public void DbInitialize(Rema1000Context context) { if (context.Product.Any() && context.Product.Any() && context.Category.Any()) { return; // DB has been seeded } var categories = new Category[] { new Category { Name = "Clothes", Description = "bla" }, new Category { Name = "Food", Description = "bla1" }, new Category { Name = "Utilities", Description = "bla2" } }; var suppliers = new Supplier[] { new Supplier { Name = "Coop", Address = "Whateverstan 2000", ZipCode = 1000, Contact = "Karl-Johan", Email = "*****@*****.**", PhoneNumber = 20202020 }, new Supplier { Name = "Tøj-r-us", Address = "Whereeverstan 100", ZipCode = 2000, Contact = "Søren", Email = "*****@*****.**", PhoneNumber = 30303030 }, new Supplier { Name = "Util Supplies", Address = "herestan 300", ZipCode = 3000, Contact = "Lars", Email = "*****@*****.**", PhoneNumber = 40404040 }, }; var products = new Product[] { new Product { Name = "Kjole", Description = "A nice dress", Unit = 1, Amount = 1, Price = 1499, Category = categories[0], Stock = 100, Supplier = suppliers[1] }, new Product { Name = "Trøje", Description = "A nice sweater", Unit = 2, Amount = 1, Price = 500, Category = categories[0], Stock = 50, Supplier = suppliers[1] }, new Product { Name = "Frysepizza", Description = "Quite Delicious", Unit = 1, Amount = 2, Price = 100, Category = categories[1], Stock = 20, Supplier = suppliers[0] }, new Product { Name = "Bukser", Description = "A nice set of pants", Unit = 1, Amount = 1, Price = 999, Category = categories[0], Stock = 30, Supplier = suppliers[1] }, new Product { Name = "Parisertoast", Description = "Very delicious!", Unit = 1, Amount = 1, Price = 30, Category = categories[1], Stock = 10, Supplier = suppliers[0] }, new Product { Name = "Lagsagne", Description = "Even more delicious!", Unit = 1, Amount = 1, Price = 1499, Category = categories[1], Stock = 100, Supplier = suppliers[0] }, new Product { Name = "Elpærer", Description = "For when you get bright ideas", Unit = 1, Amount = 3, Price = 30, Category = categories[2], Stock = 10, Supplier = suppliers[2] }, new Product { Name = "Skruetrækker", Description = "Just say screw it!", Unit = 1, Amount = 1, Price = 50, Category = categories[2], Stock = 100, Supplier = suppliers[2] }, new Product { Name = "Ovnrens", Description = "Clean that oven!", Unit = 1, Amount = 1, Price = 1499, Category = categories[2], Stock = 100, Supplier = suppliers[2] }, new Product { Name = "Klovborg ost", Description = "Gotta love me some solidified milk!", Unit = 1, Amount = 1, Price = 60, Category = categories[1], Stock = 10, Supplier = suppliers[1] }, }; context.AddRange(categories); context.AddRange(suppliers); context.AddRange(products); context.SaveChanges(); }
public void DbInitialize(Rema1000Context context) { if (context.Products.Any()) { return; // DB has been seeded } var Categories = new Category[] { new Category { Name = "Clothes", Description = "bla" }, new Category { Name = "Toys", Description = "bla1" }, new Category { Name = "Grocery", Description = "bla2" } }; var Suppliers = new Supplier[] { new Supplier { Name = "Bob´s virksomhed", Address = "bobvej", Postcode = 1234, ContactPerson = "Bob", Email = "*****@*****.**", Phone = 123456 }, new Supplier { Name = "Manfreds´s virksomhed", Address = "aManfredvej", Postcode = 4321, ContactPerson = "Manfred", Email = "*****@*****.**", Phone = 654321 }, }; var Products = new Product[] { new Product { Name = "Kjole", Description = "a good looking dress", Unit = 1, UnitCount = 1, Price = 19.99, Category = Categories[0], Stock = 10, Supplier = Suppliers[0] }, new Product { Name = "Trøje", Description = "A good looking sweater", Unit = 1, UnitCount = 1, Price = 9.99, Category = Categories[0], Stock = 15, Supplier = Suppliers[0] }, new Product { Name = "Jeans Busker", Description = "A good looking Denim Jeans", Unit = 1, UnitCount = 1, Price = 35.95, Category = Categories[0], Stock = 5, Supplier = Suppliers[0] }, new Product { Name = "Legetøjs-bil", Description = "Legetøj", Unit = 1, UnitCount = 1, Price = 10.00, Category = Categories[1], Stock = 3, Supplier = Suppliers[0] }, new Product { Name = "Legetøjs-båd", Description = "Legetøj", Unit = 1, UnitCount = 1, Price = 15.00, Category = Categories[1], Stock = 13, Supplier = Suppliers[0] }, new Product { Name = "Vandpistol", Description = "Legetøj", Unit = 1, UnitCount = 1, Price = 20.00, Category = Categories[1], Stock = 23, Supplier = Suppliers[0] }, new Product { Name = "Milk", Description = "Fresh Milk", Unit = 1, UnitCount = 1, Price = 2.99, Category = Categories[2], Stock = 100, Supplier = Suppliers[1] }, new Product { Name = "banan", Description = "Frugt", Unit = 1, UnitCount = 5, Price = 3.99, Category = Categories[2], Stock = 20, Supplier = Suppliers[1] }, }; context.AddRange(Categories); context.AddRange(Suppliers); context.AddRange(Products); context.SaveChanges(); }