public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { if (Props.targetFuelLevelConfigurable) { Command_SetTargetFuelLevel command_SetTargetFuelLevel = new Command_SetTargetFuelLevel(); command_SetTargetFuelLevel.refuelable = this; command_SetTargetFuelLevel.defaultLabel = "CommandSetTargetFuelLevel".Translate(); command_SetTargetFuelLevel.defaultDesc = "CommandSetTargetFuelLevelDesc".Translate(); command_SetTargetFuelLevel.icon = SetTargetFuelLevelCommand; yield return(command_SetTargetFuelLevel); } if (Props.showFuelGizmo && Find.Selector.SingleSelectedThing == parent) { Gizmo_RefuelableFuelStatus gizmo_RefuelableFuelStatus = new Gizmo_RefuelableFuelStatus(); gizmo_RefuelableFuelStatus.refuelable = this; yield return(gizmo_RefuelableFuelStatus); } if (Props.showAllowAutoRefuelToggle) { Command_Toggle command_Toggle = new Command_Toggle(); command_Toggle.defaultLabel = "CommandToggleAllowAutoRefuel".Translate(); command_Toggle.defaultDesc = "CommandToggleAllowAutoRefuelDesc".Translate(); command_Toggle.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Command_ItemForbid; command_Toggle.icon = (allowAutoRefuel ? TexCommand.ForbidOff : TexCommand.ForbidOn); command_Toggle.isActive = () => allowAutoRefuel; command_Toggle.toggleAction = delegate { allowAutoRefuel = !allowAutoRefuel; }; yield return(command_Toggle); } if (Prefs.DevMode) { Command_Action command_Action = new Command_Action(); command_Action.defaultLabel = "Debug: Set fuel to 0"; command_Action.action = delegate { fuel = 0f; parent.BroadcastCompSignal("Refueled"); }; yield return(command_Action); Command_Action command_Action2 = new Command_Action(); command_Action2.defaultLabel = "Debug: Set fuel to 0.1"; command_Action2.action = delegate { fuel = 0.1f; parent.BroadcastCompSignal("Refueled"); }; yield return(command_Action2); Command_Action command_Action3 = new Command_Action(); command_Action3.defaultLabel = "Debug: Set fuel to max"; command_Action3.action = delegate { fuel = Props.fuelCapacity; parent.BroadcastCompSignal("Refueled"); }; yield return(command_Action3); } }
public bool MoveNext() { uint num = (uint)this.$PC; this.$PC = -1; switch (num) { case 0u: if (base.Props.targetFuelLevelConfigurable) { Command_SetTargetFuelLevel setTargetFuelLevel = new Command_SetTargetFuelLevel(); setTargetFuelLevel.refuelable = this; setTargetFuelLevel.defaultLabel = "CommandSetTargetFuelLevel".Translate(); setTargetFuelLevel.defaultDesc = "CommandSetTargetFuelLevelDesc".Translate(); setTargetFuelLevel.icon = CompRefuelable.SetTargetFuelLevelCommand; this.$current = setTargetFuelLevel; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 1; } return(true); } break; case 1u: break; case 2u: goto IL_12C; case 3u: { Command_Action defuel = new Command_Action(); defuel.defaultLabel = "Debug: Set fuel to 0.1"; defuel.action = delegate() { this.fuel = 0.1f; this.parent.BroadcastCompSignal("Refueled"); }; this.$current = defuel; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 4; } return(true); } case 4u: { Command_Action setFuelToMax = new Command_Action(); setFuelToMax.defaultLabel = "Debug: Set fuel to max"; setFuelToMax.action = delegate() { this.fuel = base.Props.fuelCapacity; this.parent.BroadcastCompSignal("Refueled"); }; this.$current = setFuelToMax; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 5; } return(true); } case 5u: goto IL_22E; default: return(false); } if (base.Props.showFuelGizmo && Find.Selector.SingleSelectedThing == this.parent) { Gizmo_RefuelableFuelStatus status = new Gizmo_RefuelableFuelStatus(); status.refuelable = this; this.$current = status; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 2; } return(true); } IL_12C: if (Prefs.DevMode) { Command_Action zerofuel = new Command_Action(); zerofuel.defaultLabel = "Debug: Set fuel to 0"; zerofuel.action = delegate() { this.fuel = 0f; this.parent.BroadcastCompSignal("Refueled"); }; this.$current = zerofuel; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 3; } return(true); } IL_22E: this.$PC = -1; return(false); }