private void ReadXmlText(XmlReader xr) { // Read thru all the Text elements string val = null; PointF location = new PointF(); string family = "Arial"; float fontsize = 8; bool bBold = false; bool bItalic = false; bool bUnderline = false; bool bLineThrough = false; string temp; while (xr.Read()) { if (!xr.IsStartElement()) { if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && xr.Name == "Text") { break; } continue; } switch (xr.Name) { case "Location": PointF[] pfa = ReadXmlPoints(xr); location = pfa[0]; break; case "Value": val = xr.ReadString(); break; case "FontFamily": family = xr.ReadString(); break; case "FontSize": temp = xr.ReadString(); try { fontsize = float.Parse(temp, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } catch { fontsize = 8; } break; case "FontWeight": temp = xr.ReadString(); bBold = temp.ToLower() == "bold"; break; case "FontStyle": temp = xr.ReadString(); bItalic = temp.ToLower() == "italic"; break; case "TextDecoration": temp = xr.ReadString(); switch (temp.ToLower()) { case "underline": bUnderline = true; break; case "linethrough": bUnderline = true; break; } break; } } if (val != null && location != null) { MapText mt = new MapText(val, location); mt.FontFamily = family; mt.FontSize = fontsize; mt.bBold = bBold; mt.bItalic = bItalic; mt.bLineThrough = bLineThrough; mt.bUnderline = bUnderline; AddMapObject(mt); } }
private void ReadXmlText(XmlReader xr) { // Read thru all the Text elements string val = null; PointF location= new PointF(); string family = "Arial"; float fontsize = 8; bool bBold = false; bool bItalic = false; bool bUnderline = false; bool bLineThrough = false; string temp; while (xr.Read()) { if (!xr.IsStartElement()) { if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && xr.Name == "Text") break; continue; } switch (xr.Name) { case "Location": PointF[] pfa = ReadXmlPoints(xr); location = pfa[0]; break; case "Value": val = xr.ReadString(); break; case "FontFamily": family = xr.ReadString(); break; case "FontSize": temp = xr.ReadString(); try { fontsize = float.Parse(temp, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } catch { fontsize = 8; } break; case "FontWeight": temp = xr.ReadString(); bBold = temp.ToLower() == "bold"; break; case "FontStyle": temp = xr.ReadString(); bItalic = temp.ToLower() == "italic"; break; case "TextDecoration": temp = xr.ReadString(); switch (temp.ToLower()) { case "underline": bUnderline = true; break; case "linethrough": bUnderline = true; break; } break; } } if (val != null && location != null) { MapText mt = new MapText(val, location); mt.FontFamily = family; mt.FontSize = fontsize; mt.bBold = bBold; mt.bItalic = bItalic; mt.bLineThrough = bLineThrough; mt.bUnderline = bUnderline; AddMapObject(mt); } }