/// <summary>
        /// Creates a ReactiveCommand which will, when invoked, navigate to the
        /// type specified by the type parameter via looking it up in the
        /// Dependency Resolver.
        /// </summary>
        public static IReactiveCommand NavigateCommandFor <T>(this IRoutingState This)
            where T : IRoutableViewModel
            var ret = new ReactiveCommand(This.Navigate.CanExecuteObservable);

            ret.Select(_ => (IRoutableViewModel)RxApp.DependencyResolver.GetService <T>()).InvokeCommand(This.Navigate);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a ReactiveCommand which will, when invoked, navigate to the
        /// type specified by the type parameter via looking it up in the
        /// Dependency Resolver.
        /// </summary>
        public static IReactiveCommand NavigateCommandFor <T>(this RoutingState This)
            where T : IRoutableViewModel, new()
            var ret = new ReactiveCommand <object>(This.Navigate.CanExecuteObservable, x => Observable.Return(x));

            ret.Select(_ => (IRoutableViewModel)Locator.Current.GetService <T>() ?? new T()).InvokeCommand(This.Navigate);
