        public void RefreshNowPlaying()
            lock (Locker)
                /*if (_parent.MpcLoaded)
                 * {
                 *  var result = _parent.MpcHcRemote.GetStatus();
                 *  var result2 = new ArrayList();
                 *  MpcHcRemote.ParseCSVFields(result2, result);
                 *  var data = (string[])result2.ToArray(typeof(string));
                 *  if (data.Length > 6)
                 *  {
                 *      _nowPlaying.MediaType = "Video";
                 *      _nowPlaying.Title = "Media Player Classic";
                 *      _nowPlaying.Time = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, Convert.ToInt32("0" + data[2]) / 1000);
                 *      _nowPlaying.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, Convert.ToInt32("0" + data[4]) / 1000);
                 *      var percent = Math.Floor(100.0 * Convert.ToInt32("0" + data[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / Convert.ToInt32("0" + data[4], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                 *      if (Double.IsNaN(percent))
                 *          percent = 0;
                 *      _nowPlaying.Volume = Convert.ToInt32("0" + data[7], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                 *      _nowPlaying.IsMuted = data[6] == "1";
                 *      _nowPlaying.Progress = (int)percent;
                 *      if (data[1] == "Playing")
                 *      {
                 *          _parent.Log("XBMC PLAYER REMOTE:   Playing given Changing NowPlaying to true " + data[1]);
                 *          _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = true;
                 *          _nowPlaying.IsPaused = false;
                 *      }
                 *      if (data[1] == "Paused")
                 *      {
                 *          _parent.Log("XBMC PLAYER REMOTE:   Paused given Changing NowPlaying to true " + data[1]);
                 *          _nowPlaying.IsPaused = true;
                 *          _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = !_nowPlaying.IsPaused;
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 *  if (_parent.MpcLoaded == false)
                 *  {
                 *      _nowPlaying.FileName = "Glenn MPC Stopped";
                 *      _nowPlaying.Title = "";
                 *      _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                 *      _nowPlaying.IsPaused = false;
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  if (!_parent.IsConnected())
                 *  {
                 *      _nowPlaying.FileName = "";
                 *      _nowPlaying.Title = "";
                 *      _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                 *      _nowPlaying.IsPaused = false;
                 *      _parent.Log("XBMC PLAYER REMOTE:   Returning as no !Player Connected");
                 *      return;
                 *  }
                 *  //_parent.Log("XBMC PLAYER REMOTE:   Check with MPC Doesnt make it here");
                 *  /*
                 * var GUIproperties = new JsonObject();
                 * GUIproperties["properties"] = new[]
                 *                                   {
                 *                                       "currentwindow"
                 *                                     };
                 * var menuresult = (JsonObject)_parent.JsonCommand("GUI.GetProperties", GUIproperties);
                 * var GUIdeeper = (JsonObject)menuresult["currentwindow"];
                 * _nowPlaying.CurrentMenuLabel = GUIdeeper["label"].ToString();
                 * _nowPlaying.CurrentMenuID = GUIdeeper["id"].ToString();
                 * var current = -1;
                 * var players = (JsonArray)_parent.JsonCommand("Player.GetActivePlayers", null);
                 * if (players.Count > 0)
                 * {
                 *     foreach (JsonObject player in players)
                 *     {
                 *         if (player["type"].ToString() == "picture")
                 *             continue;
                 *         current = Int32.Parse(player["playerid"].ToString());
                 *         _nowPlaying.MediaType = (string)player["type"];
                 *     }
                 * }
                 * if (current == -1)
                 * {
                 *     _nowPlaying.FileName = "";
                 *     _nowPlaying.Title = "";
                 *     _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                 *     _nowPlaying.IsPaused = false;
                 *     return;
                 * }
                 * var items = new JsonObject();
                 * items["playerid"] = current;
                 * items["properties"] = new[]{
                 *                         "file",
                 *                         "comment",
                 *                         "tvshowid",
                 *                         "albumartist",
                 *                         "duration",
                 *                         //"id",
                 *                         "album",
                 *                         //"votes",
                 *                        // "mpaa",
                 *                        // "writer",
                 *                        //"albumid",
                 *                         //"type",
                 *                         "genre",
                 *                         "year",
                 *                         //"plotoutline",
                 *                         "track",
                 *                         "artist",
                 *                         //"season",
                 *                         //"imdbnumber",
                 *                        // "studio",
                 *                         //"showlink",
                 *                         "showtitle",
                 *                         "episode",
                 *                         "season",
                 *                         "plot",
                 *                         "director",
                 *                         "studio",
                 *                         "rating",
                 *                         //"productioncode",
                 *                         //"country",
                 *                         //"premiered",
                 *                         //"originaltitle",
                 *                         //"artistid",
                 *                         //"firstaired",
                 *                         "tagline",
                 *                         "thumbnail",
                 *                         "fanart"
                 *                         //"top250",
                 *                         //"trailer"
                 *                     };
                 * var properties = new JsonObject();
                 * properties["playerid"] = current;
                 * properties["properties"] = new[]{
                 *                         "totaltime",
                 *                         "percentage",
                 *                         "time",
                 *                         "speed"
                 *                     };
                 * var appproperties = new JsonObject();
                 * appproperties["properties"] = new[]
                 *                                   {
                 *                                       "muted",
                 *                                       "volume"
                 *                                   };
                 * var result1 = (JsonObject)_parent.JsonCommand("Player.GetProperties", properties);
                 * var result2 = (JsonObject)_parent.JsonCommand("Player.GetItem", items);
                 * var result3 = (JsonObject)_parent.JsonCommand("Application.GetProperties", appproperties);
                 * if (result1 == null || result2 == null || result3 == null)
                 * {
                 *     _nowPlaying.FileName = "";
                 *     _nowPlaying.Title = "";
                 *     _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                 *     _nowPlaying.IsPaused = false;
                 *     return;
                 * }
                 * result2 = (JsonObject)(result2)["item"];
                 * if (_nowPlaying.MediaType == "video")
                 * {
                 *     if (result2["type"].ToString() == "channel")  //if PVR Needs to go high otherwise exception
                 *     {
                 *         _nowPlaying.MediaType = "Pvr";
                 *         _nowPlaying.IsNewMedia = true;
                 *         _nowPlaying.FileName = result2["label"].ToString();
                 *         _nowPlaying.ThumbURL = result2["thumbnail"].ToString();
                 *         _nowPlaying.FanartURL = result2["fanart"].ToString();
                 *         _nowPlaying.Title = result2["label"].ToString();
                 *         _nowPlaying.IsPaused = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result1["speed"].ToString().Replace("-", "")) == 0;
                 *         _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = !_nowPlaying.IsPaused;
                 *         var pvrtime = (JsonObject)result1["time"];
                 *         var pvrtotal = (JsonObject)result1["totaltime"];
                 *         _nowPlaying.Time = new TimeSpan(0, Convert.ToInt32("0" + pvrtime["hours"]), Convert.ToInt32("0" + pvrtime["minutes"]), Convert.ToInt32("0" + pvrtime["seconds"]));
                 *         _nowPlaying.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, Convert.ToInt32("0" + pvrtotal["hours"]), Convert.ToInt32("0" + pvrtotal["minutes"]), Convert.ToInt32("0" + pvrtotal["seconds"]));
                 *         _nowPlaying.Progress = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result1["percentage"].ToString().Split('.')[0]);
                 *         _nowPlaying.Volume = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result3["volume"]);
                 *         _nowPlaying.IsMuted = (bool)result3["muted"];
                 *         return;
                 *     }
                 * }
                 * _nowPlaying.IsPaused = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result1["speed"].ToString().Replace("-", "")) == 0;
                 * _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = !_nowPlaying.IsPaused;
                 * var time = (JsonObject)result1["time"];
                 * var total = (JsonObject)result1["totaltime"];
                 * _nowPlaying.Time = new TimeSpan(0, Convert.ToInt32("0" + time["hours"]), Convert.ToInt32("0" + time["minutes"]), Convert.ToInt32("0" + time["seconds"]));
                 * _nowPlaying.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, Convert.ToInt32("0" + total["hours"]), Convert.ToInt32("0" + total["minutes"]), Convert.ToInt32("0" + total["seconds"]));
                 * _nowPlaying.Progress = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result1["percentage"].ToString().Split('.')[0]);
                 * _nowPlaying.Volume = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result3["volume"]);
                 * _nowPlaying.IsMuted = (bool)result3["muted"];
                 * _parent.MpcLoaded = _nowPlaying.Duration == new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 1);
                 * _nowPlaying.FileName = result2["file"].ToString();
                 * if (_nowPlaying.MediaType == "audio")
                 * {
                 *     _nowPlaying.MediaType = "Audio";
                 *     _nowPlaying.Genre = _parent.JsonArrayToString((JsonArray)result2["genre"]);
                 *     _nowPlaying.Title = result2["label"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.Year = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result2["year"]);
                 *     _nowPlaying.Track = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result2["track"]);
                 *     _nowPlaying.Artist = _parent.JsonArrayToString((JsonArray)result2["artist"]);
                 *     _nowPlaying.Album = result2["album"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.ThumbURL = result2["thumbnail"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.FanartURL = result2["fanart"].ToString();
                 * }
                 * if (_nowPlaying.MediaType == "video")
                 * {
                 *     _nowPlaying.MediaType = result2["type"].ToString() == "episode" ? "TvShow" : "Movie";
                 *     _nowPlaying.Genre = _parent.JsonArrayToString((JsonArray)result2["genre"]);
                 *     _nowPlaying.Title = result2["label"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.Year = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result2["year"]);
                 *     _nowPlaying.SeasonNumber = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result2["season"].ToString().Replace("-", ""));
                 *     _nowPlaying.EpisodeNumber = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result2["episode"].ToString().Replace("-", ""));
                 *     _nowPlaying.ShowTitle = result2["showtitle"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.Plot = result2["plot"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.Director = _parent.JsonArrayToString((JsonArray)result2["director"]);
                 *     _nowPlaying.Studio = _parent.JsonArrayToString((JsonArray)result2["studio"]);
                 *     _nowPlaying.Tagline = result2["tagline"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.Rating = result2["rating"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.ThumbURL = result2["thumbnail"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.FanartURL = result2["fanart"].ToString();
                 * }
                if (_parent.IsConnected())
                        _parent.Log("Plex: Using Parent IP equals: " + _parent.IP);
                        string NPurl   = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":32400/status/sessions";
                        var    request = WebRequest.Create(NPurl);

                        request.Headers.Add("X-Plex-Token", _parent.PlexAuthToken);
                        var response = request.GetResponse();

                        if (((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                            //  Use MPC Remote

                            _parent.MpcLoaded = true;

                            // Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
                            System.IO.Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                            // Open the stream using a StreamReader.
                            System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(dataStream);

                            XmlSerializer  serializer   = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MediaContainer));
                            MediaContainer deserialized = (MediaContainer)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

                            _parent.Log("status/sessions: " + reader.ReadToEnd().ToString());

                            var length = Convert.ToInt32(deserialized.size);
                            _parent.Log("Number of playing Videos: " + length);

                            if (length == 0)
                                _nowPlaying.FileName  = "";
                                _nowPlaying.Title     = "";
                                _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                                _nowPlaying.IsPaused  = false;
                                _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                                //_nowPlaying.IsNewMedia = false;
                                _parent.Log("Plex Log: Nothing is Playing");

                            //_nowPlaying.IsPlaying = true;
                            //_nowPlaying.IsPaused = false;

                            _nowPlaying.IsNewMedia = true;
                            _nowPlaying.MediaType  = "Movie";
                            //_nowPlaying.Title = "Plex Playing";

                            foreach (var server in deserialized.Video)
                                _parent.Log("Checking against Local Playback only Client IP: " + _parent.ClientIPAddress);
                                _parent.Log("IP Address Playing now are:" + server.Player.address);

                                if (server.Player.address.Contains(_parent.ClientIPAddress))
                                    _parent.Log("Plex: Found Local Playback");
                                    _parent.Log("***** Plex: " + server.ToString());

                                    _parent.Log("Plex: server.Art EQUALS ===========" + server.art);

                                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.art))
                                        if (server.art.StartsWith("http:"))
                                            _nowPlaying.FanartURL = server.art;
                                            _nowPlaying.FanartURL = @"http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.ServerPort + server.art;
                                        // If no fanart url use Thumb for background as well
                                        _nowPlaying.FanartURL = String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.thumb) ? "" : @"http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.ServerPort + server.thumb;

                                    _parent.Log("Plex: Fanart URL sorting Out:  " + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.ServerPort + server.art);
                                    _parent.Log("Plex:  nowPlaying Fanart equals:" + _nowPlaying.FanartURL);

                                    //Console.WriteLine("Grandparent art is {0} and Players is {1}", server.grandparentArt, server.Player);

                                    _nowPlaying.Title = String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.title) ? "Blank" : server.title;

                                    _parent.Log("Plex:NP NowPlaying.title:" + _nowPlaying.Title);

                                    //    Console.WriteLine("" + server.art);
                                    //    Console.WriteLine("" + server.chapterSource);
                                    //_nowPlaying.Director = server.Director.tag;
                                    //     Console.WriteLine("" + server.duration);
                                    //    Console.WriteLine("" + server.grandparentArt);

                                    _nowPlaying.ShowTitle = String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.grandparentTitle) ? "Blank" : server.grandparentTitle;
                                    _parent.Log("Plex:NP NowPlaying.Showtitle:" + _nowPlaying.ShowTitle);

                                    //     Console.WriteLine("" + server.grandparentThumb);

                                    /*     Console.WriteLine("" + server.guid);
                                     *   Console.WriteLine("" + server.index);
                                     *   Console.WriteLine("" + server.indexString);
                                     *   Console.WriteLine("" + server.key);
                                     *   Console.WriteLine("" + server.lastViewedAt);
                                     *   Console.WriteLine("Filename: " + server.Media.Part.file);
                                     * //    Console.WriteLine("" + server.Media.Part.duration);
                                     * // */
                                    //     Console.WriteLine("Player Product: " + server.Player.product);

                                    _nowPlaying.Plot = String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.summary) ? "" : server.summary;
                                    _parent.Log("Plex:NP NowPlaying.Plot:" + _nowPlaying.Plot);

                                    _parent.Log("Plex:NP NowPlaying.ThumbURL:" + @"http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.ServerPort + server.thumb);

                                    _nowPlaying.ThumbURL = String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.thumb)? "" : @"http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.ServerPort + server.thumb;

                                    _nowPlaying.FileName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.Media.Part.file) ? "NotGiven" : server.Media.Part.file;
                                    _parent.Log("Plex:NP NowPlaying.FileName:" + _nowPlaying.FileName);

                                    _nowPlaying.Title = String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.title) ? "" : server.title;
                                    _parent.Log("Plex:NP NowPlaying.Title:" + _nowPlaying.Title);

                                    // Make changes here to recognise ts recordings as TV and use regex to populate season/episode data

                                    _nowPlaying.MediaType = server.type == "episode" ? "TvShow" : "Movie";
                                    _parent.Log("Plex:NP NowPlaying.MediaType:" + _nowPlaying.MediaType);

                                    if (Convert.ToUInt64(server.Media.duration) > 0)
                                        // duration for Plex given in millseconds - convert to seconds and round
                                        // Convert Duration to Timespan with seconds only
                                        var RoundSeconds = Math.Round(Convert.ToInt64(server.Media.duration) / 1000.00, 1);

                                        _nowPlaying.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, Convert.ToInt32("0"), Convert.ToInt32("0"), Convert.ToInt32(RoundSeconds));

                                    _parent.Log("Plex:NP server.Media.Duration:" + server.Media.duration + ":  _nowPlaying.Duration (calculated) :" + _nowPlaying.Duration);

                                    var RoundOffset = Math.Round(Convert.ToInt64(server.viewOffset) / 1000.00, 1);
                                    _nowPlaying.Time = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, Convert.ToInt32(RoundOffset));

                                    _parent.Log("Plex:NP NowPlaying.Time:" + _nowPlaying.Time + " Calcuated on server.viewOffset:" + server.viewOffset);

                                    var percent = Math.Floor(100.0 * Convert.ToInt32("0" + server.viewOffset, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / Convert.ToInt32("0" + server.Media.duration, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                                    if (Double.IsNaN(percent))
                                        percent = 0;
                                    _nowPlaying.Progress = (int)percent;

                                    _parent.Log("Plex:NP NowPlaying.Progress:" + _nowPlaying.Progress);

                                    //_nowPlaying.FirstAired = server.originallyAvailableAt;

                                    if (server.type == "episode")
                                        _nowPlaying.EpisodeNumber = Convert.ToInt32(server.index);
                                        _nowPlaying.SeasonNumber  = Convert.ToInt32(server.parentIndex);

                                    _parent.Log("Plex:NP server.Player.state:" + server.Player.state);

                                    if (server.Player.state == "paused")
                                        _nowPlaying.IsPaused  = true;
                                        _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                                    if (server.Player.state == "playing")
                                        _nowPlaying.IsPaused  = false;
                                        _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = true;

                                    if (server.Player.state == "buffering")
                                        _nowPlaying.IsPaused  = false;
                                        _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = true;

                                    _nowPlaying.LogoURL    = "";
                                    _nowPlaying.MovieIcons = "";

                                    _parent.Log("Plex Remote:  Filename" + _nowPlaying.FileName + " IsPlaying :" + _nowPlaying.IsPlaying + " IsPaused :" + _nowPlaying.IsPaused + " MediaType :" + _nowPlaying.MediaType);

                                    // check for endwith ts filename
                                    // actually check for mpegts
                                    // may be recorded movies in mpegts format as well.....
                                    // check for regex s00e00 contents - and when both present swap

                                    // Change of plans - run for all files regardless of type and regardless of mediacontainer

                                    if (1 == 1)     //(server.Media.container == "mpegts" && server.type == "movie")
                                        _parent.Log("Plex Remote:  New changing recorded TV to TV Shows and extracting season/episode data");

                                        Regex regex = new Regex(@"[Ss](?<season>\d{1,2})[Ee](?<episode>\d{1,2})");

                                        _parent.Log("Plex Remote:  Server Title Equals:" + server.title);

                                        if (server.title != null)
                                            Match match = regex.Match(server.title);
                                            if (match.Success)
                                                _nowPlaying.MediaType     = "TvShow";
                                                _nowPlaying.SeasonNumber  = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["season"].Value);
                                                _nowPlaying.EpisodeNumber = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["episode"].Value);
                                                _parent.Log("Plex Remote: Regex TV Conversion: From :" + server.title);

                                                //string replacement = "`$``";
                                                //string newtitle = replacement;
                                                // string newtitle = regex.Replace(server.title, replacement);

                                                string[] lines    = Regex.Split(server.title, @"[Ss](?<season>\d{1,2})[Ee](?<episode>\d{1,2})");
                                                string   title1   = lines[0];
                                                string   newtitle = title1.Replace(".", " ");
                                                _parent.Log("Plex Remote:  New title equals :" + newtitle);
                                                //_nowPlaying.ShowTitle = newtitle;
                                                _nowPlaying.Title = newtitle;

                            // if no local Client Playback then nothing Playing
                            _nowPlaying.FileName   = "";
                            _nowPlaying.Title      = "";
                            _nowPlaying.IsPlaying  = false;
                            _nowPlaying.IsPaused   = false;
                            _nowPlaying.IsPlaying  = false;
                            _nowPlaying.IsNewMedia = false;
                            _parent.Log("Plex Log 2nd: Nothing is Playing");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _parent.Log("Exception in NowPlaying Plex System" + ex);