void IStatus.Enter() { _DatumPosition = _Player.GetPosition(); _Player.Aid(); _Caster = SkillCaster.Build(ACTOR_STATUS_TYPE.AID); _TimeCounter.Reset(); }
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { if (_CollisionCooldown.Ticks < _CooldownTicks) { return; } var obs = this.GetComponent <Obstacle>(); if (obs != null && Game.PlayerState.CurrentState == State.Big && obs.Type == Obstacle.TYPE.可撞破) { //this.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().isTrigger = true; //this.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().isTrigger = true; // this.GetComponent<Material>().DOColor(new Color(0,0,0,0), 0.1f).OnStart(()=> {}).OnComplete(() => { }); this.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); return; } var rig = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); rig.velocity = Vector3.zero; var speed = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerState>().Speed; rig.AddForce(transform.forward * Force * speed, ForceMode.Impulse); // Game.Camera.GetComponent<LookAt>().currentStage = gameObject.transform.position; _CollisionCooldown.Reset(); }
public void Operate(long busy) { _FPS.Update(); if (_Busy <= busy && _FPS.Value > _LowPower) { _SpinWait.SpinOnce(); _SpinCount++; } else { _SpinWait.Reset(); _WorkCount++; } if (_TimeCount.Second > _Sample) { Power = _WorkCount / (_WorkCount + _SpinCount); _WorkCount = 0; _SpinCount = 0; _TimeCount.Reset(); } _Busy = busy; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { var delta = _DeltaTime.Second; _DeltaTime.Reset(); _UpdateAnimator(); var offsetRotY = Trun * delta; Root.Rotate(new Vector3(0, offsetRotY, 0)); Root.Translate(Vector3.right * Speed * delta); Root.position = Root.position + (SkillOffset * delta); //Debug.DrawRay(ProbeOrigin.position , ProbeOrigin.right, Color.yellow , _ProbeLength); if (_Light != null && _Visible != null) { _Light.range = _Visible.View; if (IsMainActor()) { /*RenderSettings.fog= true; * RenderSettings.fogColor = Color.red; * RenderSettings.fogMode = FogMode.Linear; * RenderSettings.fogDensity = 1; * RenderSettings.fogStartDistance = 0;*/ RenderSettings.fogEndDistance = _Visible.View; } } }
void IStage.Enter() { _Binder.Bind <ICastSkill>(this); _Player.SetSkillVelocity(_Caster.GetShiftDirection(), _Caster.GetShiftSpeed()); _Player.CastBegin(_Caster.Data.Id); _MoveController.Backward = _Caster.GetBackward(); _MoveController.Forward = _Caster.GetForward(); _MoveController.RunForward = _Caster.GetRunForward(); _MoveController.TurnLeft = _Caster.GetTurnLeft(); _MoveController.TurnRight = _Caster.GetTurnRight(); _Binder.Bind <IMoveController>(_MoveController); if (_Caster.CanDisarm()) { _Binder.Bind <IBattleSkill>(this); } _CastTimer.Reset(); _DatumPosition = _Player.GetPosition(); var strength = _Player.Strength(-_Caster.Data.StrengthCost); _Overdraft = strength < 0.0f; }
public void Show(string s) { Text.text = s; Image.gameObject.SetActive(true); Text.gameObject.SetActive(true); _Counter.Reset(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (_TimeCounter.Second >= 1.0f && _Online != null) { Text.text = _Online.Ping.ToString(); _TimeCounter.Reset(); } }
public void Update() { _Frames++; if (_Counter.Second > 1.0f) { Value = _Frames; _Frames = 0; _Counter.Reset(); } }
bool IUpdatable.Update() { var second = _DeltaTimeCounter.Second; _LastDelta = second; _DeltaTimeCounter.Reset(); _Tree.Tick(second); _Update(second); return(true); }
void IStage.Update() { _Status.Update(); var damage = _Player.HaveDamage(); _ProcessDamage(damage); var deltaTime = _TimeCounter.Second; _TimeCounter.Reset(); _Player.RecoveryStrength(deltaTime); _Player.RecoveryHealth(deltaTime); }
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { if (_CollisionCooldown.Ticks < _CooldownTicks) { return; } var rig = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); rig.velocity = Vector3.zero; rig.AddForce(Force, ForceMode.Impulse); _CollisionCooldown.Reset(); }
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { if (_CollisionCooldown.Ticks < _CooldownTicks) { return; } var direction = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <MoveDirection>(); if (direction == null) { return; } Force = direction.Force; _CollisionCooldown.Reset(); }
// OnStateEnter is called when a transition starts and the state machine starts to evaluate this state override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) { _Counter.Reset(); }
private static void _UpdateProxy(object obj) { var weak = (WeakReference<Proxy>)obj; var spin = new SpinWait(); var counter = new TimeCounter(); while(true) { Proxy proxy; if(weak.TryGetTarget(out proxy) == false) { break; } if(proxy.Enable == false) { break; } IUpdatable updater = proxy; updater.Update(); updater = null; proxy = null; if(counter.Second >= 1.0f) { GC.Collect(); counter.Reset(); } } }
public override void Update() { _ResponseItems(_TimeCounter.Second); _TimeCounter.Reset(); }
IEnumerator _QueryResult(System.Action <Suit[]> suit_callback) { var propertyValues = _Conditions;// (from c in _Conditions select new BladeAndSoulGossipCards.PropertyValue { Id = c.Id, Value = c.Value }).ToArray(); //BladeAndSoulGossipCards.CardSet set = BladeAndSoulGossipCards.CardSet.Instance; var cards = BladeAndSoulGossipCards.CardSet.Instance.Filter(_Cards, propertyValues); Card[] cards1 = cards.Assort(1).Fill(CardSet.Instance, 1); Card[] cards2 = cards.Assort(2).Fill(CardSet.Instance, 2); Card[] cards3 = cards.Assort(3).Fill(CardSet.Instance, 3); Card[] cards4 = cards.Assort(4).Fill(CardSet.Instance, 4); Card[] cards5 = cards.Assort(5).Fill(CardSet.Instance, 5); Card[] cards6 = cards.Assort(6).Fill(CardSet.Instance, 6); Card[] cards7 = cards.Assort(7).Fill(CardSet.Instance, 7); Card[] cards8 = cards.Assort(8).Fill(CardSet.Instance, 8); Regulus.Utility.TimeCounter timeCounter = new Regulus.Utility.TimeCounter(); List <Suit> suits = new List <Suit>(); CalculationAmount = cards1.Count() * cards2.Count() * cards3.Count() * cards4.Count() * cards5.Count() * cards6.Count() * cards7.Count() * cards8.Count(); CalculationCount = 0; Property[] propertys = propertyValues.ToArray(); foreach (var card1 in cards1) { foreach (var card2 in cards2) { foreach (var card3 in cards3) { foreach (var card4 in cards4) { foreach (var card5 in cards5) { foreach (var card6 in cards6) { foreach (var card7 in cards7) { foreach (var card8 in cards8) { if (timeCounter.Second > 1.0f / 30.0f) { timeCounter.Reset(); var orders = suits.OrderBy((suit) => suit.GetValue(propertys[0])); foreach (var property in propertys.Skip(1)) { orders = orders.ThenBy((suit) => suit.GetValue(property)); } suits = orders.ToList(); if (suits.Count > 30) { suits.RemoveRange(0, suits.Count - 30); } yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } var s = new Suit(card1, card2, card3, card4, card5, card6, card7, card8); bool pass = (from filter in propertyValues where s.GetValue(filter) < filter.Value select false).Count() == 0; if (pass) { suits.Add(s); } CalculationCount++; } } } } } } } } var result = suits.OrderByDescending((suit) => suit.GetValue(propertys[0])); foreach (var property in propertys.Skip(1)) { result = result.ThenByDescending((suit) => suit.GetValue(property)); } suit_callback(result.ToArray()); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); }
void IStatus.Enter() { _Player.Stun(); _Counter.Reset(); }
void IStage.Enter() { _Counter.Reset(); }