        private Address HandleAddress(IntelHexRecord hexRecord)
            switch (hexRecord.RecordType)
            case IntelHexRecordType.Data:
                return(AddressBase + hexRecord.Address);

            case IntelHexRecordType.ExtendedSegmentAddress:
                if (IsLinear)
                    throw new IntelHexException($"Mixed segmented/linear address.", lineNum);
                IsSegmented = true;
                var seg = ((uint)hexRecord.Data ![0] << 8) | hexRecord.Data[1];
        private Address HandleAddress(IntelHexRecord hexRecord)
            switch (hexRecord.RecordType)
            case IntelHexRecordType.Data:
                return(AddressBase + hexRecord.Address);

            case IntelHexRecordType.ExtendedSegmentAddress:
                if (IsLinear)
                    throw new IntelHexException($"Mixed segmented/linear address.", lineNum);
                IsSegmented = true;
                var seg = ((uint)hexRecord.Data[0] << 8) | hexRecord.Data[1];
                AddressBase = Address.SegPtr((ushort)seg, 0);

            case IntelHexRecordType.ExtendedLinearAddress:
                if (IsSegmented)
                    throw new IntelHexException($"Mixed segmented/linear address.", lineNum);
                IsLinear    = true;
                AddressBase = Address.Ptr32((((uint)hexRecord.Data[0] << 8) | hexRecord.Data[1]) << 16);

            case IntelHexRecordType.StartSegmentAddress:
                if (IsLinear)
                    throw new IntelHexException($"Mixed segmented/linear address.", lineNum);
                IsSegmented  = true;
                StartAddress = Address.SegPtr((ushort)((hexRecord.Data[0] << 8) | hexRecord.Data[1]),
                                              (ushort)((hexRecord.Data[2] << 8) | hexRecord.Data[3]));

            case IntelHexRecordType.StartLinearAddress:
                if (IsSegmented)
                    throw new IntelHexException($"Mixed segmented/linear address.", lineNum);
                IsLinear     = true;
                StartAddress = Address.Ptr32(((uint)hexRecord.Data[0] << 24) | ((uint)hexRecord.Data[1] << 16) |
                                             ((uint)hexRecord.Data[2] << 8) | hexRecord.Data[3]);

                throw new IntelHexException($"Unknown value read for [{nameof(hexRecord.RecordType)}]", lineNum);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a single Intel Hex32 hexadecimal record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hexRecord">The hexadecimal record as a string.</param>
        /// <param name="lineNum">(Optional) The line number in the IHex32 binary stream.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// An <see cref="IntelHexRecord"/> .
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="IntelHex32Exception">Thrown whenever an error is found in the IHex32 record.</exception>
        public static IntelHexRecord ParseRecord(string hexRecord, int lineNum = 0)
            List <byte> ParseHexData()
                    return(Enumerable.Range(1, hexRecord.Length - 1)
                           .Where(i => (i & 1) != 0)
                           .Select(i => Convert.ToByte(hexRecord.Substring(i, 2), 16))
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new IntelHexException($"Unable to parse hexedecimal numbers in Intel Hex line [{hexRecord}]", ex, lineNum);

            if (hexRecord == null)
                throw new IntelHexException("Intel Hex line can not be null.", lineNum);
            if (hexRecord.Length < MinHexRecordSize)
                throw new IntelHexException($"Intel Hex line [{hexRecord}] is less than {MinHexRecordSize} characters long.", lineNum);
            if (hexRecord.Length % 2 == 0)
                throw new IntelHexException($"Intel Hex line has an even number of characters [{hexRecord}].", lineNum);
            if (!hexRecord.StartsWith(":"))
                throw new IntelHexException($"Illegal Intel Hex line start character [{hexRecord}].", lineNum);

            var hexData = ParseHexData();

            if (hexData.Count != hexData[0] + 5)
                throw new IntelHexException($"Intel Hex line [{hexRecord}] does not have required record length of [{hexData[0] + 5}].", lineNum);

            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(IntelHexRecordType), hexData[3]))
                throw new IntelHexException($"Intel Hex line has an invalid/unsupported record type value: [{hexData[3]}].", lineNum);

            if ((hexData.Sum(b => b) % 256) != 0)
                throw new IntelHexException($"Checksum for Intel Hex line [{hexRecord}] is incorrect.", lineNum);

            var rdr      = new ByteImageReader(hexData.ToArray());
            var datasize = rdr.ReadByte();

            var newRecord = new IntelHexRecord
                ByteCount  = datasize,
                Address    = rdr.ReadBeUInt16(),
                RecordType = (IntelHexRecordType)rdr.ReadByte(),
                Data       = rdr.ReadBytes(datasize).ToList(),
                CheckSum   = rdr.ReadByte()
