public PACKET_EXPIRE_ITEM(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User) { newPacket(30976); addBlock(1); addBlock(User.getSlots()); //Slots Enable // Player Equipment // for (int Class = 0; Class < 5; Class++) { StringBuilder ClassBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int Slot = 0; Slot < 8; Slot++) { ClassBuilder.Append(User.Equipment[Class, Slot]); if (Slot != 7) { ClassBuilder.Append(","); } } addBlock(ClassBuilder.ToString()); } // Build Inventory // addBlock(User.rebuildWeaponList()); addBlock(User.LeftItems.Count); foreach (string Item in User.LeftItems) { addBlock(Item); } User.LeftItems.Clear(); }
public PACKET_JOIN_ROOM(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User, Virtual_Objects.Room.virtualRoom Room) { newPacket(29456); addBlock(1); addBlock(User.RoomSlot); addRoomInfo(Room); }
public PACKET_SIGN_UP(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User) { newPacket(30777); addBlock(1); addBlock(User.rebuildWeaponList()); addBlock("^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^"); }
public PACKET_ROOM_DATA(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User, params object[] Params) { newPacket(30000); addBlock(1); for (int i = 0; i < Params.Length; i++) { addBlock(Params[i]); } }
public override void Handle(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User) { try { User.Page = Convert.ToInt32(getNextBlock()); User.send(new PACKET_ROOM_LIST(User, User.Page)); } catch { } }
public PACKET_COSTUME_EQUIPMENT(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User, int Class, string Code) { //29971 0 3 B 0 BA04 0 newPacket(29971); addBlock(1); addBlock(Class); // Costume Inventory // addBlock(Code); }
public PACKET_LEAVE_ROOM(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User, virtualRoom Room, int oldPlace, int newMaster) { newPacket(29504); addBlock(1); addBlock(User.SessionID); // SessionID addBlock(oldPlace); // Position in currentRoom addBlock(0); // ? addBlock(newMaster); // Master Slot addBlock(User.Exp); // Exp addBlock(User.Dinar); // Dinar }
public PACKET_ROOM_UDP_SPECTATE(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User, Virtual_Objects.Room.virtualRoom Room) // Leave UDP { newPacket(29953); addBlock(1); addBlock(0); addBlock(User.SpectatorID); addBlock(User.UserID); addBlock(User.SessionID); addBlock(User.Nickname); addBlock(999); }
public PACKET_COSTUME_BUY(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User, string WeaponString) { newPacket(30209); addBlock(1); addBlock(1118); addBlock(-1); addBlock(1); addBlock(0); addBlock(WeaponString); addBlock(0); addBlock(User.Dinar); }
public PACKET_ROOM_UDP_SPECTATE(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User) // Join UDP { newPacket(29953); addBlock(1); addBlock(1); addBlock(User.SpectatorID); addBlock(User.UserID); addBlock(User.SessionID); addBlock("0"); addBlock(999); addBlock(User.nIP); addBlock(User.nPort); addBlock(User.lIP); addBlock(User.lPort); addBlock(0); }
public override void Handle(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User) { virtualRoom currentRoom = User.Room; int num1 = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(0)); int num2 = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(1)); int num3 = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(2)); int num4 = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(3)); int num5 = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(4)); int num6 = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(5)); int ThisTimeStamp = 0; if (num2 == 1 && num3 == 6) { User.send(new PACKET_CHAT("SYSTEM", PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Room_ToAll, "SYSTEM >> Vai CAzzo ;)!", 999, "NULL")); User.send(new PACKET_3(num4, currentRoom)); } if (num1 == 0 && num2 == 0 && num3 == 0 || num3 == 1 && num5 != 0) { ThisTimeStamp = Structure.timestamp; } { if (num5 == 0 && ThisTimeStamp >= Structure.timestamp) { currentRoom.InHacking = true; User.send(new PACKET_HACKING_ESCAPE(0, currentRoom.EscapeHack, 0)); currentRoom.EscapeHack += 10; ThisTimeStamp += 2; User.send(new PACKET_HACKING_ESCAPE(2, currentRoom.EscapeHack, 0)); } else if (num5 == currentRoom.EscapeHack) { if (currentRoom.HackingPause % 3 == 0) { currentRoom.EscapeHack += 10; } User.send(new PACKET_HACKING_ESCAPE(2, currentRoom.EscapeHack, 0)); } } }
public override void Handle(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User) { try { if (User.Room != null) { return; } int RoomID = Convert.ToInt32(getNextBlock()); string Password = getNextBlock(); int Side = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(2));//FreeWar > 0 Derb/ 1 NIU/ 2 Random virtualRoom Room = RoomManager.getRoom(User.Channel, RoomID); if (Room != null) { bool LevelLimit = true; switch (Room.LevelLimit) { case 0: { LevelLimit = false; break; } case 1: { if (LevelCalculator.getLevelforExp(User.Exp) <= 4) { LevelLimit = false; } break; } case 2: { if (LevelCalculator.getLevelforExp(User.Exp) > 5) { LevelLimit = false; } break; } case 3: { if (LevelCalculator.getLevelforExp(User.Exp) > 13) { LevelLimit = false; } break; } case 4: { if (LevelCalculator.getLevelforExp(User.Exp) > 23) { LevelLimit = false; } break; } case 5: { if (LevelCalculator.getLevelforExp(User.Exp) > 33) { LevelLimit = false; } break; } } bool canJoinPing = false; switch (Room.Ping) { case 0: if (User.Ping < 150) { canJoinPing = true; } else { canJoinPing = false; } break; case 1: if (User.Ping < 250) { canJoinPing = true; } else { canJoinPing = false; } break; case 2: canJoinPing = true; break; } if ((Room.Players.Count >= Room.MaxPlayers || Room.RoomType == 1 && (User.ClanRank == -1 || User.ClanRank == 9) || (Room.RoomType == 1 && (Room.getSideCount(0) > 0 && Room.getSideCount(1) > 0 && Room.isMyClan(User) == false)) || Room.RoomType == 1 && User.ClanID == -1 || canJoinPing == false && User.Rank < 2 || Room.UserLimit || Room.isJoinAble() == false || User.pingOK == false) && User.Rank < 2) { User.send(new PACKET_JOIN_ROOM(PACKET_JOIN_ROOM.ErrorCodes.GenericError)); } else if (Password != "NULL" && (Password != Room.Password)) { User.send(new PACKET_JOIN_ROOM(PACKET_JOIN_ROOM.ErrorCodes.InvalidPassword)); } else if (LevelLimit == true) { User.send(new PACKET_JOIN_ROOM(PACKET_JOIN_ROOM.ErrorCodes.BadLevel)); } else if (User.Premium == 0 && Room.PremiumOnly == 1) { User.send(new PACKET_JOIN_ROOM(PACKET_JOIN_ROOM.ErrorCodes.OnlyPremium)); } else { if (User.Room != null) { return; } if (Room.joinUser(User, Side) == true) { ArrayList tempPlayers = new ArrayList(); User.isReady = false; User.isSpawned = false; User.BackedToRoom = false; User.Health = 0; foreach (virtualUser RoomUser in Room.Players) { if (RoomUser.Equals(User) == false) { tempPlayers.Add(RoomUser); } } User.send(new PACKET_ROOM_UDP(User, tempPlayers)); foreach (virtualUser tempSpectator in Room.Spectators) { User.send(new PACKET_ROOM_UDP_SPECTATE(tempSpectator)); } // User.send(new PACKET_JOIN_ROOM(User, Room)); tempPlayers.Clear(); tempPlayers.Add(User); foreach (virtualUser RoomUser in Room.Players) { RoomUser.send(new PACKET_ROOM_UDP(RoomUser, tempPlayers)); } foreach (virtualUser SpectatorUser in Room.Spectators) { SpectatorUser.send(new PACKET_ROOM_UDP(SpectatorUser, tempPlayers)); } /* Send out changed Room Data */ foreach (virtualUser _User in UserManager.getUsersInChannel(Room.Channel, false)) { if (_User.Page == Math.Floor(Convert.ToDecimal(Room.ID / 14))) { _User.send(new PACKET_ROOMLIST_UPDATE(Room)); } } } else { User.send(new PACKET_JOIN_ROOM(PACKET_JOIN_ROOM.ErrorCodes.GenericError)); } } } else { User.send(new PACKET_JOIN_ROOM(PACKET_JOIN_ROOM.ErrorCodes.GenericError)); } } catch { User.send(new PACKET_JOIN_ROOM(PACKET_JOIN_ROOM.ErrorCodes.GenericError)); } }
public override void Handle(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User) { virtualRoom currentRoom = User.Room; int value = 0; int totPerc = (currentRoom.HackPercentageA + currentRoom.HackPercentageB); if (!currentRoom.GameActive || totPerc >= 100) { return; } //0 1 6 0 99 0 User.hackingBase = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(3)); int sType = 2; if (getBlock(1) == "0" && getBlock(2) == "0" && (getBlock(3) == "0" || getBlock(3) == "1")) // Starting to hack send animation { User.send(new SP_RoomHackMission(User.RoomSlot, (User.hackingBase == 0 ? currentRoom.HackPercentageA : currentRoom.HackPercentageB), 0, User.hackingBase, value)); return; } else if (getBlock(1) == "1" && getBlock(2) == "6" && getBlock(3) == "0" && currentRoom.PickuppedC4 == false) // Pickup the C4 { if (currentRoom.MapID == 56) { if (currentRoom.getSide(User) != (int)currentRoom.getSide(User)) { return; } currentRoom.PickuppedC4 = true; User.hasC4 = true; currentRoom.send(new SP_Unknown(29985, 0, 0, 1, 6, 0, 0, -1, 0)); // Remove the C4 from table currentRoom.send(new SP_Unknown(30000, 1, User.RoomSlot, User.UserID, 2, 155, 0, 0, 92, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); // Switch to C4 } else { Log.AppendError("Tried to pickup C4 in room " + currentRoom.MapID); } return; } else if (getBlock(1) == "1" && getBlock(2) == "0" && getBlock(3) == "0") // Use the C4 { if (currentRoom.MapID == 58) { //30000 1 -1 4 2 104 0 1 1 0 0 92 0 92 -1 0 0 1333333 -1166666 1333333 0 2845.7510 205.0797 3374.0964 -70.9974 45.4165 -287.9179 0 0 DP05 currentRoom.PickuppedC4 = false; User.hasC4 = false; //currentRoom.SiegeWarC4User = User.UserID.ToString(); currentRoom.send(new SP_Unknown(29985, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); // Remove C4 from the user currentRoom.SiegeWarTime = 5; } else { Log.AppendError("Tried to use C4 in room " + currentRoom.MapID); } return; } else if (Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(2)) == 3) // Stop to hack { User.isHacking = false; sType = 3; currentRoom.send(new SP_RoomHackMission(User.RoomSlot, (User.hackingBase == 0 ? currentRoom.HackPercentageA : currentRoom.HackPercentageB), sType, User.hackingBase, value)); return; } //if (currentRoom == null || User.LastHackTick > currentRoom.InitialTime && User.LastHackTick > 0) return; if (User.hackingBase != User.LastHackBase) { User.hackTick = 0; } if ((User.LastHackTick < currentRoom.InitialTime) || (User.LastHackTick == 0)) { User.LastHackTick = 0; User.hackTick++; User.rPoints++; User.hackTick = 0; if (User.hackingBase == 0) { currentRoom.HackPercentageA++; } else { currentRoom.HackPercentageB++; } } int totalPercentage = (currentRoom.HackPercentageA + currentRoom.HackPercentageB); if (User.GodMode) { totalPercentage = 100; } User.LastHackBase = User.hackingBase; User.hackPercentage++; User.isHacking = true; if (totalPercentage >= 100) { if (currentRoom.MapID == 58) { if (currentRoom.Mission1 == null) { currentRoom.Mission1 = User.Nickname; User.rPoints += 1; currentRoom.send(new SP_Unknown(29985, 0, 0, 1, 1, 99, 0)); // Go to mission 2 currentRoom.send(new SP_Unknown(29985, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 100, -1, 0)); // Go to mission 2 currentRoom.send(new SP_Unknown(29985, 0, -1, 1, 5, -1, 0, -1, 0)); // Spawn the C4 currentRoom.Flags[2] = 1; currentRoom.Flags[3] = 0; currentRoom.Flags[0] = currentRoom.Flags[1] = -1; currentRoom.send(new SP_Unknown(30000, 1, -1, currentRoom.ID, 2, 156, 0, 1, 2, 1, -1, 2, 0, 92, -1, 0, 0, 1333333, -1166666, 1333333, 0, 3689.6670, 969.9617, 4332.0752, 64.4469, 37.4174, -290.5969, 0, 0, "DU02")); currentRoom.send(new SP_Unknown(30000, 1, -1, currentRoom.ID, 2, 156, 0, 1, 3, 0, -1, 2, 0, 92, -1, 0, 0, 1333333, -1166666, 1333333, 0, 3689.6670, 969.9617, 4332.0752, 64.4469, 37.4174, -290.5969, 0, 0, "DU02")); currentRoom.send(new SP_Unknown(30000, 1, -1, currentRoom.ID, 2, 156, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 92, -1, 0, 0, 1333333, -1166666, 1333333, 0, 3689.6670, 969.9617, 4332.0752, 64.4469, 37.4174, -290.5969, 0, 0, "DU02")); currentRoom.send(new SP_Unknown(30000, 1, -1, currentRoom.ID, 2, 156, 0, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 92, -1, 0, 0, 1333333, -1166666, 1333333, 0, 3689.6670, 969.9617, 4332.0752, 64.4469, 37.4174, -290.5969, 0, 0, "DU02")); currentRoom.PickuppedC4 = false; } } else if (totalPercentage >= 100 && currentRoom.Mode == 11) { currentRoom.InitialTime += 480000; //S=> 250048643 29985 0 0 0 4 1 100 -1 0 sType = 4; currentRoom.send(new SP_RoomHackMission(User.RoomSlot, totalPercentage, sType, User.hackingBase, value)); //250048643 30053 3 131487 0 100 -1 0 currentRoom.Stage2.Stop(); currentRoom.milliSec = currentRoom.Stage2.ElapsedMilliseconds; //currentRoom.send(new PACKET_TIMEATTACK_ALL(0, 3, totalPercentage, -1, currentRoom.milliSec, 0)); currentRoom.send(new PACKET_SCORE_BOARD_AI_TIMEATTACK(currentRoom, User, currentRoom.milliSec)); currentRoom.milliSec = 0; currentRoom.freezeZombies = false; //250048643 29985 0 -1 1 5 -1 0 -1 0 sType = 5; value = 0; totalPercentage = 0; User.hackingBase = -1; currentRoom.send(new SP_RoomHackMission(User.RoomSlot, totalPercentage, sType, User.hackingBase, value)); //currentRoom.timeattack.PrepareNewStage(3); } } currentRoom.send(new SP_RoomHackMission(User.RoomSlot, (User.hackingBase == 0 ? currentRoom.HackPercentageA : currentRoom.HackPercentageB), sType, User.hackingBase, value)); //currentRoom.send(new SP_RoomHackMission(User.RoomSlot, (User.hackingBase == 0 ? currentRoom.HackPercentageA : currentRoom.HackPercentageB), sType, User.hackingBase)); }
public override void Handle(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User) { try { int ChatType = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(0)); int TargetID = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(1)); string TargetName = getBlock(2); string exMessage = getBlock(3); string Message = WordManager.GetBadWord(exMessage); string sMessage = Message.Split(new string[] { ">>" + Convert.ToChar(0x1D).ToString() }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Replace(Convert.ToChar(0x1D), Convert.ToChar(0x20)); if (User.isCommand(sMessage)) { return; } int MuteTime = 60; long ChatTimeCheck = Structure.currTimeStamp; if (User.isMuted == true && User.MutedTime > ChatTimeCheck) { User.send(new PACKET_CHAT("SERVER", PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Whisper, "SERVER >> You are muted, please try it later again!", User.SessionID, User.Nickname)); return; } else { User.isMuted = false; User.MutedTime = 0; } DB.runQuery("INSERT INTO chatlogs (`userid`, `roomid`, `message`, `timestamp`) VALUES ('" + User.UserID + "', '" + ((User.Room == null) ? -1 : User.Room.ID) + "', '" + DB.Stripslash(sMessage) + "', '" + Structure.currTimeStamp + "')"); if (User.LastChatTick == 0) { User.LastChatTick = Environment.TickCount; } long ChatTime = Environment.TickCount - User.LastChatTick; if (ChatTime != 0 && ChatTime < 1000) { User.ChatWarnings++; if (User.ChatWarnings >= 5 && User.Rank < 3) { User.MutedTime = Structure.currTimeStamp + MuteTime; User.send(new PACKET_CHAT("SERVER", PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Whisper, "SERVER >> You have been muted!", User.SessionID, User.Nickname)); User.isMuted = true; return; } } User.LastChatTick = Environment.TickCount; switch (ChatType) { case 2: { ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser Target = UserManager.getUser(TargetName); if (Target is ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser && Target.SessionID > 0) { User.send(new PACKET_CHAT(User, PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Whisper, Message, Target.SessionID, Target.Nickname)); if (!User.Equals(Target)) { Target.send(new PACKET_CHAT(User, PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Whisper, Message, Target.SessionID, Target.Nickname)); } } else { User.send(new PACKET_CHAT(PACKET_CHAT.ErrorCodes.ErrorUser, TargetName + Convert.ToChar(0x1D))); } break; } case 3: // Lobby2Channel { if (User.ColorChat == System.Drawing.Color.Empty || User.Rank < 2) { if (User.Rank > 2) { TargetID = 999; } UserManager.sendToChannel(User.Channel, false, new PACKET_CHAT(User, PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Lobby_ToChannel, Message, (User.Rank > 4) ? 999 : TargetID, TargetName)); } else { UserManager.sendToChannel(User.Channel, false, new PACKET_CHAT_COLOR(Message, PACKET_CHAT_COLOR.ChatType.Normal, User.ColorChat)); //UserManager.sendToChannel(, false, new SP_ColoredChat(message, SP_ColoredChat.ChatType.Normal, usr.chatColor)); } break; } case 4: // Room2All { if (User.Room != null) { if (User.ColorChat != System.Drawing.Color.Empty && !User.Room.GameActive && User.Rank >= 2) { User.Room.send(new PACKET_CHAT_COLOR(Message, PACKET_CHAT_COLOR.ChatType.Normal, User.ColorChat)); } else { if (User.hasItem("CC02") && User.Room.RoomStatus == 1 && User.RoomSlot == User.Room.RoomMasterSlot && User.Rank < 3) { TargetID = 998; } else if (User.Rank > 2) { TargetID = 999; } User.Room.send(new PACKET_CHAT(User, PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Room_ToAll, Message, TargetID, TargetName)); } } else { User.disconnect(); } break; } case 5: // Room2Team { if (User.Room != null) { foreach (ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser RoomUser in User.Room.Players) { if (User.Room.getSide(User) == User.Room.getSide(RoomUser)) { RoomUser.send(new PACKET_CHAT(User, PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Room_ToTeam, Message, (User.Rank > 2) ? 999 : TargetID, TargetName)); } } foreach (ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser SpectatorUser in User.Room.Spectators) { SpectatorUser.send(new PACKET_CHAT(User, PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Room_ToTeam, Message, (User.Rank > 2) ? 999 : TargetID, TargetName)); } } else { User.disconnect(); } break; } case 6: // Whisper { ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser Target = UserManager.getUser(TargetName); if (Target is ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser && Target.SessionID > 0 && Target.GMMode == false) { User.send(new PACKET_CHAT(User, PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Whisper, Message, Target.SessionID, Target.Nickname)); if (!User.Equals(Target)) { Target.send(new PACKET_CHAT(User, PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Whisper, Message, Target.SessionID, Target.Nickname)); } } else { User.send(new PACKET_CHAT(PACKET_CHAT.ErrorCodes.ErrorUser, TargetName + Convert.ToChar(0x1D))); } break; } case 8: //Lobby2AllChannels { UserManager.sendToChannel(1, false, new PACKET_CHAT(User, PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Lobby_ToChannel, Message, TargetID, TargetName)); UserManager.sendToChannel(2, false, new PACKET_CHAT(User, PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Lobby_ToChannel, Message, TargetID, TargetName)); UserManager.sendToChannel(3, false, new PACKET_CHAT(User, PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Lobby_ToChannel, Message, TargetID, TargetName)); break; } case 9: //RadioChat { if (User.Room == null) { return; } //byte[] buffer = (new PACKET_CHAT(User, PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.RadioChat, Message, TargetID, TargetName)).GetBytes(); int mySide = User.Room.getSide(User); foreach (virtualUser u in User.Room.Players) { if (User.Room.getSide(User) == User.Room.getSide(u)) { u.send(new PACKET_CHAT(User, PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.RadioChat, Message, (User.Rank > 2) ? 999 : TargetID, TargetName)); } // u.send(buffer); } break; } case 10: // Clan { if (User.ClanID != -1 && User.ClanRank != -1) { ClanManager.sendToClan(User, new PACKET_CHAT(User, PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Clan, Message, TargetID, TargetName)); } else { User.send(new PACKET_CHAT("SYSTEM", PACKET_CHAT.ChatType.Whisper, "SYSTEM >> Chat available after creating or get accepted from a clan", User.SessionID, User.Nickname)); } break; } default: { Log.WriteDebug("New unknow operation for chat: " + ChatType); Log.WriteDebug("Blocks: " + string.Join(" ", getAllBlocks())); break; } } string[] args = sMessage.Split(Convert.ToChar(0x20)); if (args.Length >= 2) { if (args[0] == "I" && args[1] == "Hate" && args[2] == "WarRock") { if (User.CheckForEvent(5) == false) { string ItemCode = "CB27"; User.AddItem(ItemCode, -1, 1); User.send(new PACKET_CHAT_EVENT(User, ItemCode)); DB.runQuery("INSERT INTO users_events (userid, eventid) VALUES ('" + User.UserID + "', '5')"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.AppendError(ex.Message); } }
public PACKET_SKILL_POINT(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User) { newPacket(31945); addBlock(User.RoomSlot); addBlock(User.rSkillPoints); }
public override void Handle(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User) { try { int ResultID = RoomManager.getOpenID(User.Channel); if (User.Channel != 3) { if (ResultID >= 0 && (User.Channel >= 1 && User.Channel <= 3)) { if (User.Room == null) { virtualRoom Room = new virtualRoom(); /*ToXiiC's Noob Stuff*/ Room.ID = ResultID; Room.Channel = User.Channel; Room.Name = getBlock(0); Room.EnablePassword = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(1)); Room.Password = getBlock(2); Room.MaxPlayers = (Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(3)) + 1); Room.MapID = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(4)); Room.SuperMaster = User.hasItem("CC02"); switch (Room.Channel) { case 1: { switch (Room.MaxPlayers) { case 1: Room.MaxPlayers = 8; break; case 2: Room.MaxPlayers = 16; break; case 3: Room.MaxPlayers = 20; break; case 4: Room.MaxPlayers = 24; break; } break; } case 2: { switch (Room.MaxPlayers) { case 1: Room.MaxPlayers = 8; break; case 2: Room.MaxPlayers = 16; break; case 3: Room.MaxPlayers = 20; break; case 4: Room.MaxPlayers = 24; break; case 5: Room.MaxPlayers = 32; break; } break; } } if (Room.MapID == 66) { Room.MaxPlayers = 32; } Room.Mode = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(5)); Room.RoomType = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(7)); if (Room.Name.StartsWith("E|") && User.Rank > 2 && Room.Name.Length > 2) { Room.Name = Room.Name.Substring(2); Room.RoomType = 3; } Room.LevelLimit = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(8)); Room.PremiumOnly = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(9)); Room.VoteKick = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(10)); if (Room.Mode == 0) { Room.Rounds = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(12)); } else { Room.Rounds = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(11)); } Room.TimeLimit = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(14)); Room.Ping = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(15)); int isAutoStart = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(16)); if (isAutoStart == 1) { Room.AutoStart = true; } if (Room.RoomType == 1 && Room.Mode == 1 && Room.Channel == 1) { Room.Mode = 0; } Room.NewMode = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(17)); Room.SubNewMode = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(18)); if (Room.joinUser(User, 0)) { if (RoomManager.addRoom(Room.Channel, Room.ID, Room)) { User.isReady = User.isSpawned = false; User.RoomSlot = 0; User.send(new PACKET_CREATE_ROOM(Room)); Room.UserLimitCount = Room.MaxPlayers; foreach (virtualUser _User in UserManager.getUsersInChannel(Room.Channel, false)) { if (_User.Page == Math.Floor(Convert.ToDecimal(Room.ID / 14))) { _User.send(new PACKET_ROOMLIST_UPDATE(Room, 0)); _User.send(new PACKET_ROOMLIST_UPDATE(Room)); } } } else { Log.AppendError("Couldn't Add Room" + Room.ID + ":" + Room.Name + " To the Room Pool"); //Error Joining Room? User.disconnect(); } } else { Log.AppendError("Couldn't Join Room" + Room.ID + ":" + Room.Name + " As Master"); //Error Joining Room? User.disconnect(); } } } } else { if (ResultID >= 0 && User.Room == null) { virtualRoom Room = new virtualRoom() { ID = ResultID, Channel = User.Channel, Name = getNextBlock(), EnablePassword = Convert.ToInt32(getNextBlock()), Password = getNextBlock(), MaxPlayers = 4, MapID = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(4)), }; Room.Mode = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(5)); Room.LevelLimit = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(8)); Room.ZombieDifficulty = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(13)); Room.Ping = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(15)); if (Room.Channel == 3 && Room.Mode != 12) { for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { Room.Zombies.Add(i + 4, new virtualZombie((i + 4), 0, 0, 0)); } } int isAutoStart = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(16)); if (isAutoStart == 1) { Room.AutoStart = true; } if (Room.joinUser(User, 0)) { if (RoomManager.addRoom(Room.Channel, Room.ID, Room)) { User.send(new PACKET_CREATE_ROOM(Room)); Room.UserLimitCount = Room.MaxPlayers; foreach (virtualUser _User in UserManager.getUsersInChannel(Room.Channel, false)) { if (_User.Page == Math.Floor(Convert.ToDecimal(Room.ID / 14))) { _User.send(new PACKET_ROOMLIST_UPDATE(Room, 0)); _User.send(new PACKET_ROOMLIST_UPDATE(Room)); } } } else { Log.AppendError("Couldn't Add Room" + Room.ID + ":" + Room.Name + " To the Room Pool"); User.disconnect(); } } else { Log.AppendError("Couldn't Join Room" + Room.ID + ":" + Room.Name + " As Master"); User.disconnect(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.AppendError(ex.Message); } }
public override void Handle(ReBornWarRock_PServer.GameServer.Virtual_Objects.User.virtualUser User) { try { ArrayList Rooms = RoomManager.getRoomsInChannel(User.Channel, new Random().Next(0, RoomManager.RoomToPageCount(User.Channel))); foreach (virtualRoom Room in Rooms) { if (User.Room != null) { return; } if (Room.Players.Count >= Room.MaxPlayers) { return; } if (Room.EnablePassword == 1) { return; } if (Room.UserLimit == true) { return; } if (Room.LevelLimit > 0) { return; } if (Room.RoomType == 1) { return; } int Side = Convert.ToInt32(getBlock(2)); if (Room.joinUser(User, Side) == true) { ArrayList tempPlayers = new ArrayList(); User.isReady = false; User.isSpawned = false; User.Health = 0; User.BackedToRoom = false; foreach (virtualUser RoomUser in Room.Players) { if (RoomUser.Equals(User) == false) { tempPlayers.Add(RoomUser); } } User.send(new PACKET_ROOM_UDP(User, tempPlayers)); foreach (virtualUser tempSpectator in Room.Spectators) { User.send(new PACKET_ROOM_UDP_SPECTATE(tempSpectator)); } User.send(new PACKET_JOIN_ROOM(User, Room)); tempPlayers.Clear(); tempPlayers.Add(User); foreach (virtualUser RoomUser in Room.Players) { RoomUser.send(new PACKET_ROOM_UDP(RoomUser, tempPlayers)); } foreach (virtualUser SpectatorUser in Room.Spectators) { SpectatorUser.send(new PACKET_ROOM_UDP(SpectatorUser, tempPlayers)); } /* Send out changed Room Data */ foreach (virtualUser _User in UserManager.getUsersInChannel(Room.Channel, false)) { if (_User.Page == Math.Floor(Convert.ToDecimal(Room.ID / 14))) { _User.send(new PACKET_ROOMLIST_UPDATE(Room)); } } return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.AppendError("Error at QuickJoin: " + ex.Message); } }