protected void loadHTML() { DataAccessLayer dao = new DataAccessLayer(); try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["type"])) { // Query string value is there so now use it param = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["type"]); switch (param) { case 1: query = "select * from tblProperties where propertyStatus=" + Constants.propertyEnabled + " and propertyApproved=" + Constants.isApproved; break; case 2: query = "select * from tblProperties where propertyStatus=" + Constants.propertyEnabled + " and propertyApproved=" + Constants.isNotApproved; break; case 3: query = "select * from tblProperties where propertyStatus=" + Constants.propertyDisabled; break; default: break; } } else { query = "select * from tblProperties where propertyStatus=" + Constants.propertyEnabled; } SqlDataReader reader = dao.GetProperties(query); Response.Write("<ol class='breadcrumb mb-4' style='margin-top:20px;'>"); Response.Write("<li class='breadcrumb-item active'>Properties</li>"); Response.Write("</ol>"); Response.Write("<div class='container-fluid'>"); Response.Write("<div class='table-responsive'>"); Response.Write("<table class='table'>"); Response.Write("<thead class='thead-dark'>"); Response.Write("<tr>"); Response.Write("<th scope='col'>Thumbnail</th>"); Response.Write("<th scope='col'>Name</th>"); Response.Write("<th scope='col'>User ID</th>"); Response.Write("<th scope='col'>Type</th>"); Response.Write("<th scope='col'>Location</th>"); Response.Write("<th scope='col'>View</th>"); Response.Write("</tr>"); Response.Write("</thead>"); Response.Write("<tbody>"); while (reader.Read()) { string propertyType; string imageName = dao.GetImageName(reader.GetInt32(0)); string userEmail = dao.GetUserEmail(reader.GetInt32(14)); if (reader.GetByte(1) == 1) { propertyType = "For Sale"; } else { propertyType = "For Rent"; } // propertyID = reader.GetInt32(0); // propertyType = reader.GetByte(1); // propertyName = reader.GetString(2); // propertyLocation = reader.GetString(3); // propertyAddress = reader.GetString(4); // propertySquareFeet = reader.GetInt32(5); // propertyBedroom = reader.GetByte(6); // propertyBathroom = reader.GetByte(7); // propertyDescription = reader.GetString(8); // propertyFeatured = reader.GetByte(9); // propertyApproved = reader.GetByte(10); // propertyStatus = reader.GetByte(12); // propertyPrice = reader.Getint32(13); // propertyUser = reader.GetInt32(14); Response.Write("<tr>"); Response.Write("<td><img src='userassets/" + userEmail + @"/propertyImages/" + @reader.GetInt32(0) + "/" + imageName + "' alt='recent-properties-1' class=' img-thumbnail' style='width:180px;'></td>"); //thumbnail Response.Write("<td>" + reader.GetString(2) + "</td>"); //user Response.Write("<td>" + userEmail + "</td>"); //user Response.Write("<td>" + propertyType + "</td>"); //type Response.Write("<td>" + reader.GetString(3) + "</td>"); //Location Response.Write("<td><a class='btn btn-primary' href='ViewProperty.aspx?id=" + reader.GetInt32(0) + "&status=" + param + "' role='button'>View</a></td>"); Response.Write("</tr>"); } Response.Write("</tbody>"); Response.Write("</table>"); Response.Write("</div>"); Response.Write("</div>"); } catch (System.NullReferenceException r) { //exception handling } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string properType; List <string> imageFiles = new List <string>(); try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["propID"])) { DataAccessLayer dao = new DataAccessLayer(); SqlDataReader reader; int loggedinUser; // Query string value is there so now use it param = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["propID"]); if (Session["userEmail"] != null) { sessionUser = Session["userEmail"].ToString(); loggedinUser = dao.getUserID(sessionUser); //if session and propID match if (dao.checkSessionandLoggedinUser(param, loggedinUser) == true) { reader = dao.SelectPropertyByID(param); } else { reader = dao.NotSessionSelectPropertyByID(param, Constants.isApproved); } } else { reader = dao.NotSessionSelectPropertyByID(param, Constants.isApproved); } if (!reader.HasRows) { Response.Redirect("Error-404.aspx"); } while (reader.Read()) { int propertyID = reader.GetInt32(0); int propertyType = reader.GetByte(1); string propertyName = reader.GetString(2); string propertyLocation = reader.GetString(3); string propertyAddress = reader.GetString(4); int propertySquareFeet = reader.GetInt32(5); int propertyBedroom = reader.GetByte(6); int propertyBathroom = reader.GetByte(7); string propertyDescription = reader.GetString(8); int propertyFeatured = reader.GetByte(9); int propertyApproved = reader.GetByte(10); int propertyStatus = reader.GetByte(12); int propertyPrice = reader.GetInt32(13); int propertyUser = reader.GetInt32(14); string agentID = dao.GetUserEmail(propertyUser); hiddenAgent.Value = agentID; hiddenPropertyID.Value = "" + reader.GetInt32(0); hiddenUserID.Value = "" + reader.GetInt32(14); SqlDataReader reader1 = dao.GetImagesByID(reader.GetInt32(0)); while (reader1.Read()) { imageFiles.Add((string)reader1.GetString(0)); } Repeater1.DataSource = imageFiles; Repeater1.DataBind(); if (reader.GetByte(1) == 1) { properType = "For Sale"; } else { properType = "For Rent"; } SqlDataReader reader2 = dao.FetchUser(agentID); while (reader2.Read()) { string userName = reader2.GetString(2); string userPhone = reader2.GetString(3); string userEmail = reader2.GetString(5); string userFB = reader2.GetString(6); string userLinkedin = reader2.GetString(7); string userTwitter = reader2.GetString(8); string userDesc = reader2.GetString(9); string userSkype = reader2.GetString(11); string userImage = reader2.GetString(12); if (!IsPostBack) { propName.InnerText = propertyName; propAddress.InnerText = propertyAddress; propDesc.InnerText = propertyDescription; propSQFT.InnerText = propertySquareFeet + " Sq Ft"; propBeds.InnerText = propertyBedroom + " Bedrooms"; propBaths.InnerText = propertyBathroom + " Bathrooms"; propUniqueID.InnerText = "" + propertyID; propPrice.InnerText = "$" + propertyPrice; propSize.InnerText = propertySquareFeet + " Sq Ft"; propBedrooms.InnerText = propertyBedroom + " Bedrooms"; propBathrooms.InnerText = propertyBathroom + " Bathrooms"; houseName.InnerText = propertyName; houseAddress.InnerText = propertyAddress; houseLocation.InnerText = propertyLocation; houseStatus.InnerText = properType; houseAgent.InnerText = agentID; agentName.InnerText = userName; agentDesc.InnerText = userDesc; angentPhone.InnerText = userPhone; agentEmail.InnerText = userEmail; agentSkype.InnerText = userSkype; agentFBUrl.HRef = userFB; agentLinkedinUrl.HRef = userLinkedin; agentTwitterUrl.HRef = userTwitter; agentProfile.ImageUrl = "userassets/" + userEmail + "/" + userImage; } } } } else { Response.Redirect("Error-404.aspx"); } } catch (System.NullReferenceException r) { //exception handling } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataAccessLayer dao = new DataAccessLayer(); txtDescription.Disabled = true; List <string> imageFiles = new List <string>(); try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["id"])) { // Query string value is there so now use it param = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["status"])) { // Query string value is there so now use it status = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["status"]); switch (status) { case 1: btnAction.Text = "Unapprove"; break; case 2: btnAction.Text = "Approve"; break; case 3: btnAction.Text = "Enlist as Unapproved"; btnDelist.Visible = false; break; } } SqlDataReader reader = dao.SelectPropertyByID(param); while (reader.Read()) { string propertyType; string featured; string approved; string agentID = dao.GetUserEmail(reader.GetInt32(14)); hiddenAgent.Text = agentID; hiddenAgent.Visible = false; hiddenUserID.Text = "" + reader.GetInt32(0); hiddenUserID.Visible = false; SqlDataReader reader1 = dao.GetImagesByID(reader.GetInt32(0)); while (reader1.Read()) { imageFiles.Add((string)reader1.GetString(0)); } Repeater1.DataSource = imageFiles; Repeater1.DataBind(); if (reader.GetByte(1) == 1) { propertyType = "For Sale"; } else { propertyType = "For Rent"; } if (reader.GetByte(9) == 1) { featured = "Yes"; } else { featured = "No"; } if (reader.GetByte(10) == 1) { approved = "Approved"; } else { approved = "Not Approved"; } // propertyID = reader.GetInt32(0); // propertyType = reader.GetByte(1); // propertyName = reader.GetString(2); // propertyLocation = reader.GetString(3); // propertyAddress = reader.GetString(4); // propertySquareFeet = reader.GetInt32(5); // propertyBedroom = reader.GetByte(6); // propertyBathroom = reader.GetByte(7); // propertyDescription = reader.GetString(8); // propertyFeatured = reader.GetByte(9); // propertyApproved = reader.GetByte(10); // propertyStatus = reader.GetByte(12); // propertyPrice = reader.Getint32(13); // propertyUser = reader.GetInt32(14); if (!IsPostBack) { txtPropertyName.Text = reader.GetString(2); txtPropertyAddress.Text = reader.GetString(4); txtPropertyLocation.Text = reader.GetString(3); txtAgent.Text = agentID; txtPropertyType.Text = propertyType; txtPropertySqft.Text = Convert.ToString(reader.GetInt32(5)); txtBedrooms.Text = Convert.ToString(reader.GetByte(6)); txtBathrooms.Text = Convert.ToString(reader.GetByte(7)); txtFeatured.Text = featured; txtApproved.Text = approved; txtDescription.InnerText = reader.GetString(8); } } } catch (System.NullReferenceException r) { //exception handling } }