public void FileCopyTo(string LocalSourceFileName, string RemoteDestinationFileName) { string cmd = ""; string answer = ""; string resp = ""; string desc = ""; KeyValPair kvp = new KeyValPair(';', ':'); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(LocalSourceFileName); if (fi.Exists == false) { throw new Exception("Local source file not found!"); } //byte checksum = 0; string destination_dir_path = Globals.GetDirectoryOfFile(RemoteDestinationFileName); cmd = string.Format("req:dir_exists; path:{0};", destination_dir_path); answer = RequestCommand(cmd, 2000); //MessageBox.Show(answer); HandleDeviceEvent(answer); kvp.Clear(); kvp.Fill(answer); resp = kvp.GetVal("resp"); desc = kvp.GetVal("desc"); // add a log here with 'desc' field if (resp == "0") { cmd = string.Format("req:dir_create; path:{0};", destination_dir_path); resp = RequestCommand(cmd, 2000); if (resp == "0") { throw new Exception("Unable to locate destination folder"); } } cmd = string.Format("req:file_create; file_name:{0}; file_length:{1}", RemoteDestinationFileName, fi.Length); answer = RequestCommand(cmd, 2000); //MessageBox.Show(answer); HandleDeviceEvent(answer); kvp.Clear(); kvp.Fill(answer); resp = kvp.GetVal("resp"); desc = kvp.GetVal("desc"); // add a log here with 'desc' field if (resp == "1") // The other side is ready to receive the content of the file. { long total_bytes_sent = SendOutData(LocalSourceFileName); } }