        void reconstruct_path(
            Dictionary <Path_Node <Tile>, Path_Node <Tile> > Came_From,
            Path_Node <Tile> current
            // So at this point, current IS the goal.
            // So what we want to do is walk backwards through the Came_From
            // map, until we reach the "end" of that map...which will be
            // our starting node!
            Queue <Tile> total_path = new Queue <Tile>();

            total_path.Enqueue(current.data); // This "final" step is the path is the goal!

            while (Came_From.ContainsKey(current))
                // Came_From is a map, where the
                //    key => value relation is real saying
                //    some_node => we_got_there_from_this_node

                current = Came_From[current];

            // At this point, total_path is a queue that is running
            // backwards from the END tile to the START tile, so let's reverse it.

            path = new Queue <Tile>(total_path.Reverse());
        float heuristic_cost_estimate(Path_Node <Tile> a, Path_Node <Tile> b)
            if (b == null)
                // We have no fixed destination (i.e. probably looking for an inventory item)
                // so just return 0 for the cost estimate (i.e. all directions as just as good)

                       Mathf.Pow(a.data.X - b.data.X, 2) +
                       Mathf.Pow(a.data.Y - b.data.Y, 2)
        float dist_between(Path_Node <Tile> a, Path_Node <Tile> b)
            // We can make assumptions because we know we're working
            // on a grid at this point.

            // Hori/Vert neighbours have a distance of 1
            if (Mathf.Abs(a.data.X - b.data.X) + Mathf.Abs(a.data.Y - b.data.Y) == 1)

            // Diag neighbours have a distance of 1.41421356237
            if (Mathf.Abs(a.data.X - b.data.X) == 1 && Mathf.Abs(a.data.Y - b.data.Y) == 1)

            // Otherwise, do the actual math.
                       Mathf.Pow(a.data.X - b.data.X, 2) +
                       Mathf.Pow(a.data.Y - b.data.Y, 2)
        public Path_AStar(World world, Tile tileStart, Tile tileEnd, string objectType = null, int desiredAmount = 0, bool canTakeFromStockpile = false)
            // if tileEnd is null, then we are simply scanning for the nearest objectType.
            // We can do this by ignoring the heuristic component of AStar, which basically
            // just turns this into an over-engineered Dijkstra's algo

            // Check to see if we have a valid tile graph
            if (world.tileGraph == null)
                world.tileGraph = new Path_TileGraph(world);

            // A dictionary of all valid, walkable nodes.
            Dictionary <Tile, Path_Node <Tile> > nodes = world.tileGraph.nodes;

            // Make sure our start/end tiles are in the list of nodes!
            if (nodes.ContainsKey(tileStart) == false)
                Utils.LogError("Path_AStar: The starting tile isn't in the list of nodes!");


            Path_Node <Tile> start = nodes[tileStart];

            // if tileEnd is null, then we are simply looking for an inventory object
            // so just set goal to null.
            Path_Node <Tile> goal = null;

            if (tileEnd != null)
                if (nodes.ContainsKey(tileEnd) == false)
                    Debug.LogError("Path_AStar: The ending tile isn't in the list of nodes!");

                goal = nodes[tileEnd];

            // Mostly following this pseusocode:
            // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm

            List <Path_Node <Tile> > ClosedSet = new List <Path_Node <Tile> >();

            /*		List<Path_Node<Tile>> OpenSet = new List<Path_Node<Tile>>();
             *      OpenSet.Add( start );

            SimplePriorityQueue <Path_Node <Tile> > OpenSet = new SimplePriorityQueue <Path_Node <Tile> >();

            OpenSet.Enqueue(start, 0);

            Dictionary <Path_Node <Tile>, Path_Node <Tile> > Came_From = new Dictionary <Path_Node <Tile>, Path_Node <Tile> >();

            Dictionary <Path_Node <Tile>, float> g_score = new Dictionary <Path_Node <Tile>, float>();

            foreach (Path_Node <Tile> n in nodes.Values)
                g_score[n] = Mathf.Infinity;
            g_score[start] = 0;

            Dictionary <Path_Node <Tile>, float> f_score = new Dictionary <Path_Node <Tile>, float>();

            foreach (Path_Node <Tile> n in nodes.Values)
                f_score[n] = Mathf.Infinity;
            f_score[start] = heuristic_cost_estimate(start, goal);

            while (OpenSet.Count > 0)
                Path_Node <Tile> current = OpenSet.Dequeue();

                // If we have a POSITIONAL goal, check to see if we are there.
                if (goal != null)
                    if (current == goal)
                        reconstruct_path(Came_From, current);
                    // We don't have a POSITIONAL goal, we're just trying to find
                    // some king of inventory.  Have we reached it?
                    //TODO: verificar isso

                    /*if (current.data.inventory != null && current.data.inventory.objectType == objectType)
                     * {
                     *  // Type is correct
                     *  if (canTakeFromStockpile || current.data.furniture == null || current.data.furniture.IsStockpile() == false)
                     *  {
                     *      // Stockpile status is fine
                     *      reconstruct_path(Came_From, current);
                     *      return;
                     *  }
                     * }*/


                foreach (Path_Edge <Tile> edge_neighbor in current.edges)
                    Path_Node <Tile> neighbor = edge_neighbor.node;

                    if (ClosedSet.Contains(neighbor) == true)
                        continue; // ignore this already completed neighbor
                    float movement_cost_to_neighbor = neighbor.data.movementCost * dist_between(current, neighbor);

                    float tentative_g_score = g_score[current] + movement_cost_to_neighbor;

                    if (OpenSet.Contains(neighbor) && tentative_g_score >= g_score[neighbor])

                    Came_From[neighbor] = current;
                    g_score[neighbor]   = tentative_g_score;
                    f_score[neighbor]   = g_score[neighbor] + heuristic_cost_estimate(neighbor, goal);

                    if (OpenSet.Contains(neighbor) == false)
                        OpenSet.Enqueue(neighbor, f_score[neighbor]);
                        OpenSet.UpdatePriority(neighbor, f_score[neighbor]);
                } // foreach neighbour
            }     // while

            // If we reached here, it means that we've burned through the entire
            // OpenSet without ever reaching a point where current == goal.
            // This happens when there is no path from start to goal
            // (so there's a wall or missing floor or something).

            // We don't have a failure state, maybe? It's just that the
            // path list will be null.