        internal void MovePageToLeaf(TabGroupLeaf leaf)
            // Remember original auto compact mode
            bool autoCompact = _tabbedGroups.AutoCompact;

            // Turn mode off as it interferes with reorganisation
            _tabbedGroups.AutoCompact = false;

            // Get the requested tab page to be moved to new leaf
            River.Orqa.Controls.Controls.TabPage tp = _tabControl.SelectedTab;

            // Remove page from ourself

            // Add into the new leaf

            // Make new leaf the active one
            _tabbedGroups.ActiveLeaf = leaf;

            River.Orqa.Controls.Controls.TabControl tc = leaf.GroupControl as Controls.TabControl;

            // Select the newly added page
            tc.SelectedTab = tp;

            // Reset compacting mode as we have updated the structure
            _tabbedGroups.AutoCompact = autoCompact;

            // Do we need to compact?
            if (_tabbedGroups.AutoCompact)
 public TGPageLoadingEventArgs(Controls.TabPage tp, XmlTextReader xmlIn)
     // Definie initial state
     _tp     = tp;
     _xmlIn  = xmlIn;
     _cancel = false;
 public TGContextMenuEventArgs(TabGroupLeaf tgl, Controls.TabControl tc,
                               Controls.TabPage tp, PopupMenu contextMenu)
     : base(tgl, tc, tp)
     // Definie initial state
     _contextMenu = contextMenu;
 public TGCloseRequestEventArgs(TabGroupLeaf tgl, Controls.TabControl tc, Controls.TabPage tp)
     // Definie initial state
     _tgl    = tgl;
     _tc     = tc;
     _tp     = tp;
     _cancel = false;
        protected void AddGroupToSequence(TabGroupSequence tgs, TabGroupLeaf sourceLeaf, bool before)
            // Remember original auto compact mode
            bool autoCompact = _tabbedGroups.AutoCompact;

            // Turn mode off as it interferes with reorganisation
            _tabbedGroups.AutoCompact = false;

            // Find our index into parent collection
            int pos = tgs.IndexOf(this);

            TabGroupLeaf newGroup = null;

            // New group inserted before existing one?
            if (before)
                newGroup = tgs.InsertNewLeaf(pos);
                // No, are we at the end of the collection?
                if (pos == (tgs.Count - 1))
                    newGroup = tgs.AddNewLeaf();
                    newGroup = tgs.InsertNewLeaf(pos + 1);

            // Get tab control for source leaf
            Controls.TabControl tc = sourceLeaf.GroupControl as Controls.TabControl;

            River.Orqa.Controls.Controls.TabPage tp = tc.SelectedTab;

            // Remove page from ourself

            // Add into the new leaf

            // Reset compacting mode as we have updated the structure
            _tabbedGroups.AutoCompact = autoCompact;

            // Do we need to compact?
            if (_tabbedGroups.AutoCompact)
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            // Fill background in required color
            if (_style == VisualStyle.IDE)
                using (SolidBrush fillBrush = new SolidBrush(_backIDE))
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(fillBrush, this.ClientRectangle);
                using (SolidBrush fillBrush = new SolidBrush(this.BackColor))
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(fillBrush, this.ClientRectangle);

            // Style specific outline drawing
            DrawOutline(e.Graphics, true);

            // Draw border around area
            using (Pen borderPen = new Pen(ControlPaint.LightLight(this.ForeColor)))
                // Draw each of the draw objects
                foreach (DrawTab dt in _drawTabs)
                    Rectangle drawRect = dt.DrawRect;

                    AdjustRectForEdge(ref drawRect);

                    // Style specific cell outline drawing
                    DrawOutlineForCell(e.Graphics, borderPen, drawRect);

                    // Draw the image in the left/top of the cell
                    River.Orqa.Controls.Controls.TabPage page = dt.TabPage;

                    int xDraw;
                    int yDraw;

                    switch (_edge)
                    case Edge.Left:
                    case Edge.Right:
                        xDraw = drawRect.Left + (drawRect.Width - _imageVector) / 2;
                        yDraw = drawRect.Top + _imageGap;

                    case Edge.Top:
                    case Edge.Bottom:
                    case Edge.None:
                        xDraw = drawRect.Left + _imageGap;
                        yDraw = drawRect.Top + (drawRect.Height - _imageVector) / 2;

                    if ((page.ImageIndex != -1) && (page.ImageList != null))
                        // Draw the actual image
                                             new Rectangle(xDraw, yDraw, _imageVector, _imageVector));

                    // Is anything currently selected
                    if (_selectedIndex != -1)
                        // Is this page selected?

                        if (page == _tabPages[_selectedIndex])
                            Rectangle textRect;

                            StringFormat drawFormat = new StringFormat();
                            drawFormat.FormatFlags   = StringFormatFlags.NoClip | StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
                            drawFormat.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;
                            drawFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                            // Create text drawing rectangle
                            switch (_edge)
                            case Edge.Left:
                            case Edge.Right:
                                textRect = new Rectangle(drawRect.Left, yDraw + _imageVector + _imageGap,
                                                         drawRect.Width, drawRect.Height - _imageVector - _imageGap * 2);
                                drawFormat.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical;

                            case Edge.Top:
                            case Edge.Bottom:
                            case Edge.None:
                                textRect = new Rectangle(xDraw + _imageVector + _imageGap, drawRect.Top,
                                                         drawRect.Width - _imageVector - _imageGap * 2, drawRect.Height);

                            Color brushColor = this.ForeColor;

                            if (_style == VisualStyle.IDE)
                                brushColor = ControlPaint.Light(brushColor);

                            using (SolidBrush drawBrush = new SolidBrush(brushColor))
                                e.Graphics.DrawString(page.Title, this.Font, drawBrush, textRect, drawFormat);

            // Style specific outline drawing
            DrawOutline(e.Graphics, false);

 public DrawTab(River.Orqa.Controls.Controls.TabPage tabPage, Rectangle drawRect, int index)
     _index    = index;
     _tabPage  = tabPage;
     _drawRect = drawRect;
        public override void LoadFromXml(XmlTextReader xmlIn)
            // Grab the expected attributes
            string rawCount  = xmlIn.GetAttribute(0);
            string rawUnique = xmlIn.GetAttribute(1);
            string rawSpace  = xmlIn.GetAttribute(2);

            // Convert to correct types
            int     count  = Convert.ToInt32(rawCount);
            int     unique = Convert.ToInt32(rawUnique);
            Decimal space  = Convert.ToDecimal(rawSpace);

            // Update myself with new values
            _unique = unique;
            _space  = space;

            // Load each of the children
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                // Read to the first page element or
                if (!xmlIn.Read())
                    throw new ArgumentException("An element was expected but could not be read in");

                // Must always be a page instance
                if (xmlIn.Name == "Page")
                    Controls.TabPage tp = new Controls.TabPage();

                    // Grab the expected attributes
                    string title         = xmlIn.GetAttribute(0);
                    string rawImageList  = xmlIn.GetAttribute(1);
                    string rawImageIndex = xmlIn.GetAttribute(2);
                    string rawSelected   = xmlIn.GetAttribute(3);
                    string controlType   = xmlIn.GetAttribute(4);

                    // Convert to correct types
                    bool imageList  = Convert.ToBoolean(rawImageList);
                    int  imageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(rawImageIndex);
                    bool selected   = Convert.ToBoolean(rawSelected);

                    // Setup new page instance
                    tp.Title      = title;
                    tp.ImageIndex = imageIndex;
                    tp.Selected   = selected;

                    if (imageList)
                        tp.ImageList = _tabbedGroups.ImageList;

                    // Is there a type description of required control?
                    if (controlType != "null")
                            // Get type description, if possible
                            Type t = Type.GetType(controlType);

                            // Was a valid, known type?
                            if (t != null)
                                // Get the assembly this type is defined inside
                                Assembly a = t.Assembly;

                                if (a != null)
                                    // Create a new instance form the assemnly
                                    object newObj = a.CreateInstance(t.FullName);

                                    Control newControl = newObj as Control;

                                    // Must derive from Control to be of use to us
                                    if (newControl != null)
                                        tp.Control = newControl;
                            // We ignore failure to recreate given control type

                    // Read to the custom data element
                    if (!xmlIn.Read())
                        throw new ArgumentException("An element was expected but could not be read in");

                    if (xmlIn.Name != "CustomPageData")
                        throw new ArgumentException("Expected 'CustomPageData' element was not found");

                    bool finished = xmlIn.IsEmptyElement;

                    TGPageLoadingEventArgs e = new TGPageLoadingEventArgs(tp, xmlIn);

                    // Give handlers chance to reconstruct per-page information

                    // Add into the control unless handler cancelled add operation
                    if (!e.Cancel)

                    // Read everything until we get the end of custom data marker
                    while (!finished)
                        // Check it has the expected name
                        if (xmlIn.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                            finished = (xmlIn.Name == "CustomPageData");

                        if (!finished)
                            if (!xmlIn.Read())
                                throw new ArgumentException("An element was expected but could not be read in");

                    // Read past the end of page element
                    if (!xmlIn.Read())
                        throw new ArgumentException("An element was expected but could not be read in");

                    // Check it has the expected name
                    if (xmlIn.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                        throw new ArgumentException("End of 'page' element expected but missing");
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unknown element was encountered");
 public TGPageSavingEventArgs(Controls.TabPage tp, XmlTextWriter xmlOut)
     // Definie initial state
     _tp     = tp;
     _xmlOut = xmlOut;