public void NotificationPocoSuppressErrorOnBind()
            using (var testLoggerRegistration = new TestLoggerRegistration())
                var instance = new POCOObservableForProperty();

                var testLogger = testLoggerRegistration.Logger;

                var testClass = new PocoType();

                Expression <Func <PocoType, string> > expr = x => x.Property1 !;
                var exp = Reflection.Rewrite(expr.Body);

                var propertyName = exp.GetMemberInfo()?.Name;

                if (propertyName is null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("propertyName should not be null");

                instance.GetNotificationForProperty(testClass, exp, propertyName, false, true).Subscribe(_ => { });

                testLogger.LastMessages.Should().NotContain(m => m.Contains(nameof(POCOObservableForProperty)));
        public void NotificationPocoErrorOnBind()

            // Use same logger, when the test is executed multiple times in the same AndroidRunner/AppDomain/AssemblyLoadContext
            if (_testLoggerForNotificationPocoErrorOnBind is null)
                _testLoggerForNotificationPocoErrorOnBind = new TestLogger();

            // Run test twice and verify that POCO message is logged only once.
            for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                using (var testLoggerRegistration = new TestLoggerRegistration(_testLoggerForNotificationPocoErrorOnBind))
                    var instance = new POCOObservableForProperty();

                    var testLogger = testLoggerRegistration.Logger;

                    var testClass = new PocoType();

                    Expression <Func <PocoType, string> > expr = x => x.Property1 !;
                    var exp = Reflection.Rewrite(expr.Body);

                    var propertyName = exp.GetMemberInfo()?.Name;

                    if (propertyName is null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("propertyName should not be null");

                    instance.GetNotificationForProperty(testClass, exp, propertyName, false).Subscribe(_ => { });

                    Assert.True(testLogger.LastMessages.Count > 0);

                    var expectedMessage = $"{nameof(POCOObservableForProperty)}: The class {typeof(PocoType).FullName} property {nameof(PocoType.Property1)} is a POCO type and won't send change notifications, WhenAny will only return a single value!";
                    Assert.Equal(expectedMessage, testLogger.LastMessages[0]);

                    // Verify that the message is logged only once
                    foreach (var logMessage in testLogger.LastMessages.Skip(1))
                        Assert.NotEqual(expectedMessage, logMessage);
        public void NotificationPocoSuppressErrorOnBind()
            using (var testLoggerRegistration = new TestLoggerRegistration())
                var instance = new POCOObservableForProperty();

                var testLogger = testLoggerRegistration.Logger;

                var testClass = new PocoType();

                Expression <Func <PocoType, string> > expr = x => x.Property1;
                var exp = Reflection.Rewrite(expr.Body);

                instance.GetNotificationForProperty(testClass, exp, exp.GetMemberInfo().Name, false, true).Subscribe(_ => { });

                testLogger.LastMessages.ShouldNotContain(m => m.Contains(nameof(POCOObservableForProperty)));