public void ReloadDishRange() { if (isLoaded) { try { if (RTUtils.containsField(partModule, "dishRange")) { this.dishRange = (float)partModule.Fields.GetValue("dishRange"); } else { this.dishRange = 0; } } catch (Exception) { } } else { ConfigNode n = new ConfigNode(); protoPartModule.Save(n); if (n.HasValue("dishRange")) { this.dishRange = float.Parse(n.GetValue("dishRange")); } else { this.dishRange = 0; } } }
public static bool IsComsat(Vessel v) { if (v.loaded) { foreach (Part p in { foreach (PartModule m in p.Modules) { if (RTUtils.containsField(m, "isRemoteCommand")) { return(true); } } } } else { foreach (ProtoPartSnapshot p in v.protoVessel.protoPartSnapshots) { foreach (ProtoPartModuleSnapshot s in p.modules) { ConfigNode n = new ConfigNode(); s.Save(n); if (n.HasValue("isRemoteCommand")) { return(true); } } } } return(false); }
public void SaveAndClose() { this.Close(); try { if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.isEVA ? (Vector3d.Distance(module.vessel.transform.position, FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.transform.position) > 50) : !RTGlobals.coreList[module.vessel].InControl) { return; } } catch { return; } if (settingNode != null && module.vessel.loaded) { if (RTUtils.containsField(module, "antennaName")) { module.Fields.SetValue("antennaName", antennaName); }; = new RelayNetwork(); RTGlobals.coreList[module.vessel].path =[module.vessel].Rnode); } }
void ConstructFromLoaded() { foreach (Part p in { foreach (PartModule m in p.Modules) { if (RTUtils.containsField(m, "isRemoteCommand") && (bool)m.Fields.GetValue("isRemoteCommand")) { this.hasCommand = true; break; } } if (hasCommand) { break; } } float sumRange = 0f; // NK allow multiple antennae foreach (Part p in { foreach (PartModule m in p.Modules) { if (RTUtils.containsField(m, "antennaRange")) { float lngth = (float)m.Fields.GetValue("antennaRange"); if (lngth > this.antennaRange) { this.hasAntenna = true; this.antennaRange = lngth; } sumRange += lngth; // NK allow multiple antennae } if (RTUtils.containsField(m, "dishRange")) { DishData tmp = new DishData(); tmp.dishRange = m.Fields.GetValue("dishRange") == null ? 0 : (float)m.Fields.GetValue("dishRange"); tmp.pointedAt = m.Fields.GetValue("pointedAt") == null ? "None" : (string)m.Fields.GetValue("pointedAt"); if (tmp.dishRange > 0) { this.hasDish = true; this.dishData.Add(tmp); } } } } // NK allow multiple antennae if (this.hasAntenna && RTGlobals.useMultiple) { this.antennaRange = (float)Math.Round(this.antennaRange + (sumRange - this.antennaRange) * 0.25f); } }
public override string GetInfo() { string text = ""; if (antennaRange0 != antennaRange1) { if (text.Length > 0) { text += "\n"; } text += "Antenna range: " + RTUtils.length(this.antennaRange0 * 1000) + "m / " + RTUtils.length(this.antennaRange1 * 1000) + "m"; } else if (antennaRange > 0) { if (text.Length > 0) { text += "\n"; } text += "Antenna range: " + RTUtils.length(antennaRange * 1000) + "m"; } if (dishRange0 != dishRange1) { if (text.Length > 0) { text += "\n"; } text += "Dish range: " + RTUtils.length(dishRange0 * 1000) + "m / " + RTUtils.length(dishRange1 * 1000) + "m"; } else if (dishRange > 0) { if (text.Length > 0) { text += "\n"; } text += "Dish range: " + RTUtils.length(dishRange * 1000) + "m"; } if (EnergyDrain0 != EnergyDrain1) { if (text.Length > 0) { text += "\n"; } text += "Energy req.: " + (EnergyDrain0 * 60).ToString("0.00") + "/min. / " + (EnergyDrain1 * 60).ToString("0.00") + "/min."; } else if (this.EnergyDrain > 0) { if (text.Length > 0) { text += "\n"; } text += "Energy req.: " + (EnergyDrain * 60).ToString("0.00") + "/min."; } return(text); }
public override string GetInfo() { string text = ""; if (antennaRange0 != antennaRange1) { if (text.Length > 0) { text += "\n"; } text += "Antenna range: " + RTUtils.length(this.antennaRange0 * 1000) + "m / " + RTUtils.length(this.antennaRange1 * 1000) + "m"; } else if (antennaRange > 0) { if (text.Length > 0) { text += "\n"; } text += "Antenna range: " + RTUtils.length(antennaRange * 1000) + "m"; } if (dishRange0 != dishRange1) { if (text.Length > 0) { text += "\n"; } text += "Dish range: " + RTUtils.length(dishRange0 * 1000) + "m / " + RTUtils.length(dishRange1 * 1000) + "m"; } else if (dishRange > 0) { if (text.Length > 0) { text += "\n"; } text += "Dish range: " + RTUtils.length(dishRange * 1000) + "m"; } if (EnergyDrain0 != EnergyDrain1) { if (text.Length > 0) { text += "\n"; } text += "Energy req.: " + RTUtils.eCost(EnergyDrain0) + " / " + RTUtils.eCost(EnergyDrain1); // NK } else if (this.EnergyDrain > 0) { if (text.Length > 0) { text += "\n"; } text += "Energy req.: " + RTUtils.eCost(EnergyDrain); // NK } return(text); }
public void Update() { if (HighLogic.fetch == null) { return; } try { if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { doOnce = true; if (RTGlobals.Manager == null) { RTGlobals.Manager = (OrbitPhysicsManager)GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(OrbitPhysicsManager)); } try { if (GameSettings.MODIFIER_KEY.GetKey() && Input.GetKeyDown(RTGlobals.settingsKey)) { coreSettings.Toggle(); } } catch { } if (this.vessels != FlightGlobals.Vessels.Count) { = new RelayNetwork(); this.vessels = FlightGlobals.Vessels.Count; } RTGlobals.coreList.update(); if (RTGlobals.coreList.activeVesselIsRemoteTech) { RTUtils.applyLocks(); } else { RTUtils.removeLocks(); } } else if (doOnce) { RTGlobals.coreList.Clear(); RTGlobals.coreList.activeVesselIsRemoteTech = doOnce = false; RTUtils.removeLocks(); } } catch { } if (GUIcreated && !HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { destroyGUI(); } }
void LoadFromLoaded() { foreach (Part p in { foreach (PartModule m in p.Modules) { if (RTUtils.containsField(m, "dishRange") && (float)m.Fields.GetValue("dishRange") > 0) { settingNodes.Add(new SatSettingNode(m)); } } } vesselName = node.Vessel.vesselName; }
void ConstructFromLoaded() { foreach (Part p in { foreach (PartModule m in p.Modules) { if (RTUtils.containsField(m, "isRemoteCommand") && (bool)m.Fields.GetValue("isRemoteCommand")) { this.hasCommand = true; break; } } if (hasCommand) { break; } } foreach (Part p in { foreach (PartModule m in p.Modules) { if (RTUtils.containsField(m, "antennaRange")) { float lngth = (float)m.Fields.GetValue("antennaRange"); if (lngth > this.antennaRange) { this.hasAntenna = true; this.antennaRange = lngth; } } if (RTUtils.containsField(m, "dishRange")) { DishData tmp = new DishData(); tmp.dishRange = m.Fields.GetValue("dishRange") == null ? 0 : (float)m.Fields.GetValue("dishRange"); tmp.pointedAt = m.Fields.GetValue("pointedAt") == null ? "None" : (string)m.Fields.GetValue("pointedAt"); if (tmp.dishRange > 0) { this.hasDish = true; this.dishData.Add(tmp); } } } } }
public override string GetInfo() { string text; if (isRemoteCommand) { text = "Remote Command"; } else { text = "Remote Control"; } text += "\nEnergy req.: " + RTUtils.eCost(EnergyDrain); // NK return(text); }
public void update() { if (sending && states.Peek().ActTime <= Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()) { state = states.Dequeue(); if (state.Bt) { state.Target = state.Target + Planetarium.GetUniversalTime(); } else { speedT0 = RTUtils.ForwardSpeed(computer.core.vessel); } } if (burning) { if (!RTUtils.PhysicsActive) { TimeWarp.SetRate(0, true); } doOnce = true; if (ThrottleIncrement < state.Throttle) { ThrottleIncrement = Mathf.Clamp(ThrottleIncrement + 0.1F, 0, 1);; } else {, 0, 1)); } } else if (doOnce) { ThrottleIncrement = 0;; doOnce = false; if (!state.Bt) { state.Target = -10; state.Bt = true; } } }
public SatSettingNode(PartModule m) { this.partModule = m; isLoaded = true; if (RTUtils.containsField(partModule, "pointedAt")) { this.pointedAt = new Target((string)partModule.Fields.GetValue("pointedAt")); } else { this.pointedAt = new Target(); } if (RTUtils.containsField(partModule, "dishRange")) { this.dishRange = (float)partModule.Fields.GetValue("dishRange"); } else { this.dishRange = 0; } if (RTUtils.containsField(partModule, "antennaName")) { this.antennaName = (string)partModule.Fields.GetValue("antennaName"); } for (int i = 0; i < RTGlobals.targets.Count; i++) { if (pointedAt.Equals(RTGlobals.targets[i])) { selectedTarget = i; break; } } }
public RelayNetwork() { all = new List <RelayNode>(); comSats = new List <RelayNode>(); commandStations = new List <RelayNode>(); foreach (Vessel v in FlightGlobals.Vessels) { if (RTUtils.IsComsat(v)) { all.Add(new RelayNode(v)); } } foreach (RelayNode node in all) { if (node.HasCommand) { commandStations.Add(node); } else { comSats.Add(node); } } all.Add(new RelayNode()); commandStations.Add(new RelayNode()); foreach (KeyValuePair <Vessel, RemoteCore> pair in RTGlobals.coreList) { try { pair.Value.Rnode = new RelayNode(pair.Key); } catch { } } }
public void recalculate() { HashSet <Vessel> toDelete = new HashSet <Vessel>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Vessel, RemoteCore> pair in this) { if (!(pair.Key.loaded && RTUtils.IsComsat(pair.Key))) { try { pair.Key.OnFlyByWire -=; } catch { } toDelete.Add(pair.Key); } } foreach (Vessel v in toDelete) { this.Remove(v); } toDelete.Clear(); }
public void Open(PartModule moduleIn) { if (!moduleIn.vessel.loaded) { Close(); return; } this.module = moduleIn; RTGlobals.targets = new List <Target>(); CBOrV SortNetwork = new CBOrV(Planetarium.fetch.Sun, new RelayNode(moduleIn.vessel)); SortNetwork.createTargets(ref RTGlobals.targets); RTGlobals.targets.Add(new Target()); RTGlobals.targets[RTGlobals.targets.Count - 1].GUIListname = RTGlobals.targets[RTGlobals.targets.Count - 1].Name; RTGlobals.targets[RTGlobals.targets.Count - 1].color =; if (RTUtils.containsField(module, "dishRange") && (float)module.Fields.GetValue("dishRange") > 0) { settingNode = new SatSettingNode(module); if (RTUtils.containsField(module, "antennaName")) { antennaName = (string)module.Fields.GetValue("antennaName"); } else { antennaName = "Dish"; } = true; } }
public override string GetInfo() { string text = ""; if (this.antennaRange > 0) { if (text.Length > 0) { text += "\n"; } text += "Antenna range: " + RTUtils.length(this.antennaRange * 1000) + "m"; } if (this.dishRange > 0) { if (text.Length > 0) { text += "\n"; } text += "Dish range: " + RTUtils.length(this.dishRange * 1000) + "m"; } if (this.EnergyDrain > 0) { if (text.Length > 0) { text += "\n"; } text += "Energy req.: " + RTUtils.eCost(EnergyDrain); // NK } //if (this.EnergyDrain0 > 0) // text += "\nInactive energy req.: " + (Math.Round(this.EnergyDrain0 * 60, 1) == 0 ? Math.Round(this.EnergyDrain0 * 60, 2) : Math.Round(this.EnergyDrain0 * 60, 1)) + "/min."; //if (this.EnergyDrain1 > 0) // text += "\nEnergy req.: " + (Math.Round(this.EnergyDrain1 * 60, 1) == 0 ? Math.Round(this.EnergyDrain1 * 60, 2) : Math.Round(this.EnergyDrain1 * 60, 1)) + "/min."; return(text); }
public void UpdatePA() { target = new Target(pointedAt); string targetName = target.GUIname; if (this.dishRange > 0) { if (Events["setTarget"].active) { Events["setTarget2"].guiName = "Target: " + targetName; Events["OverrideTarget2"].guiName = "Override " + Events["setTarget2"].guiName; Events["setTarget"].active = Events["OverrideTarget"].active = false; Events["setTarget2"].active = Events["OverrideTarget2"].active = true; } else { Events["setTarget"].guiName = "Target: " + targetName; Events["OverrideTarget"].guiName = "Override " + Events["setTarget"].guiName; Events["setTarget"].active = Events["OverrideTarget"].active = true; Events["setTarget2"].active = Events["OverrideTarget2"].active = false; } } else { Events["setTarget"].active = Events["OverrideTarget"].active = Events["setTarget2"].active = Events["OverrideTarget2"].active = false; } if (!showStats) { Fields["Dish_Range"].guiActive = Fields["Antenna_Range"].guiActive = false; return; } if (dishRange > 0) { Dish_Range = RTUtils.length(dishRange * 1000) + "m"; Fields["Dish_Range"].guiName = ""; if (showAntennaName) { Fields["Dish_Range"].guiName += antennaName; } if (showType) { Fields["Dish_Range"].guiName += showAntennaName ? " dish " : "Dish "; } Fields["Dish_Range"].guiName += (showAntennaName || showType) ? "range" : "Range"; Fields["Dish_Range"].guiActive = true; } else { Fields["Dish_Range"].guiActive = false; } if (this.antennaRange > 0) { Antenna_Range = RTUtils.length(antennaRange * 1000) + "m"; Fields["Antenna_Range"].guiName = ""; if (showAntennaName) { Fields["Antenna_Range"].guiName += antennaName; } if (showType) { Fields["Antenna_Range"].guiName += showAntennaName ? " antenna " : "Antenna "; } Fields["Antenna_Range"].guiName += (showAntennaName || showType) ? "range" : "Range"; Fields["Antenna_Range"].guiActive = true; } else { Fields["Antenna_Range"].guiActive = false; } }
void WindowGUI(int windowID) { Color savedColor = GUI.color; Color savedContentColor = GUI.contentColor; bool CrewControl = vessel.GetCrewCount() > 0; GUIStyle Alarm = new GUIStyle(; Alarm.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; Alarm.normal.textColor =; if (!powered) { GUI.DragWindow(); string alarmMessage = "Out of power"; if (AlarmTime < Time.time) { AlarmTime = Time.time + 1; alarmShow = !alarmShow; } if (alarmShow) { alarmMessage += " !"; } GUILayout.Label(alarmMessage, Alarm); return; } try { if (InContact) { if (GUILayout.Button("Path length: " + RTUtils.length(path.Length) + "m, delay: " + RTUtils.time(path.ControlDelay) + (RTGlobals.AdvInfo ? "\nRelay path: " + path.ToString() : ""),, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true))) { RTGlobals.AdvInfo = !RTGlobals.AdvInfo; } } else { string alarmMessage = "Out of contact"; if (AlarmTime < Time.time) { AlarmTime = Time.time + 1; alarmShow = !alarmShow; } if (alarmShow) { alarmMessage += " !"; } GUILayout.Label(alarmMessage, Alarm); } } catch (NullReferenceException) { = new RelayNetwork(); path =; } GUI.color = savedColor; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); RTGlobals.listComsats = GUILayout.Toggle(RTGlobals.listComsats, "List comsats",, GUILayout.Height(20)); if (!CrewControl && !(MechJeb && InContact)) { GUI.contentColor =; } localControl = GUILayout.Toggle(localControl, (!CrewControl && MechJeb) ? "MechJeb Control" : "Local Control",, GUILayout.Height(20)); if (!CrewControl && !(MechJeb && InContact)) { localControl = false; GUI.contentColor = savedContentColor; } RTGlobals.showPathInMapView = GUILayout.Toggle(RTGlobals.showPathInMapView, "Show path on map",, GUILayout.Height(20)); RTGlobals.showFC = GUILayout.Toggle(RTGlobals.showFC, "Flight Computer",, GUILayout.Height(20)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (RTGlobals.listComsats) { if (!LCoLF) { Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(GetCommandPath)); thread.Start(); LCoLF = true; } if (!InControl) { GUI.contentColor =; } if (GUILayout.Button(Rnode.descript, new GUIStyle( && InControl) { settings.Open(Rnode); } if (!InControl) { GUI.contentColor = savedContentColor; } RTGlobals.comsatListScroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(RTGlobals.comsatListScroll, false, true); //compiles a list of comsat vessels that are in the current RelayNetwork, Coloring the ones in the current RelayPath green. if (InContact || Rnode.HasCommand) { foreach (RelayNode node in { if (!node.Equals(Rnode) && node.Vessel != null) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); bool connection = InContactWith(node); if (!connection) { if (GUI.contentColor != { GUI.contentColor =; } } else if (InContact && path.nodes.Contains(node)) { if (GUI.contentColor != { GUI.contentColor =; } } else if (GUI.contentColor != Color.white) { GUI.contentColor = Color.white; } if (GUILayout.Button(node.descript, new GUIStyle(, GUILayout.Height(50.0F)) && connection) { settings.Open(node); } if ((InContact || Rnode.HasCommand) && connection && node.Vessel.loaded && (RTGlobals.extPack ? Vector3d.Distance(vessel.transform.position, node.Vessel.transform.position) < 2000 : !node.Vessel.packed)) { if (GUILayout.Button("Ctrl", new GUIStyle(, GUILayout.Width(50.0F), GUILayout.Height(50.0F))) { bool isThere = false; int ATid = this.flightComputerGUI.ATTITUDE_ID + 1, THid = this.flightComputerGUI.THROTTLE_ID + 1; GUIcontainer remove = new GUIcontainer(); foreach (GUIcontainer c in this.otherGUI) { if (c.gui == RTGlobals.coreList[node.Vessel].flightComputerGUI) { isThere = true; remove = c; break; } ATid = c.ATTITUDE_ID + 1; THid = c.THROTTLE_ID + 1; } if (isThere) { otherGUI.Remove(remove); if (RTGlobals.extPack && otherGUI.Count == 0 && RTGlobals.Manager != null) { RTGlobals.Manager.distantLandedPartPackThreshold = 350; RTGlobals.Manager.distantLandedPartUnpackThreshold = 200; RTGlobals.Manager.distantPartPackThreshold = 5000; RTGlobals.Manager.distantPartUnpackThreshold = 200; } } else { otherGUI.Add(new GUIcontainer(RTGlobals.coreList[node.Vessel].flightComputerGUI, ATid, THid)); } } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } } else { GUI.contentColor =; foreach (RelayNode node in { if (!node.Equals(Rnode) && node.Vessel != null) { GUILayout.Label(node.descript, new GUIStyle(; } } } GUI.color = savedColor; GUI.contentColor = savedContentColor; GUILayout.EndScrollView(); } GUI.DragWindow(); }
public void drive(FlightCtrlState s) { if (attitideActive) { updateAvailableTorque(); attitudeError = Math.Abs(Vector3d.Angle(attitudeGetReferenceRotation(Reference) * Target * Vector3d.forward, vessel.ReferenceTransform.up)); // Used in the drive_limit calculation double precision = Math.Max(0.5, Math.Min(10.0, (torquePYAvailable + torqueThrustPYAvailable * s.mainThrottle) * 20.0 / MoI.magnitude)); // Direction we want to be facing Quaternion target = attitudeGetReferenceRotation(Reference) * Target; Quaternion delta = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0) * Quaternion.Inverse(vessel.ReferenceTransform.rotation) * target); Vector3d deltaEuler = new Vector3d( (delta.eulerAngles.x > 180) ? (delta.eulerAngles.x - 360.0F) : delta.eulerAngles.x, -((delta.eulerAngles.y > 180) ? (delta.eulerAngles.y - 360.0F) : delta.eulerAngles.y), (delta.eulerAngles.z > 180) ? (delta.eulerAngles.z - 360.0F) : delta.eulerAngles.z ); Vector3d torque = new Vector3d( torquePYAvailable + torqueThrustPYAvailable * s.mainThrottle, torqueRAvailable, torquePYAvailable + torqueThrustPYAvailable * s.mainThrottle ); Vector3d inertia = Vector3d.Scale( RTUtils.Sign(angularMomentum) * 1.8f, Vector3d.Scale( Vector3d.Scale(angularMomentum, angularMomentum), RTUtils.Invert(Vector3d.Scale(torque, MoI)) ) ); // Determine the current level of error, this is then used to determine what act to apply Vector3d err = deltaEuler * Math.PI / 180.0F; err += RTUtils.Reorder(inertia, 132); err.Scale(Vector3d.Scale(MoI, RTUtils.Invert(torque))); prev_err = err; // Make sure we are taking into account the correct timeframe we are working with integral += err * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime; // The inital value of act // Act is ultimately what determines what the pitch, yaw and roll will be set to // We make alterations to act between here and passing it into the pod controls Vector3d act = Mathf.Clamp((float)attitudeError, 1.0F, 3.0F) * Kp * err; //+ Ki * integral + Kd * deriv; //Ki and Kd are always 0 so they have been commented out // The maximum value the controls may be float drive_limit = Mathf.Clamp01((float)(err.magnitude * 450 / precision)); // Reduce z by reduceZfactor, z seems to act far too high in relation to x and y act.z = act.z / 18.0F; // Reduce all 3 axis to a maximum of drive_limit act.x = Mathf.Clamp((float)act.x, drive_limit * -1, drive_limit); act.y = Mathf.Clamp((float)act.y, drive_limit * -1, drive_limit); act.z = Mathf.Clamp((float)act.z, drive_limit * -1, drive_limit); // Met is the time in seconds from take off double met = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - vessel.launchTime; // Reduce effects of controls after launch and returns them gradually // This helps to reduce large wobbles experienced in the first few seconds if (met < 3.0F) { act = act * ((met / 3.0F) * (met / 3.0F)); } // Averages out the act with the last few results, determined by the size of the a_avg_act array act = RTUtils.averageVector3d(a_avg_act, act); // Looks for rapid toggling of each axis and if found, then rest that axis for a while // This helps prevents wobbles from getting larger rapidRestX = RTUtils.restForPeriod(rapidToggleX, act.x, rapidRestX); rapidRestY = RTUtils.restForPeriod(rapidToggleY, act.y, rapidRestY); rapidRestZ = RTUtils.restForPeriod(rapidToggleZ, act.z, rapidRestZ); // Reduce axis by rapidToggleRestFactor if rapid toggle rest has been triggered if (rapidRestX > 0) { act.x = act.x / rapidToggleRestFactor; } if (rapidRestY > 0) { act.y = act.y / rapidToggleRestFactor; } if (rapidRestZ > 0) { act.z = act.z / rapidToggleRestFactor; } // Sets the SetFlightCtrlState for pitch, yaw and roll if (!double.IsNaN(act.z)) { s.roll = Mathf.Clamp((float)(act.z), -1, 1); } if (!double.IsNaN(act.x)) { s.pitch = Mathf.Clamp((float)(act.x), -1, 1); } if (!double.IsNaN(act.y)) { s.yaw = Mathf.Clamp((float)(act.y), -1, 1); } } if (throttleActive) { s.mainThrottle = throttle; if (throttle == 0) { throttleActive = false; } } if (roverActive) { if (roverState.Steer) { if (Quaternion.Angle(roverState.roverRotation, core.vessel.ReferenceTransform.rotation) < roverState.Target) { s.wheelThrottle = roverState.reverse ? -throttlePID.Control(roverState.Speed - (float)vessel.horizontalSrfSpeed) : throttlePID.Control(roverState.Speed - (float)vessel.horizontalSrfSpeed); s.wheelSteer = roverState.Steering; } else { s.wheelThrottle = 0; s.wheelSteer = 0; roverActive = false; core.vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, true); } } else { if ((float)Vector3d.Distance(core.vessel.mainBody.position + altitude * core.vessel.mainBody.GetSurfaceNVector(roverState.latitude, roverState.longitude), core.vessel.transform.position) < roverState.Target) { s.wheelThrottle = roverState.reverse ? -throttlePID.Control(roverState.Speed - (float)vessel.horizontalSrfSpeed) : throttlePID.Control(roverState.Speed - (float)vessel.horizontalSrfSpeed); s.wheelSteer = roverState.Steering; } else { s.wheelThrottle = 0; s.wheelSteer = 0; roverActive = false; core.vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, true); } } } }
public override void OnUpdate() { if (!flightStarted || broken) { return; } if (EnergyDrain1 > 0) { RequestPower(); } if (vessel != null && RTUtils.PhysicsActive) { if (willWakeInPanic && animState == 0 && !InControl && !anim.IsPlaying(Animation)) { SetMode1(); UpdateGUI(); } if (explodeMe && Vector3.Distance(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.transform.position, part.transform.position) > 250) { explodeMe = false; part.explode(); } if (MaxQ > 0 && animState == 1 && (Math.Pow(vessel.srf_velocity.magnitude, 2) * vessel.atmDensity * 0.5) > MaxQ) { if (BreakTransformName == "") { part.decouple(0f); explodeMe = true; } else { broken = true; RTUtils.findTransformsWithCollider(part.FindModelTransform(BreakTransformName), ref toRemove); foreach (Transform t in toRemove) { Rigidbody rb = t.gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); rb.angularDrag = part.rigidbody.angularDrag; rb.angularVelocity = part.rigidbody.angularVelocity; rb.drag = 0; rb.mass = part.mass / 5; rb.velocity = part.rigidbody.velocity; rb.isKinematic = false; t.parent = null; rb.AddForce(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-5, 5), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-5, 5), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-5, 5)); rb.AddTorque(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-20, 20), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-20, 20), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-20, 20)); DragModel dm = t.gameObject.AddComponent <DragModel>(); dm.enabled = true; = t; dm.rb = rb; dm.dc = DragCoeff; dm.mb = vessel.mainBody; } if (this.MaximumDrag > 0) { part.minimum_drag = this.MinimumDrag; part.maximum_drag = this.MaximumDrag; } EnergyDrain = antennaRange = dishRange = 0; part.SendMessage("UpdateGUI"); UpdatePA(); = new RelayNetwork(); } } } }
public override void OnStart(PartModule.StartState state) { if (broken) { RTUtils.findTransformsWithCollider(part.FindModelTransform(BreakTransformName), ref toRemove); foreach (Transform t in toRemove) { Destroy(t.gameObject); } toRemove.Clear(); if (this.MaximumDrag > 0) { part.minimum_drag = this.MinimumDrag; part.maximum_drag = this.MaximumDrag; } EnergyDrain = antennaRange = dishRange = 0; part.SendMessage("UpdateGUI"); UpdatePA(); = new RelayNetwork(); return; } Actions["Mode1Action"].guiName = Events["Mode1Event"].guiName = Mode1Name; Actions["Mode0Action"].guiName = Events["Mode0Event"].guiName = Mode0Name; Actions["ActionToggle"].guiName = ToggleName; Events["OverrideMode1Event"].guiName = "Override " + Mode1Name; Events["OverrideMode0Event"].guiName = "Override " + Mode0Name; if (animState == 1) { act1(); } else { act0(); } if (fixAnimLayers) { int i = 0; foreach (AnimationState s in anim) { s.layer = i; i++; } } anim[Animation].normalizedTime = this.animState; anim[Animation].wrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp; if (state == StartState.Editor) { if (animPlayStart == 1) { SetMode1(); } else if (animPlayStart == -1) { SetMode0(); } } base.OnStart(state); }
public void Draw() { bool locked = on; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); Color savedContentColor = GUI.contentColor; if (state.Active) { if (mode == AttitudeMode.MANEUVERNODE) { if (state.Active) { if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes.Count > 0) { GUI.contentColor =; } else { GUI.contentColor = Color.yellow; } } } else if (state.Active) { GUI.contentColor =; } } else if (mode == AttitudeMode.MANEUVERNODE && FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes.Count == 0) { GUI.contentColor =; } on = GUILayout.Toggle(on, (RTGlobals.ColFriend && state.Active ? name + "<" : name) ,, GUILayout.Width(100)); GUI.contentColor = savedContentColor; if (!(computer.core.localControl || computer.core.InContact) || (mode == AttitudeMode.MANEUVERNODE && FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes.Count == 0 && !state.Active)) { on = locked; } GUILayout.Label(sending ? computer.arrows : "",, GUILayout.Width(50)); if (sending) { GUILayout.Label(RTUtils.time((lastActTime - Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() > 0) ? lastActTime - Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() : 0),, GUILayout.Width(90)); } else { burnAts = GUILayout.TextField(burnAts, GUILayout.Width(90)); List <String> temp = burnAts.Split(":".ToCharArray()).ToList(); string seconds = "", minutes = "", hours = "", days = ""; while (temp.Count < 4) { temp.Insert(0, ""); } seconds = RTUtils.TFormat(temp[3]); burnAt = Convert.ToSingle(seconds == "" ? "0" : seconds); burnAts = seconds; if (temp[2] != "") { minutes = RTUtils.TFormat(temp[2]); burnAt += Convert.ToSingle(minutes == "" ? "0" : minutes) * 60; burnAts = minutes == "" ? burnAts : (minutes + ":" + burnAts); } if (temp[1] != "") { hours = RTUtils.TFormat(temp[1]); burnAt += Convert.ToSingle(hours == "" ? "0" : hours) * 3600; burnAts = hours == "" ? burnAts : (hours + ":" + burnAts); } if (temp[0] != "") { days = RTUtils.TFormat(temp[0]); burnAt += Convert.ToSingle(days == "" ? "0" : days) * 86400; burnAts = days == "" ? burnAts : (days + ":" + burnAts); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (mode != AttitudeMode.SURFACE || !on) { return; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Pitch:",, GUILayout.Width(100)); PITs = GUILayout.TextField(PITs, GUILayout.Width(50)); PITs = RTUtils.FormatNumString(PITs); if (GUILayout.Button("+",, GUILayout.Width(21.0F))) { float tmp = Convert.ToSingle(PITs); tmp += 1; if (tmp >= 360.0F) { tmp -= 360.0F; } PITs = Mathf.RoundToInt(tmp).ToString(); } if (GUILayout.Button("-",, GUILayout.Width(21.0F))) { float tmp = Convert.ToSingle(PITs); tmp -= 1; if (tmp < 0) { tmp += 360.0F; } PITs = Mathf.RoundToInt(tmp).ToString(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Heading:",, GUILayout.Width(100)); HDGs = GUILayout.TextField(HDGs, GUILayout.Width(50)); HDGs = RTUtils.FormatNumString(HDGs); if (GUILayout.Button("+",, GUILayout.Width(21.0F))) { float tmp = Convert.ToSingle(HDGs); tmp += 1; if (tmp >= 360.0F) { tmp -= 360.0F; } HDGs = Mathf.RoundToInt(tmp).ToString(); } if (GUILayout.Button("-",, GUILayout.Width(21.0F))) { float tmp = Convert.ToSingle(HDGs); tmp -= 1; if (tmp < 0) { tmp += 360.0F; } HDGs = Mathf.RoundToInt(tmp).ToString(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Roll:",, GUILayout.Width(100)); ROLs = GUILayout.TextField(ROLs, GUILayout.Width(50)); ROLs = RTUtils.FormatNumString(ROLs); if (GUILayout.Button("+",, GUILayout.Width(21.0F))) { float tmp = Convert.ToSingle(ROLs); tmp += 1; if (tmp >= 360.0F) { tmp -= 360.0F; } ROLs = Mathf.RoundToInt(tmp).ToString(); } if (GUILayout.Button("-",, GUILayout.Width(21.0F))) { float tmp = Convert.ToSingle(ROLs); tmp -= 1; if (tmp < 0) { tmp += 360.0F; } ROLs = Mathf.RoundToInt(tmp).ToString(); } USEROL = GUILayout.Toggle(USEROL, " ",, GUILayout.Width(21.0F)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Update", && (computer.core.localControl || computer.core.InContact)) { if (PITs.EndsWith(".")) { PITs = PITs.Substring(0, PITs.Length - 1); } if (HDGs.EndsWith(".")) { HDGs = HDGs.Substring(0, HDGs.Length - 1); } if (ROLs.EndsWith(".")) { ROLs = ROLs.Substring(0, ROLs.Length - 1); } PIT = Convert.ToSingle(PITs); HDG = Convert.ToSingle(HDGs); ROL = Convert.ToSingle(ROLs); lastOn = false; } }
public void draw() { GUILayout.Label((SteeringBar >= 0 ? "Right: " : "Left: ") + Math.Abs(Mathf.RoundToInt(SteeringBar * 100)) + "%",; SteeringBar = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(SteeringBar, -1, 1); reverse = GUILayout.Toggle(reverse, reverse ? "Reverse" : "Forward"); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Speed (m/s):",, GUILayout.Width(100)); SpeedS = GUILayout.TextField(SpeedS, GUILayout.Width(50)); SpeedS = RTUtils.FormatNumString(SpeedS); if (SpeedS == "") { SpeedS = "0"; } if (GUILayout.Button("+",, GUILayout.Width(21.0F))) { float tmp = Convert.ToSingle(SpeedS); tmp += 1; SpeedS = Mathf.RoundToInt(tmp).ToString(); } if (GUILayout.Button("-",, GUILayout.Width(21.0F))) { float tmp = Convert.ToSingle(SpeedS); tmp -= 1; SpeedS = Mathf.RoundToInt(tmp).ToString(); } Speed = Mathf.Clamp(Convert.ToSingle(SpeedS), 0, float.MaxValue); SpeedS = Speed.ToString(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Drive (m):",, GUILayout.Width(100)); DistS = GUILayout.TextField(DistS, GUILayout.Width(50)); DistS = RTUtils.FormatNumString(DistS); if (DistS == "") { DistS = "0"; } if (GUILayout.Button("+",, GUILayout.Width(21.0F))) { float tmp = Convert.ToSingle(DistS); tmp += 1; DistS = Mathf.RoundToInt(tmp).ToString(); } if (GUILayout.Button("-",, GUILayout.Width(21.0F))) { float tmp = Convert.ToSingle(DistS); tmp -= 1; DistS = Mathf.RoundToInt(tmp).ToString(); } Distance = Mathf.Clamp(Convert.ToSingle(DistS), 0, float.MaxValue); DistS = Distance.ToString(); if (GUILayout.Button("Send", { RoverState r = new RoverState(); r.Steer = false; r.Target = Distance; r.Speed = Speed; r.reverse = reverse; r.Steering = 0; lastActTime = r.ActTime = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + (computer.core.localControl ? 0 : computer.core.path.ControlDelay); states.Enqueue(r); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Turn (°):",, GUILayout.Width(100)); DegS = GUILayout.TextField(DegS, GUILayout.Width(50)); DegS = RTUtils.FormatNumString(DegS); if (DegS == "") { DegS = "0"; } if (GUILayout.Button("+",, GUILayout.Width(21.0F))) { float tmp = Convert.ToSingle(DegS); tmp += 1; DegS = Mathf.RoundToInt(tmp).ToString(); } if (GUILayout.Button("-",, GUILayout.Width(21.0F))) { float tmp = Convert.ToSingle(DegS); tmp -= 1; DegS = Mathf.RoundToInt(tmp).ToString(); } Degrees = Mathf.Clamp(Convert.ToSingle(DegS), 0, 90); DegS = Degrees.ToString(); if (GUILayout.Button("Send", { RoverState r = new RoverState(); r.Steer = true; r.Target = Degrees; r.Speed = Speed; r.reverse = reverse; r.Steering = Mathf.RoundToInt(SteeringBar * 100) == 0 ? 0 : -SteeringBar; lastActTime = r.ActTime = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + (computer.core.localControl ? 0 : computer.core.path.ControlDelay); states.Enqueue(r); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(sending ? "Sending " + computer.arrows : ( ? DriveDescript : "") ,; GUILayout.Label(sending ? RTUtils.time(lastActTime - Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()) : ( ? TargetDescript : "") ,, GUILayout.Width(100)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
public override void OnStart(PartModule.StartState state) { if (broken) { mode = TrackingModes.BROKEN; List <Transform> toRemove = new List <Transform>(); RTUtils.findTransformsWithCollider(part.FindModelTransform(Pivot1Name), ref toRemove); foreach (Transform t in toRemove) { Destroy(t.gameObject); } if (this.MaximumDrag > 0) { part.minimum_drag = this.MinimumDrag; part.maximum_drag = this.MaximumDrag; } EnergyDrain = antennaRange = dishRange = 0; part.SendMessage("UpdateGUI"); UpdatePA(); = new RelayNetwork(); return; } Actions["Mode1Action"].guiName = Events["Mode1Event"].guiName = Mode1Name; Actions["Mode0Action"].guiName = Events["Mode0Event"].guiName = Mode0Name; Actions["ActionToggle"].guiName = ToggleName; Events["OverrideMode1Event"].guiName = "Override " + Mode1Name; Events["OverrideMode0Event"].guiName = "Override " + Mode0Name; if (fixAnimLayers) { int i = 0; foreach (AnimationState s in anim) { s.layer = i; i++; } } if (animState == 1) { act1(); anim[Animation].speed = Mathf.Abs(anim[Animation].speed); mode = TrackingModes.TRACKING; anim.Play(Animation); } else { act0(); anim[Animation].speed = -Mathf.Abs(anim[Animation].speed); mode = TrackingModes.RETRACTED; anim.Play(Animation); } anim[Animation].wrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp; base.OnStart(state); if (state != StartState.Editor) { Pivot2Dir = part.FindModelTransform(Pivot2Name); pivot1 = new Pivot(part.FindModelTransform(Pivot1Name), Pivot1Speed, Pivot1Range); pivot2 = new Pivot(Pivot2Dir, Pivot2Speed, Pivot2Range); if (animState == 1) { mode = TrackingModes.TRACKING; if (target.isTarget) { pivot1.SnapToTarget(target.position); pivot2.SnapToTarget(target.position); } } } anim[Animation].normalizedTime = animState; }
public void SettingsGUI(int windowID) { try { this.vesselName = GUILayout.TextField(this.vesselName); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Save & Close", new GUIStyle( { SaveAndClose(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Close without saving", new GUIStyle( { Close(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); SettingListScroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(SettingListScroll, false, true); foreach (SatSettingNode setupnode in settingNodes) { setupnode.SubmenuOpen = GUILayout.Toggle(setupnode.SubmenuOpen, setupnode.antennaName + "(" + RTUtils.length(setupnode.dishRange * 1000) + "m) Pointed At: " + setupnode.pointedAt.Name, new GUIStyle(; if (setupnode.SubmenuOpen) { setupnode.ListTargets(); } } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUI.DragWindow(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { this.Close(); } }
public override void OnUpdate() { if (!flightStarted) { return; } switch (mode) { case TrackingModes.BROKEN: return; case TrackingModes.TRACKING: if (target.isTarget && powered) { pivot1.RotToTarget(target.position); pivot2.RotToTarget(target.position); } break; case TrackingModes.EXTENDING: if (!anim.IsPlaying(Animation)) { mode = TrackingModes.TRACKING; } break; case TrackingModes.RETRACTING: if (!anim.IsPlaying(Animation)) { mode = TrackingModes.RETRACTED; } break; case TrackingModes.RESETTING: if (pivot1.RotToOrigin() & pivot2.RotToOrigin()) { anim[Animation].speed = -Mathf.Abs(anim[Animation].speed); anim.Play(Animation); if (anim[Animation].normalizedTime == 0) { anim[Animation].normalizedTime = 1; } mode = TrackingModes.RETRACTING; } break; } if (EnergyDrain1 > 0) { RequestPower(); } if (vessel != null && RTUtils.PhysicsActive) { if (willWakeInPanic && animState == 0 && !InControl && !anim.IsPlaying(Animation)) { SetMode1(); UpdateGUI(); } if (MaxQ > 0 && mode != TrackingModes.RETRACTED && vessel.atmDensity > 0 && (Math.Pow(RTUtils.DirectionalSpeed(Pivot2Dir.up, vessel.srf_velocity), 2) * vessel.atmDensity * 0.5) > MaxQ) { broken = true; mode = TrackingModes.BROKEN; List <Transform> toRemove = new List <Transform>(); RTUtils.findTransformsWithCollider(part.FindModelTransform(Pivot1Name), ref toRemove); foreach (Transform t in toRemove) { Rigidbody rb = t.gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); rb.angularDrag = 0; rb.angularVelocity = part.rigidbody.angularVelocity; rb.drag = 0; rb.mass = t.collider.bounds.size.x * t.collider.bounds.size.y * t.collider.bounds.size.z * ShrapnelDensity; rb.velocity = part.rigidbody.velocity; rb.isKinematic = false; t.parent = null; rb.AddForce(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-5, 5), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-5, 5), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-5, 5)); rb.AddTorque(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-20, 20), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-20, 20), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-20, 20)); DragModel dm = t.gameObject.AddComponent <DragModel>(); dm.enabled = true; = t; dm.rb = rb; dm.dc = ShrapnelDragCoeff; dm.mb = vessel.mainBody; } if (this.MaximumDrag > 0) { part.minimum_drag = this.MinimumDrag; part.maximum_drag = this.MaximumDrag; } EnergyDrain = antennaRange = dishRange = 0; part.SendMessage("UpdateGUI"); UpdatePA(); = new RelayNetwork(); } } }
public void draw() { GUILayout.Label("Throttle: " + Mathf.RoundToInt(ThrottleBar * 100) + "%",; ThrottleBar = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(ThrottleBar, 0, 1); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button(BT ? "Burn time (s)" : "ΔV (m/s)",, GUILayout.Width(100))) { BT = !BT; } BTS = GUILayout.TextField(BTS, GUILayout.Width(50)); BTS = RTUtils.FormatNumString(BTS, false); if (GUILayout.Button("Send", && (computer.core.localControl || computer.core.InContact)) { ThrottleState tmp = new ThrottleState(); tmp.Throttle = ThrottleBar; if (BTS.EndsWith(".")) { BTS = BTS.Substring(0, BTS.Length - 1); } tmp.Target = Convert.ToSingle(BTS); tmp.Bt = BT; lastActTime = tmp.ActTime = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + (computer.core.localControl ? (double)burnAt : (computer.core.path.ControlDelay <= (double)burnAt ? (double)burnAt : computer.core.path.ControlDelay) ); states.Enqueue(tmp); BTS = ""; burnAts = ""; burnAt = 0; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(sending ? "Sending " + computer.arrows : (burning && state.Bt ? "Burning" : (BTS == "" ? "" : "in HH:MM:SS")),, GUILayout.Width(100)); if (BTS == "") { GUILayout.Label(sending ? RTUtils.time((lastActTime - Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() > 0) ? lastActTime - Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() : 0) : (burning && state.Bt ? RTUtils.time((state.Target - Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() > 0) ? state.Target - Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() : 0) : "") ,, GUILayout.Width(100)); } else { burnAts = GUILayout.TextField(burnAts, GUILayout.Width(100)); List <String> temp = burnAts.Split(":".ToCharArray()).ToList(); string seconds = "", minutes = "", hours = "", days = ""; while (temp.Count < 4) { temp.Insert(0, ""); } seconds = RTUtils.TFormat(temp[3]); burnAt = Convert.ToSingle(seconds == "" ? "0" : seconds); burnAts = seconds; if (temp[2] != "") { minutes = RTUtils.TFormat(temp[2]); burnAt += Convert.ToSingle(minutes == "" ? "0" : minutes) * 60; burnAts = minutes == "" ? burnAts : (minutes + ":" + burnAts); } if (temp[1] != "") { hours = RTUtils.TFormat(temp[1]); burnAt += Convert.ToSingle(hours == "" ? "0" : hours) * 3600; burnAts = hours == "" ? burnAts : (hours + ":" + burnAts); } if (temp[0] != "") { days = RTUtils.TFormat(temp[0]); burnAt += Convert.ToSingle(days == "" ? "0" : days) * 86400; burnAts = days == "" ? burnAts : (days + ":" + burnAts); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }