void Initialize() { if (initialized) { return; } CSGKeysPreferenceWindow.ReadKeys(); initialized = true; CSGSceneManagerRedirector.Interface = new CSGSceneManagerInstance(); Selection.selectionChanged -= OnSelectionChanged; Selection.selectionChanged += OnSelectionChanged; EditorApplication.update -= OnFirstUpdate; EditorApplication.update += OnFirstUpdate; #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER EditorApplication.hierarchyChanged -= OnHierarchyWindowChanged; EditorApplication.hierarchyChanged += OnHierarchyWindowChanged; #else EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowChanged -= OnHierarchyWindowChanged; EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowChanged += OnHierarchyWindowChanged; #endif EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowItemOnGUI -= HierarchyWindowItemGUI.OnHierarchyWindowItemOnGUI; EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowItemOnGUI += HierarchyWindowItemGUI.OnHierarchyWindowItemOnGUI; UnityCompilerDefineManager.UpdateUnityDefines(); }
void Initialize() { if (initialized) { return; } CSGKeysPreferenceWindow.ReadKeys(); initialized = true; CSGSceneManagerRedirector.Interface = new CSGSceneManagerInstance(); Selection.selectionChanged -= OnSelectionChanged; Selection.selectionChanged += OnSelectionChanged; EditorApplication.update -= OnFirstUpdate; EditorApplication.update += OnFirstUpdate; #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER EditorApplication.hierarchyChanged -= OnHierarchyWindowChanged; EditorApplication.hierarchyChanged += OnHierarchyWindowChanged; #else EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowChanged -= OnHierarchyWindowChanged; EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowChanged += OnHierarchyWindowChanged; #endif #if UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER // SceneManagement.PrefabStage was moved out of experimental in 2021.2 UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStage.prefabSaving += OnPrefabSaving; #else #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER // SceneManagement.PrefabStage was introduced in 2018.3 with nested prefabs UnityEditor.Experimental.SceneManagement.PrefabStage.prefabSaving += OnPrefabSaving; #endif #endif EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowItemOnGUI -= HierarchyWindowItemGUI.OnHierarchyWindowItemOnGUI; EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowItemOnGUI += HierarchyWindowItemGUI.OnHierarchyWindowItemOnGUI; UnityCompilerDefineManager.UpdateUnityDefines(); }
static void OnBottomBarGUI(SceneView sceneView, Rect barSize) { //if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) // return; var snapMode = RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.SnapMode; var uniformGrid = RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.UniformGrid; var moveSnapVector = RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.SnapVector; var rotationSnap = RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.SnapRotation; var scaleSnap = RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.SnapScale; var showGrid = RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.GridVisible; var lockAxisX = RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.LockAxisX; var lockAxisY = RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.LockAxisY; var lockAxisZ = RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.LockAxisZ; var distanceUnit = RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.DistanceUnit; var helperSurfaces = RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.VisibleHelperSurfaces; var showWireframe = RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.IsWireframeShown(sceneView); var skin = CSG_GUIStyleUtility.Skin; var updateSurfaces = false; bool wireframeModified = false; var viewWidth = sceneView.position.width; float layoutHeight = barSize.height; float layoutX = 6.0f; bool modified = false; GUI.changed = false; { currentRect.width = 27; currentRect.y = 0; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - currentRect.y; currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; #region "Grid" button if (showGrid) { showGrid = GUI.Toggle(currentRect, showGrid, skin.gridIconOn, EditorStyles.toolbarButton); } else { showGrid = GUI.Toggle(currentRect, showGrid, skin.gridIcon, EditorStyles.toolbarButton); } //(x:6.00, y:0.00, width:27.00, height:18.00) TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(showGridTooltip, currentRect); #endregion if (viewWidth >= 800) { layoutX += 6; //(x:33.00, y:0.00, width:6.00, height:6.00) } var prevBackgroundColor = GUI.backgroundColor; var lockedBackgroundColor = skin.lockedBackgroundColor; if (lockAxisX) { GUI.backgroundColor = lockedBackgroundColor; } #region "X" lock button currentRect.width = 17; currentRect.y = 0; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - currentRect.y; currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; lockAxisX = !GUI.Toggle(currentRect, !lockAxisX, xLabel, skin.xToolbarButton); //(x:39.00, y:0.00, width:17.00, height:18.00) if (lockAxisX) { TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(xTooltipOn, currentRect); } else { TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(xTooltipOff, currentRect); } GUI.backgroundColor = prevBackgroundColor; #endregion #region "Y" lock button currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; if (lockAxisY) { GUI.backgroundColor = lockedBackgroundColor; } lockAxisY = !GUI.Toggle(currentRect, !lockAxisY, yLabel, skin.yToolbarButton); //(x:56.00, y:0.00, width:17.00, height:18.00) if (lockAxisY) { TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(yTooltipOn, currentRect); } else { TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(yTooltipOff, currentRect); } GUI.backgroundColor = prevBackgroundColor; #endregion #region "Z" lock button currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; if (lockAxisZ) { GUI.backgroundColor = lockedBackgroundColor; } lockAxisZ = !GUI.Toggle(currentRect, !lockAxisZ, zLabel, skin.zToolbarButton); //(x:56.00, y:0.00, width:17.00, height:18.00) if (lockAxisZ) { TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(zTooltipOn, currentRect); } else { TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(zTooltipOff, currentRect); } GUI.backgroundColor = prevBackgroundColor; #endregion } modified = GUI.changed || modified; if (viewWidth >= 800) { layoutX += 6; // (x:91.00, y:0.00, width:6.00, height:6.00) } #region "SnapMode" button GUI.changed = false; { currentRect.width = 27; currentRect.y = 0; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - currentRect.y; currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; switch (snapMode) { case SnapMode.GridSnapping: { var newValue = GUI.Toggle(currentRect, snapMode == SnapMode.GridSnapping, CSG_GUIStyleUtility.Skin.gridSnapIconOn, EditorStyles.toolbarButton); if (GUI.changed) { snapMode = newValue ? SnapMode.GridSnapping : SnapMode.RelativeSnapping; } //(x:97.00, y:0.00, width:27.00, height:18.00) TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(gridSnapModeTooltip, currentRect); break; } case SnapMode.RelativeSnapping: { var newValue = GUI.Toggle(currentRect, snapMode == SnapMode.RelativeSnapping, CSG_GUIStyleUtility.Skin.relSnapIconOn, EditorStyles.toolbarButton); if (GUI.changed) { snapMode = newValue ? SnapMode.RelativeSnapping : SnapMode.None; } //(x:97.00, y:0.00, width:27.00, height:18.00) TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(relativeSnapModeTooltip, currentRect); break; } default: case SnapMode.None: { var newValue = GUI.Toggle(currentRect, snapMode != SnapMode.None, CSG_GUIStyleUtility.Skin.noSnapIconOn, EditorStyles.toolbarButton); if (GUI.changed) { snapMode = newValue ? SnapMode.GridSnapping : SnapMode.None; } //(x:97.00, y:0.00, width:27.00, height:18.00) TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(noSnappingModeTooltip, currentRect); break; } } } modified = GUI.changed || modified; #endregion if (viewWidth >= 460) { if (snapMode != SnapMode.None) { #region "Position" label if (viewWidth >= 500) { if (viewWidth >= 865) { currentRect.width = 44; currentRect.y = 1; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - currentRect.y; currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; uniformGrid = GUI.Toggle(currentRect, uniformGrid, positionLargeLabel, miniTextStyle); //(x:128.00, y:2.00, width:44.00, height:16.00) TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(positionTooltip, currentRect); } else { currentRect.width = 22; currentRect.y = 1; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - currentRect.y; currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; uniformGrid = GUI.Toggle(currentRect, uniformGrid, positionSmallLabel, miniTextStyle); //(x:127.00, y:2.00, width:22.00, height:16.00) TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(positionTooltip, currentRect); } } #endregion layoutX += 2; #region "Position" field if (uniformGrid || viewWidth < 515) { EditorGUI.showMixedValue = !(moveSnapVector.x == moveSnapVector.y && moveSnapVector.x == moveSnapVector.z); GUI.changed = false; { currentRect.width = 70; currentRect.y = 3; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - (currentRect.y - 1); currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; moveSnapVector.x = Units.DistanceUnitToUnity(distanceUnit, EditorGUI.DoubleField(currentRect, Units.UnityToDistanceUnit(distanceUnit, moveSnapVector.x), textInputStyle)); //, MinSnapWidth, MaxSnapWidth)); //(x:176.00, y:3.00, width:70.00, height:16.00) } if (GUI.changed) { modified = true; moveSnapVector.y = moveSnapVector.x; moveSnapVector.z = moveSnapVector.x; } EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false; } else { GUI.changed = false; { currentRect.width = 70; currentRect.y = 3; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - (currentRect.y - 1); currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; layoutX++; moveSnapVector.x = Units.DistanceUnitToUnity(distanceUnit, EditorGUI.DoubleField(currentRect, Units.UnityToDistanceUnit(distanceUnit, moveSnapVector.x), textInputStyle)); //, MinSnapWidth, MaxSnapWidth)); //(x:175.00, y:3.00, width:70.00, height:16.00) currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; layoutX++; moveSnapVector.y = Units.DistanceUnitToUnity(distanceUnit, EditorGUI.DoubleField(currentRect, Units.UnityToDistanceUnit(distanceUnit, moveSnapVector.y), textInputStyle)); //, MinSnapWidth, MaxSnapWidth)); //(x:247.00, y:3.00, width:70.00, height:16.00) currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; moveSnapVector.z = Units.DistanceUnitToUnity(distanceUnit, EditorGUI.DoubleField(currentRect, Units.UnityToDistanceUnit(distanceUnit, moveSnapVector.z), textInputStyle)); //, MinSnapWidth, MaxSnapWidth)); //(x:319.00, y:3.00, width:70.00, height:16.00) } modified = GUI.changed || modified; } #endregion layoutX++; #region "Position" Unit DistanceUnit nextUnit = Units.CycleToNextUnit(distanceUnit); GUIContent unitText = Units.GetUnitGUIContent(distanceUnit); currentRect.width = 22; currentRect.y = 2; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - currentRect.y; currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; if (GUI.Button(currentRect, unitText, miniTextStyle)) //(x:393.00, y:2.00, width:13.00, height:16.00) { distanceUnit = nextUnit; modified = true; } #endregion layoutX += 2; #region "Position" +/- if (viewWidth >= 700) { currentRect.width = 19; currentRect.y = 2; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - (currentRect.y + 1); currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; if (GUI.Button(currentRect, positionPlusLabel, EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft)) { GridUtility.DoubleGridSize(); moveSnapVector = RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.SnapVector; } //(x:410.00, y:2.00, width:19.00, height:15.00) TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(positionPlusTooltip, currentRect); currentRect.width = 17; currentRect.y = 2; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - (currentRect.y + 1); currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; if (GUI.Button(currentRect, positionMinusLabel, EditorStyles.miniButtonRight)) { GridUtility.HalfGridSize(); moveSnapVector = RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.SnapVector; } //(x:429.00, y:2.00, width:17.00, height:15.00) TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(positionMinnusTooltip, currentRect); } #endregion layoutX += 2; #region "Angle" label if (viewWidth >= 750) { if (viewWidth >= 865) { currentRect.width = 31; currentRect.y = 1; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - currentRect.y; currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; GUI.Label(currentRect, angleLargeLabel, miniTextStyle); //(x:450.00, y:2.00, width:31.00, height:16.00) } else { currentRect.width = 22; currentRect.y = 1; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - currentRect.y; currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; GUI.Label(currentRect, angleSmallLabel, miniTextStyle); //(x:355.00, y:2.00, width:22.00, height:16.00) } TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(angleTooltip, currentRect); } #endregion layoutX += 2; #region "Angle" field GUI.changed = false; { currentRect.width = 70; currentRect.y = 3; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - (currentRect.y - 1); currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; rotationSnap = EditorGUI.FloatField(currentRect, rotationSnap, textInputStyle); //, MinSnapWidth, MaxSnapWidth); //(x:486.00, y:3.00, width:70.00, height:16.00) if (viewWidth <= 750) { TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(angleTooltip, currentRect); } } modified = GUI.changed || modified; #endregion layoutX++; #region "Angle" Unit if (viewWidth >= 370) { currentRect.width = 14; currentRect.y = 1; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - currentRect.y; currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; GUI.Label(currentRect, angleUnitLabel, miniTextStyle); } #endregion layoutX += 2; #region "Angle" +/- if (viewWidth >= 700) { currentRect.width = 19; currentRect.y = 1; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - (currentRect.y + 1); currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; if (GUI.Button(currentRect, anglePlusLabel, EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft)) { rotationSnap *= 2.0f; modified = true; } //(x:573.00, y:2.00, width:19.00, height:15.00) TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(anglePlusTooltip, currentRect); currentRect.width = 17; currentRect.y = 1; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - (currentRect.y + 1); currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; if (GUI.Button(currentRect, angleMinusLabel, EditorStyles.miniButtonRight)) { rotationSnap /= 2.0f; modified = true; } //(x:592.00, y:2.00, width:17.00, height:15.00) TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(angleMinnusTooltip, currentRect); } #endregion layoutX += 2; #region "Scale" label if (viewWidth >= 750) { if (viewWidth >= 865) { currentRect.width = 31; currentRect.y = 1; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - currentRect.y; currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; GUI.Label(currentRect, scaleLargeLabel, miniTextStyle); //(x:613.00, y:2.00, width:31.00, height:16.00) } else { currentRect.width = 19; currentRect.y = 1; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - currentRect.y; currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; GUI.Label(currentRect, scaleSmallLabel, miniTextStyle); //(x:495.00, y:2.00, width:19.00, height:16.00) } TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(scaleTooltip, currentRect); } #endregion layoutX += 2; #region "Scale" field GUI.changed = false; { currentRect.width = 70; currentRect.y = 3; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - (currentRect.y - 1); currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; scaleSnap = EditorGUI.FloatField(currentRect, scaleSnap, textInputStyle); //, MinSnapWidth, MaxSnapWidth); //(x:648.00, y:3.00, width:70.00, height:16.00) if (viewWidth <= 750) { TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(scaleTooltip, currentRect); } } modified = GUI.changed || modified; #endregion layoutX++; #region "Scale" Unit if (viewWidth >= 370) { currentRect.width = 15; currentRect.y = 1; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - currentRect.y; currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; GUI.Label(currentRect, scaleUnitLabel, miniTextStyle); //(x:722.00, y:2.00, width:15.00, height:16.00) } #endregion layoutX += 2; #region "Scale" +/- if (viewWidth >= 700) { currentRect.width = 19; currentRect.y = 2; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - (currentRect.y + 1); currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; if (GUI.Button(currentRect, scalePlusLabel, EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft)) { scaleSnap *= 10.0f; modified = true; } //(x:741.00, y:2.00, width:19.00, height:15.00) TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(scalePlusTooltip, currentRect); currentRect.width = 17; currentRect.y = 2; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - (currentRect.y + 1); currentRect.y += barSize.y; currentRect.x = layoutX; layoutX += currentRect.width; if (GUI.Button(currentRect, scaleMinusLabel, EditorStyles.miniButtonRight)) { scaleSnap /= 10.0f; modified = true; } //(x:760.00, y:2.00, width:17.00, height:15.00) TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(scaleMinnusTooltip, currentRect); } #endregion } } var prevLayoutX = layoutX; layoutX = viewWidth; #region "Rebuild" currentRect.width = 27; currentRect.y = 0; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - currentRect.y; currentRect.y += barSize.y; layoutX -= currentRect.width; currentRect.x = layoutX; if (GUI.Button(currentRect, CSG_GUIStyleUtility.Skin.rebuildIcon, EditorStyles.toolbarButton)) { Debug.Log("Starting complete rebuild"); var text = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); MaterialUtility.ResetMaterialTypeLookup(); InternalCSGModelManager.skipCheckForChanges = true; RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.Reload(); UnityCompilerDefineManager.UpdateUnityDefines(); InternalCSGModelManager.registerTime = 0.0; InternalCSGModelManager.validateTime = 0.0; InternalCSGModelManager.hierarchyValidateTime = 0.0; InternalCSGModelManager.updateHierarchyTime = 0.0; var startTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; InternalCSGModelManager.ForceRebuildAll(); InternalCSGModelManager.OnHierarchyModified(); var hierarchy_update_endTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; text.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Full hierarchy rebuild in {0:F} ms. ", (hierarchy_update_endTime - startTime) * 1000); NativeMethodBindings.RebuildAll(); var csg_endTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; text.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Full CSG rebuild done in {0:F} ms. ", (csg_endTime - hierarchy_update_endTime) * 1000); InternalCSGModelManager.RemoveForcedUpdates(); // we already did this in rebuild all InternalCSGModelManager.UpdateMeshes(text, forceUpdate: true); updateSurfaces = true; UpdateLoop.ResetUpdateRoutine(); RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.Save(); InternalCSGModelManager.skipCheckForChanges = false; var scenes = new HashSet <UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene>(); foreach (var model in InternalCSGModelManager.Models) { scenes.Add(model.gameObject.scene); } text.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} brushes. ", Foundation.CSGManager.TreeBrushCount); Debug.Log(text.ToString()); } //(x:1442.00, y:0.00, width:27.00, height:18.00) TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(rebuildTooltip, currentRect); #endregion if (viewWidth >= 800) { layoutX -= 6; //(x:1436.00, y:0.00, width:6.00, height:6.00) } #region "Helper Surface Flags" Mask if (viewWidth >= 250) { GUI.changed = false; { prevLayoutX += 8; // extra space prevLayoutX += 26; // width of "Show wireframe" button currentRect.width = Mathf.Max(20, Mathf.Min(165, (viewWidth - prevLayoutX - currentRect.width))); currentRect.y = 0; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - currentRect.y; currentRect.y += barSize.y; layoutX -= currentRect.width; currentRect.x = layoutX; SurfaceVisibilityPopup.Button(sceneView, currentRect); //(x:1267.00, y:2.00, width:165.00, height:16.00) TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(helperSurfacesTooltip, currentRect); } if (GUI.changed) { updateSurfaces = true; modified = true; } } #endregion #region "Show wireframe" button GUI.changed = false; currentRect.width = 26; currentRect.y = 0; currentRect.height = layoutHeight - currentRect.y; currentRect.y += barSize.y; layoutX -= currentRect.width; currentRect.x = layoutX; if (showWireframe) { showWireframe = GUI.Toggle(currentRect, showWireframe, CSG_GUIStyleUtility.Skin.wireframe, EditorStyles.toolbarButton); //(x:1237.00, y:0.00, width:26.00, height:18.00) } else { showWireframe = GUI.Toggle(currentRect, showWireframe, CSG_GUIStyleUtility.Skin.wireframeOn, EditorStyles.toolbarButton); //(x:1237.00, y:0.00, width:26.00, height:18.00) } TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(showWireframeTooltip, currentRect); if (GUI.changed) { wireframeModified = true; modified = true; } #endregion #region Capture mouse clicks in empty space var mousePoint = Event.current.mousePosition; int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(BottomBarEditorOverlayHash, FocusType.Passive, barSize); switch (Event.current.GetTypeForControl(controlID)) { case EventType.MouseDown: { if (barSize.Contains(mousePoint)) { GUIUtility.hotControl = controlID; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = controlID; Event.current.Use(); } break; } case EventType.MouseMove: { if (barSize.Contains(mousePoint)) { Event.current.Use(); } break; } case EventType.MouseUp: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; Event.current.Use(); } break; } case EventType.MouseDrag: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { Event.current.Use(); } break; } case EventType.ScrollWheel: { if (barSize.Contains(mousePoint)) { Event.current.Use(); } break; } } #endregion #region Store modified values rotationSnap = Mathf.Max(1.0f, Mathf.Abs((360 + (rotationSnap % 360))) % 360); moveSnapVector.x = Mathf.Max(1.0f / 1024.0f, moveSnapVector.x); moveSnapVector.y = Mathf.Max(1.0f / 1024.0f, moveSnapVector.y); moveSnapVector.z = Mathf.Max(1.0f / 1024.0f, moveSnapVector.z); scaleSnap = Mathf.Max(MathConstants.MinimumScale, scaleSnap); RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.SnapMode = snapMode; RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.SnapVector = moveSnapVector; RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.SnapRotation = rotationSnap; RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.SnapScale = scaleSnap; RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.UniformGrid = uniformGrid; // RealtimeCSG.Settings.SnapVertex = vertexSnap; RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.GridVisible = showGrid; RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.LockAxisX = lockAxisX; RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.LockAxisY = lockAxisY; RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.LockAxisZ = lockAxisZ; RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.DistanceUnit = distanceUnit; RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.VisibleHelperSurfaces = helperSurfaces; if (wireframeModified) { RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.SetWireframeShown(sceneView, showWireframe); } if (updateSurfaces) { MeshInstanceManager.UpdateHelperSurfaceVisibility(force: true); } if (modified) { GUI.changed = true; RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.UpdateSnapSettings(); RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.Save(); CSG_EditorGUIUtility.RepaintAll(); } #endregion }