        private static void InitializeNumericUpDown(BaseEditorControl owner, Control control)
            var numeric = control as NumericUpDown;

            if (numeric == null)

            // This is a hack :(
            // the NumericUpDownCell class has an actual NumericUpDown control internally that it uses
            // to paint.  Every time it paints, it changes the value of the cell, marking the form as dirty
            // Clearly for these controls it is wrong to listen to the value changed event.  The only
            // method to distinguish that control is via the fact its a real NumericUpDown control whose
            // parent is an DataGridView derived class
            var system       = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Form));
            var dataGridView = system.GetType("System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView");
            var parentType   = numeric.Parent.GetType();

            if (parentType.IsSubclassOf(dataGridView))

            // We have filtered out numeric up down controls we don't care about
            // perform normal initialization now
            numeric.ValueChanged += owner.MakeDirty;
        private static void InitializeRadioButton(BaseEditorControl owner, Control control)
            var button = control as RadioButton;

            if (button == null)

            button.CheckedChanged += owner.MakeDirty;
        private static void InitializePropertyGrid(BaseEditorControl owner, Control control)
            var grid = control as PropertyGrid;

            if (grid == null)

            grid.PropertyValueChanged += owner.MakeDirty;
        private static void InitializeCheckBox(BaseEditorControl owner, Control control)
            var checkBox = control as CheckBox;

            if (checkBox == null)

            checkBox.CheckedChanged    += owner.MakeDirty;
            checkBox.CheckStateChanged += owner.MakeDirty;
        private static void InitializeComboBox(BaseEditorControl owner, Control control)
            var comboBox = control as ComboBox;

            if (comboBox == null)

            comboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += owner.MakeDirty;
            comboBox.SelectedValueChanged += owner.MakeDirty;
            comboBox.ValueMemberChanged   += owner.MakeDirty;
        private static void InitializeAuraDataGridView(BaseEditorControl owner, Control control)
            var gridView = control as AuraDataGridView;

            if (gridView == null)

            gridView.CellValueChanged += owner.MakeDirty;
            gridView.UserDeletedRow   += owner.MakeDirty;
            gridView.UserAddedRow     += owner.MakeDirty;
            gridView.RowsAdded        += owner.MakeDirty;
            gridView.RowsRemoved      += owner.MakeDirty;
        private static void InitializeCheckedListBox(BaseEditorControl owner, Control control)
            var listBox = control as CheckedListBox;

            if (listBox == null)

            listBox.ItemCheck += owner.MakeDirty;

            // These two events are work arounds for the lack of event after an item has
            // been checked in an item checkbox; in the validate caused by makeDirty, the
            // value of the CheckedItems member is outdated, and so the result of validation
            // is wrong.  This causes validation to occur after the item check event whenever
            // something could have changed the check state
            listBox.MouseUp += owner.ReValidate;
            listBox.KeyUp   += owner.ReValidate;
 private static void InitializeTextBox(BaseEditorControl owner, Control control)
     control.TextChanged += owner.MakeDirty;
 private static void InitializeSequenceLinkLabel(BaseEditorControl owner, Control control)
     control.TextChanged += owner.MakeDirty;