private void StartRandomFire() { IntVec3 c = (from x in GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(base.Position, 25f, true) where x.InBounds(base.Map) select x).RandomElement <IntVec3>(); FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(c, base.Map, Rand.Range(0.1f, 0.925f)); }
private void StartRandomFire() { IntVec3 c = (from x in GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(base.Position, 25f, true) where x.InBounds(base.Map) select x).RandomElementByWeight((IntVec3 x) => Bombardment.DistanceChanceFactor.Evaluate(x.DistanceTo(base.Position))); FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(c, base.Map, Rand.Range(0.1f, 0.925f)); }
protected override bool TryCastShot() { Thing thing = base.currentTarget.Thing; Pawn casterPawn = base.CasterPawn; FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(thing.OccupiedRect().ClosestCellTo(casterPawn.Position), casterPawn.Map, 0.3f); casterPawn.Drawer.Notify_MeleeAttackOn(thing); return(true); }
public static bool TryStartFireIn(IntVec3 c, Map map, float fireSize) { float num = FireUtility.ChanceToStartFireIn(c, map); if (num <= 0.0) { return(false); } Fire fire = (Fire)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.Fire, null); fire.fireSize = fireSize; GenSpawn.Spawn(fire, c, map, Rot4.North, false); return(true); }
private static bool TryStartFireNear(Building b) { ShortCircuitUtility.tmpCells.Clear(); int num = GenRadial.NumCellsInRadius(3f); CellRect startRect = b.OccupiedRect(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = b.Position + GenRadial.RadialPattern[i]; if (GenSight.LineOfSight(b.Position, intVec, b.Map, startRect, CellRect.SingleCell(intVec), null) && FireUtility.ChanceToStartFireIn(intVec, b.Map) > 0f) { ShortCircuitUtility.tmpCells.Add(intVec); } } return(ShortCircuitUtility.tmpCells.Any <IntVec3>() && FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(ShortCircuitUtility.tmpCells.RandomElement <IntVec3>(), b.Map, Rand.Range(0.1f, 1.75f))); }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { base.Impact(hitThing); if (hitThing != null) { hitThing.TryIgnite(0.3f); GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("Puddle_Fuel"), base.Position); FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(base.Position, 0.2f); } else { GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("FlareDeployed"), this.Position); } MoteMaker.ThrowFlash(base.Position, "ShotFlash", 6f); MoteMaker.TryThrowMicroSparks(base.Position.ToVector3Shifted()); }
protected void TrySpread() { //This method is optimized as it is a performance bottleneck (as are the sparks it spawns) IntVec3 targLoc = Position; bool adjacent; if (Rand.Chance(0.8f)) { targLoc = Position + GenRadial.ManualRadialPattern[Rand.RangeInclusive(1, 8)]; //Spark adjacent adjacent = true; } else { targLoc = Position + GenRadial.ManualRadialPattern[Rand.RangeInclusive(10, 20)]; //Spark distant adjacent = false; } if (!targLoc.InBounds(Map)) { return; } if (Rand.Chance(FireUtility.ChanceToStartFireIn(targLoc, Map))) { if (!adjacent) { var startRect = CellRect.SingleCell(Position); var endRect = CellRect.SingleCell(targLoc); // don't create a spark if we'll hit a wall in our way if (!GenSight.LineOfSight(Position, targLoc, Map, startRect, endRect)) { return; } var sp = (Spark)GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.Spark, Position, Map); sp.Launch(this, targLoc, targLoc, ProjectileHitFlags.All); } else { //When adjacent, skip sparks and just magically spawn fires FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(targLoc, Map, Fire.MinFireSize); } } }
public static bool TryStartFireIn(IntVec3 c, Map map, float fireSize) { float num = FireUtility.ChanceToStartFireIn(c, map); bool result; if (num <= 0f) { result = false; } else { Fire fire = (Fire)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.Fire, null); fire.fireSize = fireSize; GenSpawn.Spawn(fire, c, map, Rot4.North, WipeMode.Vanish, false); result = true; } return(result); }
protected void TrySpread() { IntVec3 intVec = base.Position; bool flag; if (Rand.Chance(0.8f)) { intVec = base.Position + GenRadial.ManualRadialPattern[Rand.RangeInclusive(1, 8)]; flag = true; } else { intVec = base.Position + GenRadial.ManualRadialPattern[Rand.RangeInclusive(10, 20)]; flag = false; } if (!intVec.InBounds(base.Map)) { return; } if (Rand.Chance(FireUtility.ChanceToStartFireIn(intVec, base.Map))) { if (!flag) { CellRect startRect = CellRect.SingleCell(base.Position); CellRect endRect = CellRect.SingleCell(intVec); if (!GenSight.LineOfSight(base.Position, intVec, base.Map, startRect, endRect, null)) { return; } Spark spark = (Spark)GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.Spark, base.Position, base.Map); spark.Launch(this, intVec, null); } else { FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(intVec, base.Map, 0.1f); } } }
private void StartRandomFireAndDoFlameDamage() { IntVec3 c = (from x in GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(base.Position, 15f, useCenter: true) where x.InBounds(base.Map) select x).RandomElementByWeight((IntVec3 x) => 1f - Mathf.Min(x.DistanceTo(base.Position) / 15f, 1f) + 0.05f); FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(c, base.Map, Rand.Range(0.1f, 0.925f)); tmpThings.Clear(); tmpThings.AddRange(c.GetThingList(base.Map)); for (int i = 0; i < tmpThings.Count; i++) { int num = (tmpThings[i] is Corpse) ? CorpseFlameDamageAmountRange.RandomInRange : FlameDamageAmountRange.RandomInRange; Pawn pawn = tmpThings[i] as Pawn; BattleLogEntry_DamageTaken battleLogEntry_DamageTaken = null; if (pawn != null) { battleLogEntry_DamageTaken = new BattleLogEntry_DamageTaken(pawn, RulePackDefOf.DamageEvent_PowerBeam, instigator as Pawn); Find.BattleLog.Add(battleLogEntry_DamageTaken); } tmpThings[i].TakeDamage(new DamageInfo(DamageDefOf.Flame, num, 0f, -1f, instigator, null, weaponDef)).AssociateWithLog(battleLogEntry_DamageTaken); } tmpThings.Clear(); }
private void StartRandomFire() { FireUtility.TryStartFireIn((from x in GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(base.Position, randomFireRadius, useCenter: true) where x.InBounds(base.Map) select x).RandomElementByWeight((IntVec3 x) => DistanceChanceFactor.Evaluate(x.DistanceTo(base.Position))), base.Map, Rand.Range(0.1f, 0.925f)); }
private void DoCellSteadyEffects(IntVec3 c) { Room room = c.GetRoom(map, RegionType.Set_All); bool flag = map.roofGrid.Roofed(c); bool flag2 = room?.UsesOutdoorTemperature ?? false; if ((room == null) | flag2) { if (outdoorMeltAmount > 0f) { map.snowGrid.AddDepth(c, 0f - outdoorMeltAmount); } if (!flag && snowRate > 0.001f) { AddFallenSnowAt(c, 0.046f * map.weatherManager.SnowRate); } } if (room != null) { bool protectedByEdifice = ProtectedByEdifice(c, map); TerrainDef terrain = c.GetTerrain(map); List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(map); for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++) { Thing thing = thingList[i]; Filth filth = thing as Filth; if (filth != null) { if (!flag && thing.def.filth.rainWashes && Rand.Chance(rainRate)) { filth.ThinFilth(); } if (filth.DisappearAfterTicks != 0 && filth.TicksSinceThickened > filth.DisappearAfterTicks) { filth.Destroy(); } } else { TryDoDeteriorate(thing, flag, flag2, protectedByEdifice, terrain); } } if (!flag2) { float temperature = room.Temperature; if (temperature > 0f) { float num = MeltAmountAt(temperature); if (num > 0f) { map.snowGrid.AddDepth(c, 0f - num); } if (room.RegionType.Passable() && temperature > AutoIgnitionTemperatureRange.min) { float value = Rand.Value; if (value < AutoIgnitionTemperatureRange.InverseLerpThroughRange(temperature) * 0.7f && Rand.Chance(FireUtility.ChanceToStartFireIn(c, map))) { FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(c, map, 0.1f); } if (value < 0.33f) { MoteMaker.ThrowHeatGlow(c, map, 2.3f); } } } } } map.gameConditionManager.DoSteadyEffects(c, map); }
// Token: 0x0600001B RID: 27 RVA: 0x000030DC File Offset: 0x000012DC public static Building FindBreakDownTargetFor(Pawn p) { Predicate <Thing> breakdownValidator = delegate(Thing t) { Building building2 = (Building)t; return(ReservationUtility.CanReserveAndReach(p, t, (PathEndMode)1, (Danger)2, 1, -1, null, false) && !building2.GetComp <CompBreakdownable>().BrokenDown&& !FireUtility.IsBurning(building2)); }; ThingDef thingDef = GenCollection.RandomElement <ThingDef>((from t in DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefsListForReading where t.GetCompProperties <CompProperties_Breakdownable>() != null select t).ToList <ThingDef>()); Predicate <Thing> predicate = (Thing b) => breakdownValidator(b); Building building = (Building)GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(p.Position, p.Map, ThingRequest.ForDef(thingDef), (PathEndMode)1, TraverseParms.For(p, (Danger)3, 0, false), 9999f, predicate, null, 0, -1, false, (RegionType)6, false); if (building != null) { return(building); } return(null); }
private void DoCellSteadyEffects(IntVec3 c) { Room room = c.GetRoom(, RegionType.Set_All); bool flag =; bool flag2 = room != null && room.UsesOutdoorTemperature; if (room == null || flag2) { if (this.outdoorMeltAmount > 0f) {, -this.outdoorMeltAmount); } if (!flag && this.snowRate > 0.001f) { this.AddFallenSnowAt(c, 0.046f *; } } if (room != null) { bool protectedByEdifice = SteadyEnvironmentEffects.ProtectedByEdifice(c,; TerrainDef terrain = c.GetTerrain(; List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(; for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++) { Thing thing = thingList[i]; Filth filth = thing as Filth; if (filth != null) { if (!flag && thing.def.filth.rainWashes && Rand.Chance(this.rainRate)) { filth.ThinFilth(); } } else { this.TryDoDeteriorate(thing, flag, flag2, protectedByEdifice, terrain); } } if (!flag2) { float temperature = room.Temperature; if (temperature > 0f) { float num = this.MeltAmountAt(temperature); if (num > 0f) {, -num); } if (room.RegionType.Passable() && temperature > SteadyEnvironmentEffects.AutoIgnitionTemperatureRange.min) { float value = Rand.Value; if (value < SteadyEnvironmentEffects.AutoIgnitionTemperatureRange.InverseLerpThroughRange(temperature) * 0.7f && Rand.Chance(FireUtility.ChanceToStartFireIn(c, { FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(c,, 0.1f); } if (value < 0.33f) { MoteMaker.ThrowHeatGlow(c,, 2.3f); } } } } },; }
private void DoCellSteadyEffects(IntVec3 c) { Room room = c.GetRoom(, RegionType.Set_All); bool flag =; bool flag2 = room != null && room.UsesOutdoorTemperature; if (room == null || flag2) { if (this.outdoorMeltAmount > 0.0) {, (float)(0.0 - this.outdoorMeltAmount)); } if (!flag && this.snowRate > 0.0010000000474974513) { this.AddFallenSnowAt(c, (float)(0.046000000089406967 *; } } if (room != null) { if (flag2) { if (!flag) { List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(; for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++) { Thing thing = thingList[i]; Filth filth = thing as Filth; if (filth != null) { if (thing.def.filth.rainWashes && Rand.Value < this.rainRate) { ((Filth)thing).ThinFilth(); } } else { Corpse corpse = thing as Corpse; if (corpse != null && corpse.InnerPawn.apparel != null) { List <Apparel> wornApparel = corpse.InnerPawn.apparel.WornApparel; for (int j = 0; j < wornApparel.Count; j++) { this.TryDoDeteriorate(wornApparel[j], c, false); } } this.TryDoDeteriorate(thing, c, true); } } } } else { float temperature = room.Temperature; if (temperature > 0.0) { float num = this.MeltAmountAt(temperature); if (num > 0.0) {, (float)(0.0 - num)); } if (room.RegionType.Passable()) { float num2 = temperature; FloatRange autoIgnitionTemperatureRange = SteadyAtmosphereEffects.AutoIgnitionTemperatureRange; if (num2 > autoIgnitionTemperatureRange.min) { float value = Rand.Value; if (value < SteadyAtmosphereEffects.AutoIgnitionTemperatureRange.InverseLerpThroughRange(temperature) * 0.699999988079071 && Rand.Chance(FireUtility.ChanceToStartFireIn(c, { FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(c,, 0.1f); } if (value < 0.33000001311302185) { MoteMaker.ThrowHeatGlow(c,, 2.3f); } } } } } } List <GameCondition> activeConditions =; for (int k = 0; k < activeConditions.Count; k++) { activeConditions[k].DoCellSteadyEffects(c); } }
private void DoComplexCalcs() { bool flag = false; flammableList.Clear(); flammabilityMax = 0f; if (!base.Position.GetTerrain(base.Map).extinguishesFire) { if (parent == null) { if (base.Position.TerrainFlammableNow(base.Map)) { flammabilityMax = base.Position.GetTerrain(base.Map).GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.Flammability); } List <Thing> list = base.Map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(base.Position); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Thing thing = list[i]; if (thing is Building_Door) { flag = true; } float statValue = thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Flammability); if (!(statValue < 0.01f)) { flammableList.Add(list[i]); if (statValue > flammabilityMax) { flammabilityMax = statValue; } if (parent == null && fireSize > 0.4f && list[i].def.category == ThingCategory.Pawn && Rand.Chance(FireUtility.ChanceToAttachFireCumulative(list[i], 150f))) { list[i].TryAttachFire(fireSize * 0.2f); } } } } else { flammableList.Add(parent); flammabilityMax = parent.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Flammability); } } if (flammabilityMax < 0.01f) { Destroy(); return; } Thing thing2 = ((parent != null) ? parent : ((flammableList.Count <= 0) ? null : flammableList.RandomElement())); if (thing2 != null && (!(fireSize < 0.4f) || thing2 == parent || thing2.def.category != ThingCategory.Pawn)) { DoFireDamage(thing2); } if (base.Spawned) { float num = fireSize * 160f; if (flag) { num *= 0.15f; } GenTemperature.PushHeat(base.Position, base.Map, num); if (Rand.Value < 0.4f) { float radius = fireSize * 3f; SnowUtility.AddSnowRadial(base.Position, base.Map, radius, 0f - fireSize * 0.1f); } fireSize += 0.00055f * flammabilityMax * 150f; if (fireSize > 1.75f) { fireSize = 1.75f; } if (base.Map.weatherManager.RainRate > 0.01f && VulnerableToRain() && Rand.Value < 6f) { TakeDamage(new DamageInfo(DamageDefOf.Extinguish, 10f)); } } }