public AtmosphereCalculator( Point3 cameraPos, AtmosphereCalculatorModel model )
     m_CameraPos = cameraPos;
     m_Model = model;
     m_Inner = new Sphere3( Point3.Origin, model.PlanetRadius );
     m_Outer = new Sphere3( Point3.Origin, model.AtmosphereRadius );
     float heightRange = model.AtmosphereRadius - model.PlanetRadius;
     m_InvRH0 = -1.0f / ( heightRange * model.RayleighDensityScaleHeightFraction );
     m_InvMH0 = -1.0f / ( heightRange * model.MieDensityScaleHeightFraction );
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets up stored and derived parameters from an atmosphere model
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The inner radius is diminished by a constant amount, because otherwise, the quantised
 /// view directions hit the inner sphere and cause a blue band to appear when the actual
 /// view direction approaches it.
 /// </remarks>
 private void SetupModelAndParameters( AtmosphereBuildParameters parameters, AtmosphereBuildModel model )
     m_RayleighCoefficients = ( float[] )model.RayleighCoefficients.Clone( );
     m_MieCoefficients = ( float[] )model.MieCoefficients.Clone( );
     m_InnerRadius = model.InnerRadiusMetres;
     m_OuterRadius = model.InnerRadiusMetres + model.AtmosphereThicknessMetres;
     m_InnerSphere = new Sphere3( Point3.Origin, m_InnerRadius * model.GroundRadiusMultiplier );	//	NOTE: AP: See remarks
     m_OuterSphere = new Sphere3( Point3.Origin, m_OuterRadius );
     m_AttenuationSamples = parameters.AttenuationSamples;
     float heightRange = ( m_OuterRadius - m_InnerRadius );
     m_InvRH0 = -1.0f / ( heightRange * model.RayleighDensityScaleHeightFraction );
     m_InvMH0 = -1.0f / ( heightRange * model.MieDensityScaleHeightFraction );
     m_InscatterDistanceFudgeFactor = model.InscatterDistanceFudgeFactor;
     m_OutscatterDistanceFudgeFactor = model.OutscatterDistanceFudgeFactor;
     m_MieFudge = model.MieFudgeFactor;
     m_RayleighFudge = model.RayleighFudgeFactor;
     m_OutscatterFudge = model.OutscatterFudgeFactor;