public static void WinRMBrute(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 4) { Console.WriteLine("WinRM Brute Usage: reecon -winrm-brute IP Userfile Passfile"); return; } string ip = args[1]; string userFile = args[2]; string passFile = args[3]; // Windows: Only files if (General.GetOS() == General.OS.Windows) { if (!File.Exists(userFile)) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to find UserFile: " + userFile); return; } if (!File.Exists(passFile)) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to find Passfile: " + passFile); return; } WinRMBrute_Windows(ip, userFile, passFile); } // Linux takes either else { WinRMBrute_Linux(ip, userFile, passFile); } }
public static string GetInfo(string ip) { string toReturn = ""; if (General.GetOS() == General.OS.Linux) { if (General.IsInstalledOnLinux("svn")) { // svn info svn://ip - Anything super useful? string processOutput = string.Join("|", General.GetProcessOutput("svn", "log svn://" + ip)); List <string> commitList = processOutput.Split(new[] { "------------------------------------------------------------------------" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); commitList.RemoveAll(string.IsNullOrEmpty); foreach (string commit in commitList) { List <string> splitItems = commit.Split('|').ToList(); splitItems.RemoveAll(string.IsNullOrEmpty); // 0 - Revision // 1 - Name // 2 - Date // 3 - Lines (?) // 4 - Comment try { string commitRevision = splitItems[0].Trim(); int commitDiff = int.Parse(commitRevision.Replace("r", "")) - 1; // Indexes - How do they work! string commitName = splitItems[1].Trim(); string commitDate = splitItems[2]; string commitLines = splitItems[3]; string commitComments = splitItems[4]; string commitInfo = "- Commit " + commitRevision + " by " + commitName + " - " + commitComments + " ( svn diff -r" + commitDiff + " svn://" + ip + " )"; toReturn += commitInfo + Environment.NewLine; } catch (Exception ex) { toReturn += "- Conversion Error: " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine; } } toReturn = toReturn.Trim(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); } else { Console.WriteLine("svn is not installed - Skipping enumeration (You probably want to 'svn install subversion')"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("svn.GetInfo currently lacks Windows support. Bug Reelix."); } return(toReturn); }
public static string DefaultScan(string[] args, bool mustPing) { // ip[0] // outputfile[1] if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: ip outfile"); Environment.Exit(0); } string target = ""; string fileName = ""; if (args.Length == 1) { target = args[0]; Console.WriteLine("Outfile name (1 word, no extension)"); fileName = Console.ReadLine(); } else if (args.Length == 2) { target = args[0]; fileName = args[1]; } // Check if nmap is installed if (!General.IsInstalledOnLinux("nmap")) { Console.WriteLine("Error - nmap is not installed"); Environment.Exit(0); } DateTime beforeNmapDate = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine($"Doing an optimized Nmap scan on {target} - This may take awhile..."); string noPing = mustPing ? "" : " -Pn "; if (General.GetOS() == General.OS.Linux) { General.RunProcess($"sudo", $"nmap -sS -p- {noPing} --min-rate=5000 {target} -oG {fileName}.nmap"); } else { General.RunProcess($"nmap", $"-sS -p- {noPing} --min-rate=5000 {target} -oG {fileName}.nmap"); } DateTime afterNmapDate = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan nmapScanDuration = afterNmapDate - beforeNmapDate; Console.WriteLine("Scan complete in " + string.Format("{0:0.00}s", nmapScanDuration.TotalSeconds) + $" - {fileName}.nmap for reecon"); return(fileName); }
public static string GetInfo(string target, int port) { string toReturn = ""; toReturn += GetOSDetails(target); if (SMB_MS17_010.IsVulnerable(target)) { toReturn += "----> VULNERABLE TO ETERNAL BLUE (MS10-017) <-----" + Environment.NewLine; toReturn += "-----> Metasploit: use windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec" + Environment.NewLine; } if (General.GetOS() == General.OS.Linux) { toReturn += SMB.TestAnonymousAccess_Linux(target); } else { toReturn += "- Reecon currently lacks advanced SMB Support on Windows (Ironic, I know)"; } return(toReturn.Trim(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray())); }
private static string GetRPCInfo(string ip) { // Beware! string rpcInfo = ""; bool anonAccess = false; bool signing = true; if (General.GetOS() == General.OS.Linux) { if (General.IsInstalledOnLinux("rpcclient", "/usr/bin/rpcclient")) { // Find the Domain Name // Console.WriteLine("RPC - lsaquery"); List <string> domainNameList = rpcclient.GetLsaqueryOutput(ip); domainNameList.RemoveAll(x => !x.StartsWith("Domain Name:")); if (domainNameList.Count == 1) { anonAccess = true; rpcInfo += "- " + domainNameList[0] + Environment.NewLine; } // Server info // Console.WriteLine("RPC - srvinfo"); List <string> srvinfoList = rpcclient.GetSrvinfoOutput(ip); bool setNoSigning = false; // If it's denied the first time - Try the no-signing backup if (srvinfoList.Count != 0 && srvinfoList[0].Contains("NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED")) { // noSigning backup! // Console.WriteLine("RPC - srvinfo - noSigning Backup"); srvinfoList = rpcclient.GetSrvinfoOutput(ip, false); setNoSigning = true; } if (srvinfoList.Count != 0 && !srvinfoList[0].Contains("NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED") && !srvinfoList[0].Contains("NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE")) { // If it only worked with the no-signing backup - Yay! if (setNoSigning) { Console.WriteLine("Sneaky access found with RPC - This might take a bit longer than planned (Up to 3 minutes)"); signing = false; } anonAccess = true; /* * MOTUNUI Wk Sv PrQ Unx NT SNT motunui server (Samba, Ubuntu) * platform_id : 500 * os version : 6.1 * server type : 0x809a03 */ rpcInfo += "- srvinfo: " + srvinfoList[0] + Environment.NewLine; // if (srvinfoList.Count == 4) { if (srvinfoList[2].Trim().StartsWith("os version")) { string osVersion = srvinfoList[2]; osVersion = osVersion.Split(':')[1]; osVersion = osVersion.Trim(); if (osVersion == "6.1") { rpcInfo += "- srvinfo (OS): Windows 7 OR Windows Server 2008 (One of the two)" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (osVersion == "6.2") { rpcInfo += "- srvinfo (OS): Windows 8 OR Windows Server 2012 (One of the two)" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (osVersion == "10.0") { rpcInfo += "- srvinfo (OS): Windows 10 OR Windows Server 2016 OR Windows Server 2019 (10.0 is very vague)" + Environment.NewLine; } else { rpcInfo += "- srvinfo (OS): Unknown - ID: " + osVersion + " - Bug Reelix!" + Environment.NewLine; } } else { rpcInfo += "- Weird srvinfo return - Bug Reelix!"; } } } // Console.WriteLine("RPC - enumdomusers"); List <string> enumdomusersList = rpcclient.GetEnumdomusersOutput(ip, signing); if (enumdomusersList.Count == 0 || // Allowed - But no results enumdomusersList.Count == 1 && enumdomusersList[0].Contains("NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED")) { // Find public SIDs with lsaenumsid // Console.WriteLine("RPC - lsaenumid"); List <string> sidList = rpcclient.GetLsaenumsidOutput(ip, signing); if (sidList.Count != 0 && !sidList[0].Contains("NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED")) { anonAccess = true; rpcInfo += "- Found SIDs" + Environment.NewLine; List <string> sidResolution = rpcclient.GetLookupsidsOutput(ip, sidList, signing); if (sidResolution.Count != 0) { foreach (string result in sidResolution) { rpcInfo += "-- " + result + Environment.NewLine; } } } // Find sneaky SIDs // Console.WriteLine("RPC - lookupnames"); List <string> sneakyNameLookup = rpcclient.GetLookupnamesOutput(ip, "administrator guest krbtgt root bin none", signing); sneakyNameLookup.RemoveAll(x => !x.Contains("(User: "******"-") + 1); if (!sneakySIDBaseList.Contains(sneakySIDBase)) { sneakySIDBaseList.Add(sneakySIDBase); } } } // Needs the base SID to enumerate if (sneakySIDBaseList.Count != 0) { List <string> sneakySIDList = new(); foreach (string sneakyBase in sneakySIDBaseList) { // Low ones are just system names - Can ignore them - Proper ones start from 1000 for (int j = 1000; j <= 1015; j++) { sneakySIDList.Add(sneakyBase + j); } // Some sneakier ones hiding from 1100 instead for (int j = 1100; j <= 1115; j++) { sneakySIDList.Add(sneakyBase + j); } List <string> sneakySIDLookup = rpcclient.GetLookupsidsOutput(ip, sneakySIDList, signing); if (sneakySIDLookup.Count != 0) { // Remove non-users sneakySIDLookup.RemoveAll(x => !x.Trim().EndsWith("(1)")); foreach (string lookupResult in sneakySIDLookup) { string name = lookupResult.Substring(0, lookupResult.LastIndexOf(" (1)")); name = name.Remove(0, name.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); // Some invalid ones simply have the number itself instead of the name // A bit hacky, but it works if (!int.TryParse(name, out int toIgnore)) { rpcInfo += "-- " + $"Sneaky Username Found: {name}".Pastel(Color.Orange) + Environment.NewLine; } } } } } } } else // Count > 0 { string firstItem = enumdomusersList[0]; if (firstItem.Contains("user:"******"rid:")) { // All is fine if (enumdomusersList.Count >= 3) { Console.WriteLine("Found a lot of useful RPC info - Output may take a few seconds longer than expected"); } rpcInfo += "- User Listing" + Environment.NewLine; List <string> usernames = new List <string>(); foreach (string user in enumdomusersList) { // user:[fox] rid:[0x3e8] string username = user.Remove(0, user.IndexOf("[") + 1); username = username.Substring(0, username.IndexOf("]")); usernames.Add(username); rpcInfo += rpcclient.GetQueryuserInfo(ip, username); } // See if there are any we're missing // Get the default names list var defaultNames = rpcclient.LookupNames(ip, "administrator guest krbtgt root bin none", signing); // Filter them to only get the users defaultNames = defaultNames.Where(x => x.Type.Contains("User")).ToList(); // Get the users SIDs List <string> defaultNameSids = defaultNames.Select(x => x.SID).ToList(); // Sneaky sid lookup by the sids var sneakySids = rpcclient.GetSneakySids(ip, defaultNameSids, signing); // Remove the names we already have sneakySids.RemoveAll(x => usernames.Contains(x.Name)); // Rest are missed! foreach (var item in sneakySids) { rpcInfo += "-- " + $"Sneaky Username Found: {item.Name}".Pastel(Color.Orange) + Environment.NewLine; } // 23 -> rpcInfo += "--> rpcclient -> setuserinfo2 userNameHere 23 'newPasswordHere'" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (firstItem == "Cannot connect to server. Error was NT_STATUS_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND") { rpcInfo = "- Cannot connect - Are you sure it's up?" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (firstItem == "Cannot connect to server. Error was NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT") { rpcInfo = "- Cannot connect - It timed out :<" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (firstItem == "Cannot connect to server. Error was NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED") { rpcInfo = "- Cannot connect - It kicks you out instantly" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (firstItem.Contains("was NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED")) { rpcInfo = "- enumdomusers is denied - Probably can't get anything useful" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (firstItem.Contains("was NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE")) { rpcInfo = "- Unable to log on at all - Possibly a timeout :(" + Environment.NewLine; } else { foreach (string item in enumdomusersList) { Console.WriteLine("Debug Info item: " + item); } rpcInfo = "- Unknown items in NETBIOS.GetRPCInfo - Bug Reelix (Check Debug Info Item output)" + Environment.NewLine; } } if (anonAccess == true) { rpcInfo += "- " + $"Anonymous access permitted! -> rpcclient -U \"\"%\"\" {ip}".Pastel(Color.Orange) + Environment.NewLine; } else { rpcInfo += "- No anonymous RPC access" + Environment.NewLine; // 23 -> rpcInfo += "-- If you get access -> enumdomusers / queryuser usernameHere / setuserinfo2 userNameHere 23 'newPasswordHere'" + Environment.NewLine; } } else { rpcInfo = "- Error: Cannot find /usr/bin/rpcclient - Please install smbclient (Includes it)".Pastel(Color.Red) + Environment.NewLine; } } else { rpcInfo = "- No RPC Info - Try run on Linux (rpcclient)" + Environment.NewLine; } return(rpcInfo); }
// For the "Some things you probably want to do" list public static string GetAdditionalPortInfo(string target, int port) { string postScanActions = ""; // Additional port info if (port == 23) { postScanActions += "- Telnet: Just telnet in - Bug Reelix to update this though..." + Environment.NewLine; } else if (port == 53) { // TODO: postScanActions += $"- Try a reverse lookup (Linux): dig @{target} -x {target}" + Environment.NewLine; postScanActions += $"- Try a zone transfer (Linux): dig axfr @{target}" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (port == 80) { postScanActions += $"- gobuster dir -u=http://{target}/ -w ~/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -t 25 -o gobuster-http-medium.txt -x.php,.txt" + Environment.NewLine; postScanActions += $"- gobuster dir -u=http://{target}/ -w ~/wordlists/common.txt -t 25 -o gobuster-http-common.txt -x.php,.txt" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (port == 88) { // Post Scan string defaultNamingContext = LDAP.GetDefaultNamingContext(target, true); defaultNamingContext = defaultNamingContext.Replace("DC=", "").Replace(",", "."); // Username enum postScanActions += $"- Kerberos Username Enum: kerbrute userenum --dc {defaultNamingContext}/ -d {target} users.txt" + Environment.NewLine; // Requests TGT (Ticket Granting Tickets) for users postScanActions += $"- Kerberos TGT Request: sudo {defaultNamingContext}/ -dc-ip {target} -request" + Environment.NewLine; // Test for users with 'Do not require Kerberos preauthentication' postScanActions += $"- Kerberos non-preauth: sudo {defaultNamingContext}/ -usersfile sampleUsersHere.txt -dc-ip {target}" + Environment.NewLine; // Post exploitation postScanActions += $"- If you get details: python3 usernameHere:\"passwordHere\"@{target} | grep :" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (port == 443) { postScanActions += $"- gobuster dir -u=https://{target}/ -w ~/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -t 25 -o gobuster-https-medium.txt -x.php,.txt" + Environment.NewLine; postScanActions += $"- gobuster dir -u=https://{target}/ -w ~/wordlists/common -t 25 -o gobuster-https-common.txt -x.php,.txt" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (port == 445) { if (General.GetOS() == General.OS.Windows) { postScanActions += $"- Port 445 - Linux (SMBClient) has better info on this: smbclient -L {target} --no-pass" + Environment.NewLine; } postScanActions += $"- Port 445 - I miss a lot: nmap -sC -sV -p445 {target}" + Environment.NewLine; postScanActions += $"- Port 445 - Testing passwords: crackmapexec smb {target} -u users.txt -p passwords.txt" + Environment.NewLine; postScanActions += $"- Port 445 - Authenticated SID Lookup: sudo DOMAIN/Username:password@{target}" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (port == 2049) { postScanActions += "- NFS: rpcinfo -p " + target + Environment.NewLine; } else if (port == 3128) { postScanActions += $"- Squid: If you get a password, run: squidclient -v -h {target} -w 'passwordHere' mgr:menu" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (port == 3306) { postScanActions += $"- Try: hydra -L users.txt -P passwords.txt {target} mysql" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (port == 3389) { // TODO: // /* * string NTLM_NEGOTIATE_BLOB = "30 37 A0 03 02 01 60 A1 30 30 2E 30 2C A0 2A 04 28" + "4e 54 4c 4d 53 53 50 00" // Identifier - NTLMSSP + "01 00 00 00" //Type: NTLMSSP Negotiate -01 + "B7 82 08 E2 " // Flags(NEGOTIATE_SIGN_ALWAYS | NEGOTIATE_NTLM | NEGOTIATE_SIGN | REQUEST_TARGET | NEGOTIATE_UNICODE) + "00 00 " // DomainNameLen + "00 00" // DomainNameMaxLen + "00 00 00 00" // DomainNameBufferOffset + "00 00 " // WorkstationLen + "00 00" // WorkstationMaxLen + "00 00 00 00" // WorkstationBufferOffset + "0A" // ProductMajorVersion = 10 + "00 " // ProductMinorVersion = 0 + "63 45 " // ProductBuild = 0x4563 = 17763 + "00 00 00" // Reserved + "0F"; // NTLMRevision = 5 = NTLMSSP_REVISION_W2K3 + + + byte[] byteData = General.StringToByteArray(NTLM_NEGOTIATE_BLOB); + string result = General.BannerGrabBytes(ip, port, byteData); + Console.WriteLine("Result: " + result); */ } else if (port == 3690) { // Banner: ( success ( 2 2 ( ) ( edit-pipeline svndiff1 accepts-svndiff2 absent-entries commit-revprops depth log-revprops atomic-revprops partial-replay inherited-props ephemeral-txnprops file-revs-reverse list ) ) ) postScanActions += "- SVN: svn diff -r1 svn://" + target + Environment.NewLine; } else if (port == 4369) { // TODO: postScanActions += $"- EPMD: nmap {target} -p4369 --script=epmd-info -sV" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (port == 5222) { // TODO: Jabber // 5222/tcp open jabber Ignite Realtime Openfire Jabber server 3.10.0 or later } else if (port == 5269) { // jabber / xmpp-server postScanActions += "- nmap --script=xmpp-info " + target + " -p" + port; } // 5269/tcp open xmpp Wildfire XMPP Client ??? else if (port == 5672) { string portHeader = "Port 5672 - Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)"; string portData = General.BannerGrab(target, 5672, "Woof" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); if (portData.StartsWith("AMQP")) { if (portData[4] == 0 && portData[5] == 0 && portData[6] == 9 && portData[7] == 1) { portData = "- Version 0-9-1"; // theBanner = General.BannerGrab(ip, port, theBanner); // Need to send the bytes of AMQP0091 // Oh gawd.... // \u0001\0\0\0\0\u0001?\0\n\0\n\0\t\0\0\u0001?\fcapabilitiesF\0\0\0?\u0012publisher_confirmst\u0001\u001aexchange_exchange_bindingst\u0001\nbasic.nackt\u0001\u0016consumer_cancel_notifyt\u0001\u0012connection.blockedt\u0001\u0013consumer_prioritiest\u0001\u001cauthentication_failure_closet\u0001\u0010per_consumer_qost\u0001\u000fdirect_reply_tot\u0001\fcluster_nameS\0\0\0\u0010rabbit@dyplesher\tcopyrightS\0\0\0.Copyright (C) 2007-2018 Pivotal Software, Inc.\vinformationS\0\0\05Licensed under the MPL. See\bplatformS\0\0\0\u0011Erlang/OTP 22.0.7\aproductS\0\0\0\bRabbitMQ\aversionS\0\0\0\u00053.7.8\0\0\0\u000ePLAIN AMQPLAIN\0\0\0\u0005en_US? // postScanActions += $"- AMQP is up and nmap knows more: nmap --script amqp-info -p{port} {target}" + Environment.NewLine; } else { portData = "- 5672.Unknown Version - Bug Reelix"; } } else { portData = "- 5672.Unknown - Bug Reelix"; } Console.WriteLine(portHeader + Environment.NewLine + portData + Environment.NewLine); } else if (port == 9100) { // TODO: Clean - Should the file be named "Printer.cs" or "jetdirect.cs" ??? string portHeader = $"Port {port} - Printer (jetdirect)"; // PJL // // Yoinked from Nmap string bannerInfo = General.BannerGrab(target, port, "@PJL INFO ID\r\n"); string portData = ""; if (bannerInfo != "") { portData += "- Version: " + bannerInfo + Environment.NewLine; // Yoinked from PRET List <string> dirList = General.BannerGrab(target, port, "@PJL FSDIRLIST NAME=\"0:/ \" ENTRY=1 COUNT=65535\r\n").Split("\r\n".ToCharArray()).ToList(); // Clean new lines dirList.RemoveAll(string.IsNullOrEmpty); // Append each item portData += "- Directory List: " + Environment.NewLine; foreach (string dir in dirList) { portData += "-- " + dir + Environment.NewLine; } portData = portData.Trim(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); // PFL Successful - Add pjl to the post scan actions postScanActions += portData + Environment.NewLine + $"- Printer: {target} pjl ( )" + Environment.NewLine; } else { portData = "- Unknown - Bug Reelix!"; } // TODO: Add PCL (Printer Command Language), XEX, IPDS Console.WriteLine(portHeader + Environment.NewLine + portData + Environment.NewLine); } else if (port == 11211) { postScanActions += "- 11211 - Memcache" + Environment.NewLine; postScanActions += "-- Verify: stats (Dumps \"STAT\")" + Environment.NewLine; postScanActions += "-- Dump key names: lru_crawler metadump all" + Environment.NewLine; postScanActions += "-- Read key: get keyname" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (port == 27017) { // MongoDB postScanActions += "- 27017 - MongoDB: NMap can get the version" + Environment.NewLine; // Nmap can get the version - What else can we get? } return(postScanActions); }
public static string GetInfo(string target, int port) { // TODO: string fileList = ""; if (General.GetOS() == General.OS.Windows) { if (File.Exists(@"C:\Windows\System32\showmount.exe")) { List <string> outputLines = General.GetProcessOutput(@"C:\Windows\System32\showmount.exe", "-e " + target); if (outputLines.Count > 1) { outputLines.RemoveAt(0); fileList = "- Files:" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (string line in outputLines) { fileList += "-- " + line + Environment.NewLine; } fileList = fileList.Trim(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); fileList += Environment.NewLine + $"- To Mount --> mount \\\\{target}\\shareNameHere x:"; } fileList = fileList.Trim(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); return(fileList); } else { fileList = "- showmount does not exist - Bug Reelix to update this section for more compatibility"; return(fileList); } } else if (General.GetOS() == General.OS.Linux) { if (General.IsInstalledOnLinux("showmount")) // "/sbin/showmount" OR "/usr/sbin/showmount" { List <string> showmountOutput = General.GetProcessOutput("showmount", "-e " + target); foreach (string line in showmountOutput) { // // NFS V1 if (line.Trim().EndsWith("*")) { fileList += "- " + line.Pastel(Color.Orange) + Environment.NewLine; fileList += "-- NFSV1 -> " + "sudo mount -t nfs {target}:/mountNameHere /tmp/mount/ -nolock".Pastel(Color.Orange) + Environment.NewLine; fileList += "--- " + "Try copy over a version of bash onto the share, +s +x it, then ./bash -p".Pastel(Color.Orange) + Environment.NewLine; } // NFS V2 else if (line.Contains(" (everyone)")) { fileList += "- " + line.Pastel(Color.Orange) + Environment.NewLine; fileList += "-- NFSV2 -> " + $"sudo mount -t nfs -o vers=2 {target}:/mountNameHere /mnt".Pastel(Color.Orange) + Environment.NewLine; fileList += "--- " + "Try copy over a version of bash onto the share, +s +x it, then ./bash -p".Pastel(Color.Orange) + Environment.NewLine; } else { fileList += "- " + line + Environment.NewLine; } } return(fileList.Trim(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray())); // // Windows // // ManagementClass objMC = new ManagementClass("Win32_ServerFeature"); // Only in Windows Server 2008 / R2 /* * ManagementClass objMC = new ManagementClass("Win32_OptionalFeature"); * ManagementObjectCollection objMOC = objMC.GetInstances(); * foreach (ManagementObject objMO in objMOC) * { * //Console.WriteLine("Woof!"); * string featureName = (string)objMO.Properties["Name"].Value; * if (!featureName.ToUpper().Contains("NFS")) * { * continue; * } * uint installState = 0; * try * { * installState = (uint)objMO.Properties["InstallState"].Value; // 1 = Enabled, 2 = Disabled, 3 = Absent, 4 = Unknown * } * catch * { * Console.WriteLine("Error - InstallState is: " + (string)objMO.Properties["InstallState"].Value); * } * * //add to my list * Console.WriteLine("Installed: " + featureName + " -> " + installState); * } */ } else { return("- Error - showmount is not installed - Unable to enumerate! Run: sudo apt install nfs-common".Pastel(Color.Red)); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Error - OS Not Supportd - Bug Reelix"); } return(""); }
private static string GetRPCInfo(string ip) { string rpcInfo = ""; bool anonAccess = false; if (General.GetOS() == General.OS.Linux) { if (General.IsInstalledOnLinux("rpcclient", "/usr/bin/rpcclient")) { // Find the Domain Name List <string> domainNameList = General.GetProcessOutput("rpcclient", $"-U \"\"%\"\" {ip} -c \"lsaquery\""); domainNameList.RemoveAll(x => !x.StartsWith("Domain Name:")); if (domainNameList.Count == 1) { anonAccess = true; rpcInfo += "- " + domainNameList[0] + Environment.NewLine; } // Find basic users List <string> enumdomusersList = General.GetProcessOutput("rpcclient", $"-U \"\"%\"\" {ip} -c \"enumdomusers\""); if (enumdomusersList.Count == 0) { List <string> srvinfoList = General.GetProcessOutput("rpcclient", $"-U \"\"%\"\" {ip} -c \"srvinfo\""); if (srvinfoList.Count != 0) { anonAccess = true; rpcInfo += "- srvinfo: " + srvinfoList[0] + Environment.NewLine; } // Find public SIDs with lsaenumsid List <string> sidList = General.GetProcessOutput("rpcclient", $"-U \"\"%\"\" {ip} -c \"lsaenumsid\""); if (sidList.Count != 0) { anonAccess = true; rpcInfo += "- Found SIDs" + Environment.NewLine; // Remove the "found X SIDs" text sidList.RemoveAll(x => x.StartsWith("found ")); // Remove blanks sidList.RemoveAll(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)); string sidListString = string.Join(' ', sidList); // Enumerate the rest List <string> sidResolution = General.GetProcessOutput("rpcclient", $"-U \"\"%\"\" {ip} -c \"lookupsids {sidListString}\""); if (sidResolution.Count != 0) { foreach (string result in sidResolution) { rpcInfo += "-- " + result + Environment.NewLine; } } } // Find sneaky SIDs List <string> sneakyNameLookup = General.GetProcessOutput("rpcclient", $"-U \"\"%\"\" {ip} -c \"lookupnames administrator guest krbtgt root bin none"); sneakyNameLookup.RemoveAll(x => !x.Contains("(User: "******"-") + 1); if (!sneakySIDBaseList.Contains(sneakySIDBase)) { sneakySIDBaseList.Add(sneakySIDBase); } } } if (sneakySIDBaseList.Count != 0) { List <string> sneakySIDList = new List <string>(); foreach (string sneakyBase in sneakySIDBaseList) { // Low ones are just system names - Can ignore them - Proper ones start from 1000 sneakySIDList.Add(sneakyBase + "1000"); sneakySIDList.Add(sneakyBase + "1001"); sneakySIDList.Add(sneakyBase + "1002"); sneakySIDList.Add(sneakyBase + "1003"); sneakySIDList.Add(sneakyBase + "1004"); sneakySIDList.Add(sneakyBase + "1005"); sneakySIDList.Add(sneakyBase + "1006"); sneakySIDList.Add(sneakyBase + "1007"); sneakySIDList.Add(sneakyBase + "1008"); sneakySIDList.Add(sneakyBase + "1009"); sneakySIDList.Add(sneakyBase + "1010"); List <string> sneakySIDLookup = General.GetProcessOutput("rpcclient", $"-U \"\"%\"\" {ip} -c \"lookupsids " + string.Join(" ", sneakySIDList) + "\""); if (sneakySIDLookup.Count != 0) { foreach (string lookupResult in sneakySIDLookup) { string name = lookupResult.Substring(0, lookupResult.IndexOf(" (1)")); name = name.Remove(0, name.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); // Invalid ones simply have the number itself instead of the name // A bit hacky, but it works if (!int.TryParse(name, out int toIgnore)) { rpcInfo += "-- Sneaky Name Found: " + name + Environment.NewLine; } } } } } } } else // Count > 0 { string firstItem = enumdomusersList[0]; if (firstItem.Contains("user:"******"rid:")) { // All is fine if (enumdomusersList.Count >= 3) { Console.WriteLine("Found a lot of useful RPC info - Output may take a few seconds longer than expected"); } rpcInfo = "- User Listing" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (string user in enumdomusersList) { rpcInfo += QueryEnumDomUser(ip, user); } // 23 -> rpcInfo += "--> rpcclient -> setuserinfo2 userNameHere 23 'newPasswordHere'" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (firstItem == "Cannot connect to server. Error was NT_STATUS_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND") { rpcInfo = "- Cannot connect - Are you sure it's up?" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (firstItem == "Cannot connect to server. Error was NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT") { rpcInfo = "- Cannot connect - It timed out :<" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (firstItem == "Cannot connect to server. Error was NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED") { rpcInfo = "- Cannot connect - It kicks you out instantly" + Environment.NewLine; } else { foreach (string item in enumdomusersList) { Console.WriteLine("Debug Info item: " + item); } rpcInfo = "- Unknown items in NETBIOS.GetRPCInfo - Bug Reelix (Check Debug Info Item output)" + Environment.NewLine; } } if (anonAccess == true) { rpcInfo += "- " + $"Anonymous access permitted! -> rpcclient -U \"\"%\"\" {ip}".Pastel(Color.Orange) + Environment.NewLine; } else { rpcInfo += "- No anonymous RPC access" + Environment.NewLine; // 23 -> rpcInfo += "-- If you get access -> enumdomusers / queryuser usernameHere / setuserinfo2 userNameHere 23 'newPasswordHere'" + Environment.NewLine; } } else { rpcInfo = "- Error: Cannot find /usr/bin/rpcclient - Please install smbclient (Includes it)".Pastel(Color.Red) + Environment.NewLine; } } else { rpcInfo = "- No RPC Info - Try run on Linux (rpcclient)" + Environment.NewLine; } return(rpcInfo); }
public static string GetInfo(string target, int port) { // TODO: string fileList = ""; if (General.GetOS() == General.OS.Windows) { if (File.Exists(@"C:\Windows\System32\showmount.exe")) { List <string> outputLines = General.GetProcessOutput(@"C:\Windows\System32\showmount.exe", "-e " + target); if (outputLines.Count > 1) { outputLines.RemoveAt(0); fileList = "- Files:" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (string line in outputLines) { fileList += "-- " + line + Environment.NewLine; } fileList = fileList.Trim(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); fileList += Environment.NewLine + $"- To Mount --> mount \\\\{target}\\shareNameHere x:"; } fileList = fileList.Trim(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); return(fileList); } else { fileList = "- showmount does not exist - Bug Reelix to update this section for more compatibility"; return(fileList); } } else if (General.GetOS() == General.OS.Linux) { if (General.IsInstalledOnLinux("showmount", "/sbin/showmount") == true) { List <string> showmountOutput = General.GetProcessOutput("showmount", "-e " + target); foreach (string line in showmountOutput) { if (line.Contains(" (everyone)")) { fileList += "- " + line.Pastel(Color.Orange) + Environment.NewLine; fileList += "-- " + $"mount -t nfs -o vers=2 {target}:/mountNameHere /mnt".Pastel(Color.Orange) + Environment.NewLine; } else { fileList += "- " + line + Environment.NewLine; } } return(fileList.Trim(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray())); // // Windows // // ManagementClass objMC = new ManagementClass("Win32_ServerFeature"); // Only in Windows Server 2008 / R2 /* * ManagementClass objMC = new ManagementClass("Win32_OptionalFeature"); * ManagementObjectCollection objMOC = objMC.GetInstances(); * foreach (ManagementObject objMO in objMOC) * { * //Console.WriteLine("Woof!"); * string featureName = (string)objMO.Properties["Name"].Value; * if (!featureName.ToUpper().Contains("NFS")) * { * continue; * } * uint installState = 0; * try * { * installState = (uint)objMO.Properties["InstallState"].Value; // 1 = Enabled, 2 = Disabled, 3 = Absent, 4 = Unknown * } * catch * { * Console.WriteLine("Error - InstallState is: " + (string)objMO.Properties["InstallState"].Value); * } * * //add to my list * Console.WriteLine("Installed: " + featureName + " -> " + installState); * } */ } } else { Console.WriteLine("Error - OS Not Supportd - Bug Reelix"); } return(""); }