        public void BoxingUnboxing()
            double dType1 = 2.3;                         //value type in stack
            double dType2 = new double();                // value type in stack again

            object oType  = dType1;                      //boxing. dType1 value will be copyed to heap. oType as a reference will be available in stack
            double dType3 = (double)oType;               //unboxing. Cast to double neccessary
            int    iType  = (int)oType;                  //Runtime exception. Invalid cast

            WorkWithTypes refType = new WorkWithTypes(); //reference type. Declared at heap
        public void ObjectBaseClass()
            int           iType   = 2;
            object        oType   = iType;
            WorkWithTypes refType = new WorkWithTypes();

            Console.WriteLine(iType);              //Outputs the 2
            Console.WriteLine(iType.ToString());   //outputs 2 but interpreted as string type
            Console.WriteLine(oType.ToString());   //outputs 2 again, because underlying type is Int
            Console.WriteLine(refType.ToString()); //outputs full class name by default
        public void DefaultWord()
            int iType  = default(int); //0
            int iType1 = 0;

            string strType  = default(string); //string null
            string strType1 = string.Empty;    //string empty constant
            string strType2 = "";              //string empty string

            object oType  = default(object);   //null
            object oType1 = null;

            WorkWithTypes refType  = default(WorkWithTypes); //null
            WorkWithTypes refType1 = null;