public ManageCustomersForm() { InitializeComponent(); _db = new AppContext(); _customerRepository = new CustomerRepository(_db); _searchCustomer = new Repository.Models.Customer(); }
private void btnSaveCustomer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { bool validateFrom = true; var message = "Operation failed to add customer."; int result = 0; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCustomerName.Text)) { validateFrom = false; message = "Please enter customer name."; } if (validateFrom) { var customer = new Repository.Models.Customer() { Name = txtCustomerName.Text, Email = txtCustomerEmail.Text, ContactNo = txtCustomerContact.Text, CustomerId = _editCustomer != null ? _editCustomer.CustomerId : 0 }; if (_editCustomer != null && _editCustomer.CustomerId > 0) { result = _customerRepository.UpdateCustomer(customer); } else { result = _customerRepository.AddCustomer(customer); } if (result > 0) { message = "Customer saved successfully."; clearFormValue(); initGridView(); } else { message = "Operation failed to save new customer."; } } MessageBox.Show(message); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
void clearFormValue() { txtCustomerContact.Text = null; txtCustomerEmail.Text = null; txtCustomerName.Text = null; _editCustomer = new Repository.Models.Customer(); _searchCustomer = new Repository.Models.Customer(); dgCustomerList.ClearSelection(); }
void setEditFormFields(int row) { try { if (_customersList != null && _customersList.Count > 0) { tabCustomer.SelectedTab = tabPageForm; _editCustomer = _customersList[row]; txtCustomerContact.Text = _editCustomer.ContactNo; txtCustomerEmail.Text = _editCustomer.Email; txtCustomerName.Text = _editCustomer.Name; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
private void btnClearSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtSearchContact.Text = null; txtSearchEmail.Text = null; txtSearchName.Text = null; _searchCustomer = new Repository.Models.Customer(); initGridView(); }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { _searchCustomer = new Repository.Models.Customer() { Name = txtSearchName.Text, Email = txtSearchEmail.Text, ContactNo = txtSearchContact.Text }; initGridView(); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }