( newFileList.Any() )
                SaveFiles( newFileList, storageProvider );

            ReportProgress( 100, string.Format( "Finished files import: {0:N0} addresses imported.", completed ) );