public static void PersonUpdate(TransactionBlock block, PersonDTO person, List <AccountUserDTO> users, int @by) { }
public ResponseMsg PersonOpen(PersonDTO person, int contractPartyId, int signatoryTypeId, int modifiedBy) { const int AccountHolder = 1; const int AuthorisedSignatory = 9; const int AuthorisedUser = 2; const int Director = 3; const int NonSignatory = 10; const int Trustee = 11; const int SingleContract = 1; const int JointContract = 2; ResponseMsg response = new ResponseMsg(); //Load the contract party details... ContractPartyDTO contract = ContractPartyApp.ContractPartyGet(contractPartyId, LegalPartyLoadType.Full); if (!((contract == null) || (contract.LegalPartyId != contractPartyId))) { PersonDTO person2 = null; //1 - Load details if existing person has been supplied... if (person.LegalPartyId > 0) { person2 = PersonApp.PersonGet(person.LegalPartyId); if ((person2 == null) || (person2.LegalPartyId != person.LegalPartyId)) { response.ErrorCode = ErrorCode.Warning; response.Message = "Person party identifier does not exist."; return(response); } } else { //Add the person's useful events... person.Events = CreateLegalPartyEvents(person.RegulatoryClassification); //Determine the regulator associated with the employer's country... if ((person.Employment != null) && (person.Employment.Regulator != null)) { CountryDTO country = CountryApp.CountryGet(person.Employment.EmployerAddress.Country.Id); person.Employment.Regulator.Id = country.Regulator.Id; } } //2 - Determine that party has a current registered address... response = CheckForRegisteredAddress(person.Addresses); if (response.ErrorCode != ErrorCode.Ok) { return(response); } //3 - Build the relationships between the person, corporate and contract parties... List <LegalPartyRelationshipDTO> relationships = new List <LegalPartyRelationshipDTO>(); LegalPartyRelationshipDTO relationship; bool found = false; //Contract party is single or joint type... if (contract.Type.Id == SingleContract || contract.Type.Id == JointContract) { //Existing person has been supplied so check for existing 'account holder' relationship with contract... if (person.LegalPartyId > 0 && contract.Relationships != null) { foreach (LegalPartyRelationshipDTO item in contract.Relationships) { if ((item.RelatedLegalPartyId == person.LegalPartyId) && (item.RelationshipType.Id == AccountHolder)) { found = true; break; } } } //If it doesn't exist then specify an 'account holder' relationship between the individual and the contract... if (found == false) { relationship = CreateLegalPartyRelationship(contract.LegalPartyId, person.LegalPartyId, AccountHolder); relationships.Add(relationship); } } else { //Contract type is corporate, superannuation or trust... CorporateDTO corporate = null; //Determine that there is an existing 'account holder' relationship between the contract and a corporate party... if (contract.Relationships != null) { foreach (LegalPartyRelationshipDTO item in contract.Relationships) { if (item.RelationshipType.Id == AccountHolder) { //Load the corporate details... corporate = CorporateApp.CorporateGet(item.RelatedLegalPartyId); if (corporate != null) { found = true; break; } } } } //Construct the relationship between the corporate and individual... if (found == false) { response.ErrorCode = ErrorCode.Warning; response.Message = "Corporate contract must have an associated corporate party as an account holder prior to adding individuals."; return(response); } else { found = false; //Existing individual has been supplied so check for existing relationship with the contract... if (person.LegalPartyId > 0 && ((corporate != null) && (corporate.Relationships != null))) { foreach (LegalPartyRelationshipDTO item in corporate.Relationships) { if (item.RelatedLegalPartyId != person.LegalPartyId || item.RelationshipType.Id != signatoryTypeId) { continue; } found = true; break; } } //No relationship was found... if (found == false) { relationship = new LegalPartyRelationshipDTO(); relationship.LegalPartyId = corporate.LegalPartyId; relationship.RelatedLegalPartyId = person.LegalPartyId; relationship.RelationshipType = new LegalPartyRelationshipTypeDTO(); switch (signatoryTypeId) { case Director: relationship.RelationshipType.Id = Director; break; case AuthorisedSignatory: relationship.RelationshipType.Id = AuthorisedSignatory; break; case NonSignatory: relationship.RelationshipType.Id = NonSignatory; break; case Trustee: relationship.RelationshipType.Id = Trustee; break; } relationships.Add(relationship); } } //Construct the 'authorised user' relationship between the contract and individual... found = false; //Construct the 'authorised user' relationship between the contract and individual... if (person.LegalPartyId > 0 && contract.Relationships != null) { foreach (LegalPartyRelationshipDTO item in contract.Relationships) { if ((item.RelatedLegalPartyId == person.LegalPartyId) && (item.RelationshipType.Id == AuthorisedUser)) { found = true; break; } } } if (found == false) { relationship = CreateLegalPartyRelationship(contract.LegalPartyId, person.LegalPartyId, AuthorisedUser); relationships.Add(relationship); } } //4 - Validate each new relationship against any existing contract relationships... if (person.LegalPartyId > 0 && relationships != null) { foreach (LegalPartyRelationshipDTO item in relationships) { response = LegalPartyApp.LegalPartyRelationshipValidate(item); if (response.ErrorCode != ErrorCode.Ok) { break; } } } //5 - If person exists then set any values that can be confidently updated... PersonDTO updatePerson = null; List <AccountUserDTO> users = null; if (person.LegalPartyId >= 0) { updatePerson = PersonUpdateMapper(person, person2); users = new List <AccountUserDTO>(); if (updatePerson != null) { PersonApp.PersonValidate(updatePerson, users); } } bool insertAirmilesRegistration = false; int AMOperatorId = 0; ClientAccountDTO client = ClientAccountDA.ClientAccountGetByLegalPartyId(contract.LegalPartyId); //The following only applies if the contract type is Single or Joint... if (contract.Type.Id == AccountHolder || contract.Type.Id == SingleContract || contract.Type.Id == JointContract) { //Check whether an operator account exists for using airmiles. int accountOperatorId = contract.ApplicationSource.AccountOperator.LegalPartyId; AMOperatorId = AirmilesDA.ClientAirmilesAccountOperatorExists(accountOperatorId); if (AMOperatorId != 0) { AddressDTO address = null; foreach (AddressDTO item in person.Addresses) { if (item.Status.Id == 1 && item.Type.Id == 1) { address = item; break; } } CountryDTO countryDTO = address.Country; int countryId = countryDTO.Id; // Check if country accepted by account operator if (AirmilesDA.AccountOperatorCountry(countryId, AMOperatorId)) { //Check whether the client account already has a person registered for AirMiles associated. //ClientAccountApplication.getClientAccountIdByLegalPartyId(person.LegalPartyId); if (!AirmilesDA.ClientAirmilesRegistrationExists(client.ClientAccountId)) { insertAirmilesRegistration = true; } } } } //Commit the data... if (response.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.Ok) { using (TransactionBlock transactionBlock = new TransactionBlock(DbName.Atlas)) { //Commit person details... if (person.LegalPartyId <= 0) { person.LegalPartyId = PersonApp.PersonAdd(transactionBlock, person, modifiedBy); } else if (updatePerson != null) { PersonApp.PersonUpdate(transactionBlock, updatePerson, users, modifiedBy); } //Commit any relationships... if (relationships != null) { foreach (LegalPartyRelationshipDTO item in relationships) { item.RelatedLegalPartyId = person.LegalPartyId; LegalPartyDA.LegalPartyRelationshipAdd(transactionBlock, item, modifiedBy); } } if (insertAirmilesRegistration) { //a new airmiles registration AirmilesDA.AddClientAirmilesRegistration(null, AMOperatorId, client.ClientAccountId, person.LegalPartyId, 2); } response.Id = person.LegalPartyId; transactionBlock.Complete(); } } else { response.ErrorCode = ErrorCode.Warning; response.Message = "Contract party identifier does not exist."; return(response); } return(response); } else { return(response); } }
public static int PersonAdd(TransactionBlock block, PersonDTO person, int @by) { return(-1); }