public static float CalculateBaseTendQuality(Pawn doctor, Pawn patient, ThingDef medicine) { float medicinePotency = (medicine == null) ? 0.3f : medicine.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.MedicalPotency, null); float medicineQualityMax = (medicine == null) ? 0.7f : medicine.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.MedicalQualityMax, null); return(TendUtility.CalculateBaseTendQuality(doctor, patient, medicinePotency, medicineQualityMax)); }
public static void GetOptimalHediffsToTendWithSingleTreatment(Pawn patient, bool usingMedicine, List <Hediff> outHediffsToTend, List <Hediff> tendableHediffsInTendPriorityOrder = null) { outHediffsToTend.Clear(); TendUtility.tmpHediffs.Clear(); if (tendableHediffsInTendPriorityOrder != null) { TendUtility.tmpHediffs.AddRange(tendableHediffsInTendPriorityOrder); } else { List <Hediff> hediffs =; for (int i = 0; i < hediffs.Count; i++) { if (hediffs[i].TendableNow) { TendUtility.tmpHediffs.Add(hediffs[i]); } } TendUtility.SortByTendPriority(TendUtility.tmpHediffs); } if (TendUtility.tmpHediffs.Any()) { Hediff hediff = TendUtility.tmpHediffs[0]; outHediffsToTend.Add(hediff); HediffCompProperties_TendDuration hediffCompProperties_TendDuration = hediff.def.CompProps <HediffCompProperties_TendDuration>(); if (hediffCompProperties_TendDuration != null && hediffCompProperties_TendDuration.tendAllAtOnce) { for (int j = 0; j < TendUtility.tmpHediffs.Count; j++) { if (TendUtility.tmpHediffs[j] != hediff && TendUtility.tmpHediffs[j].def == hediff.def) { outHediffsToTend.Add(TendUtility.tmpHediffs[j]); } } } else if (hediff is Hediff_Injury && usingMedicine) { float num = hediff.Severity; for (int k = 0; k < TendUtility.tmpHediffs.Count; k++) { if (TendUtility.tmpHediffs[k] != hediff) { Hediff_Injury hediff_Injury = TendUtility.tmpHediffs[k] as Hediff_Injury; if (hediff_Injury != null) { float severity = hediff_Injury.Severity; if (num + severity <= 20.0) { num += severity; outHediffsToTend.Add(hediff_Injury); } } } } } TendUtility.tmpHediffs.Clear(); } }
public static void DoTend(Pawn doctor, Pawn patient, Medicine medicine) { if (! { return; } if (medicine != null && medicine.Destroyed) { Log.Warning("Tried to use destroyed medicine.", false); medicine = null; } float quality = TendUtility.CalculateBaseTendQuality(doctor, patient, (medicine == null) ? null : medicine.def); TendUtility.GetOptimalHediffsToTendWithSingleTreatment(patient, medicine != null, TendUtility.tmpHediffsToTend, null); for (int i = 0; i < TendUtility.tmpHediffsToTend.Count; i++) { TendUtility.tmpHediffsToTend[i].Tended(quality, i); } if (doctor != null && doctor.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && patient.Faction != doctor.Faction && !patient.IsPrisoner && patient.Faction != null) { patient.mindState.timesGuestTendedToByPlayer++; } if (doctor != null && doctor.IsColonistPlayerControlled) { patient.records.AccumulateStoryEvent(StoryEventDefOf.TendedByPlayer); } if (doctor != null && doctor.RaceProps.Humanlike && patient.RaceProps.Animal && RelationsUtility.TryDevelopBondRelation(doctor, patient, 0.004f) && doctor.Faction != null && doctor.Faction != patient.Faction) { InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt.DoRecruit(doctor, patient, 1f, false); } patient.records.Increment(RecordDefOf.TimesTendedTo); if (doctor != null) { doctor.records.Increment(RecordDefOf.TimesTendedOther); } if (doctor == patient && !doctor.Dead) { doctor.mindState.Notify_SelfTended(); } if (medicine != null) { if ((patient.Spawned || (doctor != null && doctor.Spawned)) && medicine != null && medicine.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MedicalPotency, true) > ThingDefOf.MedicineIndustrial.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.MedicalPotency, null)) { SoundDefOf.TechMedicineUsed.PlayOneShot(new TargetInfo(patient.Position, patient.Map, false)); } if (medicine.stackCount > 1) { medicine.stackCount--; } else if (!medicine.Destroyed) { medicine.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } } }
// Token: 0x06000071 RID: 113 RVA: 0x000046F8 File Offset: 0x000028F8 public static Toil FinalizeTend(Pawn patient) { Toil toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = delegate() { Pawn actor =; Medicine medicine = (Medicine); float num = (!patient.RaceProps.Animal) ? 500f : 175f; TendUtility.DoTend(actor, patient, medicine); bool flag = medicine != null && medicine.Destroyed; if (flag) { actor.CurJob.SetTarget(TargetIndex.B, LocalTargetInfo.Invalid); } }; toil.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Instant; return(toil); }
public static int GetMedicineCountToFullyHeal(Pawn pawn) { int num = 0; int num2 = + 1; Medicine.tendableHediffsInTendPriorityOrder.Clear(); List <Hediff> hediffs =; for (int i = 0; i < hediffs.Count; i++) { if (hediffs[i].TendableNow(false)) { Medicine.tendableHediffsInTendPriorityOrder.Add(hediffs[i]); } } TendUtility.SortByTendPriority(Medicine.tendableHediffsInTendPriorityOrder); int num3 = 0; while (true) { num++; if (num > num2) { break; } TendUtility.GetOptimalHediffsToTendWithSingleTreatment(pawn, true, Medicine.tmpHediffs, Medicine.tendableHediffsInTendPriorityOrder); if (!Medicine.tmpHediffs.Any <Hediff>()) { goto IL_F8; } num3++; for (int j = 0; j < Medicine.tmpHediffs.Count; j++) { Medicine.tendableHediffsInTendPriorityOrder.Remove(Medicine.tmpHediffs[j]); } } Log.Error("Too many iterations.", false); IL_F8: Medicine.tmpHediffs.Clear(); Medicine.tendableHediffsInTendPriorityOrder.Clear(); return(num3); }
public static Toil FinalizeTend(Pawn patient) { Toil toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = delegate { Pawn actor =; Medicine medicine = (Medicine); float num = (float)((!patient.RaceProps.Animal) ? 500.0 : 175.0); float num2 = (float)((medicine != null) ? medicine.def.MedicineTendXpGainFactor : 0.5); actor.skills.Learn(SkillDefOf.Medicine, num * num2, false); TendUtility.DoTend(actor, patient, medicine); if (medicine != null && medicine.Destroyed) { actor.CurJob.SetTarget(TargetIndex.B, LocalTargetInfo.Invalid); } }; toil.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Instant; return(toil); }
public static int GetMedicineCountToFullyHeal(Pawn pawn) { int num = 0; int num2 = + 1; tendableHediffsInTendPriorityOrder.Clear(); List <Hediff> hediffs =; for (int i = 0; i < hediffs.Count; i++) { if (hediffs[i].TendableNow()) { tendableHediffsInTendPriorityOrder.Add(hediffs[i]); } } TendUtility.SortByTendPriority(tendableHediffsInTendPriorityOrder); int num3 = 0; while (true) { num++; if (num > num2) { Log.Error("Too many iterations."); break; } TendUtility.GetOptimalHediffsToTendWithSingleTreatment(pawn, usingMedicine: true, tmpHediffs, tendableHediffsInTendPriorityOrder); if (!tmpHediffs.Any()) { break; } num3++; for (int j = 0; j < tmpHediffs.Count; j++) { tendableHediffsInTendPriorityOrder.Remove(tmpHediffs[j]); } } tmpHediffs.Clear(); tendableHediffsInTendPriorityOrder.Clear(); return(num3); }
public static Toil FinalizeTend(Pawn patient) { Toil toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = delegate { Pawn actor =; Medicine medicine = (Medicine)actor.CurJob.targetB.Thing; float num = patient.RaceProps.Animal ? 175f : 500f; float num2 = medicine?.def.MedicineTendXpGainFactor ?? 0.5f; actor.skills.Learn(SkillDefOf.Medicine, num * num2); TendUtility.DoTend(actor, patient, medicine); if (medicine != null && medicine.Destroyed) { actor.CurJob.SetTarget(TargetIndex.B, LocalTargetInfo.Invalid); } if ( {; } }; toil.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Instant; return(toil); }
public static void DoTend(Pawn doctor, Pawn patient, Medicine medicine) { if ( { if (medicine != null && medicine.Destroyed) { Log.Warning("Tried to use destroyed medicine."); medicine = null; } float num = (float)((medicine == null) ? 0.30000001192092896 : medicine.def.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.MedicalPotency, null)); float num2 = (float)((doctor == null) ? 0.75 : doctor.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MedicalTendQuality, true)); num2 *= num; Building_Bed building_Bed = patient.CurrentBed(); if (building_Bed != null) { num2 += building_Bed.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MedicalTendQualityOffset, true); } if (doctor == patient) { num2 = (float)(num2 * 0.699999988079071); } num2 = Mathf.Clamp01(num2); TendUtility.GetOptimalHediffsToTendWithSingleTreatment(patient, medicine != null, TendUtility.tmpHediffsToTend, null); for (int i = 0; i < TendUtility.tmpHediffsToTend.Count; i++) { TendUtility.tmpHediffsToTend[i].Tended(num2, i); } if (doctor != null && doctor.Faction != null && patient.HostFaction == null && patient.Faction != null && patient.Faction != doctor.Faction) { patient.Faction.AffectGoodwillWith(doctor.Faction, 0.3f); } if (doctor != null && doctor.IsColonistPlayerControlled) { patient.records.AccumulateStoryEvent(StoryEventDefOf.TendedByPlayer); } if (doctor != null && doctor.RaceProps.Humanlike && patient.RaceProps.Animal && RelationsUtility.TryDevelopBondRelation(doctor, patient, 0.004f) && doctor.Faction != null && doctor.Faction != patient.Faction) { InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt.DoRecruit(doctor, patient, 1f, false); } patient.records.Increment(RecordDefOf.TimesTendedTo); if (doctor != null) { doctor.records.Increment(RecordDefOf.TimesTendedOther); } if (medicine != null) { if ((patient.Spawned || (doctor != null && doctor.Spawned)) && num > ThingDefOf.Medicine.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.MedicalPotency, null)) { SoundDefOf.TechMedicineUsed.PlayOneShot(new TargetInfo(patient.Position, patient.Map, false)); } if (medicine.stackCount > 1) { medicine.stackCount--; } else if (!medicine.Destroyed) { medicine.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } } } }