public ActionResult Edit() { Validator _val = new Validator(); string customer_id = Common.doPost("customer_id"); string id = Common.doPost("id"); string content = Common.doPost("content"); string oper = Common.doPost("oper"); string sql; if (oper != "del") { if (oper == "edit") { _val.val(id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); } _val.val(content, "req"); if (_val.val(customer_id, new String[] { "req", "int" })) { int cid = Convert.ToInt32(customer_id); int customers_exist = (from c in this._db.recsys_customers where == cid select c).Count(); if (customers_exist == 0) { _val.setValStatus(false); } } if (_val.getValStatus()) { Member _member = new Member("users"); Hashtable data = new Hashtable() { { "content", content }, { "last_update", DateTime.Now.ToString("s") }, { "update_user_id", _member.infoBySession("id") } }; if (oper == "edit") { sql = Common.doUpdate(data, "log", "id = '" + id + "'"); } else { data["customer_id"] = customer_id; data["create_date"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("s"); sql = Common.doInsert(data, "log"); } } else { return Content(Common.json_encode(false)); } } else { sql = Common.doDelete("log", "id = '" + id + "'"); } this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); return Content(Common.json_encode(true)); }
public ActionResult Edit() { Validator _val = new Validator(); string id = Common.doPost("id"); string name = Common.doPost("name"); string status = Common.doPost("status2"); string oper = Common.doPost("oper"); string sql; if(oper != "del") { if(oper == "edit") { _val.val(id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); } _val.val(name, "req"); _val.val(status, new String[] { "req", "int", "get=0", "let=1" }); if(_val.getValStatus()) { Member _member = new Member("users"); Hashtable data = new Hashtable() { { "name", name }, { "status", status }, { "last_update", DateTime.Now.ToString("s") }, { "update_user_id", _member.infoBySession("id") } }; if(oper == "edit") { sql = Common.doUpdate(data, "supplier", "id = '" + id + "'"); } else { sql = Common.doInsert(data, "supplier"); } } else { return Content(Common.json_encode(false)); } } else { sql = Common.doDelete("supplier", "id = '" + id + "'"); } this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); return Content(Common.json_encode(true)); }
public ActionResult Edit() { Validator _val = new Validator(); string id = Common.doPost("id"); string title = Common.doPost("title"); string date = Common.doPost("date"); string status = Common.doPost("status2"); string oper = Common.doPost("oper"); string sql; if(oper != "del") { if(oper == "edit") { _val.val(id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); } _val.val(date, "req"); _val.val(status, new String[] { "req", "int", "get=0", "let=1" }); if(_val.getValStatus()) { Member _member = new Member("holiday"); Hashtable data = new Hashtable() { { "title", title }, { "date", date }, { "status", status } }; if(oper == "edit") { sql = Common.doUpdate(data, "holiday", "id = '" + id + "'"); } else { sql = Common.doInsert(data, "holiday"); } } else { return Content(Common.json_encode(false)); } } else { sql = Common.doDelete("holiday", "id = '" + id + "'"); } this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); return Content(Common.json_encode(true)); }
public ActionResult Edit() { Validator _val = new Validator(); string id = Common.doPost("id"); string name = Common.doPost("name"); string type_id = Common.doPost("type_id2"); string user_group = Common.doPost("user_group"); string center = Common.doPost("center"); string grade = Common.doPost("grade2"); string employee_number = Common.doPost("employee_number"); string username = Common.doPost("username"); string oldpassword = Common.doPost("oldpassword"); string password = Common.doPost("password"); string password2 = Common.doPost("password2"); string country_id = Common.doPost("country_id2"); string phone_number = Common.doPost("phone_number"); string email = Common.doPost("email"); string status = Common.doPost("status2"); string oper = Common.doPost("oper"); string encryptedOldPassword = ""; string encryptedOldPasswordDB = ""; Member _member = new Member("users"); if(oper != "del") { if(oper == "edit") { _val.val(id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password2)) { int userID = Convert.ToInt32(id); encryptedOldPasswordDB = (from u in this._db.recsys_users where == userID select u.password).FirstOrDefault(); string salt = encryptedOldPasswordDB.Substring(0, 20); encryptedOldPassword = _member.encrypt(oldpassword, salt); if (!encryptedOldPassword.Equals(encryptedOldPasswordDB)) return Content("oldPasswordNotMatch"); } } _val.val(name, "req"); _val.val(type_id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); _val.val(user_group, new String[] { "req", "int", "get=0" }); _val.val(center, new String[] { "req", "int" }); _val.val(country_id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(phone_number)) _val.val(phone_number, "int"); if (email != null) { _val.val(email, "email"); } _val.val(status, new String[] { "req", "int", "get=0", "let=1" }); int t_id = Convert.ToInt32(type_id); Byte type = (from t in this._db.recsys_type where t.status == 1 && == t_id select t.type).FirstOrDefault(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username)) { if (_member.isExist(username, "username", oper != "edit" ? "" : "id != '" + id + "'")) { _val.setValStatus(false); } } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password2)) { _val.val(password, "req"); _val.val(password2, new String[] { "req", "equal=" + password }); } if (type == null || !this._ctr.Contains(center)) { _val.setValStatus(false); } if (this.isDuplicatePhoneNumber(phone_number, id, country_id)) { _val.setValStatus(false); } if(_val.getValStatus()) { grade = string.IsNullOrEmpty(grade) ? null : grade; Hashtable data = new Hashtable() { { "name", name }, { "type_id", type_id }, { "type", type }, { "user_group", user_group }, { "center", center }, { "username", username }, { "email", email }, { "status", status }, { "last_update", DateTime.Now.ToString("s") }, { "update_user_id", _member.infoBySession("id") }, { "employee_number", employee_number}, { "country_id", country_id }, { "phone_number", phone_number }, { "grade", grade } }; if(! String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { data["password"] = password; } if(oper == "edit") { _member.update(data, id, "id"); } else { _member.insert(data); id = (from m in this._db.recsys_users orderby descending select; } } else { return Content("false"); } } else { this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(Common.doDelete("relate", "id2 = '" + id + "' AND table1 = 'group' AND table2 = 'users'")); _member.delete(Convert.ToInt32(id)); Common.delDir("Upload/users/" + id + "/"); } return Content(id); }
public ActionResult Edit_Items_Template() { Validator _val = new Validator(); string id = Common.doPost("id"); string code = Common.doPost("code"); string detail = Common.doPost("detail"); string detail2 = Common.doPost("detail2"); string price = Common.doPost("price"); string oper = Common.doPost("oper"); string sql; if (oper != "del") { if (oper == "edit") { _val.val(id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); } _val.val(code, "req"); if (_val.getValStatus()) { Member _member = new Member("users"); Hashtable data = new Hashtable() { { "code", code }, { "detail", detail }, { "detail2", detail2 }, { "price", price }, { "last_update", DateTime.Now.ToString("s") }, { "update_user_id", _member.infoBySession("id") } }; if (oper == "edit") { sql = Common.doUpdate(data, "quotation_items_template", "id = '" + id + "'"); } else { sql = Common.doInsert(data, "quotation_items_template"); } } else { return Content(Common.json_encode(false)); } } else { sql = Common.doDelete("quotation_items_template", "id = '" + id + "'"); } this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); return Content(Common.json_encode(true)); }
public ActionResult Edit_Jobs() { Validator _val = new Validator(); string order_id = Common.doPost("order_id"); string id = Common.doPost("id"); string detail1 = Common.doPost("detail1"); string detail2 = Common.doPost("detail2"); string oper = Common.doPost("oper"); string sql; if (oper != "del") { if (oper == "edit") { _val.val(id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); } else { int order = Convert.ToInt32(order_id); int order_exist = (from o in this._db.recsys_order where == order select o).Count(); if (order_exist == 0) { _val.setValStatus(false); } _val.val(order_id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); } _val.val(detail1, "req"); _val.val(detail2, "req"); if (_val.getValStatus()) { Member _member = new Member("users"); Hashtable data = new Hashtable() { { "detail1", detail1 }, { "detail2", detail2 }, { "last_update", DateTime.Now.ToString("s") }, { "update_user_id", _member.infoBySession("id") } }; if (oper == "edit") { sql = Common.doUpdate(data, "job", "id = '" + id + "'"); } else { sql = Common.doInsert(data, "job"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); id = (from j in this._db.recsys_job orderby descending select; data = new Hashtable() { { "id1", order_id }, { "id2", id }, { "table1", "order" }, { "table2", "job" } }; sql = Common.doInsert(data, "relate"); } } else { return Content(Common.json_encode(false)); } } else { sql = Common.doDelete("relate", "id2 = '" + id + "' AND table2 = 'job'"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); sql = Common.doDelete("job", "id = '" + id + "'"); } this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); return Content(Common.json_encode(true)); }
public ActionResult Edit_Extra_Cost() { Validator _val = new Validator(); string order_id = Common.doPost("order_id"); string id = Common.doPost("id"); string name = Common.doPost("name"); string price = Common.doPost("price"); string remark = Common.doPost("remark"); string oper = Common.doPost("oper"); string sql; if (oper != "del") { if (oper == "edit") { _val.val(id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); } else { int order = Convert.ToInt32(order_id); int order_exist = (from o in this._db.recsys_order where == order select o).Count(); if (order_exist == 0) { _val.setValStatus(false); } _val.val(order_id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); } _val.val(name, "req"); _val.val(price, new String[] { "req", "numdec" }); if (_val.getValStatus()) { Member _member = new Member("users"); Hashtable data = new Hashtable() { { "name", name }, { "price", price }, { "remark", remark }, { "last_update", DateTime.Now.ToString("s") }, { "update_user_id", _member.infoBySession("id") } }; if (oper == "edit") { sql = Common.doUpdate(data, "extra_cost", "id = '" + id + "'"); } else { data["create_date"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("s"); sql = Common.doInsert(data, "extra_cost"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); id = (from ec in this._db.recsys_extra_cost orderby descending select; data = new Hashtable() { { "id1", order_id }, { "id2", id }, { "table1", "order" }, { "table2", "extra_cost" } }; sql = Common.doInsert(data, "relate"); } } else { return Content(Common.json_encode(false)); } } else { sql = Common.doDelete("relate", "id2 = '" + id + "' AND table2 = 'extra_cost'"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); sql = Common.doDelete("extra_cost", "id = '" + id + "'"); } this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); return Content(Common.json_encode(true)); }
public ActionResult Edit(string id, DateTime? completion_date, int? enquery_id, TimeSpan? end_time, int? engineer_id_1, int? engineer_id_2, string fault, string model, string remark2, string repair, DateTime? repair_date, string report, string reviewer, TimeSpan? start_time, byte? status, byte? tc, int? relate_id, string relate_table) { Validator _val = new Validator(); string customer_code = Common.doPost("customer_code"); string mode = Common.doGet("mode"); string type = Common.doPost("type"); string prefix = Common.doPost("prefix"); string code = Common.doPost("code"); string name = Common.doPost("name"); string address1 = Common.doPost("address1"); string address2 = Common.doPost("address2"); string district1 = Common.doPost("district1"); string district2 = Common.doPost("district2"); string title = Common.doPost("title"); string contact = Common.doPost("contact"); string tel1 = Common.doPost("tel1"); string tel2 = Common.doPost("tel2"); string fax1 = Common.doPost("fax1"); string fax2 = Common.doPost("fax2"); string email = Common.doPost("email"); string remark = Common.doPost("remark"); //string model = Common.doPost("model"); //string fault = Common.doPost("fault"); //string repair = Common.doPost("repair"); //dynamic tc = Common.doPost("tc"); //string report = Common.doPost("report"); //string repair_date = Common.doPost("repair_date"); //string start_time = Common.doPost("start_time"); //string end_time = Common.doPost("end_time"); //string remark2 = Common.doPost("remark2"); //string status = Common.doPost("status"); string group_id = Common.doPost("group_id"); string last_update = Common.doPost("last_update"); string oper = Common.doPost("oper"); //string relate_id = Common.doPost("relate_id"); //string relate_table = Common.doPost("relate_table"); string sql; if(oper != "del") { if (oper == "edit") { if (_val.val(id, new String[] { "req", "int" })) { int order_id = Convert.ToInt32(id); string time = ((from o in this._db.recsys_order where == order_id select o.last_update).FirstOrDefault()).ToString(); if (! _val.val(last_update, "equal=" + time)) { return Content(Common.alert("資料已被其他使用者更新")); } } } else { if (type == "3") { _val.val(code, new String[] { "req", "int", "minlen=8", "maxlen=8" }); } _val.val(type, new String[] { "req", "int", "get=1", "let=3" }); } //_val.val(status, new String[] { "req", "int", "get=0", "let=1" }); _val.val(status.ToString(), new String[] { "req", "int", "get=0", "let=1" }); if(_val.getValStatus()) { Member _member = new Member("users"); Hashtable data = new Hashtable() { { "type", type }, { "prefix", prefix }, { "code", code }, { "group_id", group_id }, { "name", name }, { "address1", address1 }, { "address2", address2 }, { "district1", district1 }, { "district2", district2 }, { "title", title }, { "contact", contact }, { "tel1", tel1 }, { "tel2", tel2 }, { "fax1", fax1 }, { "fax2", fax2 }, { "email", email }, { "remark", remark } }; int count = (from c in this._db.recsys_customers where c.customer_code == customer_code select; if (count == 0) { data["status"] = 1; data["last_update"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("s"); data["update_user_id"] = _member.infoBySession("id"); data["create_date"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("s"); sql = Common.doInsert(data, "customers"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); int cid = (from c in this._db.recsys_customers orderby descending select; Hashtable data2 = new Hashtable(); if (type != "3") { data2["auto_id"] = Convert.ToInt32((from c in this._db.recsys_customers where c.type != 3 && c.auto_id != 0 orderby descending select c.auto_id).FirstOrDefault()) + 1; code = data2["auto_id"].ToString().PadLeft(8, '0'); } customer_code = this._type[type] + prefix + code; data2["customer_code"] = customer_code; sql = Common.doUpdate(data2, "customers", "id = '" + cid + "'"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); data.Remove("status"); data.Remove("last_update"); data.Remove("update_user_id"); data.Remove("create_date"); } int customer_id; data["customer_code"] = customer_code; customer_id = (from c in this._db.recsys_customers where c.customer_code == customer_code select; data["customer_id"] = customer_id; if (oper == "edit") { int order_id = Convert.ToInt32(id); customer_id = (from o in this._db.recsys_order where == order_id select o.customer_id).FirstOrDefault(); sql = Common.doUpdate(data, "relate_customers", "id = '" + customer_id + "'"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); } else { data["relate_type"] = 4; sql = Common.doInsert(data, "relate_customers"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); customer_id = (from c in this._db.recsys_relate_customers orderby descending select; } recsys_order newOrder = new recsys_order() { by_system = 0, completion_date = null, create_date = DateTime.Now, customer_id = customer_id, enquery_id = enquery_id, end_time = end_time, engineer_id_1 = engineer_id_1, engineer_id_2 = engineer_id_2, fault = fault, last_update = DateTime.Now, model = model, remark = remark2, repair = repair, repair_date = repair_date, report = report, reviewer = reviewer, start_time = start_time, status = status ?? 1, tc = tc, update_user_id = (int) _member.infoBySession("id") }; if(oper == "edit") { //// //sql = Common.doUpdate(data3, "order", "id = '" + id + "'"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); } else { try { this._db.recsys_order.AddObject(newOrder); this._db.SaveChanges(); this._db.Refresh(System.Data.Objects.RefreshMode.StoreWins, newOrder); if ( > 0 && relate_id > 0) { id =; //# temp solution recsys_relate newRelation = new recsys_relate() { id1 = relate_id.Value, id2 =, table1 = relate_table, table2 = "order" }; this._db.recsys_relate.AddObject(newRelation); this._db.SaveChanges(); this._db.Refresh(System.Data.Objects.RefreshMode.StoreWins, newRelation); } //data3["customer_id"] = customer_id; //data3["create_date"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("s"); //sql = Common.doInsert(data3, "order"); //this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); //id = (from o in this._db.recsys_order // orderby descending // select; //if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(relate_id)) //{ // Hashtable data4 = new Hashtable() //{ // { "id1", relate_id }, // { "id2", id }, // { "table1", relate_table }, // { "table2", "order" } //}; // sql = Common.doInsert(data4, "relate"); // this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); //} } catch(OptimisticConcurrencyException) { //# log down } } return RedirectToAction("edit", new { id = id, mode = mode, customer_id = customer_id, relate_id = relate_id, relate_table = relate_table }); } else { return Content(Common.alert("輸入錯誤")); } } else { int order_id = Convert.ToInt32(id); int customer_id = (from o in this._db.recsys_order where == order_id select o.customer_id).FirstOrDefault(); sql = Common.doDelete("relate_customers", "id = '" + customer_id + "'"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); int[] parts_id = (from r in this._db.recsys_relate where r.id2 == order_id && r.table1 == "parts" && r.table2 == "order" select r.id1).ToArray(); if (parts_id.Length > 0) { sql = Common.doDelete("parts", "id IN ('" + String.Join("','", parts_id) + "')"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); } int[] job_id = (from r in this._db.recsys_relate where r.id1 == order_id && r.table1 == "order" && r.table2 == "job" select r.id2).ToArray(); if (job_id.Length > 0) { sql = Common.doDelete("job", "id IN ('" + String.Join("','", job_id) + "')"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); } int[] extra_cost_id = (from r in this._db.recsys_relate where r.id1 == order_id && r.table1 == "order" && r.table2 == "extra_cost" select r.id2).ToArray(); if (extra_cost_id.Length > 0) { sql = Common.doDelete("extra_cost", "id IN ('" + String.Join("','", extra_cost_id) + "')"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); } sql = Common.doDelete("relate", "(id1 = '" + id + "' AND table1 = 'order') OR (id2 = '" + id + "' AND table2 = 'order')"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); sql = Common.doDelete("order_report", "order_id = '" + id + "'"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); sql = Common.doDelete("order", "id = '" + id + "'"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); return Content(Common.json_encode(true)); } }
public ActionResult report(string id) { Validator _val = new Validator(); dynamic checklist = Common.doPost("checklist"); string model = Common.doPost("model"); string fault = Common.doPost("fault"); string repair = Common.doPost("repair"); string report = Common.doPost("report"); string repair_date = Common.doPost("repair_date"); string start_time = Common.doPost("start_time"); string end_time = Common.doPost("end_time"); string remark = Common.doPost("remark"); string oper = Common.doPost("oper"); string sql; if (oper == "edit") { _val.val(id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); } if (_val.getValStatus()) { Member _member = new Member("users"); Hashtable data = new Hashtable() { { "checklist", checklist != null && checklist.GetType() == typeof(ArrayList) ? String.Join(",", checklist.ToArray()) : checklist }, { "remark", remark }, { "last_update", DateTime.Now.ToString("s") }, { "update_user_id", _member.infoBySession("id") } }; if (oper == "edit") { sql = Common.doUpdate(data, "order_report", "order_id = '" + id + "'"); } else { data["order_id"] = id; sql = Common.doInsert(data, "order_report"); } data = new Hashtable() { { "model", model }, { "fault", fault }, { "repair", repair }, { "report", report }, { "repair_date", repair_date }, { "start_time", start_time }, { "end_time", end_time }, { "last_update", DateTime.Now.ToString("s") }, { "update_user_id", _member.infoBySession("id") }, }; sql = Common.doUpdate(data, "order", "id = '" + id + "'"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); } else { return Content(Common.alert("輸入錯誤")); } this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); return RedirectToAction("report", new { id = id }); }
public ActionResult Parts_Edit() { Validator _val = new Validator(); string id = Common.doPost("id"); string order_id = Common.doPost("order_id"); string supplier_id = Common.doPost("supplier_id"); string name = Common.doPost("name"); string invoice = Common.doPost("invoice"); string price1 = Common.doPost("price1"); string price2 = Common.doPost("price2"); string detail = Common.doPost("detail"); string account_date = Common.doPost("account_date2"); string remark = Common.doPost("remark"); string status = Common.doPost("status2"); string oper = Common.doPost("oper"); string sql; if(oper != "del") { if(oper == "edit") { _val.val(id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); } _val.val(order_id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); _val.val(name, "req"); _val.val(status, new String[] { "req", "int", "get=0", "let=1" }); if(_val.getValStatus()) { Member _member = new Member("users"); Hashtable data = new Hashtable() { { "supplier_id", supplier_id }, { "name", name }, { "invoice", invoice }, { "price1", price1 }, { "price2", price2 }, { "detail", detail }, { "account_date", account_date }, { "remark", remark }, { "status", status }, { "last_update", DateTime.Now.ToString("s") }, { "update_user_id", _member.infoBySession("id") } }; if(oper == "edit") { sql = Common.doUpdate(data, "parts", "id = '" + id + "'"); } else { sql = Common.doInsert(data, "parts"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); id = (from p in this._db.recsys_parts orderby descending select; data = new Hashtable() { { "id1", id }, { "id2", order_id }, { "table1", "parts" }, { "table2", "order" } }; sql = Common.doInsert(data, "relate"); } } else { return Content(Common.json_encode(false)); } } else { sql = Common.doDelete("relate", "id1 = '" + id + "' AND table1 = 'parts'"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); sql = Common.doDelete("parts", "id = '" + id + "'"); } this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); return Content(Common.json_encode(true)); }
public ActionResult Edit() { Validator _val = new Validator(); string id = Common.doPost("id"); string relate_id = Common.doPost("relate_id"); string table_name = Common.doPost("table_name"); string user_id = Common.doPost("user_id"); string supplier_id = Common.doPost("supplier_id"); string center = Common.doPost("center"); string cost_id = Common.doPost("cost_id"); string invoice = Common.doPost("invoice"); string price1 = Common.doPost("price1"); string price2 = Common.doPost("price2"); string account_date = Common.doPost("account_date2"); string remark = Common.doPost("remark"); string status = Common.doPost("status2"); string oper = Common.doPost("oper"); string sql; if(oper != "del") { if(oper == "edit") { _val.val(id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); } _val.val(relate_id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); _val.val(table_name, "req"); _val.val(status, new String[] { "req", "int", "get=0", "let=1" }); _val.val(cost_id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); if (user_id != "0") { _val.val(user_id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); int user = Convert.ToInt32(user_id); int user_exist = (from u in this._db.recsys_users where u.status == 1 && == user && u.type == 4 select u).Count(); if (user_exist == 0) { _val.setValStatus(false); } } else { _val.val(supplier_id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); int supplier = Convert.ToInt32(supplier_id); int supplier_exist = (from s in this._db.recsys_supplier where s.status == 1 && == supplier select s).Count(); if (supplier_exist == 0) { _val.setValStatus(false); } } if(_val.getValStatus()) { Member _member = new Member("users"); Hashtable data = new Hashtable() { { "user_id", user_id }, { "supplier_id", supplier_id }, { "cost_id", cost_id }, { "center", center }, { "invoice", invoice }, { "price1", price1 }, { "price2", price2 }, { "account_date", account_date }, { "remark", remark }, { "status", status }, { "last_update", DateTime.Now.ToString("s") }, { "update_user_id", _member.infoBySession("id") } }; if(oper == "edit") { sql = Common.doUpdate(data, "costs", "id = '" + id + "'"); } else { sql = Common.doInsert(data, "costs"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); id = (from cs in this._db.recsys_costs orderby descending select; data = new Hashtable() { { "id1", id }, { "id2", relate_id }, { "table1", "costs" }, { "table2", table_name } }; sql = Common.doInsert(data, "relate"); } } else { return Content(Common.json_encode(false)); } } else { sql = Common.doDelete("relate", "id1 = '" + id + "' AND table1 = 'costs'"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); sql = Common.doDelete("costs", "id = '" + id + "'"); } this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); return Content(Common.json_encode(true)); }
public ActionResult Edit() { Validator _val = new Validator(); string quotationPackage_id = Common.doPost("quotationPackage_id"); int quotationPackageID = Convert.ToInt32(quotationPackage_id); string id = Common.doPost("id"); string code = Common.doPost("code"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) code = code.Trim(); else code = ""; string detail_chi = Common.doPost("detail_chi"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail_chi)) detail_chi = detail_chi.Trim(); else detail_chi = ""; string detail_eng = Common.doPost("detail_eng"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail_eng)) detail_eng = detail_eng.Trim(); else detail_eng = ""; string price = Common.doPost("price"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail_chi) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail_eng) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { string message = "必須輸入Code或內容"; ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); arr.Add(new Hashtable() { { "status", false }, { "message", message } }); return Content(Common.json_encode(arr)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(price) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(price) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(price.Trim()))) { price = "0.00"; } string sql; _val.val(id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); if (_val.getValStatus()) { Member _member = new Member("users"); Hashtable data = new Hashtable() { { "code", code }, { "detail_chi", detail_chi }, { "detail_eng", detail_eng }, { "price", price }, { "update_date", DateTime.Now.ToString("s") }, { "update_by", _member.infoBySession("id") } }; if (int.TryParse(quotationPackage_id, out quotationPackageID)) { //check whether there is existing active quotation_package_item with the same code in this quotation or not int quotationPackageItemID; int.TryParse(id, out quotationPackageItemID); var items = from i in this._db.recsys_quotation_package_items where i.quotation_package_id == quotationPackageID && i.status == 1 select i; foreach (recsys_quotation_package_items item in items) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code) && code.Trim().ToUpper() == item.code.Trim().ToUpper() && quotationPackageItemID != { string message = "已有Quotation Package item (" + code.Trim().ToUpper() + ")"; ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); arr.Add(new Hashtable() { { "status", false }, { "message", message } }); return Content(Common.json_encode(arr)); } } } sql = Common.doUpdate(data, "quotation_package_items", "id = '" + id + "'"); } else { return Content(Common.json_encode(false)); } this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); //update quotation package total price double? total = (from qpi in this._db.recsys_quotation_package_items where qpi.quotation_package_id == quotationPackageID && qpi.status == 1 select qpi.price).Sum(); recsys_quotation_packages quotationPackage = this._db.recsys_quotation_packages.FirstOrDefault(qp => == quotationPackageID); quotationPackage.price = total != null ? total : 0.0; try { this._db.SaveChanges(); } catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException) { //# log down } return Json(new { total = quotationPackage.price }); }
public ActionResult Edit( string ID, string Code, string Name, string RegionID, string GroupID2, string Status2, string oper) { Validator _val = new Validator(); //string id = Common.doPost("id"); //string code = Common.doPost("code"); //string name = Common.doPost("name"); //string region = Common.doPost("region"); //string group_id = Common.doPost("group_id2"); //string status = Common.doPost("status2"); //string oper = Common.doPost("oper"); string sql; if(oper != "del") { if(oper == "edit") { _val.val(ID, new String[] { "req", "int" }); } //_val.val(RegionID, new String[] { "req", "int", "get=1", "let=3" }); _val.val(Code, new String[] { "req", "maxlen=10" }); _val.val(Name, "req"); _val.val(GroupID2, new String[] { "req", "int" }); _val.val(Status2, new String[] { "req", "int", "get=0", "let=1" }); int group = Convert.ToInt32(GroupID2); int group_exist = (from g in this._db.recsys_group where g.status == 1 && == @group select g).Count(); if (group_exist == 0) { _val.setValStatus(false); } if(_val.getValStatus()) { Member _member = new Member("users"); Hashtable data = new Hashtable() { { "group_id", GroupID2 }, { "region", RegionID }, { "code", Code }, { "name", Name }, { "status", Status2 }, { "last_update", DateTime.Now.ToString("s") }, { "update_user_id", _member.infoBySession("id") } }; if(oper == "edit") { sql = Common.doUpdate(data, "district", "id = '" + ID + "'"); } else { sql = Common.doInsert(data, "district"); } } else { return Content(Common.json_encode(false)); } } else { sql = Common.doDelete("district", "id = '" + ID + "'"); } this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); return Content(Common.json_encode(true)); }
public ActionResult Edit() { Validator _val = new Validator(); string id = Common.doPost("id"); string name = Common.doPost("name"); string supervisor_id = Common.doPost("supervisor_id2"); string engineer = Common.doPost("engineer2"); string status = Common.doPost("status2"); string oper = Common.doPost("oper"); string sql; if(oper != "del") { if(oper == "edit") { _val.val(id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); } _val.val(name, "req"); _val.val(supervisor_id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); if (! String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(engineer)) { _val.val(engineer, @"customize=^(\d+(,\d+)*)?$"); string[] str = engineer.Split(','); #region Checking - Engineer can only join 1 group foreach (String engineer_id in str) { int groupID = (oper == "edit") ? int.Parse(id) : 0; int engineerID = int.Parse(engineer_id); var groupRecord = (from r in this._db.recsys_relate join u in this._db.recsys_users on r.id2 equals where r.table1 == "group" && r.table2 == "users" && r.id2 == engineerID && r.id1 != groupID select u).FirstOrDefault(); if (groupRecord != null) return Json(new { success = false, errorType = "Duplicate-Member", message = string.Format("{0}已加入其他組別。請先把{0}從此組別剔除。", }); } #endregion Checking - Engineer can only join 1 group } _val.val(status, new String[] { "req", "int", "get=0", "let=1" }); int user_id = Convert.ToInt32(supervisor_id); if (user_id != 0) { int users_exist = (from u in this._db.recsys_users where u.status == 1 && == user_id select u).Count(); if (users_exist == 0) { _val.setValStatus(false); } } if(_val.getValStatus()) { Member _member = new Member("users"); Hashtable data = new Hashtable() { { "name", name }, { "supervisor_id", supervisor_id }, { "status", status }, { "last_update", DateTime.Now.ToString("s") }, { "update_user_id", _member.infoBySession("id") } }; if(oper == "edit") { sql = Common.doUpdate(data, "group", "id = '" + id + "'"); } else { sql = Common.doInsert(data, "group"); } this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); if (oper == "edit") { sql = Common.doDelete("relate", "id1 = '" + id + "' AND table1 = 'group'"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); } if (! String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(engineer)) { if (oper == "add") { id = (from g in this._db.recsys_group orderby descending select; } string[] str = engineer.Split(','); foreach (String engineer_id in str) { Hashtable hash = new Hashtable() { { "id1", id }, { "id2", engineer_id }, { "table1", "group" }, { "table2", "users" } }; sql = Common.doInsert(hash, "relate"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); } } } else { return Content(Common.json_encode(false)); } } else { sql = Common.doDelete("relate", "id1 = '" + id + "' AND table1 = 'group'"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); sql = Common.doDelete("group", "id = '" + id + "'"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); } return Content(Common.json_encode(true)); }
public ActionResult Edit() { Validator _val = new Validator(); string quotation_id = Common.doPost("quotation_id"); string id = Common.doPost("id"); string code = Common.doPost("code"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) code = code.Trim(); else code = ""; string detail = Common.doPost("detail"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail)) detail = detail.Trim(); else detail = ""; string detail2 = Common.doPost("detail2"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail2)) detail2 = detail2.Trim(); else detail2 = ""; string price = Common.doPost("price"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail2) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { string message = "必須輸入Code或內容"; ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); arr.Add(new Hashtable() { { "status", false }, { "message", message } }); return Content(Common.json_encode(arr)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(price) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(price) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(price.Trim()))) { price = "0.00"; } string oper = Common.doPost("oper"); string sql; if (oper != "del") { if (oper == "edit") { _val.val(id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); } else { int quotation = Convert.ToInt32(quotation_id); int quotation_exist = (from q in this._db.recsys_quotation where == quotation select q).Count(); if (quotation_exist == 0) { _val.setValStatus(false); } _val.val(quotation_id, new String[] { "req", "int" }); } //_val.val(code, "req"); //# Eddie: 20131011 remove validation if (_val.getValStatus()) { Member _member = new Member("users"); Hashtable data = new Hashtable() { { "code", code }, { "detail", detail }, { "detail2", detail2 }, { "price", price }, { "last_update", DateTime.Now.ToString("s") }, { "update_user_id", _member.infoBySession("id") } }; if (oper == "edit") { int quotationID; if (int.TryParse(quotation_id, out quotationID)) { //check whether there is existing quotation_item with the same code in this quotation or not int quotationItemId; int.TryParse(id, out quotationItemId); var items = from i in this._db.recsys_quotation_items join r in this._db.recsys_relate on equals r.id2 where r.id1 == quotationID && r.table1 == "quotation" && r.table2 == "quotation_items" select i; foreach (recsys_quotation_items item in items) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code) && code.Trim().ToUpper() == item.code.Trim().ToUpper() && quotationItemId != { string message = "已有Quotation item (" + code.Trim().ToUpper() + ")"; ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); arr.Add(new Hashtable() { { "status", false }, { "message", message } }); return Content(Common.json_encode(arr)); } } } sql = Common.doUpdate(data, "quotation_items", "id = '" + id + "'"); } else { sql = Common.doInsert(data, "quotation_items"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); id = (from i in this._db.recsys_quotation_items orderby descending select; data = new Hashtable() { { "id1", quotation_id }, { "id2", id }, { "table1", "quotation" }, { "table2", "quotation_items" } }; sql = Common.doInsert(data, "relate"); } } else { return Content(Common.json_encode(false)); } } else { sql = Common.doDelete("relate", "id2 = '" + id + "' AND table2 = 'quotation_items'"); this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); sql = Common.doDelete("quotation_items", "id = '" + id + "'"); } this._db.ExecuteStoreCommand(sql); return Content(Common.json_encode(true)); }