public WaterRegion TryGenerateRegionFrom(IntVec3 root) { RegionType expectedRegionType = WaterRegionTypeUtility.GetExpectedRegionType(root,; if (expectedRegionType == RegionType.None) { return(null); } if (this.working) { Log.Error("Trying to generate a new water region but we are currently generating one. Nested calls are not allowed.", false); return(null); } this.working = true; WaterRegion result; try { this.regionGrid = MapExtensionUtility.GetExtensionToMap(; this.newReg = WaterRegion.MakeNewUnfilled(root,; this.newReg.type = expectedRegionType; //Portal type? this.FloodFillAndAddCells(root); this.CreateLinks(); this.RegisterThingsInRegionListers(); result = this.newReg; } finally { this.working = false; } return(result); }
private void FloodFillAndAddCells(IntVec3 root) { this.newRegCells.Clear(); if (this.newReg.type.IsOneCellRegion()) { this.AddCell(root); } else {, (IntVec3 x) => this.newReg.extentsLimit.Contains(x) && WaterRegionTypeUtility.GetExpectedRegionType(x, == this.newReg.type, delegate(IntVec3 x) { this.AddCell(x); }, int.MaxValue, false, null); } }
private void SweepInTwoDirectionsAndTryToCreateLink(Rot4 potentialOtherRegionDir, IntVec3 c) { if (!potentialOtherRegionDir.IsValid) { return; } HashSet <IntVec3> hashSet = this.linksProcessedAt[potentialOtherRegionDir.AsInt]; if (hashSet.Contains(c)) { return; } IntVec3 c2 = c + potentialOtherRegionDir.FacingCell; if (c2.InBoundsShip( && this.regionGrid.GetRegionAt_NoRebuild_InvalidAllowed(c2) == this.newReg) { return; } RegionType expectedRegionType = WaterRegionTypeUtility.GetExpectedRegionType(c2,; if (expectedRegionType == RegionType.None) { return; } Rot4 rot = potentialOtherRegionDir; rot.Rotate(RotationDirection.Clockwise); int num = 0; int num2 = 0; hashSet.Add(c); if (!WaterRegionTypeUtility.IsOneCellRegion(expectedRegionType)) { for (;;) { IntVec3 intVec = c + rot.FacingCell * (num + 1); if (!intVec.InBoundsShip( || this.regionGrid.GetRegionAt_NoRebuild_InvalidAllowed(intVec) != this.newReg || WaterRegionTypeUtility.GetExpectedRegionType(intVec + potentialOtherRegionDir.FacingCell, != expectedRegionType) { break; } if (!hashSet.Add(intVec)) { Log.Error("We've processed the same cell twice.", false); } num++; } for (; ;) { IntVec3 intVec2 = c - rot.FacingCell * (num2 + 1); if (!intVec2.InBoundsShip( || this.regionGrid.GetRegionAt_NoRebuild_InvalidAllowed(intVec2) != this.newReg || WaterRegionTypeUtility.GetExpectedRegionType(intVec2 + potentialOtherRegionDir.FacingCell, != expectedRegionType) { break; } if (!hashSet.Add(intVec2)) { Log.Error("We've processed the same cell twice.", false); } num2++; } } int length = num + num2 + 1; SpanDirection dir; IntVec3 root; if (potentialOtherRegionDir == Rot4.North) { dir = SpanDirection.East; root = c - rot.FacingCell * num2; root.z++; } else if (potentialOtherRegionDir == Rot4.South) { dir = SpanDirection.East; root = c + rot.FacingCell * num; } else if (potentialOtherRegionDir == Rot4.East) { dir = SpanDirection.North; root = c + rot.FacingCell * num; root.x++; } else { dir = SpanDirection.North; root = c - rot.FacingCell * num2; } EdgeSpan span = new EdgeSpan(root, dir, length); WaterRegionLink regionLink = MapExtensionUtility.GetExtensionToMap(; regionLink.Register(this.newReg); this.newReg.links.Add(regionLink); }