        private OutputMusicFolder GetFolder()
            // If a limit is imposed on folder size...
            if (FolderTrackLimit > 0)
                // Decide which folder to add track to - find first folder which is not at the folder track limit yet.
                foreach (OutputMusicFolder outputMusicFolderItem in _outputMusicFolders.Where(outputMusicFolderItem => outputMusicFolderItem.Tracks.Count < FolderTrackLimit))

                // If got to here then all folders are full, therefore create a new one.
                OutputMusicFolder outputMusicFolder = new OutputMusicFolder();


            // All music goes in the same folder.
            if (!_outputMusicFolders.Any())
                // Create new one.
                OutputMusicFolder outputMusicFolder = new OutputMusicFolder();


            // Return existing one.
        /// <summary>
        /// Main output routine.
        /// </summary>
        public void Output(int storageId)
            // Get correctly formed output folder.
            string outputFolderName = OutputFolder;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputFolderName))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("An output folder has not been specified.");

            // Add a slash on to the output folder so that all file processing works correctly.
            if (!outputFolderName.EndsWith("\\"))
                outputFolderName += "\\";

            // Check that the output folder exists.
            if (!Directory.Exists(outputFolderName))
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"The output folder '{outputFolderName}' does not exist.");

            // Notify that we've started.
            StatusChangedEventArgs startArgs = new StatusChangedEventArgs(0, "Starting...", false);


            // Set up error handling so that events can be raised
            OutputErrorEventArgs outputErrorEventArgs;

            // Find card so we know what playlists to export.
            Storage storage = new Storage();

            if (storage.Find(storageId))
                // Add on name of storage.
                outputFolderName += FileSystem.ValidWindowsFileName(storage.StorageDescription);

                // If the folder doesn't exist, create it.
                if (!Directory.Exists(outputFolderName))
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        outputErrorEventArgs = new OutputErrorEventArgs($"There was a problem creating the folder at '{outputFolderName}': {ex.Message}.");

                        if (outputErrorEventArgs.Cancel)

                // Check if stuff exists in the folder, if it does then warn.
                DirectoryInfo outputFolder = new DirectoryInfo(outputFolderName);

                if (outputFolder.GetDirectories().Any() | outputFolder.GetFiles().Any())
                    // Files and/or folders exist in the output folder therefore offer to delete them first.
                    DeleteFilesEventArgs deleteFilesEventArgs = new DeleteFilesEventArgs(outputFolderName);

                    if (deleteFilesEventArgs.Response == DeleteFilesResponse.Yes)
                        // Delete everything in the folder (recursively).
                        foreach (DirectoryInfo directory in outputFolder.GetDirectories())
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                outputErrorEventArgs = new OutputErrorEventArgs(string.Format("Sorry, there was a problem deleting '{0}' : {1}{2}{2}", directory.FullName, ex.Message, Environment.NewLine));

                                if (outputErrorEventArgs.Cancel)

                        foreach (FileInfo file in outputFolder.GetFiles())
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                outputErrorEventArgs = new OutputErrorEventArgs(string.Format("Sorry, there was a problem deleting '{0}' : {1}{2}{2}", file.FullName, ex.Message, Environment.NewLine));

                                if (outputErrorEventArgs.Cancel)
                    else if (deleteFilesEventArgs.Response == DeleteFilesResponse.Cancel)
                        // Cancel the export altogether.

                // In the output handler, the tracks needed to be added first, and then the playlists after.
                foreach (string playlistId in storage.Playlists)
                    Playlist playlist = AppMusicLibrary.PlaylistDictionary[playlistId];

                    if (playlist != null)
                        // Add MP3 music.
                        foreach (Track track in playlist.AllTracks.Where(t => t.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".mp3")))
                            if (track.InLibrary)
                                AddTrack(track.Id, track.Artist, track.Name, track.TrackTime, AppMusicLibrary.MusicFolder + track.Location);
                                AddTrack(track.Id, track.Artist, track.Name, track.TrackTime, track.Location);

                        AddPlaylist(playlist.PersistentId, playlist.Name, playlist.AllTracks);

            // Check for sensible limits.
            if (FileNameLengthLimit < 64)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("File name length limit must be 64 characters or more.");

            if (FolderTrackLimit < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Folder Track limit must be 0 or more.");

            if (PlaylistTrackLimit < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Playlist Track limit must be 0 or more.");

            // To work out a percentage, look at the total tracks to output.
            int totalOutputTracks      = TotalOutputTracks();
            int totalOutputTracksSoFar = 0;

            // Set up a counter to count number of tracks output so far.
            // Get a divisor (first 95% = the music)...
            double divisor = 95.0 / totalOutputTracks;

            if (totalOutputTracks > 0)
                // Apply names, e.g. just "Music", or "Music 1", "Music 2" etc.

                // Deal with one music folder at a time.
                foreach (OutputMusicFolder outputMusicFolder in _outputMusicFolders)
                    // Establish the name of the music folder
                    string musicFolderPath = $"{outputFolderName}\\{outputMusicFolder.Name}\\";

                    // Folder should not exist already because whole output folder should have been wiped.
                    if (!Directory.Exists(musicFolderPath))
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            outputErrorEventArgs = new OutputErrorEventArgs($"There was a problem creating the folder at '{musicFolderPath}': {ex.Message}.");

                            // If the user pressed cancel then exit.
                            if (outputErrorEventArgs.Cancel)

                    foreach (OutputTrack outputTrack in outputMusicFolder.Tracks.Values)
                        // Copy all the music into this folder.
                        string sourceFileName = outputTrack.SourceFileName;

                        // Eliminate any characters that the RNS-E might not agree with.
                        string destinationBaseFileName = FileSystem.ValidRnseFileName(outputTrack.Name + " - " + outputTrack.Artist);

                        // Make sure that full path in M3U is no longer than the specified limit.
                        // e.g. 64 characters minus the Folder name + slash + .mp3
                        int maximumFileNameLength = FileNameLengthLimit - (outputMusicFolder.Name.Length + 5);

                        // If necessary, truncate the base file name (i.e. the Name - Artist) to the maximum allowed.
                        if (destinationBaseFileName.Length > maximumFileNameLength)
                            destinationBaseFileName = destinationBaseFileName.Substring(0, maximumFileNameLength);

                        // Test for some files being the same name when truncated.
                        string destinationFileName = musicFolderPath + destinationBaseFileName + ".mp3";
                        int    fileNameSuffixCount = 0;

                        // If the file doesn't exist already, then this loop will be skipped over.
                        while (File.Exists(destinationFileName))
                            // If file does exist there may be some tracks which are lengthy in name, but only different in the last few characters.. this may have been
                            // truncated before we get to here.  Therefore we still need to give them a different file name by applying a "1", "2" etc. on the end.
                            fileNameSuffixCount += 1;

                            // Get a proposed file name for when the suffix is added.  Just trim off however many characters needed at the end, and add number.
                            string amendedDestinationBaseFileName = destinationBaseFileName.Substring(0, destinationBaseFileName.Length - fileNameSuffixCount.ToString().Length);

                            // Append number so now overall filename should still be no more than the limit.
                            destinationFileName = musicFolderPath + amendedDestinationBaseFileName + fileNameSuffixCount + ".mp3";

                        outputTrack.DestinationFileName = destinationFileName;

                        // Check that the source file exists before trying to copy it.
                        if (File.Exists(sourceFileName))
                            // Check whether destination file exists.  It shouldn't because of logic further up, but still...
                            if (File.Exists(outputTrack.DestinationFileName))
                                outputErrorEventArgs = new OutputErrorEventArgs($"The file '{outputTrack.DestinationFileName}' already exists.  Continue the export?");

                                // If the user pressed cancel then exit.
                                if (outputErrorEventArgs.Cancel)

                            // Work out a percentage complete figure.
                            int percentProgress = Convert.ToInt32(totalOutputTracksSoFar * divisor);

                            // Check for cancellation.
                            StatusChangedEventArgs exportingFileArgs = new StatusChangedEventArgs(percentProgress, "Exporting '" + Path.GetFileName(outputTrack.DestinationFileName) + "'...", false);

                            if (exportingFileArgs.Cancel)

                                File.Copy(sourceFileName, outputTrack.DestinationFileName, true);
                            catch (Exception)
                                outputErrorEventArgs = new OutputErrorEventArgs("There was a problem copying from '" + sourceFileName + "' to '" + outputTrack.DestinationFileName + "'.");

                                // If the user pressed cancel then exit.
                                if (outputErrorEventArgs.Cancel)

                            if (StripId3V1Tags)
                                // Should Remove ID3V1 tag for two reasons:
                                //   (a) Just in case any "helpful" Windows software comes along and tries to automatically add a V2 tag back.
                                //   (b) The description output in the M3U playlist is recognised and shown by the RNS-E on the DIS and so this makes any tag redundant anyway.
                                catch (Exception)
                                    // Ignore any error (e.g. if no tag there anyway).

                            if (StripId3V2Tags)
                                // Should Remove any ID3V2 tag because my RNS-E doesn't play any MP3 with this tag (contrary to the Audi instruction manual).
                                catch (Exception)
                                    // Ignore any error (e.g. if no tag there anyway).
                            outputErrorEventArgs = new OutputErrorEventArgs($"The file '{sourceFileName}' does not exist.");

                            // If the user pressed cancel then exit/
                            if (outputErrorEventArgs.Cancel)

                        // Add to value so that percentage can update properly/
                        totalOutputTracksSoFar += 1;

                // Check for cancellation.
                StatusChangedEventArgs exportingPlaylistsArgs = new StatusChangedEventArgs(97, "Exporting Playlists...", false);

                if (exportingPlaylistsArgs.Cancel)

                // Apply names to playlists before they are output.

                // Create all the playlists on disk.
                foreach (OutputPlaylist outputPlaylist in _outputPlaylists)
                    if (outputPlaylist.Tracks.Any())
                        // Create an M3U file for the playlist in the output folder (make sure this is OK within RNS-E rules).
                        FileStream fileM3U     = null;
                        string     m3UFileName = Path.Combine(outputFolderName, FileSystem.ValidRnseFileName(outputPlaylist.Name) + ".m3u");

                            fileM3U = File.Create(m3UFileName);
                        catch (Exception)
                            outputErrorEventArgs = new OutputErrorEventArgs("There was a problem creating the '" + m3UFileName + "' file.");

                            // If the user pressed cancel then exit.
                            if (outputErrorEventArgs.Cancel)

                        if (fileM3U != null)
                            // Open the file for writing based upon this stream.
                            StreamWriter writeM3U = new StreamWriter(fileM3U);

                            foreach (string outputTrack in outputPlaylist.Tracks)
                                // Find which music folder we put the track into, in the end.
                                OutputMusicFolder trackOutputMusicFolder = FindOutputMusicFolderByTrack(outputTrack);

                                if (trackOutputMusicFolder != null && trackOutputMusicFolder.Tracks.ContainsKey(outputTrack))
                                    // Get the exact file being referred to by the Id.
                                    OutputTrack track = trackOutputMusicFolder.Tracks[outputTrack];

                                    // Write an entry in the M3U.
                                    writeM3U.WriteLine("#EXTINF:{0},{1} - {2}", track.TrackTime, track.Name, track.Artist);
                                    writeM3U.WriteLine("{0}\\{1}", trackOutputMusicFolder.Name, Path.GetFileName(track.DestinationFileName));

                            // Clean up.

            StatusChanged?.Invoke(new StatusChangedEventArgs(100, "Completed.", false));