public static void Start(Loading loading, string[] args) { Uri dat = new Uri(""); using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { wc.DownloadStringAsync(dat); wc.DownloadProgressChanged += (object s, DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs r) => { loading.progress.Value = r.ProgressPercentage; }; wc.DownloadStringCompleted += (object s, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs r) => { JObject data = JObject.Parse(r.Result); string latest; if (_G.beta) { latest = data["app"]["md5Beta"].ToString(); } else { latest = data["app"]["md5"].ToString(); } MainForm form = new MainForm(RestartForm); form.results = data["mods"].Children().ToList(); /* * if (!_G.beta && !File.Exists("Updater.exe")) { * if (MetroMessageBox.Show(form, "This is an unstable build.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?\nLink for the latest stable build: \n When you will click "+'"'+"No"+'"'+ " File "+'"'+ "Latest Stable Build" + '"'+" will be created with that link easy to copy.", "Warming", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.No) { * StreamWriter wr = new StreamWriter("Latest Stable Build.txt"); * wr.WriteLine(""); * wr.Close(); * Environment.Exit(0); * } * } */ byte[] hash = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(File.ReadAllBytes(Application.ExecutablePath)); StringBuilder md5 = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < hash.Length; i++) { md5.Append(hash[i].ToString("X2")); } Console.WriteLine("Checking launcher version..."); loading.Hide(); loading.Visible = false; loading.Close(); form.md5 = md5; /* * if (latest != md5.ToString() && ! && _G.update) { * try { * Process.Start("Updater.exe"); * Environment.Exit(0); * } catch (Exception) { * if (MetroMessageBox.Show(form, "Oh no! The ResourceHub Launcher couldn't find Updater.exe\n\nTry reinstalling the Launcher.\nLink for the installer: *Insert link there*", "Auto-Updater", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)==DialogResult.OK) { * Environment.Exit(0); * } * } * * } else { * if( || !_G.update) { * Console.WriteLine("Looks like the user doesn't want updates."); * } else { * Console.WriteLine("Launcher is up to date!"); * } * } */ if ( && MetroMessageBox.Show(form, "Copy Version MD5 to clipboard?", "Developer Mode", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { Clipboard.SetText(md5.ToString()); } if ((string)Config.Options["gpath"] == "" || !File.Exists((string)Config.Options["gpath"])) { if (MetroMessageBox.Show(form, "To start using the Launcher, you need to select the GooseDesktop.exe file. Press OK to do so now.", "Is it your first time using the Launcher?", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.OK) { using (OpenFileDialog oFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog()) { oFileDialog.InitialDirectory = @"C:\"; oFileDialog.Filter = "GooseDesktop.exe|GooseDesktop.exe"; oFileDialog.Title = "Select GooseDesktop.exe"; oFileDialog.FileOk += (object sender, CancelEventArgs e) => { if (e.Cancel) { return; } Config.Options["gpath"] = oFileDialog.FileName; }; oFileDialog.ShowDialog(); } form.Focus(); } } string[] parts; bool newConfigIni = false; string configPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName((string)Config.Options["gpath"]), "config.ini"); using (StreamReader rrrr = new StreamReader(configPath)) { parts = rrrr.ReadToEnd().Split('\n'); int partIndex = parts.ToList().FindIndex((line) => { return(line.StartsWith("EnableMods")); }); if (parts[partIndex].Substring(11).ToLower() == "false") { Console.WriteLine($"User has mods disabled. Asking if they want to enable..."); if (MetroMessageBox.Show(form, "Do you want to enable them?", "Your config.ini file says that mods should be disabled.", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes) { parts[partIndex] = parts[partIndex].Replace("False", "True"); newConfigIni = true; form.Focus(); } } } if (newConfigIni) { using (StreamWriter wwww = new StreamWriter(configPath)) { wwww.Flush(); string all = ""; foreach (string sss in parts) { all += sss + '\n'; } wwww.Write(all); form.Focus(); } } Console.WriteLine("Showing main window."); form.ShowDialog(); }; }; loading.ShowDialog(); }