public override void ApplyOnPawn(Pawn pawn, BodyPartRecord part, Pawn billDoer, List <Thing> ingredients, Bill bill) { bool flag = MedicalRecipesUtility.IsClean(pawn, part); bool flag2 = !PawnGenerator.IsBeingGenerated(pawn) && IsViolationOnPawn(pawn, part, Faction.OfPlayer); if (billDoer != null) { if (CheckSurgeryFail(billDoer, pawn, ingredients, part, bill)) { return; } TaleRecorder.RecordTale(TaleDefOf.DidSurgery, billDoer, pawn); MedicalRecipesUtility.RestorePartAndSpawnAllPreviousParts(pawn, part, billDoer.Position, billDoer.Map); if (flag && flag2 && part.def.spawnThingOnRemoved != null) { ThoughtUtility.GiveThoughtsForPawnOrganHarvested(pawn); } if (flag2) { ReportViolation(pawn, billDoer, pawn.FactionOrExtraHomeFaction, -70, "GoodwillChangedReason_NeedlesslyInstalledWorseBodyPart".Translate(recipe.addsHediff.label)); } } else if (pawn.Map != null) { MedicalRecipesUtility.RestorePartAndSpawnAllPreviousParts(pawn, part, pawn.Position, pawn.Map); } else {; }, part); }
public override void ApplyOnPawn(Pawn pawn, BodyPartRecord part, Pawn billDoer, List <Thing> ingredients, Bill bill) { bool flag = MedicalRecipesUtility.IsClean(pawn, part); bool flag2 = IsViolationOnPawn(pawn, part, Faction.OfPlayer); if (billDoer != null) { if (CheckSurgeryFail(billDoer, pawn, ingredients, part, bill)) { return; } TaleRecorder.RecordTale(TaleDefOf.DidSurgery, billDoer, pawn); MedicalRecipesUtility.SpawnNaturalPartIfClean(pawn, part, billDoer.Position, billDoer.Map); MedicalRecipesUtility.SpawnThingsFromHediffs(pawn, part, billDoer.Position, billDoer.Map); } pawn.TakeDamage(new DamageInfo(DamageDefOf.SurgicalCut, 99999f, 999f, -1f, null, part)); if (flag) { if (pawn.Dead) { ThoughtUtility.GiveThoughtsForPawnExecuted(pawn, PawnExecutionKind.OrganHarvesting); } ThoughtUtility.GiveThoughtsForPawnOrganHarvested(pawn); } if (flag2) { ReportViolation(pawn, billDoer, pawn.FactionOrExtraHomeFaction, -70, "GoodwillChangedReason_RemovedBodyPart".Translate(part.LabelShort)); } }
public override void ApplyOnPawn(Pawn pawn, BodyPartRecord part, Pawn billDoer, List <Thing> ingredients, Bill bill) { bool flag = MedicalRecipesUtility.IsClean(pawn, part); bool flag2 = this.IsViolationOnPawn(pawn, part, Faction.OfPlayer); if (billDoer != null) { if (base.CheckSurgeryFail(billDoer, pawn, ingredients, part, bill)) { return; } TaleRecorder.RecordTale(TaleDefOf.DidSurgery, billDoer, pawn); MedicalRecipesUtility.SpawnNaturalPartIfClean(pawn, part, billDoer.Position, billDoer.Map); MedicalRecipesUtility.SpawnThingsFromHediffs(pawn, part, billDoer.Position, billDoer.Map); } DamageDef surgicalCut = DamageDefOf.SurgicalCut; int amount = 99999; pawn.TakeDamage(new DamageInfo(surgicalCut, amount, -1f, null, part, null, DamageInfo.SourceCategory.ThingOrUnknown)); if (flag) { if (pawn.Dead) { ThoughtUtility.GiveThoughtsForPawnExecuted(pawn, PawnExecutionKind.OrganHarvesting); } else { ThoughtUtility.GiveThoughtsForPawnOrganHarvested(pawn); } } if (flag2) { pawn.Faction.AffectGoodwillWith(billDoer.Faction, -20f); } }
internal void <> m__0() { Pawn actor =; actor.pather.StopDead(); JobDriver curDriver =; if (this.hasBed) { Building_Bed t = (Building_Bed)actor.CurJob.GetTarget(this.bedOrRestSpotIndex).Thing; if (!t.OccupiedRect().Contains(actor.Position)) { Log.Error("Can't start LayDown toil because pawn is not in the bed. pawn=" + actor, false);, true); return; } = PawnPosture.LayingInBed; } else { = PawnPosture.LayingOnGroundNormal; } curDriver.asleep = false; if (actor.mindState.applyBedThoughtsTick == 0) { actor.mindState.applyBedThoughtsTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame + Rand.Range(2500, 10000); actor.mindState.applyBedThoughtsOnLeave = false; } if (actor.ownership != null && actor.CurrentBed() != actor.ownership.OwnedBed) { ThoughtUtility.RemovePositiveBedroomThoughts(actor); } }
private Thought_Situational TryCreateThought(ThoughtDef def) { Thought_Situational thought_Situational = null; try { if (!ThoughtUtility.CanGetThought(pawn, def)) { return(null); } if (!def.Worker.CurrentState(pawn).ActiveFor(def)) { return(null); } thought_Situational = (Thought_Situational)ThoughtMaker.MakeThought(def); thought_Situational.pawn = pawn; thought_Situational.RecalculateState(); return(thought_Situational); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Exception while recalculating " + def + " thought state for pawn " + pawn + ": " + ex); return(thought_Situational); } }
private Thought_SituationalSocial TryCreateSocialThought(ThoughtDef def, Pawn otherPawn) { Thought_SituationalSocial thought_SituationalSocial = null; try { if (!ThoughtUtility.CanGetThought_NewTemp(pawn, def)) { return(null); } if (!def.Worker.CurrentSocialState(pawn, otherPawn).ActiveFor(def)) { return(null); } thought_SituationalSocial = (Thought_SituationalSocial)ThoughtMaker.MakeThought(def); thought_SituationalSocial.pawn = pawn; thought_SituationalSocial.otherPawn = otherPawn; thought_SituationalSocial.RecalculateState(); return(thought_SituationalSocial); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Concat("Exception while recalculating ", def, " thought state for pawn ", pawn, ": ", ex)); return(thought_SituationalSocial); } }
private Thought_Situational TryCreateThought(ThoughtDef def) { Thought_Situational thought_Situational = null; try { if (!ThoughtUtility.CanGetThought(this.pawn, def)) { return(null); } if (!def.Worker.CurrentState(this.pawn).ActiveFor(def)) { return(null); } thought_Situational = (Thought_Situational)ThoughtMaker.MakeThought(def); thought_Situational.pawn = this.pawn; thought_Situational.RecalculateState(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Exception while recalculating ", def, " thought state for pawn ", this.pawn, ": ", ex }), false); } return(thought_Situational); }
public override float MoodOffset() { if (ThoughtUtility.ThoughtNullified(pawn, def)) { return(0f); } return(base.MoodOffset() * moodPowerFactor); }
public override void ApplyOnPawn(Pawn pawn, BodyPartRecord part, Pawn billDoer, List <Thing> ingredients, Bill bill) { if (IsViolationOnPawn(pawn, part, Faction.OfPlayer)) { ReportViolation(pawn, billDoer, pawn.FactionOrExtraMiniOrHomeFaction, -100, "GoodwillChangedReason_EuthanizedPawn".Translate(pawn.Named("PAWN"))); } ExecutionUtility.DoExecutionByCut(billDoer, pawn); ThoughtUtility.GiveThoughtsForPawnExecuted(pawn, PawnExecutionKind.GenericHumane); }
public static bool CanGetThought(Pawn pawn, ThoughtDef def) { try { if (!def.validWhileDespawned && !pawn.Spawned && !def.IsMemory) { return(false); } if (def.nullifyingTraits != null) { for (int i = 0; i < def.nullifyingTraits.Count; i++) { if (pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(def.nullifyingTraits[i])) { return(false); } } } if (!def.requiredTraits.NullOrEmpty <TraitDef>()) { bool flag = false; for (int j = 0; j < def.requiredTraits.Count; j++) { if (pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(def.requiredTraits[j])) { if (!def.RequiresSpecificTraitsDegree || def.requiredTraitsDegree == pawn.story.traits.DegreeOfTrait(def.requiredTraits[j])) { flag = true; break; } } } if (!flag) { return(false); } } if (def.nullifiedIfNotColonist && !pawn.IsColonist) { return(false); } if (ThoughtUtility.IsSituationalThoughtNullifiedByHediffs(def, pawn)) { return(false); } if (ThoughtUtility.IsThoughtNullifiedByOwnTales(def, pawn)) { return(false); } } finally { } return(true); }
public virtual float OpinionOffset() { if (ThoughtUtility.ThoughtNullified(pawn, def)) { return(0f); } if (ShouldDiscard) { return(0f); } return(opinionOffset * AgeFactor); }
public override float OpinionOffset() { if (ThoughtUtility.ThoughtNullified(pawn, def)) { return(0f); } if (ShouldDiscard) { return(0f); } return(Mathf.Min(opinionOffset, def.maxCumulatedOpinionOffset)); }
protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { if (!pawn.guest.PrisonerIsSecure || pawn.apparel == null) { return(null); } if (ThoughtUtility.CanGetThought_NewTemp(pawn, ThoughtDefOf.ClothedNudist, checkIfNullified: true) && pawn.AmbientTemperature >= pawn.SafeTemperatureRange().min) { return(null); } if (pawn.royalty != null && pawn.royalty.AllTitlesInEffectForReading.Count > 0) { RoyalTitleDef def = pawn.royalty.MostSeniorTitle.def; if (def != null && def.requiredApparel != null) { for (int i = 0; i < def.requiredApparel.Count; i++) { if (!def.requiredApparel[i].IsMet(pawn)) { Apparel apparel = FindGarmentSatisfyingTitleRequirement(pawn, def.requiredApparel[i]); if (apparel != null) { Job job = JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.Wear, apparel); job.ignoreForbidden = true; return(job); } } } } } if (!pawn.apparel.BodyPartGroupIsCovered(BodyPartGroupDefOf.Legs)) { Apparel apparel2 = FindGarmentCoveringPart(pawn, BodyPartGroupDefOf.Legs); if (apparel2 != null) { Job job2 = JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.Wear, apparel2); job2.ignoreForbidden = true; return(job2); } } if (!pawn.apparel.BodyPartGroupIsCovered(BodyPartGroupDefOf.Torso)) { Apparel apparel3 = FindGarmentCoveringPart(pawn, BodyPartGroupDefOf.Torso); if (apparel3 != null) { Job job3 = JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.Wear, apparel3); job3.ignoreForbidden = true; return(job3); } } return(null); }
public virtual float OpinionOffset() { if (ThoughtUtility.ThoughtNullified(pawn, def)) { return(0f); } float num = base.CurStage.baseOpinionOffset; if (def.effectMultiplyingStat != null) { num *= pawn.GetStatValue(def.effectMultiplyingStat) * otherPawn.GetStatValue(def.effectMultiplyingStat); } return(num); }
protected override IEnumerable <Toil> MakeNewToils() { this.FailOnAggroMentalState(TargetIndex.A); yield return(Toils_Interpersonal.GotoPrisoner(pawn, Victim, PrisonerInteractionModeDefOf.Execution).FailOn(() => !Victim.IsPrisonerOfColony || !Victim.guest.PrisonerIsSecure)); Toil execute = new Toil(); execute.initAction = delegate { ExecutionUtility.DoExecutionByCut(, Victim); ThoughtUtility.GiveThoughtsForPawnExecuted(Victim, PawnExecutionKind.GenericBrutal); TaleRecorder.RecordTale(TaleDefOf.ExecutedPrisoner, pawn, Victim); }; execute.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Instant; yield return(execute); }
public override float MoodOffset() { if (ThoughtUtility.ThoughtNullified(pawn, def)) { return(0f); } if (ShouldDiscard) { return(0f); } float num = base.MoodOffset(); float num2 = Mathf.Lerp(-1f, 1f, harmonizer.pawn.needs.mood.CurLevel); float statValue = harmonizer.pawn.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.PsychicSensitivity); return(num * num2 * statValue); }
public override float MoodOffset() { if (ThoughtUtility.ThoughtNullified(pawn, def)) { return(0f); } QuestPart_SituationalThought questPart_SituationalThought = ((ThoughtWorker_QuestPart)def.Worker).FindQuestPart(pawn); if (questPart_SituationalThought == null) { return(0f); } float x = (float)TicksSinceQuestUnmet(questPart_SituationalThought) / 60000f; return(Mathf.RoundToInt(MoodOffsetFromUnmetDaysCurve.Evaluate(x))); }
public static float ApparelScoreRaw(Pawn pawn, Apparel ap) { float num = 0.1f; float num2 = ap.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Sharp, true) + ap.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Blunt, true); num += num2; if (ap.def.useHitPoints) { float x = (float)ap.HitPoints / (float)ap.MaxHitPoints; num *= JobGiver_OptimizeApparel.HitPointsPercentScoreFactorCurve.Evaluate(x); } num += ap.GetSpecialApparelScoreOffset(); float num3 = 1f; if (JobGiver_OptimizeApparel.neededWarmth == NeededWarmth.Warm) { float statValue = ap.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Insulation_Cold, true); num3 *= JobGiver_OptimizeApparel.InsulationColdScoreFactorCurve_NeedWarm.Evaluate(statValue); } num *= num3; if (ap.WornByCorpse && (pawn == null || ThoughtUtility.CanGetThought(pawn, ThoughtDefOf.DeadMansApparel))) { num = (float)(num - 0.5); if (num > 0.0) { num = (float)(num * 0.10000000149011612); } } if (ap.Stuff == ThingDefOf.Human.race.leatherDef) { if (pawn == null || ThoughtUtility.CanGetThought(pawn, ThoughtDefOf.HumanLeatherApparelSad)) { num = (float)(num - 0.5); if (num > 0.0) { num = (float)(num * 0.10000000149011612); } } if (pawn != null && ThoughtUtility.CanGetThought(pawn, ThoughtDefOf.HumanLeatherApparelHappy)) { num = (float)(num + 0.11999999731779099); } } return(num); }
public override void ApplyOnPawn(Pawn pawn, BodyPartRecord part, Pawn billDoer, List <Thing> ingredients, Bill bill) { bool flag = MedicalRecipesUtility.IsClean(pawn, part); bool flag2 = this.IsViolationOnPawn(pawn, part, Faction.OfPlayer); if (billDoer != null) { if (base.CheckSurgeryFail(billDoer, pawn, ingredients, part, bill)) { return; } TaleRecorder.RecordTale(TaleDefOf.DidSurgery, new object[] { billDoer, pawn }); MedicalRecipesUtility.SpawnNaturalPartIfClean(pawn, part, billDoer.Position, billDoer.Map); MedicalRecipesUtility.SpawnThingsFromHediffs(pawn, part, billDoer.Position, billDoer.Map); } DamageDef surgicalCut = DamageDefOf.SurgicalCut; float amount = 99999f; float armorPenetration = 999f; pawn.TakeDamage(new DamageInfo(surgicalCut, amount, armorPenetration, -1f, null, part, null, DamageInfo.SourceCategory.ThingOrUnknown, null)); if (flag) { if (pawn.Dead) { ThoughtUtility.GiveThoughtsForPawnExecuted(pawn, PawnExecutionKind.OrganHarvesting); } ThoughtUtility.GiveThoughtsForPawnOrganHarvested(pawn); } if (flag2 && pawn.Faction != null && billDoer.Faction != null) { Faction faction = pawn.Faction; Faction faction2 = billDoer.Faction; int goodwillChange = -15; string reason = "GoodwillChangedReason_RemovedBodyPart".Translate(new object[] { part.LabelShort }); GlobalTargetInfo?lookTarget = new GlobalTargetInfo?(pawn); faction.TryAffectGoodwillWith(faction2, goodwillChange, true, true, reason, lookTarget); } }
public override void ApplyOnPawn(Pawn pawn, BodyPartRecord part, Pawn billDoer, List <Thing> ingredients, Bill bill) { bool flag = MedicalRecipesUtility.IsClean(pawn, part); bool flag2 = !PawnGenerator.IsBeingGenerated(pawn) && this.IsViolationOnPawn(pawn, part, Faction.OfPlayer); if (billDoer != null) { if (base.CheckSurgeryFail(billDoer, pawn, ingredients, part, bill)) { return; } TaleRecorder.RecordTale(TaleDefOf.DidSurgery, new object[] { billDoer, pawn }); MedicalRecipesUtility.RestorePartAndSpawnAllPreviousParts(pawn, part, billDoer.Position, billDoer.Map); } else if (pawn.Map != null) { MedicalRecipesUtility.RestorePartAndSpawnAllPreviousParts(pawn, part, pawn.Position, pawn.Map); } else {, null, true); }, part, null, null); if (flag && flag2 && part.def.spawnThingOnRemoved != null) { ThoughtUtility.GiveThoughtsForPawnOrganHarvested(pawn); } if (flag2 && pawn.Faction != null && billDoer != null && billDoer.Faction != null) { Faction faction = pawn.Faction; Faction faction2 = billDoer.Faction; int goodwillChange = -15; string reason = "GoodwillChangedReason_NeedlesslyInstalledWorseBodyPart".Translate(new object[] { this.recipe.addsHediff.label }); GlobalTargetInfo?lookTarget = new GlobalTargetInfo?(pawn); faction.TryAffectGoodwillWith(faction2, goodwillChange, true, true, reason, lookTarget); } }
public void TryGainMemory(Thought_Memory newThought, Pawn otherPawn = null) { if (ThoughtUtility.CanGetThought(this.pawn, newThought.def)) { if (newThought is Thought_MemorySocial && newThought.otherPawn == null && otherPawn == null) { Log.Error("Can't gain social thought " + newThought.def + " because its otherPawn is null and otherPawn passed to this method is also null. Social thoughts must have otherPawn."); } else { newThought.pawn = this.pawn; newThought.otherPawn = otherPawn; bool flag = default(bool); if (!newThought.TryMergeWithExistingMemory(out flag)) { this.memories.Add(newThought); } if (newThought.def.stackLimitPerPawn >= 0) { while (this.NumMemoriesInGroup(newThought) > newThought.def.stackLimitPerPawn) { this.RemoveMemory(this.OldestMemoryInGroup(newThought)); } } if (newThought.def.stackLimit >= 0) { while (this.NumMemoriesOfDef(newThought.def) > newThought.def.stackLimit) { this.RemoveMemory(this.OldestMemoryOfDef(newThought.def)); } } if (newThought.def.thoughtToMake != null) { this.TryGainMemory(newThought.def.thoughtToMake, newThought.otherPawn); } if (flag && newThought.def.showBubble && this.pawn.Spawned) { MoteMaker.MakeMoodThoughtBubble(this.pawn, newThought); } } } }
public override float OpinionOffset() { if (ThoughtUtility.ThoughtNullified(pawn, def)) { return(0f); } Tale latestTale = Find.TaleManager.GetLatestTale(def.taleDef, otherPawn); if (latestTale != null) { float num = 1f; if (latestTale.def.type == TaleType.Expirable) { float value = (float)latestTale.AgeTicks / (latestTale.def.expireDays * 60000f); num = Mathf.InverseLerp(1f, def.lerpOpinionToZeroAfterDurationPct, value); } return(base.CurStage.baseOpinionOffset * num); } return(0f); }
public void TryGainMemory(Thought_Memory newThought, Pawn otherPawn = null) { if (!ThoughtUtility.CanGetThought(pawn, newThought.def)) { return; } if (newThought is Thought_MemorySocial && newThought.otherPawn == null && otherPawn == null) { Log.Error("Can't gain social thought " + newThought.def + " because its otherPawn is null and otherPawn passed to this method is also null. Social thoughts must have otherPawn."); return; } newThought.pawn = pawn; newThought.otherPawn = otherPawn; if (!newThought.TryMergeWithExistingMemory(out bool showBubble)) { memories.Add(newThought); } if (newThought.def.stackLimitForSameOtherPawn >= 0) { while (NumMemoriesInGroup(newThought) > newThought.def.stackLimitForSameOtherPawn) { RemoveMemory(OldestMemoryInGroup(newThought)); } } if (newThought.def.stackLimit >= 0) { while (NumMemoriesOfDef(newThought.def) > newThought.def.stackLimit) { RemoveMemory(OldestMemoryOfDef(newThought.def)); } } if (newThought.def.thoughtToMake != null) { TryGainMemory(newThought.def.thoughtToMake, newThought.otherPawn); } if (showBubble && newThought.def.showBubble && pawn.Spawned && PawnUtility.ShouldSendNotificationAbout(pawn)) { MoteMaker.MakeMoodThoughtBubble(pawn, newThought); } }
public virtual float MoodOffset() { if (CurStage == null) { Log.Error("CurStage is null while ShouldDiscard is false on " + def.defName + " for " + pawn); return(0f); } if (ThoughtUtility.ThoughtNullified(pawn, def)) { return(0f); } float num = BaseMoodOffset; if (def.effectMultiplyingStat != null) { num *= pawn.GetStatValue(def.effectMultiplyingStat); } if (def.Worker != null) { num *= def.Worker.MoodMultiplier(pawn); } return(num); }
public static Toil LayDown(TargetIndex bedOrRestSpotIndex, bool hasBed, bool lookForOtherJobs, bool canSleep = true, bool gainRestAndHealth = true) { Toil layDown = new Toil(); layDown.initAction = delegate { Pawn actor3 =; actor3.pather.StopDead(); JobDriver curDriver3 =; if (hasBed) { if (!((Building_Bed)actor3.CurJob.GetTarget(bedOrRestSpotIndex).Thing).OccupiedRect().Contains(actor3.Position)) { Log.Error("Can't start LayDown toil because pawn is not in the bed. pawn=" + actor3);; return; } = PawnPosture.LayingInBed; } else { = PawnPosture.LayingOnGroundNormal; } curDriver3.asleep = false; if (actor3.mindState.applyBedThoughtsTick == 0) { actor3.mindState.applyBedThoughtsTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame + Rand.Range(2500, 10000); actor3.mindState.applyBedThoughtsOnLeave = false; } if (actor3.ownership != null && actor3.CurrentBed() != actor3.ownership.OwnedBed) { ThoughtUtility.RemovePositiveBedroomThoughts(actor3); } actor3.GetComp <CompCanBeDormant>()?.ToSleep(); }; layDown.tickAction = delegate { Pawn actor2 =; Job curJob = actor2.CurJob; JobDriver curDriver2 =; Building_Bed building_Bed = (Building_Bed)curJob.GetTarget(bedOrRestSpotIndex).Thing; actor2.GainComfortFromCellIfPossible(); if (!curDriver2.asleep) { if (canSleep && (( != null && < RestUtility.FallAsleepMaxLevel(actor2)) || curJob.forceSleep)) { curDriver2.asleep = true; } } else if (!canSleep) { curDriver2.asleep = false; } else if (( == null || >= RestUtility.WakeThreshold(actor2)) && !curJob.forceSleep) { curDriver2.asleep = false; } if (curDriver2.asleep && gainRestAndHealth && != null) { float restEffectiveness = (building_Bed == null || !building_Bed.def.statBases.StatListContains(StatDefOf.BedRestEffectiveness)) ? StatDefOf.BedRestEffectiveness.valueIfMissing : building_Bed.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.BedRestEffectiveness);; } if (actor2.mindState.applyBedThoughtsTick != 0 && actor2.mindState.applyBedThoughtsTick <= Find.TickManager.TicksGame) { ApplyBedThoughts(actor2); actor2.mindState.applyBedThoughtsTick += 60000; actor2.mindState.applyBedThoughtsOnLeave = true; } if (actor2.IsHashIntervalTick(100) && !actor2.Position.Fogged(actor2.Map)) { if (curDriver2.asleep) { MoteMaker.ThrowMetaIcon(actor2.Position, actor2.Map, ThingDefOf.Mote_SleepZ); } if (gainRestAndHealth && { MoteMaker.ThrowMetaIcon(actor2.Position, actor2.Map, ThingDefOf.Mote_HealingCross); } } if (actor2.ownership != null && building_Bed != null && !building_Bed.Medical && !building_Bed.OwnersForReading.Contains(actor2)) { if (actor2.Downed) { actor2.Position = CellFinder.RandomClosewalkCellNear(actor2.Position, actor2.Map, 1); }; } else if (lookForOtherJobs && actor2.IsHashIntervalTick(211)) {; } }; layDown.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Never; if (hasBed) { layDown.FailOnBedNoLongerUsable(bedOrRestSpotIndex); } layDown.AddFinishAction(delegate { Pawn actor =; JobDriver curDriver =; if (actor.mindState.applyBedThoughtsOnLeave) { ApplyBedThoughts(actor); } curDriver.asleep = false; }); return(layDown); }
public static float ApparelScoreRaw(Pawn pawn, Apparel ap) { float num = 0.1f; float num2 = ap.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Sharp) + ap.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Blunt); num += num2; if (ap.def.useHitPoints) { float x = (float)ap.HitPoints / (float)ap.MaxHitPoints; num *= HitPointsPercentScoreFactorCurve.Evaluate(x); } num += ap.GetSpecialApparelScoreOffset(); float num3 = 1f; if (neededWarmth == NeededWarmth.Warm) { float statValue = ap.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Insulation_Cold); num3 *= InsulationColdScoreFactorCurve_NeedWarm.Evaluate(statValue); } num *= num3; if (ap.WornByCorpse && (pawn == null || ThoughtUtility.CanGetThought_NewTemp(pawn, ThoughtDefOf.DeadMansApparel, checkIfNullified: true))) { num -= 0.5f; if (num > 0f) { num *= 0.1f; } } if (ap.Stuff == ThingDefOf.Human.race.leatherDef) { if (pawn == null || ThoughtUtility.CanGetThought_NewTemp(pawn, ThoughtDefOf.HumanLeatherApparelSad, checkIfNullified: true)) { num -= 0.5f; if (num > 0f) { num *= 0.1f; } } if (pawn != null && ThoughtUtility.CanGetThought_NewTemp(pawn, ThoughtDefOf.HumanLeatherApparelHappy, checkIfNullified: true)) { num += 0.12f; } } if (pawn != null && !ap.def.apparel.CorrectGenderForWearing(pawn.gender)) { num *= 0.01f; } if (pawn != null && pawn.royalty != null && pawn.royalty.AllTitlesInEffectForReading.Count > 0) { tmpAllowedApparels.Clear(); tmpRequiredApparels.Clear(); tmpBodyPartGroupsWithRequirement.Clear(); QualityCategory qualityCategory = QualityCategory.Awful; foreach (RoyalTitle item in pawn.royalty.AllTitlesInEffectForReading) { if (item.def.requiredApparel != null) { for (int i = 0; i < item.def.requiredApparel.Count; i++) { tmpAllowedApparels.AddRange(item.def.requiredApparel[i].AllAllowedApparelForPawn(pawn, ignoreGender: false, includeWorn: true)); tmpRequiredApparels.AddRange(item.def.requiredApparel[i].AllRequiredApparelForPawn(pawn, ignoreGender: false, includeWorn: true)); tmpBodyPartGroupsWithRequirement.AddRange(item.def.requiredApparel[i].bodyPartGroupsMatchAny); } } if ((int)item.def.requiredMinimumApparelQuality > (int)qualityCategory) { qualityCategory = item.def.requiredMinimumApparelQuality; } } bool num4 = ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups.Any((BodyPartGroupDef bp) => tmpBodyPartGroupsWithRequirement.Contains(bp)); if (ap.TryGetQuality(out QualityCategory qc) && (int)qc < (int)qualityCategory) { num *= 0.25f; } if (num4) { foreach (ThingDef tmpRequiredApparel in tmpRequiredApparels) { tmpAllowedApparels.Remove(tmpRequiredApparel); } if (tmpAllowedApparels.Contains(ap.def)) { num *= 10f; } if (tmpRequiredApparels.Contains(ap.def)) { num *= 25f; } } } return(num); }
public static Toil LayDown(TargetIndex bedOrRestSpotIndex, bool hasBed, bool lookForOtherJobs, bool canSleep = true, bool gainRestAndHealth = true) { Toil layDown = new Toil(); layDown.initAction = delegate { Pawn actor =; actor.pather.StopDead(); JobDriver curDriver =; if (hasBed) { Building_Bed t = (Building_Bed)actor.CurJob.GetTarget(bedOrRestSpotIndex).Thing; if (!t.OccupiedRect().Contains(actor.Position)) { Log.Error("Can't start LayDown toil because pawn is not in the bed. pawn=" + actor);, true); return; } curDriver.layingDown = LayingDownState.LayingInBed; } else { curDriver.layingDown = LayingDownState.LayingSurface; } curDriver.asleep = false; if (actor.mindState.applyBedThoughtsTick == 0) { actor.mindState.applyBedThoughtsTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame + Rand.Range(2500, 10000); actor.mindState.applyBedThoughtsOnLeave = false; } if (actor.ownership != null && actor.CurrentBed() != actor.ownership.OwnedBed) { ThoughtUtility.RemovePositiveBedroomThoughts(actor); } }; layDown.tickAction = delegate { Pawn actor =; Job curJob = actor.CurJob; JobDriver curDriver =; Building_Bed building_Bed = (Building_Bed)curJob.GetTarget(bedOrRestSpotIndex).Thing; actor.GainComfortFromCellIfPossible(); if (!curDriver.asleep) { if (canSleep && (( != null && < RestUtility.FallAsleepMaxLevel(actor)) || curJob.forceSleep)) { curDriver.asleep = true; } } else if (!canSleep) { curDriver.asleep = false; } else if (( == null || >= RestUtility.WakeThreshold(actor)) && !curJob.forceSleep) { curDriver.asleep = false; } if (curDriver.asleep && gainRestAndHealth && != null) { float num; if (building_Bed != null && building_Bed.def.statBases.StatListContains(StatDefOf.BedRestEffectiveness)) { num = building_Bed.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.BedRestEffectiveness, true); } else { num = 0.8f; } float num2 = RestUtility.PawnHealthRestEffectivenessFactor(actor); num = 0.7f * num + 0.3f * num * num2;; } if (actor.mindState.applyBedThoughtsTick != 0 && actor.mindState.applyBedThoughtsTick <= Find.TickManager.TicksGame) { Toils_LayDown.ApplyBedThoughts(actor); actor.mindState.applyBedThoughtsTick += 60000; actor.mindState.applyBedThoughtsOnLeave = true; } if (actor.IsHashIntervalTick(100) && !actor.Position.Fogged(actor.Map)) { if (curDriver.asleep) { MoteMaker.ThrowMetaIcon(actor.Position, actor.Map, ThingDefOf.Mote_SleepZ); } if (gainRestAndHealth && <BodyPartRecord>()) { MoteMaker.ThrowMetaIcon(actor.Position, actor.Map, ThingDefOf.Mote_HealingCross); } } if (actor.ownership != null && building_Bed != null && !building_Bed.Medical && !building_Bed.owners.Contains(actor)) { if (actor.Downed) { actor.Position = CellFinder.RandomClosewalkCellNear(actor.Position, actor.Map, 1, null); }, true); return; } if (lookForOtherJobs && actor.IsHashIntervalTick(211)) {; return; } }; layDown.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Never; if (hasBed) { layDown.FailOnBedNoLongerUsable(bedOrRestSpotIndex); } layDown.AddFinishAction(delegate { Pawn actor =; JobDriver curDriver =; if (actor.mindState.applyBedThoughtsOnLeave) { Toils_LayDown.ApplyBedThoughts(actor); } curDriver.layingDown = LayingDownState.NotLaying; curDriver.asleep = false; }); return(layDown); }
public override void ApplyOnPawn(Pawn pawn, BodyPartRecord part, Pawn billDoer, List <Thing> ingredients, Bill bill) {, part, null); ThoughtUtility.GiveThoughtsForPawnExecuted(pawn, PawnExecutionKind.GenericHumane); }
public override void ApplyOnPawn(Pawn pawn, BodyPartRecord part, Pawn billDoer, List <Thing> ingredients, Bill bill) { ExecutionUtility.DoExecutionByCut(billDoer, pawn); ThoughtUtility.GiveThoughtsForPawnExecuted(pawn, PawnExecutionKind.GenericHumane); }