void ControlTreeDataLoader.LoadData() { var table = new DynamicTable { IsStandard = false }; var controls = codeControls; if (HideIfEmpty && controls.Count == 0) { Visible = false; return; } var firstPassThroughRowLoop = true; for (var i = 0; i < controls.Count; i += NumberOfColumns) { // spacer row if (!firstPassThroughRowLoop) { var spacerRowCount = SpacerCellSetup.RowSpacerCellCreator().Count; for (var spacerRowIndex = 0; spacerRowIndex < spacerRowCount; spacerRowIndex += 1) { var firstPassThroughSpacerRowColumnLoop = true; var spacerRowCells = new List <EwfTableCell>(); for (var spacerRowColumnIndex = 0; spacerRowColumnIndex < NumberOfColumns; spacerRowColumnIndex += 1) { if (!firstPassThroughSpacerRowColumnLoop) { spacerRowCells.AddRange(SpacerCellSetup.RowAndColumnSpacerCellCreator()[spacerRowIndex]); } spacerRowCells.Add(SpacerCellSetup.RowSpacerCellCreator()[spacerRowIndex]); firstPassThroughSpacerRowColumnLoop = false; } table.AddRow(spacerRowCells.ToArray()); } } // content row var firstPassThroughColumnLoop = true; var cells = new List <EwfTableCell>(); for (var columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < NumberOfColumns; columnIndex += 1) { // spacer cells if (!firstPassThroughColumnLoop) { cells.AddRange(SpacerCellSetup.ColumnSpacerCellCreator()); } // content cell if (firstPassThroughRowLoop && CaptionControl != null) { cells.Add(CaptionControl); i -= NumberOfColumns; } else { var controlIndex = i + columnIndex; if (controlIndex < controls.Count) { cells.Add(controls[controlIndex]); } else { cells.Add(EmptyCellCreator()); } } firstPassThroughColumnLoop = false; } table.AddRow(cells.ToArray()); firstPassThroughRowLoop = false; } Controls.Add(table); }
void ControlTreeDataLoader.LoadData() { CssClass = CssClass.ConcatenateWithSpace("ewfStandardFileCollectionManager"); if (AppRequestState.Instance.Browser.IsInternetExplorer()) { base.Controls.Add( new HtmlGenericControl("p") { InnerText = "Because you are using Internet Explorer, clicking on a file below will result in a yellow warning bar appearing near the top of the browser. You will need to then click the warning bar and tell Internet Explorer you are sure you want to download the file." }); } var columnSetups = new List <ColumnSetup>(); if (ThumbnailResourceInfoCreator != null) { columnSetups.Add(new ColumnSetup { Width = Unit.Percentage(10) }); } columnSetups.Add(new ColumnSetup { CssClassOnAllCells = "ewfOverflowedCell" }); columnSetups.Add(new ColumnSetup { Width = Unit.Percentage(13) }); columnSetups.Add(new ColumnSetup { Width = Unit.Percentage(7) }); columnSetups.Add(new ColumnSetup { Width = Unit.Percentage(23), CssClassOnAllCells = "ewfRightAlignCell" }); var table = new DynamicTable(columnSetups.ToArray()) { Caption = Caption }; files = BlobFileOps.SystemProvider.GetFilesLinkedToFileCollection(fileCollectionId); files = (sortByName ? files.OrderByName() : files.OrderByUploadedDateDescending()).ToArray(); var deletePb = PostBack.CreateFull(id: PostBack.GetCompositeId(postBackIdBase, "delete")); var deleteModMethods = new List <Func <bool> >(); foreach (var file in files) { addFileRow(table, file, deletePb, deleteModMethods); } if (!ReadOnly) { table.AddRow( getUploadControlList().ToCell(new TableCellSetup(fieldSpan: ThumbnailResourceInfoCreator != null ? 3 : 2)), (files.Any() ? new PostBackButton(deletePb, new ButtonActionControlStyle("Delete Selected Files"), usesSubmitBehavior: false) : null).ToCell( new TableCellSetup(fieldSpan: 2, classes: "ewfRightAlignCell".ToSingleElementArray()))); } deletePb.AddModificationMethod( () => { if (deleteModMethods.Aggregate(false, (deletesOccurred, method) => method() || deletesOccurred)) { EwfPage.AddStatusMessage(StatusMessageType.Info, "Selected files deleted successfully."); } }); Controls.Add(table); if (ReadOnly && !files.Any()) { Visible = false; } }