public void SetConstructionPlane(RhinoDoc doc, string viewname) { if (viewname == "Top") { var A_plane = Z_minus_plane; setCplane("Top", A_plane); } else if (viewname == "Front") { var A_plane = Y_minus_plane; setCplane("Front", A_plane); } else if (viewname == "Right") { var A_plane = X_plus_plane; setCplane("Right", A_plane); } void setCplane(string Viewname, Plane a_plane) { //To set Constructionplane for "Front" view Rhino.Display.RhinoView view = doc.Views.Find(Viewname, true); Rhino.DocObjects.ConstructionPlane cplane = view.ActiveViewport.GetConstructionPlane(); Point3d origin = cplane.Plane.Origin; Plane pl = cplane.Plane; pl.Origin = a_plane.Origin; cplane.Plane = pl; view.ActiveViewport.SetConstructionPlane(cplane); } }
// Users should never be able to directly make a new instance of a rhino view internal static RhinoView FromIntPtr(IntPtr viewPointer) { if (IntPtr.Zero == viewPointer) { return(null); } // look through the cached viewlist first int count = g_view_list.Count; RhinoView view; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { view = g_view_list[i]; if (view.m_ptr == viewPointer) { if (i > 0) { RhinoView tmp = g_view_list[0]; g_view_list[0] = g_view_list[i]; g_view_list[i] = tmp; } return(view); } } // view is not in the list, add it bool is_page_view = false; Guid id = UnsafeNativeMethods.CRhinoView_Details(viewPointer, ref is_page_view); view = is_page_view ? new RhinoPageView(viewPointer, id) : new RhinoView(viewPointer, id); g_view_list.Add(view); return(view); }
public static Rhino.Commands.Result AddClippingPlane(Rhino.RhinoDoc doc) { // Define the corners of the clipping plane Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[] corners; Rhino.Commands.Result rc = Rhino.Input.RhinoGet.GetRectangle(out corners); if (rc != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success) { return(rc); } // Get the active view Rhino.Display.RhinoView view = doc.Views.ActiveView; if (view == null) { return(Rhino.Commands.Result.Failure); } Rhino.Geometry.Point3d p0 = corners[0]; Rhino.Geometry.Point3d p1 = corners[1]; Rhino.Geometry.Point3d p3 = corners[3]; // Create a plane from the corner points Rhino.Geometry.Plane plane = new Rhino.Geometry.Plane(p0, p1, p3); // Add a clipping plane object to the document Guid id = doc.Objects.AddClippingPlane(plane, p0.DistanceTo(p1), p0.DistanceTo(p3), view.ActiveViewportID); if (id != Guid.Empty) { doc.Views.Redraw(); return(Rhino.Commands.Result.Success); } return(Rhino.Commands.Result.Failure); }
protected override void DrawOverlay(Rhino.Display.DrawEventArgs e) { base.DrawOverlay(e); Rhino.Display.RhinoView myViewport = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView; Rhino.Display.RhinoViewport viewport = myViewport.ActiveViewport; for (int i = 0; i < Ids.Count; i++) { RhinoObject foundObject = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.Find(Ids[i]); Rhino.Geometry.BoundingBox bbox = foundObject.Geometry.GetBoundingBox(true); Rhino.Geometry.Plane myFrustumPlane = new Rhino.Geometry.Plane(); //viewport.GetFrustumFarPlane(out myFrustumPlane); //myFrustumPlane.Origin = bbox.Center; //Rhino.Geometry.Circle myFrustumCircle = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(); //myFrustumCircle.Plane = myFrustumPlane; //myFrustumCircle.Radius = bbox.Diagonal.Length / 2; //Rhino.Geometry.Curve myFrustumCurve = myFrustumCircle.ToNurbsCurve(); //myFrustumCurve.Domain = new Rhino.Geometry.Interval(0.0,1.0); //e.Display.DrawDot(myFrustumCurve.PointAtNormalizedLength(0.4), i.ToString(), System.Drawing.Color.Red, System.Drawing.Color.White); } Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.Redraw(); }
public static Rhino.Commands.Result MoveCPlane(Rhino.RhinoDoc doc) { Rhino.Display.RhinoView view = doc.Views.ActiveView; if (view == null) { return(Rhino.Commands.Result.Failure); } Rhino.DocObjects.ConstructionPlane cplane = view.ActiveViewport.GetConstructionPlane(); Point3d origin = cplane.Plane.Origin; MoveCPlanePoint gp = new MoveCPlanePoint(cplane); gp.SetCommandPrompt("CPlane origin"); gp.SetBasePoint(origin, true); gp.DrawLineFromPoint(origin, true); gp.Get(); if (gp.CommandResult() != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success) { return(gp.CommandResult()); } Point3d point = gp.Point(); Vector3d v = origin - point; if (v.IsTiny()) { return(Rhino.Commands.Result.Nothing); } Plane pl = cplane.Plane; pl.Origin = point; cplane.Plane = pl; view.ActiveViewport.SetConstructionPlane(cplane); view.Redraw(); return(Rhino.Commands.Result.Success); }
private List<ObjRef> ssget_point(RhinoDoc doc, RhinoView view, Point3d point) { var world_to_screen = view.ActiveViewport.GetTransform(CoordinateSystem.World, CoordinateSystem.Screen); point.Transform(world_to_screen); var pick_context = new PickContext(); pick_context.View = view; pick_context.PickStyle = PickStyle.PointPick; pick_context.PickGroupsEnabled = true; var xform = view.ActiveViewport.GetPickTransform(Convert.ToInt32(point.X), Convert.ToInt32(point.Y)); pick_context.SetPickTransform(xform); double depth, distance; foreach (var rhino_object in doc.Objects) { //rhino_object.OnPicked(pick_context, ) } if (pick_context.PickFrustumTest(point, out depth, out distance)) pick_context.UpdateClippingPlanes(); return null; }
/// <summary> Copy a page view </summary> /// <param name="duplicatePageGeometry"></param> /// <returns></returns> public RhinoPageView Duplicate(bool duplicatePageGeometry) { IntPtr ptrPageView = UnsafeNativeMethods.CRhinoPageView_Duplicate(RuntimeSerialNumber, duplicatePageGeometry); return(RhinoView.FromIntPtr(ptrPageView) as RhinoPageView); }
bool m_bDeletePtr; // = false; initialized by runtime #region constructors - pointer handling internal RhinoViewport(RhinoView parent_view, IntPtr ptr) { m_ptr = ptr; m_parent_view = parent_view; }
void RhinoApp_KeyboardEvent(int key) { //Debug.WriteLine(key); //myKeyPressed = key == 16; //return; if (key == 17) // ctrl key pressed { Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Fire"); System.Drawing.Point myloc = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position; Rhino.UI.MouseCursor.SetToolTip("heywassup"); //Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine(myloc.X.ToString()+","+myloc.Y.ToString()); Rhino.Display.RhinoView myViewport = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView; System.Drawing.Rectangle view_screen_rect = myViewport.ScreenRectangle; double XCoor = myloc.X - view_screen_rect.Left; double YCoor = myloc.Y - view_screen_rect.Top; //Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine(XCoor + "," + YCoor); Rhino.Display.RhinoViewport viewport = myViewport.ActiveViewport; System.Drawing.Point view_client_point = new System.Drawing.Point(); view_client_point.X = (int)XCoor; view_client_point.Y = (int)YCoor; Rhino.Geometry.Line myLine = new Rhino.Geometry.Line(); bool gotline = viewport.GetFrustumLine(view_client_point.X, view_client_point.Y, out myLine); if (gotline == true) { List <Guid> myGuids = myInterop.allGuids; List <Guid> myHoveredGuids = new List <Guid>(); foreach (Guid guid in myGuids) { Rhino.DocObjects.RhinoObject foundObject = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.Find(guid); Rhino.Geometry.Curve[] myCrvs; Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[] myPts; bool cbx = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.CurveBrep(myLine.ToNurbsCurve(), foundObject.Geometry.GetBoundingBox(true).ToBrep(), 0.01, out myCrvs, out myPts); if (myPts.Length > 0) { myHoveredGuids.Add(foundObject.Id); } } if (myHoveredGuids.Count > 0) { List <double> allDists = new List <double>(); foreach (Guid guid in myHoveredGuids) { Rhino.DocObjects.RhinoObject foundObject = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.Find(guid); Rhino.Geometry.Point3d myCe = foundObject.Geometry.GetBoundingBox(true).Center; double dist = myLine.To.DistanceTo(myCe); allDists.Add(dist); } var sorted = allDists .Select((x, i) => new KeyValuePair <double, int>(x, i)) .OrderBy(x => x.Key) .ToList(); List <double> B = sorted.Select(x => x.Key).ToList(); List <int> idx = sorted.Select(x => x.Value).ToList(); Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine(myHoveredGuids[idx[0]].ToString()); RhinoApp.Idle += OnIdleHover; } else { Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("C'est la dech"); } } else { Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("no keys"); } } }
public static Rhino.Commands.Result AddBackgroundBitmap(Rhino.RhinoDoc doc) { // Allow the user to select a bitmap file Rhino.UI.OpenFileDialog fd = new Rhino.UI.OpenFileDialog(); fd.Filter = "Image Files (*.bmp;*.png;*.jpg)|*.bmp;*.png;*.jpg"; if (fd.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { return(Rhino.Commands.Result.Cancel); } // Verify the file that was selected System.Drawing.Image image; try { image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(fd.FileName); } catch (Exception) { return(Rhino.Commands.Result.Failure); } // Allow the user to pick the bitmap origin Rhino.Input.Custom.GetPoint gp = new Rhino.Input.Custom.GetPoint(); gp.SetCommandPrompt("Bitmap Origin"); gp.ConstrainToConstructionPlane(true); gp.Get(); if (gp.CommandResult() != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success) { return(gp.CommandResult()); } // Get the view that the point was picked in. // This will be the view that the bitmap appears in. Rhino.Display.RhinoView view = gp.View(); if (view == null) { view = doc.Views.ActiveView; if (view == null) { return(Rhino.Commands.Result.Failure); } } // Allow the user to specify the bitmap with in model units Rhino.Input.Custom.GetNumber gn = new Rhino.Input.Custom.GetNumber(); gn.SetCommandPrompt("Bitmap width"); gn.SetLowerLimit(1.0, false); gn.Get(); if (gn.CommandResult() != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success) { return(gn.CommandResult()); } // Cook up some scale factors double w = gn.Number(); double image_width = image.Width; double image_height = image.Height; double h = w * (image_height / image_width); Rhino.Geometry.Plane plane = view.ActiveViewport.ConstructionPlane(); plane.Origin = gp.Point(); view.ActiveViewport.SetTraceImage(fd.FileName, plane, w, h, false, false); view.Redraw(); return(Rhino.Commands.Result.Success); }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { List <Plane> camPlanes = new List <Plane>(); DA.GetDataList <Plane>(0, camPlanes); string folder = string.Empty; DA.GetData <string>(1, ref folder); folder = Path.GetFullPath(folder); if (!folder.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())) { folder += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } string prefix = string.Empty; DA.GetData <string>(2, ref prefix); int imageWidth = 0; DA.GetData <int>(3, ref imageWidth); imageWidth = imageWidth / 4; Size size = new Size(imageWidth, imageWidth); string displayMode = string.Empty; DA.GetData <string>(4, ref displayMode); bool run = false; DA.GetData <bool>(5, ref run); int pad = camPlanes.Count.ToString().Length; List <string> cubemaps = new List <string>(); ///Save the intial camera saveCam = camFromVP(Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport); ///Set the display mode to be used for bitmaps DisplayModeDescription viewMode = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport.DisplayMode; if (DisplayModeDescription.FindByName(displayMode) != null) { viewMode = DisplayModeDescription.FindByName(displayMode); } Message = viewMode.EnglishName; if (run) { for (int i = 0; i < camPlanes.Count; i++) { ///Setup camera Rhino.Display.RhinoView view = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView; Rhino.Display.RhinoViewport vp = view.ActiveViewport; ///Get the bounding box of all visible object in the doc for use in setting up the camera ///target so that the far frustrum plane doesn't clip anything double zoomDistance = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.BoundingBoxVisible.Diagonal.Length; Plane camPlane = camPlanes[i]; Point3d camPoint = camPlane.Origin; Vector3d camDir = camPlane.YAxis; Point3d tarPoint = Transform.Translation(camDir * zoomDistance / 2) * camPoint; vp.ChangeToPerspectiveProjection(false, 12.0); //vp.Size = size; vp.DisplayMode = viewMode; //view.Redraw(); ///Set up final bitmap Bitmap cubemap = new Bitmap(imageWidth * 4, imageWidth * 3); ///Place the images on cubemap bitmap using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(cubemap)) { ///Grab bitmap ///Set up camera directions Point3d tarLeft = Transform.Translation(-camPlane.XAxis * zoomDistance / 2) * camPoint; Point3d tarFront = Transform.Translation(camPlane.YAxis * zoomDistance / 2) * camPoint; Point3d tarRight = Transform.Translation(camPlane.XAxis * zoomDistance / 2) * camPoint; Point3d tarBack = Transform.Translation(-camPlane.YAxis * zoomDistance / 2) * camPoint; Point3d tarUp = Transform.Translation(camPlane.ZAxis * zoomDistance / 2) * camPoint; Point3d tarDown = Transform.Translation(-camPlane.ZAxis * zoomDistance / 2) * camPoint; List <Point3d> camTargets = new List <Point3d>() { tarLeft, tarFront, tarRight, tarBack, tarUp, tarDown }; ///Loop through pano directions int insertLoc = 0; for (int d = 0; d < 4; d++) { ///Set camera direction vp.SetCameraLocations(camTargets[d], camPoint); ///Redraw //view.Redraw(); gr.DrawImage(view.CaptureToBitmap(size, viewMode), insertLoc, imageWidth); insertLoc = insertLoc + imageWidth; } ///Get up and down views ///Get up view vp.SetCameraLocations(tarUp, camPoint); ///Redraw view.Redraw(); var bmTop = view.CaptureToBitmap(size, viewMode); bmTop.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipNone); gr.DrawImage(bmTop, imageWidth, 0); ///Get down view vp.SetCameraLocations(tarDown, camPoint); ///Redraw view.Redraw(); var bmBottom = view.CaptureToBitmap(size, viewMode); gr.DrawImage(view.CaptureToBitmap(size, viewMode), imageWidth, imageWidth * 2); } ///End cubemap construction loop ///Save cubemap bitmap string s = i.ToString().PadLeft(pad, '0'); string saveText = folder + prefix + "_" + s + ".png"; cubemap.Save(saveText, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); cubemaps.Add(saveText); cubemap.Dispose(); } } ///Restore initial camera setCamera(saveCam, Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport); Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.Redraw(); DA.SetDataList(0, cubemaps); }
protected override Rhino.Commands.Result RenderWindow(RhinoDoc doc, Rhino.Commands.RunMode modes, bool fastPreview, Rhino.Display.RhinoView view, System.Drawing.Rectangle rect, bool inWindow) { return(Rhino.Commands.Result.Failure); }
protected override bool OnRenderWindowBegin(Rhino.Display.RhinoView view, System.Drawing.Rectangle rect) { return(false); }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { List <Plane> camPlanes = new List <Plane>(); DA.GetDataList <Plane>(0, camPlanes); string folder = string.Empty; DA.GetData <string>(1, ref folder); bool saveCubemaps = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder); if (saveCubemaps) { folder = Path.GetFullPath(folder); if (!folder.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())) { folder += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } } string prefix = string.Empty; DA.GetData <string>(2, ref prefix); int imageWidth = 0; DA.GetData <int>(3, ref imageWidth); imageWidth = imageWidth / 4; Size size = new Size(imageWidth, imageWidth); string displayMode = string.Empty; DA.GetData <string>(4, ref displayMode); List <Color> colors = new List <Color>(); DA.GetDataList <Color>(5, colors); bool filterColors = colors.Any(); GH_Structure <GH_Mesh> ghObstacles = new GH_Structure <GH_Mesh>(); DA.GetDataTree <GH_Mesh>(6, out ghObstacles); ///Flatten obstacle meshes and join them into one mesh ghObstacles.FlattenData(); Mesh obstacles = new Mesh(); bool showRays = false; if (ghObstacles.DataCount > 0) { showRays = true; foreach (var obstacle in ghObstacles) { Mesh temp = new Mesh(); GH_Convert.ToMesh(obstacle, ref temp, GH_Conversion.Primary); obstacles.Append(temp); } } bool run = false; DA.GetData <bool>(7, ref run); int pad = camPlanes.Count.ToString().Length; List <string> cubemaps = new List <string>(); GH_Structure <GH_Line> rayTree = new GH_Structure <GH_Line>(); GH_Structure <GH_Colour> colorTree = new GH_Structure <GH_Colour>(); ///Save the intial camera saveCam = camFromVP(Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport); ///Set the display mode to be used for bitmaps ///TODO: Add menu item to use "Heron View Analysis" display mode DisplayModeDescription viewMode = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport.DisplayMode; if (DisplayModeDescription.FindByName(displayMode) != null) { viewMode = DisplayModeDescription.FindByName(displayMode); } Message = viewMode.EnglishName; if (run) { for (int i = 0; i < camPlanes.Count; i++) { ///TODO: setup ability to save cameras to the Rhino doc ///Setup camera Rhino.Display.RhinoView view = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView; Rhino.Display.RhinoViewport vp = view.ActiveViewport; ///Get the bounding box of all visible object in the doc for use in setting up the camera ///target so that the far frustrum plane doesn't clip anything double zoomDistance = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.BoundingBoxVisible.Diagonal.Length; Plane camPlane = camPlanes[i]; Point3d camPoint = camPlane.Origin; Vector3d camDir = camPlane.YAxis; Point3d tarPoint = Transform.Translation(camDir * zoomDistance / 2) * camPoint; vp.ChangeToPerspectiveProjection(false, 12.0); vp.Size = size; vp.DisplayMode = viewMode; //view.Redraw(); ///Set up final bitmap Bitmap cubemap = new Bitmap(imageWidth * 4, imageWidth * 3); ///Place the images on cubemap bitmap using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(cubemap)) { ///Grab bitmap ///Set up camera directions Point3d tarLeft = Transform.Translation(-camPlane.XAxis * zoomDistance / 2) * camPoint; Point3d tarFront = Transform.Translation(camPlane.YAxis * zoomDistance / 2) * camPoint; Point3d tarRight = Transform.Translation(camPlane.XAxis * zoomDistance / 2) * camPoint; Point3d tarBack = Transform.Translation(-camPlane.YAxis * zoomDistance / 2) * camPoint; Point3d tarUp = Transform.Translation(camPlane.ZAxis * zoomDistance / 2) * camPoint; Point3d tarDown = Transform.Translation(-camPlane.ZAxis * zoomDistance / 2) * camPoint; List <Point3d> camTargets = new List <Point3d>() { tarLeft, tarFront, tarRight, tarBack, tarUp, tarDown }; ///Loop through pano directions int insertLoc = 0; for (int d = 0; d < 4; d++) { ///Set camera direction vp.SetCameraLocations(camTargets[d], camPoint); //view.Redraw(); Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(view.CaptureToBitmap(size, viewMode)); if (saveCubemaps) { gr.DrawImage(bitmap, insertLoc, imageWidth); } if (showRays) { GH_MemoryBitmap sampler = new GH_MemoryBitmap(bitmap); Color col = Color.Transparent; for (int x = 0; x < bitmap.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.Height; y++) { if (sampler.Sample(x, y, ref col)) { if (colors.Contains(col)) { GH_Path path = new GH_Path(i, colors.IndexOf(col)); Line line = vp.ClientToWorld(new System.Drawing.Point(x, y)); Ray3d ray = new Ray3d(vp.CameraLocation, -line.Direction); double rayEnd = (double)Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.MeshRay(obstacles, ray); Point3d rayIntersection = ray.PointAt(rayEnd); Line ln = new Line(camPoint, rayIntersection); if (ln.IsValid & rayEnd > 0) { rayTree.Append(new GH_Line(ln), path); colorTree.Append(new GH_Colour(col), path); } } else if (!filterColors) { colors.Add(col); GH_Path path = new GH_Path(i, colors.IndexOf(col)); Line line = vp.ClientToWorld(new System.Drawing.Point(x, y)); Ray3d ray = new Ray3d(vp.CameraLocation, -line.Direction); double rayEnd = (double)Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.MeshRay(obstacles, ray); Point3d rayIntersection = ray.PointAt(rayEnd); Line ln = new Line(camPoint, rayIntersection); if (ln.IsValid & rayEnd > 0) { rayTree.Append(new GH_Line(ln), path); colorTree.Append(new GH_Colour(col), path); } } } } } sampler.Release(false); } insertLoc = insertLoc + imageWidth; bitmap.Dispose(); } ///Get up and down views ///Get up view vp.SetCameraLocations(tarUp, camPoint); view.Redraw(); Bitmap bitmapUp = new Bitmap(view.CaptureToBitmap(size, viewMode)); if (showRays) { GH_MemoryBitmap sampler = new GH_MemoryBitmap(bitmapUp); Color col = Color.Transparent; for (int x = 0; x < bitmapUp.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < bitmapUp.Height; y++) { if (sampler.Sample(x, y, ref col)) { if (colors.Contains(col)) { GH_Path path = new GH_Path(i, colors.IndexOf(col)); Line line = vp.ClientToWorld(new System.Drawing.Point(x, y)); Ray3d ray = new Ray3d(vp.CameraLocation, -line.Direction); double rayEnd = (double)Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.MeshRay(obstacles, ray); Point3d rayIntersection = ray.PointAt(rayEnd); Line ln = new Line(camPoint, rayIntersection); if (ln.IsValid & rayEnd > 0) { rayTree.Append(new GH_Line(ln), path); colorTree.Append(new GH_Colour(col), path); } } else if (!filterColors) { colors.Add(col); GH_Path path = new GH_Path(i, colors.IndexOf(col)); Line line = vp.ClientToWorld(new System.Drawing.Point(x, y)); Ray3d ray = new Ray3d(vp.CameraLocation, -line.Direction); double rayEnd = (double)Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.MeshRay(obstacles, ray); Point3d rayIntersection = ray.PointAt(rayEnd); Line ln = new Line(camPoint, rayIntersection); if (ln.IsValid & rayEnd > 0) { rayTree.Append(new GH_Line(ln), path); colorTree.Append(new GH_Colour(col), path); } } } } } sampler.Release(false); } bitmapUp.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipNone); if (saveCubemaps) { gr.DrawImage(bitmapUp, imageWidth, 0); } bitmapUp.Dispose(); ///Get down view vp.SetCameraLocations(tarDown, camPoint); view.Redraw(); Bitmap bitmapDown = new Bitmap(view.CaptureToBitmap(size, viewMode)); if (saveCubemaps) { gr.DrawImage(bitmapDown, imageWidth, imageWidth * 2); } if (showRays) { GH_MemoryBitmap sampler = new GH_MemoryBitmap(bitmapDown); Color col = Color.Transparent; for (int x = 0; x < bitmapDown.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < bitmapDown.Height; y++) { if (sampler.Sample(x, y, ref col)) { if (colors.Contains(col)) { GH_Path path = new GH_Path(i, colors.IndexOf(col)); Line line = vp.ClientToWorld(new System.Drawing.Point(x, y)); Ray3d ray = new Ray3d(vp.CameraLocation, -line.Direction); double rayEnd = (double)Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.MeshRay(obstacles, ray); Point3d rayIntersection = ray.PointAt(rayEnd); Line ln = new Line(camPoint, rayIntersection); if (ln.IsValid & rayEnd > 0) { rayTree.Append(new GH_Line(ln), path); colorTree.Append(new GH_Colour(col), path); } } else if (!filterColors) { colors.Add(col); GH_Path path = new GH_Path(i, colors.IndexOf(col)); Line line = vp.ClientToWorld(new System.Drawing.Point(x, y)); Ray3d ray = new Ray3d(vp.CameraLocation, -line.Direction); double rayEnd = (double)Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.MeshRay(obstacles, ray); Point3d rayIntersection = ray.PointAt(rayEnd); Line ln = new Line(camPoint, rayIntersection); if (ln.IsValid & rayEnd > 0) { rayTree.Append(new GH_Line(ln), path); colorTree.Append(new GH_Colour(col), path); } } } } } sampler.Release(false); } bitmapDown.Dispose(); } ///End pano directions loop if (saveCubemaps) { ///Save cubemap bitmap string s = i.ToString().PadLeft(pad, '0'); string saveText = folder + prefix + "_" + s + ".png"; cubemap.Save(saveText, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); cubemaps.Add(saveText); } cubemap.Dispose(); } } ///Restore initial camera setCamera(saveCam, Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport); Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.Redraw(); DA.SetDataList(0, cubemaps); DA.SetDataTree(1, rayTree); DA.SetDataTree(2, colorTree); }
protected override void DrawForeground(DrawEventArgs e) { base.DrawForeground(e); RhinoObject foundObject = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.Find(Id); Rhino.Display.RhinoView myViewport = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView; Rhino.Display.RhinoViewport viewport = myViewport.ActiveViewport; e.Display.EnableDepthWriting(false); switch (foundObject.ObjectType) { case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Point: break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Curve: break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Extrusion: Rhino.Geometry.Extrusion myExtru = (Rhino.Geometry.Extrusion)foundObject.Geometry; Rhino.Geometry.Brep myBrep = myExtru.ToBrep(); Mesh[] extruMeshes = Rhino.Geometry.Mesh.CreateFromBrep(myBrep); Mesh globalExtruMesh = new Rhino.Geometry.Mesh(); foreach (Mesh m in extruMeshes) { globalExtruMesh.Append(m); } Polyline[] myExtruPoly = globalExtruMesh.GetOutlines(viewport); foreach (Polyline poly in myExtruPoly) { e.Display.DrawCurve(poly.ToNurbsCurve(), Color.Red, 6); } break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Brep: Mesh[] meshes = Rhino.Geometry.Mesh.CreateFromBrep((Brep)foundObject.Geometry); Mesh globalMesh = new Rhino.Geometry.Mesh(); foreach (Mesh m in meshes) { globalMesh.Append(m); } Polyline[] myPolys2 = globalMesh.GetOutlines(viewport); foreach (Polyline poly in myPolys2) { e.Display.DrawCurve(poly.ToNurbsCurve(), Color.Red, 6); } break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Mesh: Mesh mesh = foundObject.Geometry as Rhino.Geometry.Mesh; Polyline[] meshOutline = mesh.GetOutlines(viewport); foreach (Polyline poly in meshOutline) { e.Display.DrawCurve(poly.ToNurbsCurve(), Color.Red, 6); } break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.TextDot: break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Annotation: break; } e.Display.EnableDepthWriting(true); e.Display.EnableDepthWriting(false); if (Edges.Count > 0) { System.Drawing.Color colorKid = System.Drawing.Color.LightCoral; foreach (List <Guid> li in Edges) { RhinoObject foundObject0 = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.Find(li[0]); RhinoObject foundObject1 = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.Find(li[1]); Rhino.Geometry.Point3d ce0 = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(); Rhino.Geometry.Point3d ce1 = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(); switch (foundObject0.ObjectType) { case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Point: ce0 = ((Rhino.Geometry.Point)foundObject0.Geometry).Location; break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Curve: Rhino.Geometry.Curve myCurve = (Rhino.Geometry.Curve)foundObject0.Geometry; myCurve.Domain = new Rhino.Geometry.Interval(0, 1); ce0 = myCurve.PointAtNormalizedLength(0.5); break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Extrusion: Rhino.Geometry.Extrusion myExtru = (Rhino.Geometry.Extrusion)foundObject0.Geometry; Rhino.Geometry.Point3d myExtruCentroid = Rhino.Geometry.AreaMassProperties.Compute(myExtru.ToBrep()).Centroid; ce0 = myExtruCentroid; Rhino.Geometry.Brep myBrep = myExtru.ToBrep(); Mesh[] extruMeshes = Rhino.Geometry.Mesh.CreateFromBrep(myBrep); Mesh globalExtruMesh = new Rhino.Geometry.Mesh(); foreach (Mesh m in extruMeshes) { globalExtruMesh.Append(m); } Polyline[] myExtruPoly = globalExtruMesh.GetOutlines(viewport); foreach (Polyline poly in myExtruPoly) { e.Display.DrawCurve(poly.ToNurbsCurve(), Color.Red, 6); } break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Brep: Rhino.Geometry.Point3d myBrepCentroid = ((Brep)foundObject0.Geometry).GetBoundingBox(true).Center; ce0 = myBrepCentroid; Mesh[] meshes = Rhino.Geometry.Mesh.CreateFromBrep((Brep)foundObject0.Geometry); Mesh globalMesh = new Rhino.Geometry.Mesh(); foreach (Mesh m in meshes) { globalMesh.Append(m); } Polyline[] myPolys2 = globalMesh.GetOutlines(viewport); foreach (Polyline poly in myPolys2) { e.Display.DrawCurve(poly.ToNurbsCurve(), Color.Red, 6); } break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Mesh: var mesh = foundObject0.Geometry as Rhino.Geometry.Mesh; Polyline[] meshOutline = mesh.GetOutlines(viewport); foreach (Polyline poly in meshOutline) { e.Display.DrawCurve(poly.ToNurbsCurve(), Color.Red, 6); } Rhino.Geometry.Point3d myMeshCentroid = mesh.GetBoundingBox(true).Center; ce0 = myMeshCentroid; break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.TextDot: // todo break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Annotation: // todo break; } switch (foundObject1.ObjectType) { case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Point: ce1 = ((Rhino.Geometry.Point)foundObject1.Geometry).Location; break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Curve: Rhino.Geometry.Curve myCurve = (Rhino.Geometry.Curve)foundObject1.Geometry; myCurve.Domain = new Rhino.Geometry.Interval(0, 1); ce1 = myCurve.PointAtNormalizedLength(0.5); break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Extrusion: Rhino.Geometry.Extrusion myExtru = (Rhino.Geometry.Extrusion)foundObject1.Geometry; Rhino.Geometry.Point3d myExtruCentroid = Rhino.Geometry.AreaMassProperties.Compute(myExtru.ToBrep()).Centroid; ce1 = myExtruCentroid; Rhino.Geometry.Brep myBrep = myExtru.ToBrep(); Mesh[] extruMeshes = Rhino.Geometry.Mesh.CreateFromBrep(myBrep); Mesh globalExtruMesh = new Rhino.Geometry.Mesh(); foreach (Mesh m in extruMeshes) { globalExtruMesh.Append(m); } Polyline[] myExtruPoly = globalExtruMesh.GetOutlines(viewport); foreach (Polyline poly in myExtruPoly) { e.Display.DrawCurve(poly.ToNurbsCurve(), Color.Red, 6); } break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Brep: Rhino.Geometry.Point3d myBrepCentroid = ((Brep)foundObject1.Geometry).GetBoundingBox(true).Center; ce1 = myBrepCentroid; Mesh[] meshes = Rhino.Geometry.Mesh.CreateFromBrep((Brep)foundObject1.Geometry); Mesh globalMesh = new Rhino.Geometry.Mesh(); foreach (Mesh m in meshes) { globalMesh.Append(m); } Polyline[] myPolys2 = globalMesh.GetOutlines(viewport); foreach (Polyline poly in myPolys2) { e.Display.DrawCurve(poly.ToNurbsCurve(), Color.Red, 6); } break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Mesh: var mesh = foundObject1.Geometry as Rhino.Geometry.Mesh; Rhino.Geometry.Point3d myMeshCentroid = mesh.GetBoundingBox(true).Center; ce1 = myMeshCentroid; Polyline[] meshOutline = mesh.GetOutlines(viewport); foreach (Polyline poly in meshOutline) { e.Display.DrawCurve(poly.ToNurbsCurve(), Color.Red, 6); } break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.TextDot: // todo break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Annotation: // todo break; } Rhino.Geometry.Line graphEdge = new Rhino.Geometry.Line(); graphEdge.From = ce0; graphEdge.To = ce1; e.Display.DrawLineArrow(graphEdge, System.Drawing.Color.DarkRed, 7, 4); } } e.Display.EnableDepthWriting(true); Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.Redraw(); }
protected override void PreDrawObjects(Rhino.Display.DrawEventArgs e) { base.PreDrawObjects(e); RhinoObject foundObject = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.Find(Id); Rhino.Geometry.BoundingBox bbox = foundObject.Geometry.GetBoundingBox(true); bbox.Inflate(2); e.Display.EnableDepthWriting(false); List <Rhino.Geometry.Point3d> bboxCorners = bbox.GetCorners().ToList(); List <Rhino.Geometry.Line> bboxEdges = bbox.GetEdges().ToList(); //e.Display.DrawBoxCorners(bbox, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 3, 4); Rhino.Display.RhinoView myViewport = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView; Rhino.Display.RhinoViewport viewport = myViewport.ActiveViewport; e.Display.EnableDepthWriting(true); e.Display.EnableDepthWriting(false); switch (foundObject.ObjectType) { case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Point: e.Display.DrawPoint(((Rhino.Geometry.Point)foundObject.Geometry).Location, PointStyle.X, 2, myCol); break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Curve: e.Display.DrawCurve((Rhino.Geometry.Curve)foundObject.Geometry, myCol, 4); break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Extrusion: DisplayMaterial eMaterial = new DisplayMaterial(myCol, 0.5); e.Display.DrawBrepShaded(((Rhino.Geometry.Extrusion)foundObject.Geometry).ToBrep(), eMaterial); break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Brep: DisplayMaterial bMaterial = new DisplayMaterial(myCol, 0.5); e.Display.DrawBrepShaded((Brep)foundObject.Geometry, bMaterial); Mesh[] meshes = Rhino.Geometry.Mesh.CreateFromBrep((Brep)foundObject.Geometry); Mesh globalMesh = new Rhino.Geometry.Mesh(); foreach (Mesh m in meshes) { globalMesh.Append(m); } Polyline[] myPolys2 = globalMesh.GetOutlines(viewport); foreach (Polyline poly in myPolys2) { e.Display.DrawCurve(poly.ToNurbsCurve(), Color.Black, 6); } break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Mesh: var mesh = foundObject.Geometry as Rhino.Geometry.Mesh; if (mesh.VertexColors.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < mesh.VertexColors.Count; i++) { mesh.VertexColors[i] = Color.FromArgb(100, mesh.VertexColors[i]); } e.Display.DrawMeshFalseColors(mesh); } else { DisplayMaterial mMaterial = new DisplayMaterial(myCol, 0.5); e.Display.DrawMeshShaded(mesh, mMaterial); } //e.Display.DrawMeshWires((Mesh)obj, Color.DarkGray); break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.TextDot: //e.Display.Draw3dText( ((TextDot)obj).Text, Colors[count], new Plane(((TextDot)obj).Point)); var textDot = (TextDot)foundObject.Geometry; e.Display.DrawDot(textDot.Point, textDot.Text, myCol, Color.White); break; case Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Annotation: var textObj = (Rhino.Geometry.TextEntity)foundObject.Geometry; e.Display.Draw3dText(textObj.Text, Color.Black, textObj.Plane, textObj.TextHeight, Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Fonts[textObj.FontIndex].FaceName); break; } e.Display.EnableDepthWriting(true); List <Rhino.Geometry.Line> myEdges = new List <Rhino.Geometry.Line>(); if (Edges.Count > 0) { System.Drawing.Color colorKid = System.Drawing.Color.LightCoral; foreach (List <Guid> li in Edges) { RhinoObject foundObject0 = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.Find(li[0]); RhinoObject foundObject1 = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.Find(li[1]); } } Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.Redraw(); }