internal void SupplyValues(Report rpt, out string[] displayValues, out object[] dataValues)
            displayValues = null;
            dataValues    = null;
            Rows rows = _ds.Query.GetMyData(rpt);

            if (rows == null)                           // do we already have data?
                // TODO:  this is wasteful;  likely to reretrieve the data again when report run with parameters
                //   should mark a dataset as only having one retrieval???
                bool lConnect = _ds.Query.DataSourceDefn.IsConnected(rpt);
                if (!lConnect)
                    _ds.Query.DataSourceDefn.ConnectDataSource(rpt);                            // connect; since not already connected
                _ds.GetData(rpt);                                                               // get the data
                if (!lConnect)                                                                  // if we connected; then
                    _ds.Query.DataSourceDefn.CleanUp(rpt);                                      //   we cleanup
                rows = _ds.Query.GetMyData(rpt);
                if (rows == null)                                       // any data now?
                    return;                                             // no out of luck

            displayValues = new string[rows.Data.Count];
            dataValues    = new object[displayValues.Length];
            int    index = 0;
            object o;

            foreach (Row r in rows.Data)
                dataValues[index] = r.Data[_vField.ColumnNumber];
                o = r.Data[_lField.ColumnNumber];
                if (o == null || o == DBNull.Value)
                    displayValues[index] = "";
                    displayValues[index] = o.ToString();